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Small Group With Side Solo?

Started by Nastara, May 02, 2016, 11:30:22 AM

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Hello Elliquiy helpers!

So, I've got a thread where I'm running a system game (Dungeon World) for a group of adventurers with the plan that it will have continuity with other adventuring groups as well.  Once I add a second adventuring group, the location for it is obvious (in Exotic: Small Groups again), but I've got a slightly weird situation.

I'm about to start a solo RP with another player who is a part of this same adventuring group, but isn't on the same adventure.  I /THINK/ this falls under Exotic: Solo games because it is two players, but I wasn't sure if it wasn't because it's a part of this other game.  The Solo game and the Small Group are likely to intersect in the future, though I suppose if that happened I could always move it.

Am I right that it falls under Solo?
If I add a second player to it could I move it from Solo to Small Group?

Thank you! <3
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


It's probably best to put that 1x1 RP under the Extreme Solo forum, then ask a moderator to move it for you if another person enters the RP in the future. :-)
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That was my instinct with it as well.  If we were at the point of having a Big Group subforum, I'd have totally put it in there because it's a related thing, but it seemed like skirting the rules pretty heavily to call it a small group if only two people are regularly posting.

Thank you!  Mostly wanted to be sure I wasn't crazy!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


It was my understanding that "solo" refers to the number of threads a game will have, so even if you have more than 2 players but they all post in just one thread, the game would still be under the solo section.

I have been on hiatus a while so I am not certain if the criteria have recently changed but my understanding was that a Big Group status and sub-board was awarded by Staff once a game had achieved 1,000 IC posts. If you have several games running in the same universe and/or with the same adventuring character group that collectively hit the 1,000 IC posts limit then you could ask a Staff member to move all such threads into your new Big Group sub-forum.

I think that is how it works. I hope a Staff member can clarify.

Avis habilis

Quote from: Nastara on May 02, 2016, 11:30:22 AM
Am I right that it falls under Solo?


Quote from: Nastara on May 02, 2016, 11:30:22 AM
If I add a second player to it could I move it from Solo to Small Group?

Solo just means single thread. It wouldn't be a group unless there were more than one thread.


Oh, really? In that case, should it be in with Small Group because it shares an OOC Thread with the other party?

It doesn't make a huge difference for my own purposes at the moment, I just want to be sure I'm doing my GMly duty to put stuff in the right place!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding