Star Wars FFG: The Old Republic (Recruitment)

Started by Angie, October 17, 2017, 11:24:12 AM

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That's all well and good, I just used Jolee Bindo beating a mothafucka as a good example. He'd also be very supportive of a scoundrel using mind tricks to get out of docking fees because he did it himself.

KOTOR is just a fucking great game, I have to keep referencing it.

Quote from: clonkertink on October 18, 2017, 12:00:41 PM
Ooh. I’m also interested if there’s still space. I’m a huge sucker for FFG Star Wars.

I think at this point, interest is proven. I open the floor to character creation, feel free to post characters in here.
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Pumpkin Seeds

I'll be working on my Soresu Defender who will also cross into the Droid Tech specialty from Special Modifications.  Going to be pushing for high intellect and mechanics.  So while she is starting in a light saber wielding specialty she will be strong with technical skills.


Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on October 18, 2017, 02:40:45 PM
I'll be working on my Soresu Defender who will also cross into the Droid Tech specialty from Special Modifications.  Going to be pushing for high intellect and mechanics.  So while she is starting in a light saber wielding specialty she will be strong with technical skills.

Hang on a sec, is that an FFG book? If it is, can you point me to it? I'll probably be okay with it, I just want to have it myself so I can also wield it against you guys.
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Pumpkin Seeds

Special Modifications is the Technician career book for Edge of the Empire.


I’ve been looking at a Mirialan Starfighter Ace. Possibly only recently having discovered their Force potential. It was a tossup between that and the Racer spec from Endless Vigil, but I find Gunnery and Astrogation are skills that are hard to come by, and often essential for survival.

Cataclysmic Archangel

Just to say it officially... some sort of crime lord-slash-diplomat-slash-con-artist-slash-ice-queen-bitch-slash-telepathic-bitch-slash-other-bitch-slash...

what was I saying?

Pumpkin Seeds


For the good of all, I approve the use of Special Modifications. I say I do because there's gear in there, so everyone feel free to peruse it.
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Cataclysmic Archangel

Oooh. Contraband.

EDIT:  So as to not double-post, I think the best mix for a character that I can find is going to be a Scoundrel mixed with a Force Sensitive Exile.  Probably female twilek.

This, of course, goes with the assumption that you're ok with someone who has loose... morals.


Well, I would prefer everyone start at Morality 50 because it's more fun that way, but loose morals can be defined a lot of ways...
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Pumpkin Seeds

Can we use obligation or duty for extra xp or credits?


Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on October 18, 2017, 09:19:45 PM
Can we use obligation or duty for extra xp or credits?

Morality technically offers similar things, and I'd prefer we all use Morality for this one. So, no.
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Captain Whitebread

Face = The Pretty Con artist who gets by on their looks as much as their skills. 

So completely unfamiliar with this system (and it's hard to teach an old dog new tricks) but interested, because STAR WARS!

A Hutt racing slave (whether still owned or free) - doesn't even need to be owned by a Hutt.  One of the PCs could also be the owner.

The wastel son of a rich alien (Kel Dor) merchant who has been cut off and lives in the belly of the beast.  If it's illegal, he'll know where you can buy it.... for a price.

I'm assuming the republic had regular troops as well.  A sniper scout who has served out his tour of duty and decided not to re-up.

Or something like that.  Whatever works best with our esteemed Angie.

Any thoughts on appropriate character templates, while I try to find the books and figure out a dice system where you can hit but cause a disaster or miss and create a miracle.
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Old dogs can always learn new tricks!

If the treats are right at least. :)

So... Specializations don't have to always come from career chosen? That's something. o.o


Quote from: Hexed on October 18, 2017, 09:44:31 PM
Old dogs can always learn new tricks!

If the treats are right at least. :)

So... Specializations don't have to always come from career chosen? That's something. o.o

It's more like your first spec has to come from the career, and then you can branch out. It's like multiclassing! It's just cheaper if you're staying in your spec.
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Captain Whitebread

So far, I've narrowed it to Twi'lek or Rhodian. 

Anybody know if this particular system has rules on slaves?  What would be a good starting Career and Specialization for what is essential the Star Wars version of a NASCAR slave?

I can drop the slave if you don't think it would fit, Angie....
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Pumpkin Seeds


Oh man! I am also interested as well!

Hmm. I had a medic-type character from an Old Republic game I didn't really get to use much that I could repurpose into this system. Force-based healing looks half-decent in this system, I seem to recall.

Also, Special Modifications is a very cool book, especially if there's a techie character.

Captain Whitebread

Quote from: Pumpkin Seeds on October 18, 2017, 10:16:03 PM
Racer from Endless Vigil.

Well, isn't that just tailor made for what I'm looking for?

Many thanks, Pumpkin Seeds.

Force Sensitive Twil'lek Sentinel (Racer)

Now to figure out how to build the character.  Anybody want to own him?
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.


Might need to screen cap the Racer spec path, can't quite get my hands on the book right now.
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Captain Whitebread

Had to look up a pdf on line.  looks like photos of the book itself, so it's difficult to read.  I can pm you the link.

It starts on page 26
There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Pumpkin Seeds

Endless Vigil also has the rules for building podracers and racing them.


I have a feeling those same rules could apply to swoop bikes. I have a feeling everyone on this board who played KOTOR just had a shudder go up their spine.

Edit: i find it hilarious a user named "Yoda" always seems to be on this board when i am and this thread is constantly near the top. Wonder if our green friend has looked in.
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I'll throw my interest in this as well. I'm a bit of a veteran at the game (Having played at least once a week at table for 8+ hours for three years straight), if this doesn't scare you off due to my experience with the system then I'll continue my interest in this and possibly start rolling character ideas around.

Current books available from FFG:

Force and Destiny Core Book, Keeping the Peace (Guardian Supplement book), Nexus of Power (World Supplement Book), Endless Vigil (Sentinel Supplement book), Disciples of Harmony (Consular Supplement book), Savage Spirits (Seekers Supplement book), 1 TBD for Shadows.

Edge of the Empire Core Book, Enter the Unknown (Explorers Supplement book), Suns of Fortune (Corellia Supplement book), Dangerous Covenants (Hired Guns Supplement book), Far Horizons (Colonists Supplement book), Fly Casual (Smugglers Supplement book), Lords of Nal Hutta (Hutt Space Source book and DRUGS!), Special Modifications (Technicians Supplement book), No Disintegrations (Bounty Hunter Supplement book)

Age of Rebellion Core Book, Forged in Battle (Soldier Supplement book), Stay on Target (Ace Supplement book), Desperate Allies (Diplomat Supplement book), Stronghold Resistances (Source book for Alliance Worlds), Lead by Example (Commanders Supplement book), Fully Operational (Not Released, Engineers Supplement book), Cyphers and Masks (Pre order status, Spies Supplement book)

So as you can see there is a LOT of books out there complete with gear, extra trees and specializations for every class, purely flavor gear and nonsense for everyone....and you know all those lovely Species out there for the taking!!!

Me and my group own I believe all of the available ones at this time.

Cataclysmic Archangel

Quote from: Angie on October 18, 2017, 08:57:12 PM
Well, I would prefer everyone start at Morality 50 because it's more fun that way, but loose morals can be defined a lot of ways...

Hmm.  I haven't gotten to anything about Morality.  Short version?

The books that I've seen so far seem to push pretty damn hard for 'good guys'.  I can come up with something entirely different if we're going that route.  Plan B was a sith, but.... :p