This is War reboot - vampire/werewolf

Started by HockeyGod, July 26, 2018, 09:17:45 PM

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This is War...


Many moons ago Mithlomwen started a game (co-GMed by Kyrsa and Falanor) that centered on a werewolf pack that had a vampire coven move in adjacent to their lands. The setting for the RP was Inverness, Scotland. The game was jolly amazing and HockeyGod and Lux89 have rebooted it with the original GMs' permission. The premise of the game shall remain the same. From the words of the great Mith...


Inverness, Scotland

"Nestled on a hill in the woods in the outlying area of Inverness Scotland, a Gothic castle stands out in stark contrast to the trees surrounding it.  The ancestral home for a pack of werewolves, they had lived and died there for countless centuries, under the rule of the Alpha.  It was the perfect place for such creatures, tucked in amongst the lore and legend of Loch Ness, no one would even notice a pack of werewolves living right under their noses for centuries.  Or so they thought...

There were rumors floating around that the humans had begun to become suspicious about the 'family'.  Word had gotten back to the pack that humans were starting to piece together different things of the family history, and were beginning to put two and two together, the suspicion that their was something quite different about the 'family' occupying Lochlomand castle.

Now their semi peaceful existence is being threatened by the possibility of being discovered by the humans, and a turf war about to erupt along their borders.  A coven of vampires has moved into the area, their coven bordering the werwolf's territory.  They have moved in as close as they possibly can to the werewolf borders, but not so close as to encroach on their territory......yet.

The coven bent on killing the long standing Alpha of the werewolf pack, thereby, hopefully, throwing the pack into chaos, leaving the territory unguarded long enough to allow for them to then take over and making it their own.

Not an easy task to be sure, but the elder vampire and coven leader is both wise and crafty and has formulated a plan to put things in motion to do just that.  The Alpha would die, and the territory would be theirs, it was only a matter of time....."

Some details...

We frankly can't say it better than Mith did in her original creation of the game. Here is some modified language to give you an idea...

This will be a free form game (modern day setting), the story taking place from the view of the vampires and werewolves, and possibly the occasional human, or other mythical creatures. The vampires are scheming to kill the Alpha and then take over the werewolves' territory.  There is the possibility of much deliciousness for plot twists and turns, as well as wonderful interactions between the two groups ranging from fighting to lust filled encounters.  Romance, intrigue, drama, sex and violence are all wonderful possibilities.
Please keep in mind that this is a game in which longer replies will be required.  There may be times that shorter replies are needed, but if you are prone to writing replies of  less than a paragraph, this probably isn't the game for you.

Some other things to keep in mind.  There will be cross gender writers in this group, so anyone applying must be open to that.  No one will be forced to write with anyone, but since there will be that element involved, players should at least be comfortable with it.

The game will be taking place in the Extreme section of the boards to allow for what ever sort of interaction the writers want to have take place.  Not everything involved will be extreme in nature, and those story arcs containing extreme material will be labeled as such, but prospective players must be at least comfortable being in a game that will contain such elements.

The nature of this game will be very dark, thus the vampires will NOT be of the Twilight variety.  So anyone interested in playing a vampire will need to know that there will be no sparkly vampires allowed. The basic idea for the tone is similar to the Anita Blake novels.


What types of characters can I play?
Initially you can have up to 2 characters. Characters can be vampire, werewolf, human (unaffiliated, coven-affiliated, or pack-affiliated), or other. Other requires GM permission. Vampires and werewolves at this point area ALL affiliated with the coven and/or pack. No solitary paranormals at this point in the game. Take a look at a detailed write up of the different types.

How do I submit a character for review?
You can complete the character sheet and post it in this thread. You can also PM the sheet to HockeyGod and Lux89.

What is the posting frequency?
Generally posting starts off quite rapid and then could taper off a little. The posting requirement is at least twice a week. If an extended absence makes it difficult to meet this requirement, the GMs should be notified.

Do the paranormal rules follow any particular canon?
No, not entirely. Anything to know about the paranormals can be found in the detailed write up of the different types. This is not the angsty tween paranormals of the Twilight saga. We're moving more into adult territory.  >:)

What if I've been in the game in the past, can I use my character?
Absolutely you can use your former character. You might have to make some adjustments based on relationships with new characters. What you cannot do is use someone else's created character without their explicit permission.


Let us know by posting here. If we get enough interest, we'll go into full force making this a bang up RP.  ::)

Vampire Coven

Anton Lazar

Grainne Creag

Tommy Shepard

Bryn Longfellow
Bekah Boo

Drust Bragge

Torgeir Eklund

Aaron Brennan

Wolf Pack

Conall Ramsey

Beiste Ramsey


Anke Eklund

Melinda Daystrom

Humans and other Beings

Caillic Maccrouther

Anthony Hargrove
Pack Affiliated

Julia Cameron

Sister Mary Sexton

Aoife Brennan
Coven Affiliated

Camden Weir



The game is now open for public recruitment - yay!!!


Excite!! Fangs will bare, fur will fly!



Welcome to bubby, Valerian and Yggdrasil with approved characters  ;D




I'm interested in a vampire for this game.
The gates are open
Current Time Zone: GMT +2
Delays: None.
Current solo request: None.
Current group request: Strings Chapter 3


We have more pups than leeches in the game so far... not that the werewolves would complain, I'm sure! Although more vamps does mean more work for my character. Or maybe that's just job security? >_>

Pessimism or Optimism??


Quote from: TheBlackThrone on July 30, 2018, 01:03:18 AM
I'm interested in a vampire for this game.


Quote from: Yggdrasil on July 30, 2018, 11:32:07 AM
We have more pups than leeches in the game so far... not that the werewolves would complain, I'm sure! Although more vamps does mean more work for my character. Or maybe that's just job security? >_>

Pessimism or Optimism??

Ha - love it ;)

Bekah Boo

I wouldn't mind snagging a vampire slot if that's alright? ;3


Quote from: Bekah Boo on July 30, 2018, 05:47:06 PM
I wouldn't mind snagging a vampire slot if that's alright? ;3

Excellent! Shoot me a bio and we'll be happy to take a look  :D

Bekah Boo

Quote from: HockeyGod on July 30, 2018, 05:58:35 PM
Excellent! Shoot me a bio and we'll be happy to take a look  :D

Do tell me if there is anything that needs to be changed ;3


Quote from: Bekah Boo on July 30, 2018, 07:54:11 PM
Do tell me if there is anything that needs to be changed ;3

*goes to look*

I'll take a look and send it on to my co-GM lux89 to get his thoughts too.

Yay - a bio!  ;D


Posting interest -- but I wasn't involved in the first run through!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Lockepick on July 31, 2018, 10:57:48 AM
Posting interest -- but I wasn't involved in the first run through!

Umm....yes you must join us.  ;D



Is there any interest in a sort of... neutral ground? I was musing over the idea of a human owning a space declared neutral ground where there wasn't any fighting. Not sure how much socializing between 'sides' is expected/desired. Bonus points if I can give him any way to actually enforce/justify having a neutral ground (enchanted space, character having magic or rituals, etc).

No big deal if that's not desired -- can easily think of something else. That was just the first thought!
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Lockepick on July 31, 2018, 11:19:57 AM
Is there any interest in a sort of... neutral ground? I was musing over the idea of a human owning a space declared neutral ground where there wasn't any fighting. Not sure how much socializing between 'sides' is expected/desired. Bonus points if I can give him any way to actually enforce/justify having a neutral ground (enchanted space, character having magic or rituals, etc).

No big deal if that's not desired -- can easily think of something else. That was just the first thought!

I think that is interesting. Right now the only "neutral ground" is the ruins and that's because it is haunted by a banshee lol.

I think this is something to explore. Perhaps lux89 has some thoughts on it too, but he's away currently. Were you thinking someone like the owner of the Pub? That would be a natural neutral space.

PS - I owe posts to you and have hung my head in shame ;)


I'm not familiar with what 'The Pub' is -- but I'm open to exactly what kind of establishment would be the 'neutral ground'. I figure bigger/crowded makes more sense, but I'm certainly willing to take GM guidance on this.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Lockepick on July 31, 2018, 11:34:48 AM
I'm not familiar with what 'The Pub' is -- but I'm open to exactly what kind of establishment would be the 'neutral ground'. I figure bigger/crowded makes more sense, but I'm certainly willing to take GM guidance on this.

We have a Pub and no one is the owner yet:

It is in the town so paranormals would have to be fairly careful so as to not reveal themselves.


Ah! Gotcha. Well I'm happy to take that over -- either as a new owner or an existing owner. Or if it's welcome/preferred, I can make something new. I can talk about more details if we all agree that's the way we want to go -- but I can wait for Lux to weigh in.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Quote from: Lockepick on July 31, 2018, 11:41:05 AM
Ah! Gotcha. Well I'm happy to take that over -- either as a new owner or an existing owner. Or if it's welcome/preferred, I can make something new. I can talk about more details if we all agree that's the way we want to go -- but I can wait for Lux to weigh in.

Excellent ;)


So glad to back in this one! HUGE potential!


Quote from: bubby on July 31, 2018, 12:19:25 PM
So glad to back in this one! HUGE potential!

Absolutely - we do have to recruit a few straight male characters so I might put out a special recruitment for that lol