The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

Clint Walker was sat at a table in the corner of the coffee shop, a half-eaten cake in front of him as he sipped a hot chocolate. He had a hood pulled over his head to try and hide his face, although he cursed his luck that it seemed to draw more attention his way. He was desperate to get out of there as soon as possible, he had already lingered in this town longer than he intended and he felt like he would soon have unwanted attention.


Geri walked up to man in a hoodie who seemed to be glowing, her ring buzzed and she smiled at him " hey Hun free refill?" She got closer to him a whispered " you should really calm down, or go to the back room Hun your drawing attention to yourself" she smiled and repositioned her glasses.

Lady Jenn

"I'm not doing it on purpose," Clint growled more angrily than he intended. It was only when the cut on his hand reappeared he calmed down. "Sorry, it's been a bad...well, I don't remember my last good day. A refill would be good, thanks," he made his best attempt at a smile, having to inwardly remind himself what had happened the last time he had lost it.


Geri refilled his drink and sat opposite him " I am here to help " she looked at him with compassion in her eyes the brunette started to play with her hair " it's never easy at first "she smiled knowingly

Lady Jenn

"I wish this was a recent thing," he said, looking into his drink for a moment. "The thing that gave me my powers wasn't all fun." He pulled the hood back to reveal an eyepatch over one eye, lifting it to reveal an eye that was milky white, before lowering it again to avoid anyone else noticing. "Not even superpowers could fix that, believe me I've tried."


She took his hand in hers " if you want to talk about it I'm here, " she got up and looked at the bright red head and nodded " Sarah here will train you up, if you want a job that is"

Lady Jenn

"I can try," he said, starting to stand up, but immediately sitting down as he felt a spell of nausea hit him. "Okay, self-medicating was a dumb idea, getting found by police was probably a better option than this."


Sarah walked up to him and put her hand on his shoulder a soothing feeling emits from her " your safe here don't worry, take your time " Geri head out the back

Lady Jenn

"I'm...I'm okay," he said after a second, letting out a sigh. "You're probably better off staying away from me, bad shit seems to follow me around like I'm some kind of magnet, it's how I ended up with this," he said, letting Sarah briefly glimpse the cut on his palm. "I've had these almost five years and I still haven't figured out how to use them properly."


She smiled and helped him to his feet " I am an empath, I can tell you have a good soul, you just need the right people to help you"

Lady Jenn

"You don't want to read my mind too deep," he said, managing to smile. "If you think my eye looks ugly you should see how I wound up like that." He took a sip from his drink. "What is this place anyway?"


" I work with emotions not minds" she leads him to an apartment out back " a coffee shop that is all, Geri helps us that is all" she looked at him " when she's not helping others. She sat on the sofa and indicated for him to sit with her. She smiled " I just feel it is only right to help her a bit"

Lady Jenn

"I'm not sure what help I can offer though," Clint said. "I know I have telepathy and some form of shielding I can place around myself but...I'm not sure how much use either would be in a café, unless you need someone to figure out when someone is going to run out before paying."


" you don't get me " she smiled " she helped me when I manifested, " she sighed not really wanting to go into the story " I was 13 at school and feeling every other kids emotion it made me feel low and I hate to say it I contemplated" she paused she never can say that word " any way the golden shot saved me and we'll I owe her my life, the least I can do is wait tables or wash up for her." She looked at him " I'm not sure you should use your powers here anyway

Lady Jenn

"I'm not sure how much choice I have," Clint said, staring out the window. "I spent three years thinking I'd seen all the powers I had and then a month ago a new one manifested...right in the middle of a supermarket. The only reason I avoided unwanted attention is because I've got so used to running away I knew how to avoid the security guards."


She just looked at him for a second " you may go " she paused no one is keeping you here and no one is stopping you from going but I want to here your story" a split second later a golden flash lights the room.

" Yes I would like to here it too" said geri

Lady Jenn

"I didn't have powers at first, but then..." he paused, trying to make sense of it himself. "I don't know what happened, I suffered severe memory loss. All I know is I was in a car accident just before my 17th birthday, and I woke up hearing every voice in the hospital. Safe to say I freaked out just a bit."


The two girls looked at each other andthen at him before Sarah spoke " I might be wrong here but powers then memory loss I can only imagine that means your powers are man made " 

Geri thought for a moment " that might explain why you re manifested too"

Lady Jenn

"What do you mean?" he asked, giving both a confused look. "Maybe I just haven't woken up properly today but that made no sense to me at all."


Sarah looked at him " your powers manifested late in life and in a strange way, I well erm we think they are not natural " she looked a little scared " also you seem to have manifested twice and that is not usual " Geri looked at him and hugged him smiling
" I am sorry I can't be sure "

Lady Jenn

"Just my luck," he said with a wry laugh. "The thing that annoys me the most is I can't do anything about my eye, apparently something happened during the crash that blinded it, funny how every time I ask questions about it I get met by a wall of silence."


Geri looked at it closely, she umed and erred " or its the entry point" she said thinking aloud " I need to borrow a device from a friend I will be back soon " she smiled and flew off

" you know I don know your name"

Lady Jenn

"Sorry, I didn't think of that," he said, blushing slightly and trying to avoid eye contact. "Clint Walker, you're the first person in a while I've given my real name to."


"Sarah, Sarah young" she smiled " well erm, " she was running out of questions " no need to lie here " she smiled " I should get back to work soon"

Lady Jenn

"I was about to ask if you fancied a coffee sometime," he said with an embarrassed laugh. "But if you work here you're probably sick of the sight of the stuff."