Pathfinder-Unbreakable Bonds [Interest Check]

Started by hellrazoromega, January 06, 2017, 10:58:51 PM

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National Acrobat

I haven't progressed to making a sheet yet due to waiting on selections. I have herolab so should I be selected for the game whipping up a sheet is pretty easy.


So given the interest and provided there are enough people to commit, I have a proposal. The game I have in mind involves and Epic quest there is enough there that I could support two completely separate parties who would be sent on different parts of the quest in very different parts of the world. The two parties would be aware of each other but would likely rarely interact. Maybe only at the beginning and during certain interludes if the timing worked. Other than that the parties would be strongly cautioned from much interaction lest their respective quests be compromised. (Note I am going to be adding to the lore of the world as I think this setting intends). If people like this idea--one I am still fleshing out--- I would need 10-12 people to commit to this wild ride. That said, I am building in a fail-safe so that if down the road we lose too many players the groups could be combined to one so the quest could be continued. In essence, there would be two games related but separate except for the rare social interactions and maybe information sharing.

Let me know what you thnk.


I'm cool with it. Sounds like it could be interesting.


Vergil Tanner

Hey, if you think you can handle running two groups, I'm game :-) Either dual party or single party, I don't mind as long as I get to play ;) :P
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.

National Acrobat



Quote from: Vergil Tanner on January 12, 2017, 08:34:32 PM
Hey, if you think you can handle running two groups, I'm game :-) Either dual party or single party, I don't mind as long as I get to play ;) :P
Indeed, after giving it some thought I think I am.

I'd like to see about splitting the parties so each has a good spread of characters--- so people can start working on connections. I should get to that maybe tomorrow night or by Sunday at the latest.

Elven Sex Goddess

Quote from: Vergil Tanner on January 12, 2017, 08:34:32 PM
Hey, if you think you can handle running two groups, I'm game :-) Either dual party or single party, I don't mind as long as I get to play ;) :P

My exact sentiments, so second my agreement  to such.   :P

Vergil Tanner

Cool cool! I shall wait with baited breath to see if A) I'm allowed in, and B) which group I'm in, and then start working on connections with the other players after that.

I reason why we can't have cross-party connections, after all! :D
Vergil's Faceclaim Archive; For All Your Character Model Seeking Needs!

Men in general judge more by the sense of sight than by that of touch, because everyone can see but few can test by feeling. Everyone sees what you seem to be, few know what you really are; and those few do not dare take a stand against the general opinion. Therefore it is unnecessary to have all the qualities I have enumerated, but it is very necessary to appear to have them. And I shall dare to say this also, that to have them and always observe them is injurious, and that to appear to have them is useful; to appear merciful, faithful, humane, religious, upright, and be so, but with a mind so framed that should you require not to be so, you may be able and know how to change to the opposite.

Dubbed the "Oath of Drake,"
A noble philosophy; I adhere...for now.



How much time will there be to do any crafting? I was thinking of picking up the Craft Wondrous Item feat, and later picking up Cauldron hex to get potions. Or is that not really viable for the style you're aiming for? It's fine if not I just want to ask and be sure.  :-)

Zaer Darkwail

I am up to that idea :). However I can form cross party connections (or inner party ones besides my two slaves) once I see who are where/which party (and as some chars had been posted oly in PM's).


 Two groups, ey?  This is quiete exciting.  :) 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Coffee Addict

Quote from: hellrazoromega on January 12, 2017, 08:24:37 PM
So given the interest and provided there are enough people to commit, I have a proposal. The game I have in mind involves and Epic quest there is enough there that I could support two completely separate parties who would be sent on different parts of the quest in very different parts of the world. The two parties would be aware of each other but would likely rarely interact. Maybe only at the beginning and during certain interludes if the timing worked. Other than that the parties would be strongly cautioned from much interaction lest their respective quests be compromised. (Note I am going to be adding to the lore of the world as I think this setting intends). If people like this idea--one I am still fleshing out--- I would need 10-12 people to commit to this wild ride. That said, I am building in a fail-safe so that if down the road we lose too many players the groups could be combined to one so the quest could be continued. In essence, there would be two games related but separate except for the rare social interactions and maybe information sharing.

Let me know what you thnk.

I am all for that as well, as long as you can handle two groups.  The 'fail safe' of being able to simply combine two groups is nice as well.

I still have Fable's newer background mostly done.  I apologize for the delay.  My wife got scheduled for a last minute in patient procedure today so we've been juggling a few extra things the last few days.  Nonetheless, the re-write is mostly done and I plan on having it done today since I imagine she'll just be sleeping the rest of the day once we get home from the hospital.

National Acrobat

I will expand Asa's background over the weekend, and provide more details of her and Fable's excursion against the Cult of Lamashtu.

I suppose if we are all going to be in the game, Coffee Addict and I should firm up Asa and Fable's exploits a bit more, and details of how long they've been working together, travelling together, etc.

CS will be done by Sunday.


Crafting is allowed, I plan on there being downtime between chapters or acts where players have some chances for social interactions and other things. During these time I will be asking for downtime reports. I will say--you have a month, or 3 months, or whatever ---what would your character like to accomplish. Then provided you have the funds (or a profession that can make you money) you can say something like, I will spend 6 hours of each day singing to gain income and 4 hours crafting to build <insert item here>. Or you could say I would like to build my contact network, buy a tavern---it all really depends on what funds and time you have available and how much you spend. I will then return and outcome report based on your report and maybe a few rolls---So you bought a tavern, but you managed to piss off a powerful crime syndicate (both of which become potential sub-plots).


Who has two thumbs and sucks at buying equipment? This guy! Thinking of chipping some cash into a Mithril Lucky Drunk's Mail or something but past that, I'unno yet. Besides that stuff, I've got Lillic's sheet up


man I've barely even started work on the Mythweavers sheet for my dude, don't even feel bad.  ;D

Coffee Addict

I have a good bit of Fable's sheet completed.  Hell, unless you'd prefer differently, I was going to wait to see the groups before I finalized my sheet.  I'm pretty open to going traditional Bard or Dervish (or other type of melee bard) but I wouldn't mind basing that off the group make up. 

Otherwise, I'm greatly looking forward to the game.  I'm going to finish up Fable's background and get that up. 

National Acrobat

Before I submit my Hero Lab sheet and begin to move it over to Myth Weavers, I need to have a few things approved

Bracers of Armor +2 (4000gp)
Handy Haversack (2000gp)

I also expanded her background.

Name: As'aan Moonhollow
Race: Elf
Class: Druid
Age: 123
Alignment: NG
Deity: Green Faith
Level: 5

Appearance: As'aan, or Asa as her friends call her, is a wood elf that stands five and a half feet tall, and has green eyes and brown hair. Her skin is fair, like many of her kind. She is willowy, and attractive, and tends to wear simple garments, such as sundresses, and goes barefoot unless protocol dictates that she wear shoes. She is a child of nature, and enjoys the outdoors, storms, weather, and all that the natural world has to offer.

General: Born in Kyonin, her parents are ambassadors, and have spent time representing the elven cause in Absalom, Korvosa, Magnimar, Taldor, and other places. During her (short for an elf) lifetime, she has traveled to many places, and that caused her to enjoy traveling, forgoing settling down into a role dictated by her society. Instead, she was drawn to the Green Faith, and has joined up with her friends to not only spread the faith, but to seek knowledge, and help what good she can, where they go. She is a good scout in the wilds and outdoors, and has some healing and arcane magic that she uses to support her friends when times call for it. She is personable, affable, and easy going, and prefers diplomacy to violence, but will not hesitate to face evil down with violence if a peaceable solution cannot be found. She's a free spirit, and loves being able to take the shapes of animals, and especially, being able to fly. She also is an accomplished herbalist, and enjoys rolling her own 'smokeweed' that can be quite potent at time, but can produce quite a mild, relaxed state of mind, for meditating of course when she prays to her gods. Her parents do not approve of her lifestyle, and think she is wasting her potential, but she disagrees. She finds her parents to be cold and calculating, and lacking the 'elven spirit' of freedom and expressing one's self. She believes a lifetime of service as diplomats by her parents has dulled their connection to their elven blood, instead making them seem more like merchants or accountants. More than once she's encouraged them to try to get back to their roots, to no avail.

She is a trained herbalist, and enjoys recreational drugs and herbs. She has made a practice of exploring the various medicinal and recreational uses of plants, herbs and naturally occurring substances. She always carries weed for smoking, and will get hallucinogenic mushrooms when she has the time to do so. She also carries a healing kit, and is known for using natural remedies for healing. She also enjoys using incense to enhance certain experiences, and always has a teapot and a collection of different teas with her as well. She enjoys experiences that enhance the senses.

She has a special enmity with the Cult of Lamashtu, their priests are directly responsible for the murder and torture of her former mentor, the Halfling Druidess Kylora Halfhill, who took Asa in as a confused, but eager to learn novice of the faith, and emboldened her to spread her wings, in a manner of speaking, and follow her heart and soul to the worship of the Gods of Nature. It happened years after she had finished her training and had left to make her way in the world, but Asa found her mentor when she made a return to visit her in her sacred grove, and found the grove desecrated, and her friend's body. She swore that she would never let Lamashtu's followers rest after that. Any rumors she hears of the Mother of Beast's cult activities she will follow up on, and if she has a chance to rid the world of any of her followers, she will make every effort to do so.

She has been traveling and working with her cousin for a long time now. Her and Fable's father's were brothers, and the two began their adventuring career together by saving the village of Whartle in Varisia from Doppleganger Priest of Lamashtu that was planning on breeding a village full of monster's in Lamashtu's glory. The pair stopped the plan, and saved the village and that began their career and renewed their friendship. The pair have been on many adventures since, and have joined others that share their passion for doing good.

Potential Hooks: Anything involving having dealt with the Cult of Lamashtu, for any other elven characters, anything that involves having aided or assisted with a diplomatic mission, simple travels to explore (Asa loves to learn about places, firsthand especially) or collect lost lore, especially elven in nature, having helped guide a caravan through a large, dangerous forest, etc. I can easily come up with more.

Coffee Addict

I added to Fable's background.  I included the revamped background below and re-edited my initial post.  It is largely the same as before but fleshed out a bit more.

Basic Background

Born of the Moonhollow family of Kyonin, Fable's father was Jadon Simiel Asmodel Moonhollow, the second youngest son to a noble elvish heritage.  He fathered a child to Eliza Cataria, the daughter of a passing human merchant when he was “smitten with her as I was upon the first time I saw the mists part to reveal Iadara.”  The half-elf child was named Fable and the girl was raised as a privileged youth with a strong education in a variety of topics.

Sadly, a noble elf fathering a child to a human caught the ire of the Winter Council and other conservative elves.  Seeking to ensure his daughter’s safety, Jadon elected to raise Fable in the cosmopolitan city of Greengold where the child would be more welcome and Jadon might better meet with various ambassadors of other counties. 
While most respected the Moonhollow family and their dealings on the Queen’s behalf, they had certainly made enemies in their efforts to support Kyonin.  Jadon’s focus was on relations with Druma, however it was often that he traveled afar with his brother.  The two often brought their children – Fable and Asa – to their more peaceful missions and would let the girls explore the cities together.

While her father did take young Fable to many of the lands he and his brother visited as ambassadors for Queen Queen Telandia Edasseril, she saw the disdain that some elves showed her in her own homeland.  That disdain for her was perhaps amplified by her lack of a more calm personality.  Instead, Fable was a rambunctious, energetic and undisciplined youth that was difficult on the best of days.  She did, however, manage to inherit the natural magical tendencies of her father's blood.

As she matured into her teen years, she had taken to running the streets of Greemgold.  With a youthful (though some would say ‘reckless’) exuberance she would often race from tavern to pub and listen to every minstrel and singer that would pass through the city.  Into her teens she ended up missing more of her studies than she made as she explored the late nights of Greengold and any other place her father allowed her to visit. 
Fable's world came crashing down upon her at the age of 16.  Her father had been dispatched to the far off Varisian city of Korvosa for a meeting with persons that her father seemed oddly quiet about.  Being such a far off city, Fable relentlessly pestered her father to take her.  After a week her father finally agreed to take her and Eliza.  During the trip, Jadon spoke to them of various lore about the former Cheliaxan city – the hypogriff riders, the battles between imps and pseudodragons (Fable truly hoped to see one of the fights) and the Acadanae. 

Having visited the Academae as an ‘esteemed guest’, thanks to her families’ connections, Fable had returned home and was eager to show her parents a new ‘trick’ with an illusion she had learnt from one of the Master Instructors that had shown her around.  Hiding in their room at the estate of Mercer Cucutemi where they were guests, Fable set her trap and waited.    After waiting for nearly an hour, Fable heard her mother’s telltale giggle approach the door as she whispered to someone else.  Then she heard the startled yelp that was followed by a blood curdling scream. 

Fable froze.  A magical thud soon sounded from the hallway and shook her from the nightmarish reverie.  With fear she rushed to the door and opened it to find her mother dead in a pool of her own blood.  A scuffle to her right caught her attention and she turned to see her father struggling with a black clad man.  He was tall and lean but hooded.  Fable watched as the man plunged his short sword into her father’s chest and she screamed.  The sound caught the assassin’s notice as he looked up.  With his last breath, Jadon reached up with a hand that was magically aflame and grabbed at the killer’s face.  Jadon grasped his hand on his killer’s flesh and brought out a scream of utter pain as the assassin suddenly began to struggle to break the hand from his face.  As her father died he managed to pull the hood from man’s face to reveal a human of middle age and seemingly forgettable features – except for the scalded handprint he now wore on his face and the seeping puss that had once been his left eye.

The assassin looked to Fable for a moment before turning and fleeing down the hallway.  Fable stood in dumbfounded astonishment as that moment of her life became embedded in her soul.

As the horror of those moments faded, Fable found herself in the middle of a somber funeral for her parents.  They were mourned but their only child was nowhere to be found.  She eschewed any ‘traditional’ sense of mourning – whether by human or elven standards – and threw herself to the wind and her whims.  She coped by not coping and instead invested her time in drinking, traveling, drinking and having fun.  After a few years of adventures she managed to meet up again with her cousin, Asa as they traveled in Varisia and met their destinies. 


Got sick and fell behind on doing (sexy sorceress), working her up now.  One question on starting gear.  Is it the random amount for level 1 plus the 10,500 GP, or just the 10,500, with all mundane gear coming out of that as well?

Still working on the sheet on Myth-Weavers, but the big stuff:

Sara Hotstar

Sorceress 5, Elemental Fire Bloodline, Primal Archetype.

Magic items:
Headband of Alluring Charisma +2 4000
Belt of Incredible Dexterity +2 4000
Ring of Protection +1 2000

Still filling stuff in, but what I have here:
Behold!  My O&Os
Highly interested in
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