The Next Generation

Started by Lady Jenn, September 06, 2017, 02:07:25 PM

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Lady Jenn

"If I have any intention of walking down the aisle with your sister then yes, yes I am."


" I can replace it" he smiled * or use a my new invention"

Lady Jenn

"What did you have in mind?" she asked, raising an eyebrow.


" a bionic ligament" he smiled " one issue"

Lady Jenn

"Which is?" she asked, raising an eyebrow. "I should've known nothing was that simple."


" I need to make them, they are new it's all theoretical"

Lady Jenn

"Well, all else fails I can go down the aisle on crutches," she said, laughing. "It's about the destination, not the journey."


" I've made knees and legs simlar to the arms " he smiled

Lady Jenn

"To think I've not done anything that impressive," she said, laughing. "I can't invent anything sadly."


" taming Gerri that's impressive "

Lady Jenn

"Not sure I'd call it taming," she said, laughing. "She's not ALL that tame."


" true, but she has not loved any one like you before "

Lady Jenn

"I loved her the first time I saw her," she said. "And then I took 30 years to tell her that."


" I'm not sure about her loving you that long"

Lady Jenn

"Well I persuaded her eventually," she said, smiling. "That's all I care about."


" she seem ok to you I mean I heard he say she had killed him that's not her "

Lady Jenn

"The one he killed," she replied. "He...he murdered my mother, in front of me. I don't believe she would have done it if there was another option."


" I am just saying it's not her like she did it for you and that's a cool but I am worried about her that's all"

Lady Jenn

"She'll be fine," she said. "If you're worried, talk to her when she gets back."


" yeah good Idea " so erm as my parents are not here did you even think of asking for my sister's hand?"

Lady Jenn

"I thought she was going to die," she replied. "I couldn't risk waiting in case I never got another chance to ask her."


" I am only joking " he smiled

Lady Jenn

"Did she tell you what happened to my parents?" she asked, trying not to look too upset.


He hugged " listen sis, no but if it up sets you no need to tell me"

Lady Jenn

"If I didn't know better I'd think my father told Ilyana to come here," she said, smiling sadly. "Their team...he was one of them years ago, she came to help because they're sworn to protect even former team members."