Pathfinder-Unbreakable Bonds [Interest Check]

Started by hellrazoromega, January 06, 2017, 10:58:51 PM

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Unbreakable Bonds

So since I can't seem to land in a Pathfinder game to play I am gonna have to do one of my own. I plan on using the Inner Sea setting.
Not sure where the group would start out or the basis for the group, that will depend on character submissions. Once you read below you will see what I mean. I am hoping the group will settle on a starting nation. I'd really like to story to center on the connections the PCs have and how they endure hardship and adventure together.

So some Ground rules:

  • Munchkins need not apply, no Rogue 1, Monk 1, Whatever 4, Cheesy prestige class 3, and I'll throw in a Nasty template for good measure characters. Classes require dedication and without a very good story I will not allow any more than two base classes and a prestige class. Even in those cases you best have a good backstory. Other than that all are welcome.
  • I am inclined to allow any Paizo-published sources, others will be done on a case by case basis but be warned if it is too far afield from the group,(even from Pazio source) your chances of approval drop fast.
  • The beginning level will be 5th
  • 25-point buy for abilities
  • Max HP at 1st, top half or better thereafter (in other words if your HD is a d6 roll a d3 and read it as 4-6, a d8 roll a d4 and read it as 5-8, of course, you can just roll a d6 and also read 1-3 as 4-6).
  • 10,500 gold. No more than 5,000 on any one item. All items over 1,000 GP must be approved.
  • Traits as standard, I will not allow Flaws.
  • I want the group to have worked together for at least six months, I want there to be some real connections there. Think of this as a TV show where we are picking up with a 'crew' that has been together for a while. I will allow individual characters to have been around as many as five years with the group. For flavor, I will allow 1 or 2 characters (depending on the group size) to be the newcomers to the group, to be introduced in game. Caveats below.
  • As the group forms, I'd like every player to have a strong positive connection to at least one other PC, more connections are allowed. These are not to be superficial like-- we have bumped into each other in a tavern 3 years ago. The need to be fairly significant ---we have been friends since childhood and are like brother and sister (or we are siblings), we served in the Andoran Army in the same unit together, we all came from a village wiped out by a Vampire Lord and swore and oath to destroy her, etc.
  • If we have 'newcomers' they must have either a) a past/current connection to a person(s) in the group and b) if we have two newcomers I would prefer they have a connection to each other.
  • Note this also does not mean that just because you have a connection to one or more of the group that you cannot have tension with others, I am more than fine with that. What I don't want is one PC everyone hates (no odd men/women out) everyone should have at least one solid ally. So, yes this will require some careful collaboration during the character making stage.
  • I know that seems like a lot but the game ideas I have are dependent on this being a tight-knit crew, not a group of strangers thrown together by circumstance. Think the Crew of the Serenity (Firefly) or something to that effect. This does not mean it will impossible for there to be betrayals down the road but if they do happen (I hope not) the impact should be deeper and more meaningful this way.
  • Each character needs to come with at least one long-term sub-plot (slaying that aforementioned Vampire Lord, buying a Tavern in every major nation we visit without the party realizing why we get 'discounts' everywhere we go) in other words give me something to work with beyond, "I want to buy my mother a new prized pig."
  • I'm not a huge fan of alignments so I tend to play them kinda loose, but I don't want any evil characters and Chaotic Neutral does not mean, "I get to do whatever I want on a whim."
  • I ask that everyone use Myth-weavers for characters. At first, however, I'd like backgrounds so all I need at first is a back story and a basic idea of current class(es) and what classes may lie down the road.
Backgrounds submitted for approval must include the following (it is OK to PM if there are parts of this you want secret):
1. The character's name and nation of origin and their general background (we can make tweaks to fit in connections if we need to).
2. Their long-term subplot idea (just give me something general I can weave into the game to work with, we can flesh out details later if you don't have them now).
3. at least one (more would be better) hook that might give other players and in for a connection with your character.

Based on all that, once we have approved characters I want a majority vote of what the group has been doing these past few years, explorers, mercenaries, troubleshooters?

Lastly, I am not sure how many I am willing to take but given the penchant of people to drop like flies I may take on more than I actually want at first on the logic that many will probably drop (so don't get discouraged if the group looks too large). If there is a lot of interest and people stick around then I'll cross that bridge when we get to it.

Other house rules (to be updated as needed):
1. The uses per day of cantrips is in combat, non-combat uses of cantrips are at will (abusing this could result in some arcane backlash).
2. I just found out about Background Skills, I like It!! I will be using these.

Submissions so far:
Grikzar Sandstampah Warlord
As'aan Moonhollow Druid
Peepa Gellan Dweomercrafter Mage
Fable Moonhollow Bard
Adrian MacDrey Unchained Monk
Brendan Briar Witch
Lillic Zamfi  ???
Tithul Charthagnion Warlock
Lady Laethivia Morganthan Cleric
Feylashiriel "Fey" Amaranthea Edasseril Fighter/Sorc or Ranger/Wiz
Anawyne “Whimsy” Vethril Edasseril--Cleric

Vergil Tanner

Ok, so! The class has been left out because I need confirmation that I am allowed to use said class, but in any case, I'm gonna be playing a Half-Orc Warrior type character, so I went ahead and whipped up a pitch for the general feel of him. :-) I hope you like him!

Name: Grikzar Sandstampah
Age: 25
Sex: Male
Race: Half Orc

Class: Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Level: 5

Basic Appearance:
Grikzar stands at around 6'4, with a broad, powerful build rippling with a lifetimes worth of honed muscles forged in the fires of battle. Scars crisscross his body at odd angles in jagged, uneven lines, belaying his brutal upbringing and his long career as a formidable warrior. He is not slender or athletic by any stretch of the imagination, easily dwarfing most people through sheer muscle mass more than anything else...though his slightly above average height helps. His head – like many orcs and Half-Orcs in his tribe – is kept trimmed, his unusual white hair kept in a tightly controlled short hairstyle to avoid it being grabbed, with embarrassingly non-prominent tusks jutting from his lower jaw and curving only a half inch or so over his upper lips. His brow is more prominent than a normal humans, of course, but nowhere near as pronounced as his Orc-Kin, keeping most of his unusually clever eyes at least somewhat visible. His ears are tapered to a jagged, uneven point, and his skin is coloured a deep ashen grey, though much of it is covered in crimson red warpaint that he keeps touched up daily.

Basic Personality:
Like most Orcs, Grikzar values martial valour, competence and directness in most things, but unlike most orcs, he isn't beholden to them as unshakable values; he is cunning, and understands the need for diplomacy, stealth and wordgames in certain situations. Due to his upbringing, he is brutally honest at times and believes that the strong have a duty to rule over the weak, but due to his unique code, also believes that the strong should not take advantage of the weak simply because they can. Whilst not heroic in the strictest sense of the word, Grikzar is loyal to his friends and loyal to his code, and has an inherent moral compass that dislikes causing needless pain and suffering...though he is indeed willing to cause suffering when it suits his purposes. He is, after all, a half-orc raised by a marauding tribe. However, living in the “civilised” world  has shaped him somewhat, and he is less likely to leap to violence as his first response to any given situation...though he is also deeply cynical about what humans call civilisation, having seen all too often that many men are no better than the bestial nature they accuse orcs of revelling in. Many men do not make distinctions between orcs and half orcs and attack him on sight, or at least make a move to, and in this respect at least...his tribe is far superior, in his mind. When he gets his mind on something, he is driven with a fiery passion born of a man with nothing left to lose and the iron discipline of a lifelong warrior, and sometimes it is hard to calm him down from his fervour. However, when push comes to shove, if he gives you his word you can trust him to keep it...though if you force it under duress, it might be best to pay attention to the exact wording....

Basic Background
Grikzar was born into the Orzak tribe of Orcs, a nomadic tribe that roams the deserts of Thuvia. Like other tribes in the area, the Orzak People survive by pillaging and raiding the nearby settlements and encampments for food and water enough to keep the tribe strong through the harsh terrain, but unlike some other roving warbands, they keep to a very strict code of conduct; the strong take from the weak, yes, but the strong are never unnecessarily cruel. They take what they need to survive, but never enough such that those they steal from have no hopes of survival. If the settlement surrenders, they take half of everything they own and leave in peace, but if the settlement resists, they take 80% and kill all who fight against them. They deem the killing of noncombatants – EG, women and children too young to fight – to be highly dishonourable, but if you raise a weapon to them, you are a warrior and should be given the proper respect. Guests to the tribe – if accepted – are not to be harmed during their stay, unless they themselves initiate hostilities. It is a strict, demanding code – not one that allows for compromise – but the code has allowed the Orzak people to survive for centuries in an environment that has claimed the names and legacies of many others.

Grikzar was born as the second son to the Chieftain of the Orzak Tribe, bred specifically to be a more cunning, intelligent advisor to his older brother once he took his fathers place. The original plan was for Grikzar to apprentice to the Tribe Shaman, but Grikzar was having none of it; he displayed no interest or talent in the Mystic Arts, instead throwing himself enthusiastically into the tribes Warrior Caste, desperate to prove himself worthy of his lineage and his place as an Orc. The standard prejudice against Half-Orcs existed, of course – they were weaker and smaller than their full blooded cousins, so many expected him to fail miserably – but the desert tribe has never been in a position to refuse enthusiastic warriors, so he was allowed to continue his pursuit. He surprised everybody, however, by not only mastering the forms of combat just as quickly as everybody else, but also showing a deep cunning in his fighting that put many of the other Trainees to shame; he wasn't stronger than them, true, but he was faster and a more intelligent fighter, able to think on his feet to tip the balance in his favour. Therefore, he swiftly rose through the ranks as he grew older, his brains allowing him to secure a position high in the ranks of the Orzak military long before anybody thought he would...and in defiance of some who didn't even think that he could.

And then, on his 22nd Name-day, the worst happened; his father and brother were killed in a coup orchestrated by his fathers closest advisor, Gazgin The Bloody. Gazgin challenged his father for leadership – as is the right of any orc in the Orzak Tribe – but, knowing that he was not able to defeat the current chieftain, had his lackeys poison his opponents wine before the fight. By the time Grikzar realised the treachery, it was already too late; the challenge had begun, and by their code, nobody could be allowed to interfere, for any reason. His father fought bravely, but succumbed to the poison at the critical moment and lost his life to Gazgin. Grikzar's older brother, Arzank, challenged Gazgin, but Gazgin was older, more experienced and far more prepared; Arzank fell as easily as a newborn babe. Disgusted with Gazgin's treachery – and knowing that he was likely to be Gazgin's next target; a Half Orc challenging for leadership of the Orzak tribe was unusual, but not unheard of – he left the tribe in the dead of night. The Code of the Orzak demanded vengeance for a fallen family member, especially one who fell to treachery, but it did not specify how long that vengeance was supposed to take, and he knew that if he challenged Gazgin now, it would only lead to his death, and Gazgin's treachery and cowardice would go unpunished for the rest of his days. Grikzar needed to become stronger, more powerful if he wanted to defeat Gazgin and reclaim the tribe for his father, and he could not do so and stay in the tribe. Gazgin would certainly not allow him to gather the strength and support necessary, if nothing else.

So he fled in the night, striking out into the wilderness and leaving his tribe behind as he sought the strength to avenge his father and his brother, travelling for months with nothing but his fathers axe on his back, the rations he had stolen in his pack and the burning hatred in his stomach. He managed to survive the deserts and barter passage on a passing ship as “extra security” in order to leave Thuvia behind, knowing in his heart that he would one day return and set those wrongs to right. Over the next few years, he made his way through the world as a mercenary, an adventurer for hire, honing his skills against ever greater foes in the hopes of gathering enough strength to return and wreak his vengeance on Gazgin, but it was only a matter of time before he fell foul to circumstance; on one otherwise unremarkable voyage along the coast of the Inner Sea where Grikzar had been hired as additional security, the ship was ambushed by a surprisingly well equipped band of pirates; a pair of ships appeared from over the horizon and managed to hem in the smaller merchant vessel and as pirates and bandits from the shore forced the sailors to keep their heads down, they were boarded and a great battle erupted. Though the security for the merchant vessel fought bravely, they were surprised, outmanned and outgunned and quickly either died or were subdued and clapped in irons. Though Grkzar fought to his last breath, he was eventually overcome and knocked unconscious by a blow from behind.

When he came to, he was lying in a heap in the rotten, humid, stench-filled air of the Pirate Galley, his arms and legs and neck chained to the wall as the telltale sounds of port drifted in from above decks. Long story short, they'd docked in a Pirate Cove hidden in the coast of the Inner Sea, and he was to be used as entertainment; he was given a club - “A barbarians weapon for a barbarian species,” the pirates claimed – and shoved into the sands of a makeshift arena, surrounded by jeering smugglers, pirates and outlaws who were all baying for his blood. He had, to put it simply, been pressganged into an Arena. They started small, setting dogs and wolves on him in the hopes that he would die quickly to give them a quick thrill, but when he survived – and kept surviving – one particular slave master realised that he could make money on him. He was purchased, and quickly thrust into man-to-man fights, then handicap fights, then suicide fights that were supposed to either pay out big, or kill him; the slavemaster profited either way. It was during one such suicide fight that Grikzar – who had long been plotting an escape of some kind, simply watching for the right opportunity –  noticed by a group of adventurers who were in the port hunting a particular outlaw for his bounty...who just so happened to be his Owner.

Seeing his opportunity, he called in what little favours he had managed to accrue to send a message to the party, arranging for a meeting with them to offer his services. He gave them access to his masters compound – he was often used as a Guard, as were his other slaves - so it was trivial to slip the party in and give them the opportunity to take the bastards head as a bounty. Oh, they offered surrender first, but...well, his Owner wasn't particularly clever. Grikzar inevitably aided with the fight, looting his former masters best equipment from his stores for himself and taking the rest to sell at a profit, and was about to leave when a thought occurred to him; he owed this Party a life-debt for freeing him, one that the Orzak code demanded that he repay. Further...who better to travel with if he wished to increase his strength enough to challenge Gazgin? They had already proved themselves capable, and a party of adventurers were more likely to fight powerful foes on a regular basis. Plus...he really did owe them his life; one more fight, and he likely wouldn't have survived. Mind made up, he offered his services to the party...and they've been travelling together ever since.

The Mythweaver Sheet

The Stats and Saves, Overview

Class: Warlord
Alignment: Lawful Neutral
Level: 5

HP: 45 / 45
Str: 18 (+4)
Dex: 13 (+1)
Con: 14 (+2)
Int: 10
Wis: 10
Cha: 16  (+3)

Attack: (BAB + Str + Size Mod): 5 + 4 + 0 = +9
Attack W/ +1 Masterwork Battleaxe: +12
Ranged Attack: +6
AC: (10 + AC (12) + Dex (1) + Natural (2) + ): 25
ACP: -5
Max Dex: +1
Fortitude Save: +6
Reflex Save: +2
Initiative: +3
Will: +4
Max Weight: 100lbs
Starting Wealth: 10,500

Bluff: +8
Diplomacy: +10
Knowledge History: +5
Perception: +5
Acrobatics: +5
Sense Motive: +3
Ride: +8
Intimidate: +8
Handle Animal: +8

Skills, Feats and Class Features

(4 + Int ) = 4

Languages (2 + Int): 2
Common, Orc

Class Skills:
Bluff (Cha) (2), Diplomacy (Cha) (2), Knowledge: History (Int) (2), Perception (Wis) (2), Acrobatics (Dex) (1), Ride (Dex) (4), Intimidate (Cha) (2)

Other Skills:
Handle Animal (Cha) (3), Sense Motive (Wis) (2)

Racial Bonuses:

- +2 to one Stat score (Str)
- Humanoid, both Orc and Human subtype.
- Medium Size
- Languages: Common, Orc, +Int.
- Burning Assurance: +2 Diplomacy Checks
- Beastmaster: Treats Whips and Nets as martial weapons, +2 on Handle Animal checks.
- Weapon Familiarity: Proficient with Greataxes and Falchion, weapons with “Orc” in the name are treated as Martial.
- Darkvision 60ft
- Counts as Orc and Human for any effect elated to race.


- Ironhide: +1 AC Natural Armour.
- Shield Focus: +1 AC when using shield.
- Missile Shield: Deflect one ranged attack per round with your shield.
- Weapon Focus, Battleaxe: +1 Hit with Battleaxe
- Armour Focus, Field Plate: +1 Armour AC with Field Plate.

- Finish The Fight: +1 Trait Bonus on attack rolls vs enemies already injured by you in the previous 24 hours.
- Armour Expert: When wearing armour of any kind, reduce ACP by 1.

Class Bonuses:
- Proficient with all Simple and Martial Weapons, and all armour and shields.
- Combat Leader: Warlord and all allies within 50 feet (10 ft / Cha Mod + ½ Level) gain +2 to Initiative.
- Commanding Presence: All allies that can see the Warlord gain +1 to hit and +1 damage.
- Inspiration: 6 times a day (3 + Cha Mod), may inspire allies within a 30ft Radius. Bestows 3d6 Temp Hit Points (1D6 + 1d6 every two levels after 1st). Lasts until battle ends or when they're removed from damage. Inspire is a Standard Action and does not provoke an AoO. May include himself in this effect.
- Hold The Line: When forming a defensive line (fighting defensively and standing next to each other), Warlord and all allies in the line gain +2 Competence AC.
- Rallying Presence: Warlord and all allies within 30ft (10ft / Cha) gain +1 on saves Vs Fear.


Starting Wealth: 10,500gp
Max Weight: 100lbs

- +1 Masterwork Battleaxe (2, 310 gp, 6lbs): 1D8+1, Crit x3
- +1 Masterwork Field Plate (2,350 gp, 50lbs): +8AC (+9, Focus), -3 ACP, +1 Max Dex
- +1 Masterwork Heavy Steel Shield (1, 170gp, 15lbs): +2 (+3 SF) AC, 0ACP
- Longbow (75gp, 3lbs) 1D8, Range 100, crit x3
- Arrows x20 (1gp 3lbs)

- Rhinoceros, Combat Trained (1500gp) (173lbs Light Load)

Rhino Stats

HP: 42
Str: 22
Dex: 10
Con: 19
Int: 2
Wis: 13
Cha: 5

Space: 10ft, reach 5
Attack: +3, Gore +8 (2d6+9)
Special Attacks: Powerful Charge (Gore, 4d6 + 12)

AC: 16, Touch 9, Flat Footed 16.
CMB: +10
CMD: 20, 24 Vs Trip.

Fort: +10
Reflex: +4
Will: +2
Senses: Scent (30ft, 60 if upwind) Perception +12

- Endurance: +4 on Swim to avoid nonlethal exhaustion damage, Con checks to continue runnning, Con checks to avoid forced march damage, Con checks to hold breath, Con Checks to avoid NL damage on starvation or thirst, Fort checks to avoid NL damage for hot or cold temperatures, Fort checks to avoid damage on suffocation.
- Great Fortitude: +2 on all Fort checks.
- Skill Focus: Perception

- Exotic Military Saddle (60gp, 40lbs) (On Rhino: +2 circumstance to stay in saddle. If unconscious 75% chance to stay in saddle.
- Saddlebags x3 (60gp 24lbs) (On Rhino): 120lbs Capacity
- Feed, Animal, (5cp x 6 = 3sp) (10lbs x 6 = 60lbs) (On Rhino)
- Rations, trail x4 (5sp x 8= 2gp) 1lb (x8 = 4lbs)
- Rations, trail x4 (5sp x 8= 2gp) 1lb (x8 = 4lbs) (On Rhino)
- Bedroll (1sp) (5lbs) (On Rhino)
- Blanket (5sp) (3lbs) (On Rhino)

- Potion of Cure Light Wounds x1 (50gp)
- Amulet of Natural Armour (2000gp):
+1 Natural Armour AC.
- Cloak of Human Giuse (900gp, 1lb): Alters the features of a half-breed creature when worn to appear fully human. Those familiar with the half breeds form can recognise them in their human guise.

End Wealth: 20gp 1sp
Total Weight: 82lbs
Total Rhino Weight: 136
Saddlebag Capacity: 72 / 120lbs

Hope you like him! :D
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.

Cataclysmic Archangel

Popping in for possible interest, but it's way too early to start working on more than 'hi'. 

National Acrobat

Name: As'aan Moonhollow
Race: Elf
Class: Druid
Age: 123
Alignment: NG
Deity: Green Faith
Level: 5

Appearance: As'aan, or Asa as her friends call her, is a wood elf that stands five and a half feet tall, and has green eyes and brown hair. Her skin is fair, like many of her kind. She is willowy, and attractive, and tends to wear simple garments, such as sundresses, and goes barefoot unless protocol dictates that she wear shoes. She is a child of nature, and enjoys the outdoors, storms, weather, and all that the natural world has to offer.

General: Born in Kyonin, her parents are ambassadors, and have spent time representing the elven cause in Absalom, Korvosa, Magnimar, Taldor, and other places. During her (short for an elf) lifetime, she has traveled to many places, and that caused her to enjoy traveling, forgoing settling down into a role dictated by her society. Instead, she was drawn to the Green Faith, and has joined up with her friends to not only spread the faith, but to seek knowledge, and help what good she can, where they go. She is a good scout in the wilds and outdoors, and has some healing and arcane magic that she uses to support her friends when times call for it. She is personable, affable, and easy going, and prefers diplomacy to violence, but will not hesitate to face evil down with violence if a peaceable solution cannot be found. She's a free spirit, and loves being able to take the shapes of animals, and especially, being able to fly. She also is an accomplished herbalist, and enjoys rolling her own 'smokeweed' that can be quite potent at time, but can produce quite a mild, relaxed state of mind, for meditating of course when she prays to her gods. Her parents do not approve of her lifestyle, and think she is wasting her potential, but she disagrees. She finds her parents to be cold and calculating, and lacking the 'elven spirit' of freedom and expressing one's self. She believes a lifetime of service as diplomats by her parents has dulled their connection to their elven blood, instead making them seem more like merchants or accountants. More than once she's encouraged them to try to get back to their roots, to no avail.

She has a special enmity with the Cult of Lamashtu, their priests are directly responsible for the murder and torture of her former mentor, the Halfling Druidess Kylora Halfhill, who took Asa in as a confused, but eager to learn novice of the faith, and emboldened her to spread her wings, in a manner of speaking, and follow her heart and soul to the worship of the Gods of Nature. It happened years after she had finished her training and had left to make her way in the world, but Asa found her mentor when she made a return to visit her in her sacred grove, and found the grove desecrated, and her friend's body. She swore that she would never let Lamashtu's followers rest after that. Any rumors she hears of the Mother of Beast's cult activities she will follow up on, and if she has a chance to rid the world of any of her followers, she will make every effort to do so.

Potential Hooks: Anything involving having dealt with the Cult of Lamashtu, for any other elven characters, anything that involves having aided or assisted with a diplomatic mission, simple travels to explore (Asa loves to learn about places, firsthand especially) or collect lost lore, especially elven in nature, having helped guide a caravan through a large, dangerous forest, etc. I can easily come up with more.

I'm also open to being a sister or cousin of another pc for ease of working backgrounds together.

Coffee Addict

I do believe I will show some Interest for this game as well.  I will work up a more proper character idea/posting tonight but I am intrigued by the characters already posted.

For a quick reference, I'll like try to play a fun, flirty and flighty half-elf female that is usually a bard.  However, I like her for her personality and not as a particular class so that is open. 


Hi RAzor!  This looks neat. 

  Do you intend to have people make interconnected backstories before you acutaly choose the party? 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Tossing interest in for this, as I have an idea for a Human Unchained Monk.  So, placeholder here, more words to come later possibly.


Like I said in the original thread, the idea of picking a starting location appeals to me. And really, what ideas I have tend to depend on that. So to my other interested parties, I ask you, how do you feel about...

Osirion - Land of Pharaohs, ancient tombs, and occasionally eldritch horrors
Varisia - Land of "Adventurers Come From Here." Frontier vibe, on top of a lost empire, with a few cities.
Qadira - Araaaaaaaabiiiaaaan niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights, like araaaaabian daaaaaaaaaaaaaays, More often than not are hotter than hot, in a lot of good waaaaaaaaaays
Land of the Linnorm Kings - Vikings. Everyone loves Vikings. except maybe 9th-century Parisians.
Realm of the Mammoth Lords - Mammoth-riding barbarian tribes! Frost giant armies! Basically the Wildlings from Game of Thrones.
The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar - Steampunk ahoy. If you want gunslingers, this is how you get gunslingers.
Tian Xia - The Mystical East!

Coffee Addict

Quote from: Chulanowa on January 07, 2017, 02:35:09 PM
Like I said in the original thread, the idea of picking a starting location appeals to me. And really, what ideas I have tend to depend on that. So to my other interested parties, I ask you, how do you feel about...

Osirion - Land of Pharaohs, ancient tombs, and occasionally eldritch horrors
Varisia - Land of "Adventurers Come From Here." Frontier vibe, on top of a lost empire, with a few cities.
Qadira - Araaaaaaaabiiiaaaan niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiights, like araaaaabian daaaaaaaaaaaaaays, More often than not are hotter than hot, in a lot of good waaaaaaaaaays
Land of the Linnorm Kings - Vikings. Everyone loves Vikings. except maybe 9th-century Parisians.
Realm of the Mammoth Lords - Mammoth-riding barbarian tribes! Frost giant armies! Basically the Wildlings from Game of Thrones.
The Grand Duchy of Alkenstar - Steampunk ahoy. If you want gunslingers, this is how you get gunslingers.
Tian Xia - The Mystical East!

I'm old school so I'm all for Varisia. 

National Acrobat

I like Varisia first, but I can see having been in Tian Xia or Qadira for some purpose, and staying there for other reasons. Varisia is optimal for me though, but the other two are interesting enough options that I'd be ok with it.


Voicing interest. I'd like Qadira, but wherever is fine.


I'm thinking of a Kitsune caraven traveler from Varisia then. Rogue, Swashbuckler, sorcerer, or something else "flashy" and with that delightful Errol Flynn flavor.


Name: Peepa Gellan Dweomercrafter
Race: Gnome
Class: Wizard [Universalist, Archetype Exploiter/Future Arcane Savant Prestige Class]
Gender: Female
Age: 49
Alignment: LN
Deity: Abadar
Level 5

Appearance: A rather stern for a gnome with dark brown hair and eyes and enjoys looking like a proper wizard including a staff with arcane and refined looks she calls Crookedrune standing of average height and build.

General: Born one of four children in Brastlewark, the gnomish city in the Infernal Kingdom she grew up well off the daughter of a prominent architect and a talented merchant dealing in crafting fine spellbooks and enchanting them with potent wards. A citizen of Cheliax she apprenticed to a human wizard in Egorian although not important or overly evil Tharun Zhand was a stern law-abiding man who made an honest living as a guard mage for one of the largest brothels in the city. Delving into the deeper arcane mysteries she left her apprenticeship and attached to a trading company dealing in pleasure drugs and slaves for a time before leaving joining a band of traveling adventurers for the last couple months, mostly to meet and explore the wider world and gain her fortune and more importantly power. For power is what matters in her homeland when she eventually returns. She is a simple wizard she works within the laws of the place she's in, works at her craft, will use her magic to deal with threats and obstacles and shows no mercy to enemies if they might pose a long term threat to her or her friends or her plans. Other enemies she might temper her magic and hand them over to the local authorities especially in her homeland.

She made an odd friendship with Grikzar his mighty weapons and force of arms is nicely backed by her magical powers and her dedication to practical magic and treats him like a Big Brother of sorts, plus he can watch her little back.

Plot Hooks: She has rivals in her homeland perhaps even her former trading company after she left, with a magic item taken as part of her honest share of the trade but it was some item of power or a rare book of infernal secrets coveted by parties. She as a friend of Grikzar feels obligated to help him on his important goal and being LN follows her duties. She also is always looking for new magic and lore to aid in her development and to craft new spells and gather unusual components for others to meet magical needs.


Quote from: Muse on January 07, 2017, 01:12:36 PM
Hi RAzor!  This looks neat. 

  Do you intend to have people make interconnected backstories before you acutaly choose the party?
I won't require it. However, those who do take that extra step have a very strong chance of getting in. Like I said I want this to really be about how the bond between characters influence how they deal with adventure and hardship. So a set of characters that makes me believe they would literally go to the Abyss and back for each other is probably going to make me overlook other minor flaws. So I don't care if your character acts like they don't care about the group but when the chips are down I want them to have a connection to at least one member who they would not abandon for anything. In the end, I want there to be a chain of connections so the chances of one or two members just "storming off" is low.

That said, I guess it all depends on how much interest there ends up being.

National Acrobat

Coffee Addict and I are working on our characters being cousins.

Vergil Tanner

Well, my backstory is connected with the party in general, but since I don't know who's gonna be in the party, I left specifics out of it. If I get accepted, I'll be working on specific links and connections with whoever else gets accepted. :-)
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.

Coffee Addict

Quote from: National Acrobat on January 07, 2017, 07:35:13 PM
Coffee Addict and I are working on our characters being cousins.

Indeed!  I'm very happy to have another adventurer and relative with a bit of elven blood.  If all goes well, I'd like to reach out to one or two other potential players to weave a tighter knit group.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!  I should have a brief character intro up tonight.


I have 3 Concepts right now. 1 is a Barbarian who is the protective sort, family oriented kind of stuff, so very group friendly. 2 is a Witch who loves the arts and likes to make art wherever he goes and of what he sees, so he wants to see as much of the world as he can. 3 is an Ifrit Swashbuckler who love combat and beauty in all its forms, a bit of a rake but loyal to those he calls family.

Vergil Tanner

Haha, well, all going well I shall be among that group of people that goes on this adventure. :P And I'd be happy to weave a tighter knit group. :-)

Also, I updated my Concept Bio; Raz has approved my Third Party Class, so...say hello to Grikzar Sandstampah the Warlord! A captain of the Orzak Warforces, Heir to the Splintered Throne, servant of the True Chieftain. Son of a murdered father, brother to a murdered brother. And he will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

:P :P :P
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


Quote from: Vergil Tanner on January 07, 2017, 10:28:00 PM
Haha, well, all going well I shall be among that group of people that goes on this adventure. :P And I'd be happy to weave a tighter knit group. :-)

Also, I updated my Concept Bio; Raz has approved my Third Party Class, so...say hello to Grikzar Sandstampah the Warlord! A captain of the Orzak Warforces, Heir to the Splintered Throne, servant of the True Chieftain. Son of a murdered father, brother to a murdered brother. And he will have his vengeance, in this life or the next.

:P :P :P

I just gotta ask... do da red wunz go fastah?

Vergil Tanner

Ah course! But do yaz know da real secret t' da Orzak waaaghmachine? We're da sneakiest, cuz we gotz a secret; we's all painted purplez...cuz nobody ain't ever seen a purple group'a gunz before!
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.


purple dakka?! Dats bleedin' brilliant, da 'umies won't sees it comin!

Vergil Tanner

Not untilz itz too latez, at least! Thenz we'z bring out da red rocketz and da trakka's wit da dakka, an' we gots ourselvez a right an' propa WAAAAGH!
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.

Coffee Addict

I kept Fable short and sweet since this is just the basics.  With a proper character sheet I'll make certain to expand on things.

She is written up as a spoiled brat with a strong sense of self and a very sexual person but she's not here for smut.  In fact, the game in which I played her wasn't even an adult game and I was perfectly fine with that.  I hope you don't think I'm just here and want Adult-related fun. I want to have a good Pathfinder adventure with a group of writers that will be here long term.  Her personality is only for some good laughs, minor headaches and memorable scenes.


Name: Fable Moonhollow
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Bard
Age: 20
Alignment: CG
Deity: Which god I need at that moment though shifting towards Calistria
Level: 5

Basic Personality

"Oh pooh..."

Short and lithe, Fable always walks tall.  Born with an overwhelming sense of independence, life, and enjoyment, she seems to boarder on an existence just short of hedonism.  The young woman, barely older then a girl, always highlights every conversation with jokes and self-important quips while looking for any chance to interact with any person of equal beauty.

However, her dreams of self-grandeur take on a sobering and practical use when she concentrates.  With an unnatural talent for singing, dancing and lying, she can slip into most any personality as easily as she might slip out of her breeches. 

A mixture of a spoiled brat and a whimsical lass, Fable is as entertaining as she might be annoying.  Beneath her gilded persona, however, is a person capable of deep friendship and a cut-throat vengeance when insulted or slighted...and even more so when her friends are harmed.

Basic Description

Blonde hair more akin to silver than gold falls delicately to frame a chiseled face.  Fable's eyes are an emerald green that sometimes rival the sun and smile with a nonstop mirth.  Her skin is pale, porcelain and as soft and smooth as cream; glossy pink and red near her eyes and at the tip and underside of her delicate nose lending an even deeper feeling of fragility to her beauty. Her lips are thin but a grin seems a permanent fixture of her soft pink mouth.

Whenever possible, the bard favors light and supple protection that doesn't impede her movement or interfere with her evening affairs of drinking, singing or drinking.  At her hip is a rapier of fine design that she seems to barely use but nonetheless takes great pride in. 

Basic Background

Basic Background

Born of the Moonhollow family of Kyonin, Fable's father was Jadon Simiel Asmodel Moonhollow, the second youngest son to a noble elvish heritage.  He fathered a child to Eliza Cataria, the daughter of a passing human merchant when he was “smitten with her as I was upon the first time I saw the mists part to reveal Iadara.”  The half-elf child was named Fable and the girl was raised as a privileged youth with a strong education in a variety of topics.

Sadly, a noble elf fathering a child to a human caught the ire of the Winter Council and other conservative elves.  Seeking to ensure his daughter’s safety, Jadon elected to raise Fable in the cosmopolitan city of Greengold where the child would be more welcome and Jadon might better meet with various ambassadors of other counties. 
While most respected the Moonhollow family and their dealings on the Queen’s behalf, they had certainly made enemies in their efforts to support Kyonin.  Jadon’s focus was on relations with Druma, however it was often that he traveled afar with his brother.  The two often brought their children – Fable and Asa – to their more peaceful missions and would let the girls explore the cities together.

While her father did take young Fable to many of the lands he and his brother visited as ambassadors for Queen Queen Telandia Edasseril, she saw the disdain that some elves showed her in her own homeland.  That disdain for her was perhaps amplified by her lack of a more calm personality.  Instead, Fable was a rambunctious, energetic and undisciplined youth that was difficult on the best of days.  She did, however, manage to inherit the natural magical tendencies of her father's blood.

As she matured into her teen years, she had taken to running the streets of Greemgold.  With a youthful (though some would say ‘reckless’) exuberance she would often race from tavern to pub and listen to every minstrel and singer that would pass through the city.  Into her teens she ended up missing more of her studies than she made as she explored the late nights of Greengold and any other place her father allowed her to visit. 
Fable's world came crashing down upon her at the age of 16.  Her father had been dispatched to the far off Varisian city of Korvosa for a meeting with persons that her father seemed oddly quiet about.  Being such a far off city, Fable relentlessly pestered her father to take her.  After a week her father finally agreed to take her and Eliza.  During the trip, Jadon spoke to them of various lore about the former Cheliaxan city – the hypogriff riders, the battles between imps and pseudodragons (Fable truly hoped to see one of the fights) and the Acadanae. 

Having visited the Academae as an ‘esteemed guest’, thanks to her families’ connections, Fable had returned home and was eager to show her parents a new ‘trick’ with an illusion she had learnt from one of the Master Instructors that had shown her around.  Hiding in their room at the estate of Mercer Cucutemi where they were guests, Fable set her trap and waited.    After waiting for nearly an hour, Fable heard her mother’s telltale giggle approach the door as she whispered to someone else.  Then she heard the startled yelp that was followed by a blood curdling scream. 

Fable froze.  A magical thud soon sounded from the hallway and shook her from the nightmarish reverie.  With fear she rushed to the door and opened it to find her mother dead in a pool of her own blood.  A scuffle to her right caught her attention and she turned to see her father struggling with a black clad man.  He was tall and lean but hooded.  Fable watched as the man plunged his short sword into her father’s chest and she screamed.  The sound caught the assassin’s notice as he looked up.  With his last breath, Jadon reached up with a hand that was magically aflame and grabbed at the killer’s face.  Jadon grasped his hand on his killer’s flesh and brought out a scream of utter pain as the assassin suddenly began to struggle to break the hand from his face.  As her father died he managed to pull the hood from man’s face to reveal a human of middle age and seemingly forgettable features – except for the scalded handprint he now wore on his face and the seeping puss that had once been his left eye.

The assassin looked to Fable for a moment before turning and fleeing down the hallway.  Fable stood in dumbfounded astonishment as that moment of her life became embedded in her soul.

As the horror of those moments faded, Fable found herself in the middle of a somber funeral for her parents.  They were mourned but their only child was nowhere to be found.  She eschewed any ‘traditional’ sense of mourning – whether by human or elven standards – and threw herself to the wind and her whims.  She coped by not coping and instead invested her time in drinking, traveling, drinking and having fun.  After a few years of adventures she managed to meet up again with her cousin, Asa as they traveled in Varisia and met their destinies. 

Plot Hook

Who killed her parents?  The killers were organized and Fable even saw a glimpse of them and that cloak before they disappeared but she's yet to find out who they were.  Similarly, I think Fable would start down a path of worshiping Calistria and I might like to explore that aspect of her future.

Elven Sex Goddess

If there is still room I like to submit for the game.   The concept that I am currently working on is a half elf  cleric arch type Divine Strategist.   The basic gist of the character will be a buff character that enhances and aides others within her party.   

In working the concept out.   She would be a perfect second or compatriot of a warlord, fighter type character.    As much in example as in the Dwayne Johnson's Scorpion king, the warlord and his sorceress.

So in question what deities are prevalent to choose from.   Also the concept is not as a second or slave.   But as the trusted advisor, the mover and strength behind those that are in the forefront.

Hopefully there is still room.