The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Geri looked at her " get mad at me hopefully he will get mad and go for him"

Lady Jenn

"I need your help," she said. "He's not listening to me, I can't promise he won't lash out at you."


Lady Jenn

"I..." she thought for a few moments. "The creature, Carreyra, they have some kind of history, I suspect he must be controlling it somehow because the last time they faced it nearly tore him apart, you need to find a way to remind it of that."


" maybe your bracer than I thought  Carreyra" she started to clap and then stopped abruptly " that or your stupid I mean what ever it is you imprisiones it in a weak body all those years ago"

Lady Jenn

"I'm no prisoner," the creature growled at her. "I choose who I bond with, whether they like it or not."


Getting stood there fearless then " then choose me " she smiled " bond with me on an equal level " she looked at Carreyra " I'm certainly the strongest life form in the room"

Lady Jenn

"Not today," the creature said, throwing a spear of dark energy that killed the clone instantly. "I ought to thank you Carreyra, your attempt to kill Nicole bonded us fully for the first time. Which means..." 'Nicole' grinned. "I don't have to hold back anymore, it won't harm her in any way."


Gerri looked at the creature and then at Carreyra "I erm think you made the wrong choice " she taps her watch and her ammour appears she holds her arm toward the monster " if you take a step toward me I will blast your head off as you said I can't hurt nicola"

Lady Jenn

I have no interest in you," he said. "Help me, I believe that we, together, can take him down, but...when once we have done she is going to need medical attention, I cannot heal her injuries."


" there is help near by I promise and I can get her to healers pretty quickly " she looked at Carreyra " if we can defeat him how"

Lady Jenn

"His darkness powers tap into the same source as mine," the creature replied. "I can negate them, that will make him vulnerable to attack, if you're prepared for the killing blow."


" for Katya  if she can't do it I will bit I'd rather him face justice"

Lady Jenn

"If he lives, he will keep coming," the creature said. "He has too much blood on his hands to simply keep allowing him to walk away from it."


" I know " she looked at the monster " let's do it"

Lady Jenn

"What did you do?" Carreyra asked as the dark energy around him suddenly vanished. "I promised you the world, why the hell would you do this?"


A charging sound can be heard from gerri's amour " maybe your to weak for him " she smirked in her mask " this is for Katya, a blast fires at him and she takes and lands next to him and is for her mother " she de suits and slaps him round the face "

Lady Jenn

"We can make a deal," he said weakly. "I can offer you anything you could possibly want."


" katya's and dad ?" She questioned " can you clone them?"

Lady Jenn

"Of course not," he said, laughing. "Who would want to save weaklings like them?"


" that's the only thing I could want from you to save them" she took a deep breath " if you can't give me that I have no reason to save you " the sound of her gun powering up can be heard again it's whoring louder and longer this time"

Lady Jenn

"I should have told him to kill her then," Carreyra snarled. "Although at least now I know, even in death, my men hurt the one person you truly cared about."


" one more thing before this fires, your men saw what you did, your men turned on you and walked me in here with the purpose of killing you I'd imagine they are outside smoking or drinking " she lifted her mask " you weak and pathetic man look me in the eye before I finish you off"

Lady Jenn

"And you left your wife with my real soldiers," he said, laughing as he looked her in the eye. "I wonder which of us will truly regret this choice."


" good bye" she said be for blasting his head off