Mr. Pickney's Freak Show Circus (CLOSED)

Started by Bekah Boo, January 25, 2017, 12:06:51 PM

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Bekah Boo

So I've had this idea rambling around my head for quite a while, and though I haven't quite found any real interest in it I thought of bringing the story itself onto the group thread to see if there are some souls who would find it tempting.This is merely an interest check at the current moment though if there is enough interest I can make a character sheet and obviously all the rules that would be needed for this sort of dreary and grotesque atmosphere.

Bare with me on this one, this is probably the darkest of ideas that I have as there is torture scenes, abuse and sexual themes that are not for the light of heart. This idea was made up with a fellow writer on a site that is sadly no longer available, and I have tried to recreate it numerous times but sadly have not been able to continue it.The basic idea follows the story of a pair of humans who are the literal property of an evil man named Mr. Pickney, he is a cruel man and a show man as well using his riches to create a circus of sorts to showcase what he deems are freaks. While they can vary from the traditional side show affliction such as the smallest woman in the world, to literal fire eaters, this is where you can be creative in coming up with a character who is different from society and being held against his will and made to preform. Mr. Pickney revels in abusing his little freaks whether to get a reaction from the crowd or otherwise he sees them only as a means to an end as he gets secret enjoyment from their suffering.

Living day in and day out under his rule is no way to live, the freaks are hardly treated as humans as they were constantly chained and beaten, starved and abused in every unimaginable way, as what fight or hope had long been beaten from the freaks. That is until one day where two freaks seemingly can not bare it any longer, as in the secret of the night they formulate a plan to finally escape, to find a future away from those who have treated them so poorly. The circus draws in many who are curious of the marvelous and sometimes disgusting display, the world truly as cruel as Mr. Pickney himself, as a life away from those who see them as nothing but objects to gawk at is all they seek.

The story would revolve around these  characters and their attempt at escape, though if they are to succeed Mr. Pickney is determined to find them not allowing his money making profit to slip from between his fingers. I am looking for at least a small group of four to start off with as the choice of your gift is your own as I am open to most anything.


Alright then since there has been enough of an interest I have finally managed to get a proper guidelines and rules set up for this story, as with something like this those are certainly going to be needed.

-Now then onto the basics as far as rules-

Absolutely no drama/bullying other players-:We are all adults here and simply trying to have fun and create a story together, so everyone be nice and be considerate of others. I will not tolerate drama.The first little snippet of it I will not hesitate to kick people out. In the past I've seen drama completely tear a story apart, so please for the sake of common decency just try to be respectful to others okay? If there are any issues don't hesitate to message me and I will clear up the matter quickly.

Posting length/Time/Speed-: As far as posting length I want to maintain at least three to four paragraphs if not longer as my normal rules apply to this as well; no one liners and god moding. I want to create a story full of emotion and depth, so posts should be detailed and be much more than sheer reaction if it can be helped. Any OOC chatter will be in it's own thread that I will set up as the main thread is nothing but IC posts.I will end up listing this under extreme in order to make sure we don't upset anyone, with such however there will be gore, there will be violence and if need be non con situations of either torture or sexual nature. This will be a graphic story so the only real limits there will be is that of bathroom play, snuff, or vore. Anything else will be free game though if you have questions please message me. In the character sheets each player can give their On and Offs, that while Ons are somewhat few and far between in this sort of setting there will be great respect given to those with certain Offs. I myself did not intend to go into the realm of bodily play aside from blood perhaps, but even then it is in a strictly torture phase than any else.

Posting frequency-:Now this one is just sort of an extension of the previous rule but I wanted to expand on it a bit more as well.I live in South Carolina so my time zone may vary compared to others, that being said I tend to post in the later afternoon going to the wee hours of the morning as I tend to not sleep all that well. Some posts may need to be paused in order to get into a routine though that doesn't mean we skip over due to an inactive partner. There may be posts that can further explain your own until we can move the story along, but try and be courteous to others given we are all in different time zones.That being said if two players are in a scene of their own that is in no way affecting others then it is acceptable for them to post as they like, I've been there where a partner just so happens to quickly reply back and makes a back and forth, so that is no harm. The real trouble begins however when a player has been missing for a few days and comes back to find their scene all but moved on without them, that is what I am trying to avoid so just be aware. Communication is key here, if someone needs to take a hiatus or even be away for a few days, talk to myself and we can figure something out so everyone is happy.

No Posts/No Attempted Contact-: This one is a personal pet peeve of mine. If you suddenly feel you are uncomfortable or your muse is no longer in the story that's fine, it really is and no one will hold it against you. Nothing is worse than trying to write for something you either have no passion or creative juices for, it happens. There are ways to go about this however as like before communication is key I can't stress this enough, as with this story there is going to be a lot of emotional and physical trauma, so getting to know one another and bouncing ideas off each other can be very useful. However if a player simply fails to post or is not answering messages after a week with no notice I will move the character to the graveyard, it does not mean it's a permanent position merely until we have knowledge of the player's status it just makes it easier.

Genders/Sexuality/ Etc: I don't want to keep repeating myself but in case it wasn't apparent before hand, we're all adults here and can make our own decisions and choices. This group allows any who wish to join as whatever sort of character they like, the choices are endless and therefore gay/futa/and all are accepted in open arms. Are you a male who likes playing female characters? By all means bring it!The sky is the limit so don't be shy.

Character Guidelines: Although this story can't necessarily be placed in reality, I mean it could in a sense but come on this is fiction folks, I am stern with a few lines to follow as far as what sort of characters are accepted. This freak show for example is made to gawk at deformities and oddities on display, certain abilities that borderline the grotesque and are feats that very little others could ever mimic. To myself personally I am going to have to put my foot down and say no outright magic is accepted;for example like drastic physical transformations from a human to animal, Breathing fire with no source at all, yada yada. The only exception to this rule is if the player has a very good reasoning behind this, and can show me with example of how it would tie in but for all purposes now I'm going to say no unless proven otherwise.

What to expect: I know I've stressed this like a million times, but I would rather be safe than sorry in this regard so if I'm rambling please forgive me. In this story No one is safe.There will be horrific abuse, torture and blood shed and no one is above this aside from Mr. Pickney himself for obvious reasons. He is a sadistic manipulator who will use his own staff to his will, his assistant fairing the same as the freaks he commands, and as such anyone and everyone can be a target to his merciless torture. It can range from emotional to a straight beat down, molestation, and starvation, forced conception,rape; the only things off limits are the player's own On and Offs which as I said before will be respected. Before any scene I will personally send a message (and any who wish staff wise to do so as well) to make sure if there are any issues, to double check limits and all so no one is completely overwhelmed and such. At the end of the day the freaks are going to be broken down mentally, physically and emotionally, this is where true character development can shine to see just how they keep their sanity during it all, if they do succumb to madness, or have the fire lit within them to finally break free from the chains and escape.

Bekah Boo

*Whistles a happy tune for the dark horror story she wishes to bring to life*

Rel Mayer

I'm considering getting back into the RP world again. This sounds very interesting!


If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


I've been on something of a carnival/circus kick lately, this sounds intriguing.

Bekah Boo

*Excited Clapping*
Oh how fun! Interested people ;3

I'll admit I sort of broke it down to bare bones in the small description, as the main idea of this story is rather soul crushing so mind you it isn't quite for the faint of heart. Since there are some that are interested I can work on expanding on the idea a bit more, as I had the plan on making this a smaller sort of group to make the collective story a bit more cohesive.

I will have that up here shortly, but thank you everyone who has been peeked I'm so happy to see the possibilities here ;3


I'd like to join this; I got an idea for a character. :3

Bekah Boo

Well then ~

As I had intended on keeping the group small I will go ahead and post a basic character sheet for those who are interested, simply fill it out and we can go from there. As promised I am working on expanding on the idea at the moment (Have a heaping cup of coffee to testify this) so it will be updated shortly with a list of rules and other needed items.

This is the character sheet however to follow, simply fill it out and post it to this thread as there is no need to make another thread for the small number I imagined in this sort of story.

The only guideline I have however is that their certain trait ,or gift you can call it, has to be within reason. I mean more so that for example it can't be extreme to the point that having them used against their wills and captured would make it implausible, after all no one would willingly want to go through such a life so keep it in perspective really. That said I would allow outstanding circumstances to this rule but only if it indeed does make sense; I.E if a character is willingly allowing themselves to go through such torture and anguish for a loved one or in their minds have no where else to go etc. as long as it fits with the story I am willing to compromise a tad.

At the moment I have one character in mind for myself, as I will make rules that will explain things much more straightforward in a bit, so use your creative juices and see what we can come up with ;3
Also just a note I will allow traditional art as a character's image, considering we're dealing with oddity and all it would be a tad difficult to find something to truly capture what your character may look like, so don't fret any real image will do whether it is real life or drawing. ;3

[img height=350]Insert Image here[/img]
[b]Appearance Detail:[/b]
[b]Player Name:[/b]
[b]Stage Name:[/b]
[b]Abilities/Infliction[/b](Will allow multiple traits within reason simply list out their oddities)
[b]What brought you here?[/b]
[b]What would you do with freedom?[/b]
[b]Players On and Offs:[/b](Please include anything you wish to not see done to your character here, I will frequently ask but having it here helps)


I had an idea of possibly expanding the game's plot a bit? You don't have to approve it, but maybe it could get more interesting down the road if Pickney started ordering the carnival staff to start kidnapping people to have more to torture and use, as well as more staff for the circus; I mean, they do need a lot of people for that, right?

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Tokyorose627 on January 30, 2017, 08:03:01 PM
I had an idea of possibly expanding the game's plot a bit? You don't have to approve it, but maybe it could get more interesting down the road if Pickney started ordering the carnival staff to start kidnapping people to have more to torture and use, as well as more staff for the circus; I mean, they do need a lot of people for that, right?

It's an interesting idea for sure really, that while I had intended on this to be somewhat of a smaller sort of group it does make sense to have more bodies whether it be for show or to help with the torture and chaos of it all.

I like it really so I am going to agree, that said positions that would need filling then would be for the following;

Staff Members- This would require those interested to be an active part of horrendous actions, not for the light of heart and therefore would need to give me a sample of their work.

Freaks- Those that are forced to preform due to their deformities, beings who are used as livestock more than anything to make a profit and will have to endure many scenes of horrible actions.

Kidnappers- It goes along with the staff but in a way I had the idea that perhaps they are somewhat neutral party, that they only do so for pay and do not feel either way for their line of work. They may not agree but a pay check is a pay check.


Got it! I'll post my sheet when I get home in an hour!



I've got a lizard man I'm working on. Waiting to see other sheets before finishing him up and submitting him for approval.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Madmartigan on January 31, 2017, 09:15:01 AM
Posting for interest in a real horrorshow.  ;)

Excellent bwhahaha * cough* I mean welcome ;3

Quote from: GnothiSeauton on January 31, 2017, 09:23:47 AM
I've got a lizard man I'm working on. Waiting to see other sheets before finishing him up and submitting him for approval.

No worries there's no rush at all ;3



Question for you, Bekah Boo - is this set in the past or the present (or future)?

Bekah Boo

Quote from: Madmartigan on January 31, 2017, 05:12:08 PM
Question for you, Bekah Boo - is this set in the past or the present (or future)?

That's a great question MadMartigan-

I had always somewhat envisioned this to be more of a modern setting with splashes of old world charm thrown in, that Mr. Pickney himself prides himself on as most of his architect and decor would resemble old Victorian even down to the tools and props he uses against the freaks. There are a few rules that one must follow before actually attending a show per say, that any electronic device must be powered off completely, no photography etc etc. Mr. Pickney does this not because he fears of being caught for his 'trade' but rather as a means of control over others to push his own agenda on them, to submerge themselves into a little pocket of the old world to make the show all the more enthralling. I may have others reasons to justify this with his background, but the forest in which this takes place is like taking a step back in time, as those who wish to partake or view the showing are loaded on horse and carriage to complete the authenticity of it all.

I hope that makes sense ;3

Bekah Boo

I know I've been dragging my feet, work has taken a lot of my attention for the brief moment but I will have a full list and guidelines if not by tonight then by tomorrow at most, thank you everyone for being so patient ;3

Bekah Boo

Updated with rules and guidelines, please read and if you have any questions either post here or message me ;3


Still a work in progress, but thought I'd post him here for now to possibly help inspire some ideas or possibly characters with a shared connection.

Lizard Man
Appearance Detail:  The foremost thing that people notice about him is his skin deformity.  Instead of smooth skin, it is harder, and appears to be more akin to scales.  Over the years, the pigment in these scales has fluctuated over time, turning to more of a green hue, with splotches of black and white.  His height is at about six feet, with a physique that is mostly muscle and sinew.  His teeth are filed and sharp, modifications he chose to make himself.

Player Name:  GnothiSeauton

Name:  Clarence Burnett

Stage Name:  Lizard Man

Age:  38 Years Old

Abilities/Infliction  Clarence's appearance is the result of a birth deformity.  A number of the doctors and specialists at the time of his birth were not sure what to make of his appearance.  Some have said it's the result of chemicals and drugs taken by the mother, some said it could have been radiation from the nearby power plant.  Some said it was simply an act of God.

Whatever the cause, Clarence appears different from normal people for the appearance of his skin.  It is firmer than normal flesh, and is more close to scales than actual flesh.  It does make it a little harder to stab, but he can be stabbed and killed with enough force.

Personality:  His personality is not one that is easy to get along with when it comes to new people.  He can come across as a harsh, brutal man, quick to anger and unable to have a sense of trust.  With others who have gotten time to grow trust, he can be somewhat protective and caring.  He has no love for people who are considered normal, and it comes out often when forced onto the stage in the freak show.

History:  Clarence was born to a drug addict who would have done anything for a fix and cash.  As soon as she recovered from the birth of her child, she was gone, leaving him on his own in the hospital in disgust and horrified.  For most of his life he was a fixture in various orphanages, transferred from one to another due to his inability to fit in and his frightening appearance.

On his own, he drifted from town to town, living in the shadows and on the streets.  For years he lived off what he could find in dumpsters and woods, feeding himself on the scraps of others and rodents.  It was out of hope that he joined the freak show, hoping deep down to find a home, a place to rest his head at night.  Little did he know the true nature of the Freak Show.

What brought you here?  Clarence came to the show in order to find pay, a place to sleep, and a better life.  He had been scaring people ever since he was born, and figured he might as well be paid for it.

What would you do with freedom?  He doesn't know what he would do with freedom.  On one hand, he wants it, and wants to be free.  On the other, the show is the closest thing he's ever had to a home and stability.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories


Bekah Boo

Figured I'd finally get around to throw down my own character sheet, I am playing both Mr. Pickney and a fellow freak, so his own profile I will draw up a bit later.
That said if anyone is interested I am making the character cap for this story at two, as long as you can handle them with little issue of course ;3

Appearance Detail: Born with skin like winter's touch Lily appears almost undead compared to others her lithe form draped in alabaster from her flesh to her long flowing tresses, her eyes giving off a milky hue though in the light does reflect much like the silken shimmer of a pearl. Her fair and delicate frame is lithe and tapered, leaving an haunting impression as though she doesn't exist in this world or that one touch could shatter her very existence. The one trait she does possess however that is more akin to normal humans is her voice, that while she does not speak too often, it is quiet and hushed like the coo of a dove reflecting her innocence that often captivates audiences to the mysertious pearl herself.Her appeal is her overall presence as well as the act of her blood shed which has caused her alabaster flesh to be adorn with a myriad of scars over a lifetime of abuse, some of the lines are dull in silver having healed though it is quite often to see newer and fresher strikes along her delicate frame. The oldest scar however is found traveling along the dip of her throat, the only reminder she has of her mother's hatred of herself as she was cut from her womb in seething insanity.
Player Name:Bekah Boo
Name: Lily 'Lotte' Danvoue
Stage Name: 'Little Pearl'
Age: 19
Abilities/Infliction Born with little hue in her features Lily was given the moniker of 'Little Pearl' by Mr. Pickney himself, finding it a suitable stage name to describe the odd young woman who's alabaster definitions were akin to the haunting shimmer of marble itself. Her oddity does not stop there however as it seems her physical aliment is inward as well, the young female when cut does not bleed crimson ruby but rather a startling hue of silver instead, a very fitting sight to her eerie physique shrouded in mystery of modern science. Rather both her blood and tears seem to glisten like rivers of metallic as Lily's entire presence reflects ghost like tendencies, a real show stopper for the show as many gawk at the sheer insanity of a being who cries and bleeds pure silver. 
Personality: Like many of the others Lily's spirit has been beaten down under merciless and relentless ruling, giving little chance of hope and as such she has become a hollow husk of what she could have once been had her upbringing been different. Though dour and exhausted both emotionally and physically Lily is a true martyr as she willingly takes punishment upon herself in the place of others she finds do not deserve such, Mr. Pickney having drilled it in his little pearl's head that she is the cause of her own suffering.She does her best to protect others around herself in any way she can even if it often results in harsher punishment for herself, truly a caring soul within the darkness of evil itself as those she does manage to become close to can see the level of sweetness she gives as she tries to ease everyone else's suffering.
History: Like many who have found themselves captured within the hell of Mr. Pickney's ruling Lily's own history is as tragic as others, her tragic upbringing a mere staple in the day to day life of the circus as it has long defined her. Lily's mother had been a normal woman of youth who had fallen in love with a man and thought her life would be complete at long last, the typical writings of an everyday love story that she had always dreamed of as nothing could have prepared her for the hell she would endure. Lilian had been her name and she was truly a lovely young woman in her prime with so much love in her heart to not only have found love within another but knowledge they would become parents only made her over the moon with so much delight and joy, how naive she had been back then truly as she was unknowingly oblivious of just how one sided this union really was. Perhaps it had been the desperation of finding a story book love that made Lilian so crazed, or the knowledge she was now with child, whatever the case was the father did not remotely feel the same and in turn did everything he could to distance himself from the love struck woman spouting off ridiculous plights of affection towards him.

Lily's father had a moment of weakness and had spotted Lilian at a work social hour at the office they both were employed at, too many drinks in his system to lower his thought process as a single night of passionate fucking had resulted in Lilian all but attaching herself to him. Lilian began to show up to his apartment spouting off her undying love for him, calling all hours of the night to profess her desire to be his, to become the father of the child they had made together after a drunken mistake on his part; it startled the man to the bone. Despite all his best efforts to convince Lilian he was not interested nor wanted to pursue a life together Lily's father found Lilian unrelenting to the truth of the matters, the woman half crazed and determined of this seemingly unconditional love they shared in the throes of passion. It became so crazed the man had no choice but to file restraining orders on Lilian as she became unhinged, undeterred that he truly felt such a way, that it was his family that made him do such as they did not approve of her,  the unbalanced woman defying orders as she would continue to sit out in front of his apartment begging her love to let her in, her knees bloody and frost bitten from the icy burn of the snow to show her devotion as she pleaded.

Heavy with child Lilian became more crazed in her blind love that only she felt for the man who meant the world to her, the breaking point and turn of events resulting in herself being arrested and charged with trespassing and stalking as she wailed and screamed for her love to protect her from the madness around her. Locked away in the safety of the authorities Lilian's antics became more and more unraveled as she began to tear at her restraints like an animal, her mind lost in the insanity fueled desperation she felt all but consuming her as she ranted and raved pure nonsense that triggered the mental breakdown that would be her final demise. On a bitter cold evening in February realization would hit Lilian as she realized that the man she loved did not feel the same, in fact he had become repulsed by her actions and over all crazy demeanor as it was a devastating blow the likes she would never recover from.

In desperation Lilian found the only solution was death itself as a life without her love was not one worth living, that this child was the cause of his rejection of herself as she did the unthinkable. Detached and utterly void of any emotion but righteousness in her mind Lilian fashioned a make shift shiv out of materials she had forged from in the asylum, her actions swift and determined as she began to savagely slice into her own body to carve out the child that caused her love to flee from her. It was Lilian's blood curdling screams that alerted the security as they walked into the literal blood bath of insanity, the crazed woman through her agony and wails nearly cackling to herself that her love would return now that she had purged the source of their 'falling out'.The team did their best to restrain the gushing flow of blood and carnage from Lilian as she continued to try and gouge out the hell spawn that was the testament of her suffering, but as the woman lay dying the child indeed was cut free and lay still upon the floor discarded like trash itself.

The bundle of child was unmoving and lacked a pulse as it's flesh seemed to be drained of hue altogether, the drying woman's mad ravings repeating a single phrase over and over as she gurgled on her own blood with a sickening smile across her blood stained lips.'It's gone's gone now and we can be together...we can love each other now...he has to...'
As Lilian passed the security would become alarmed as despite all odds the once still bundle of pale flesh would begin to stir, looking more dead than alive the child had survived and was soon rushed to the hospital. The lack of oxygen had been the medical diagnose of the baby's odd complexion, yet the more the medical team surveyed the tiny infant the more it became obvious that it was an abomination in itself. More superstitious nurses would rumor that this was the result of the fake facade of love and was nothing more than a mockery of life itself, that the mother's own hatred towards her own flesh and blood seeped into the child to harden her like the icy stone itself, though it was determined that the child's almost haunting nature could not be truly explained nor ever understood.

Whatever the case was the child was turned over to the authorities as they sought to try and find a place for her to be raised, a difficult undertaking as the supposed father wanted nothing to do with the grotesque child of a part of his life he wished to forever forget. That was when a seemingly saint had come under the guise of a distant relative of the crazed Lilian, the man appearing well put together and promising a future for the tragic child as he was granted the bundle of child as the authorities had had a hard enough time finding a suitable place for it to be raised. The man and child would never be seen again in the snow kissed town as rumors were he had been connected to many a rouse such as this, coming in the time of need for an odd youth before disappearing as if he never existed. The case went cold and soon the town had forgotten the haunting history of the time all together, but the man would continue pouching the undesirables in a number of places, his dream of showcasing his little 'treasures' the talk of the underworld and those who wished to see sights of hell itself.
What brought you here? Lily is one of the first original freaks Mr. Pickney had acquired when he had founded his show as all she has known is the small caged world of suffering, as one of the founding members this is all she has to her name, growing up within the twisted and sadistic life merely becoming second nature for the young woman.
What would you do with freedom?Truth be told Lily does not know what she would even do with freedom even if it were to stare her in the face, the young girl having been broken time and time again she feels it is merely an unreachable dream that she would never find within her grasp. Though if she were to ponder to such she would wish to find a place away from all eyes, a place of solitude and silence that would allow her peace for the first time in her chaotic and fateful life.
Players On and Offs: Hard offs; Bathroom, vore, snuff

Bekah Boo

We still have a few slots open so don't be shy folks ;3
Hope beryone is having a fantastic Sunday and all XD