Warhammer Fantasy RPG 2nd edition (seeking GM and other players)

Started by wander, September 25, 2017, 11:12:21 AM

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With the humble bundle for WFRP 2nd edition, I wondered if there was someone out there who'd like to run a continuing game of the rpg? There's a good few published adventures and campaigns out there for the system for longevity.

I'm pretty open though on what the plot is and who the characters are, it's more for giving the system a whirl and doing some fun adventuring that I'd be after, maybe see some different sights across as the Old World as we go.

That's it for now. Let me know any interest you have below and hopefully we can get a circle together. :)


  i don't have any more space on my GMing plate right now, but I'd love a chance to play this. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quasar's Bangs (Requests; Updated 2017.08.25)
Quasar's A/As (Updated 2017.08.12)


Woo, interested players is a start!  XD

I'd very likely go with a Human character when rolling one up, myself.

I'd actually welcome a GM who only has the corebook (though having some supplement books would also be good), as the 'Through the Drakwald' adventure at the end of the corebook seems like it could be a nice 'in' to the rest of the world, though I'll be happy with whatever a GM would like to do to kick things off.


What about acceptance of fan material? I have some things that could be interesting things to include and that don't introduce really OP stuff (except for slann and the whole thing about elf mages eventually being able to utilize high magic). Hell it even allows you to play a grail damsel and possibly for mages to learn more than one lore (with escalating risks in exchange obviously).

I'd love to play a skink, saurus, necromancer or other spell caster. :3
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


I'd like to use some Grail Knights material, but I'm perfectly fine with just the baseline core book.
Quasar's Bangs (Requests; Updated 2017.08.25)
Quasar's A/As (Updated 2017.08.12)


I'd say if the GM has access to the Bretonnian's book and is okay to use stuff from that, that's all cool with me (As would be stuff from pretty much the whole range of supplements). I actually like quite a few of the Bretonnian careers myself. Sad they didn't include Athel Loren wood elves though.

I'm a bit lax on fan stuff though, as it's unknown how playtested and how well it gels. I'd also hope to keep in the random roll-up for a character, just to keep the party varied, interesting and give a bit of a potential challenge to rp as someone you may not been expecting to play.


Quote from: wander on September 26, 2017, 08:19:01 AM
I'd say if the GM has access to the Bretonnian's book and is okay to use stuff from that, that's all cool with me (As would be stuff from pretty much the whole range of supplements). I actually like quite a few of the Bretonnian careers myself. Sad they didn't include Athel Loren wood elves though.

I'm a bit lax on fan stuff though, as it's unknown how playtested and how well it gels. I'd also hope to keep in the random roll-up for a character, just to keep the party varied, interesting and give a bit of a potential challenge to rp as someone you may not been expecting to play.
Liber Fanatica actually has made a fan supplement for the wood elves Wander. :3

But yes the grail careers are interesting, though the addition of a grail damsel might be a wise choice since from what I see they act as very good support for knights while still being impressive in and of themselves. :3
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


I'm in the roll randomly camp and see what you get, nothing like starting out as a nothing Camp Follower and work your way up to some lofty height or dying trying to get there. IMHO

I have the rules and will play though under this philosophy for my character what is the fun if everyone is perfect an Apprentice Wizard or skilled Swordsman part of the charm is chance and fate deciding your starting role which is how the real world is save maybe doing two rolls for starting career and picking one that is okay.


As the game let's you choose your fantasy race, there's a little bit of directing if you know what races have what talents and occupations.  :-)

There's also Shallya's Mercy, where you can trade a single low roll for a characteristic for the average of that one for the race you chose.

Though yes, I think random rolling gives you an opportunity for rping a character you may not have considered before and trying new things. It's fun stuff for sure. First character I rolled for in this game was a Zealot and I'm such the opposite of that!  :D

And... WFRP is a pretty fatal game, we're probably going to need to roll new characters if the game lasts long enough... Though I find games like that (like Call of Cthulhu being another that comes to mind), it's not the victory that's the fun bit, it's finding out just how the character meets their end!  ;D


A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Well um...this is fortuitous.

I was one of those who purchased the Humble Bundle packages, and I've been itching to run/play a game in the Warhammer Fantasy setting (also [full disclosure] to get me regularly active in Elliquiy once more). So if you are all willing to have me, I'd be willing to step in and GM/DM.

Since they were all available for Humble Bundle purchase (and most of the books are available through less-than-legal avenues and have been for years) I would allow any and all player texts; that includes the main book, Bretonnia, Kislev, Tome of Corruption, Tome of Salvation, Realm of Sorcery, ALL that good stuff (which means I have access to all the bad stuff to throw at you; MU-WHAHAHAHA!). I'm also, if the players wish, open to allowing material from Liber Fanatica (http://www.liberfanatica.net/), as they have a brilliant Wood Elf supplement and expansions into Necromancy that I myself might be tempted to use (DM's only allowed to use what players have access to as well in some form or fashion). Finally, I'd be willing to ignore certain established lore to accommodate character-concepts (I might allow a woman to advance to Grail Knight, for example, despite it clearly saying the Lady will not be fooled by a disguise). Just discuss and clear with me first.

Now, assuming you all would be happy with me as a DM, would you prefer me to stick with the premade started in the Core Book as has been suggested, or to veer off and create an entirely unique story? Also, what style of game are we looking for, Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, or Slaanesh? Now I know what your asking; "Featherfall, what the hell do you mean by that?" Easy:

Khorne: Combat-focused: sieges and battles and grand armies and such.
Tzeentch: Intrigue and subterfuge, hidden deals and backstabbing abound.
Nurgle: Despair and doom: emphasizing grimdark where nothing seems to go right for you lot.
Slaanesh: Do I really need to say what this is?  :P "Take them to the dungeons of Marcher Fortress!" (Seriously though; how kinky do you want your game, and what perversions would you like to await your character?)

Basically, a cute little system where you can tell me what you'd like more of in the game. You can choose any four in any combination you desire (saying 'yes please' to all four is an acceptable answer :D).

I'll leave that at there for now, as it's already a lot (especially since you guys still haven't given me the okay  :-[ ) but just let me know what you all think. ^^


I prefer pick a race and roll away, what's the challenge starting out ideally what you want when realistically it would be what a parent did or who they got to apprentice you or being forced into some life by chance and then you can claw your way up the fun way. And there are tiny cheats to give one a tad more choice. If your letting people choose then the hard core random dice rollers should get more advancements to start IMHO.  :P


The Career Compendium has pretty much all the careers listed out, along with extended rules to roll to select from these careers. The procedure is essentially the same as seen in the core book; you would just roll a d1000 for your career instead of a d100.

If people wanted a bit more control, they can let me know if they wanted to choice their career by Party Role (Academic, Commoner, Criminal, Ranger, Warrior) and we can do it that way. There are also options for rolling for starting careers by Region (Empire, then N/S/E/W of Empire) or by Environment (Urban, Rural, Coast, Wilds) but I find those two to be significantly more limiting in options.


Is there something wrong with the basic core rulebook only, since most of us are poor and can't afford ton of fancy rules and I for one don't see the need for them?

In short no way in hell am I rolling a d1000 and go for lots of odd careers with likely skills and feats I don't have reference to in hand its cruel to expect me to ,as a disabled person, to keep track of all that I will play a basic game if anyone cares to run one or if this bundle of books is available for free via open gaming license and even then likely would say no.

You all can play under the bunch of crazy rules if you want but its going to too complicated and hard for me since I'm happy with a more basic character, I don't want to do more than that well unless this extra stuff is available free on line like I said but the only book I own is the core book for 1st and 2nd editions hardback.


If people would prefer a basic game straight from the core, that is perfectly fine with me.  :-)

Quote from: RubySlippers on October 03, 2017, 07:05:55 PM
I don't want to do more than that well unless this extra stuff is available free on line like I said but the only book I own is the core book for 1st and 2nd editions hardback.

Almost all of the extra books are available online for free; just type in their names in the google search bar (Tome of Corruption, for example) and you can find them easily. (A great source is http://khorne.ru/2nd/, though they aren't all the best quality of pdfs. Both the PDFs and their titles are in English, so don't be put off by the Russian.)


...I'm sorry people. xD

Human Stat rolls before assignment and modifiers as well as additions from first career
At 2017-10-03 18:34:15, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 14

At 2017-10-03 18:34:35, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 10

At 2017-10-03 18:34:54, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 19

At 2017-10-03 18:35:22, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 13

At 2017-10-03 18:35:40, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 12

At 2017-10-03 18:35:53, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 19

At 2017-10-03 18:36:12, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 15

At 2017-10-03 18:36:55, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 2d10 Result: 13

Human Random Talent aside from Birth Sword~ At 2017-10-03 18:43:25, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 1d100 Result: 6=Ambidextrous

Starting Fate Points~ At 2017-10-03 18:47:50, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 1d10 Result: 6= 3 fate points

Starting Wounds~ At 2017-10-03 18:50:03, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 1d10 Result: 8= 12 wounds

Feather I have a question for you: Would there be a possibility of people becoming vampires somewhere in the far future if we so desire? I know to some of us the transformation seems a little OP, but mechanically it doesn't make you too much more powerful...plus I love the von carsteins. Regardless I'm leaving it up to your decision as the GM, just think it might be a fun idea to ponder is all. x3

Starting Career At 2017-10-03 18:31:18, Drowdeviant (uid: 54292) rolls: 1d1000 Result: 50= Apprentice Wizard

Also everyone I need your help, give your thoughts on what sort of wizard you think would be fun for us to have lore-wise. I'm currently pondering these lores for what they'll become when they advance to journeyman wizard: Shadow, Fire
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Quote from: Drowdeviant on October 03, 2017, 07:47:04 PM

Feather I have a question for you: Would there be a possibility of people becoming vampires somewhere in the far future if we so desire? I know to some of us the transformation seems a little OP, but mechanically it doesn't make you too much more powerful...plus I love the von carsteins. Regardless I'm leaving it up to your decision as the GM, just think it might be a fun idea to ponder is all. x3

In the far future of the game? Maybe. The problem is that Vampires are (rightfully) about as well regarded as warlocks and Daemons in Warhammer; that is, they're hated by everyone. If the player characters don't immediately want to kill you, every town you ever go into will.


Quote from: Featherfall on October 03, 2017, 08:11:50 PM
In the far future of the game? Maybe. The problem is that Vampires are (rightfully) about as well regarded as warlocks and Daemons in Warhammer; that is, they're hated by everyone. If the player characters don't immediately want to kill you, every town you ever go into will.

0-0 you do know that those towns will need a very perceptive wizard to know one is a vampire right? Right off the bat vampires get an ability that makes it harder to figure out what they are (aside from the side effects of weaknesses obviously).

Pass for Human
You can retract your claws and fangs and soften your features, enabling you to appear Human. In this form, you lose the Frightening and Terrifying Talents if you have them. Switching back and forth between appearing Human is a free action.

This is the only true way of telling one is a vampire outside of one or two exceptions...and even then it isn't perfect.

Yet another method of detecting the presence of a Vampire is through viewing them with Magical Sense. A magister who makes a successful Magical Sense Test sees dark tendrils of both Shyish and Dhar surrounding a Vampire. Of course, such an aura might also surround one under the Vampire’s thrall, or a necromancer, or indeed an Amethyst magister, or a priest of Morr who often deals with the Undead. The Winds are rarely clear or easily interpreted. Those who work
with Shyish are better able to detect its subtleties, and those individuals gain a +10% bonus to this test.

Now it is relatively hindering and kind of a hassle to play at times normally cause of the common sunlight weakness, but I think it could make for interesting rp oppurtunities. Plus we can always use alternative weaknesses if people want to become vampires (night's Dark Masters has substitutes for just this thing, one being the tears of the innocent, sawdust amongst others) xD
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


*Smacks forehead* completely forgot about it. Like I said, I'm iffy but open to the idea, and regardless it will be a while before you have the chance to engage with those powers, so let's take a 'wait and see' approach.  :P


Quote from: Featherfall on October 03, 2017, 09:13:34 PM
*Smacks forehead* completely forgot about it. Like I said, I'm iffy but open to the idea, and regardless it will be a while before you have the chance to engage with those powers, so let's take a 'wait and see' approach.  :P

Ok. Just think it could be fun is all. :3

Also if people don't want me being a wizard I can roll for something else. :3
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


  Ooh!  :) 

  STill got space for me? 

  And we're rolling careers?  Sunds like fun.   

  1/2 Khorne, 1/2 Slanesh Please. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse: http://www.ted.com/talks/elizabeth_gilbert_on_genius.html

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl:  https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=135346.msg16474321#msg16474321 (Major update 5/10/2023)


Quote from: Muse on October 03, 2017, 11:21:02 PM
  Ooh!  :) 

  STill got space for me? 

  And we're rolling careers?  Sunds like fun.   

  1/2 Khorne, 1/2 Slanesh Please.

I'm for 1/3 Slannesh, 1/3 Khorne and 1/3 Tzeentch personally. Vampire counts tomfoolery ftw! xD
My F-list: https://www.f-list.net/c/wolf%20king%20ii
My A/As: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=223237.0 -My RPs and how many I can do at one time


Quote from: Featherfall on October 03, 2017, 08:11:50 PM
In the far future of the game? Maybe. The problem is that Vampires are (rightfully) about as well regarded as warlocks and Daemons in Warhammer; that is, they're hated by everyone. If the player characters don't immediately want to kill you, every town you ever go into will.

You're the DM but the book does explicitly say no Vampire PCs for some really good reasons--they have ridiculous ups and downs.

Anywho, DD, should we really be making characters?  I'm eager but I don't wanna jump the gun either.