We're Where the Were-cats Were? (Female PLAYERS only) - Interest check

Started by Chrystal, October 20, 2014, 07:17:51 AM

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Every neighbourhood has a crazy cat lady, right? The old woman who never married, never had kids and has hundreds of cats wandering around her home?

Stray cats from everywhere seem to congregate in her home, she feeds them and they stay.

But Professor Emilie Dimplot is not your average crazy cat lady. For one thing she has been associated with the disappearances of several young women from the neighbourhood. She has also been accused of the lesser crime of stealing cats, although why she would want do when she has plenty of strays come to her has yet to be discussed (by the police and her lawyers).

Another matter is that of the theft of a small amount of radioactive material, which, when finally traced to her, was what got her in a heck of a lot of trouble.

Prof. Dimplot is currently residing in prison, awaiting trial and having been refused bail by the court. Her large house on the edge of town stands empty...

... well, apart from the cats, that is.

So... if you haven't guessed it already, this is about cat-girls! YAY!

Female players (Ladies and female Lieges) only, please.

Sorry, everyone else, but this is a matter of preference.

There will be two types of cat-girl in the big old house: the first type will be cats that have been given human characteristics, and the second will be humans given feline characteristics. How is not important. There's a locked room in the basement that we can't get into with a big machine in it.

Ex-humans were drugged, and when they woke up they were part feline, ex-cats simply woke up part human.

All humans must be at least 18 and all cats at least 3 (which makes them 18 in human terms), with a maximum age of 24 and 4 respectively. (Average cat lifespan is 15, average human is 90, give or take. 90/15=6, 18/6=3, 24/6=4)

Now, here's the thing... everyone has the ability to change from their partially feline form into a fully feline form and/or into a fully human form. However, none of us can hold that form very long, it requires constant effort and concentration and we revert back to the partial form if we are distracted, or when the effort becomes to great. Ah, but... changing to feline form means all your clothes fall off and changing to human form means they get too small... So probably better toi go around naked except when holding a fully human form, yes?

It is easier for those who started as human to hold that form and those who started as feline to hold that form. We can hold our original form for an hour, but only hold the other form for fifteen minutes.

There is one big question everyone is aking:


Well, lets see. we have a crazy professor who has obviously gone totally off her rocker and changed cats into humans and vice versa - Presumably she has a reason? But she is currently locked up in prison...! And she isn't talking. And some how, when they came to arrest her, she forced all of us into feline forms so we couldn't talk either - she seems to have a means of controlling our forms.

Now, some of us may like our new forms, while others may hate them. Either way, the only possibility for getting any answers - and avoiding being dissected by government scientists wanting to know what we are - is to get Prof. Dimplot back out of prison!

That isn't going to be easy, but if anyone can do it, it's a bunch of naked cat girls!

Moraline's Group Game Checklist


  • The game will go in N/C Exotic Freeform
  • Female players only please - Ladies and female Lieges
  • Player characters are either young women who have been changed int cat-girls or young female cats who have been changed into cat girls.
  • Present day / near future, small-town USA
  • Um.... Well allegedly, the plot is to go rescue the mad scientist who created us, but, hey, it's cat-girls, who needs a plot?
  • Character sheets and guidelines will be posted below if I get enough interest
  • No resources are required, except the ability to find a pic of a sexy cat-girl...
  • Please post at most seven days since it last became "your turn" to post.
  • This game is going to be light-hearted smut, with some sort of over-arching plot, if people want one
  • Post headers will be provided if I get enough interest
Game Master Info / GM(s) Participation Level (If/where applicable)

  • There will not be a co-gm, unless this proves so popular that it becomes necessary
  • The game will be mostly smutt-based sand-box, but there will be a plot that players can follow if they feel like it, which I will provide clues for.
  • As this is real-world present day/near future, probably set in small-town USA, players are free to create the world as it is. I will provide floor plans of the house.
  • NPCs can be created on-the-fly and discarded when finished with.
  • I will have my own feline character, but whether she ends up being the leader of the "pack" remains to be seen. Other than that I will throw events in using NPCs to see what happens.
  • There will be an OOC thread which can be used for game related and non game related discussion
  • I may be contacted by PM, by posting here, or (if it gets that far) by posting in the OOC
  • Decisions and/or dispotes will be resolved according to my standard rules of play
  • PvP will be allowed, but as this is a freeform game it must be resolved using freeform RP methods.

  • "The Oath of the Drake" is a simple reminder of player responsibilities in group games. It is mostly common sense and common courtesy, but we all need to be reminded of these things every so often. Even if you have the link to the oath in your sig, please go back and read it every so often? 
  • Player's Ons and especially their Offs are part of what makes roleplaying here fun, and above all safe! Please read the ons and offs of players you interact with and respect them. Failure to do so is grounds for reporting to staff!
  • Please try to post at least once a week if you can. If you plan to be away for more than a few days, please let everyone know. If you wish to leave the game and your character is in the middle of a scene, please end the scene before you leave. Failure to do so will result in your character being confiscated and NPCed to end the scene in a satisfactory manner!
  • New players will be able to join the game as if they had been there all along, but simply in hiding or busy elsewhere.   
  • Please feel free to use whatever writing style, tense and point of view you are most comfortable with.   

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!



These are my standard OOC rules of play for group games. I put them in every group game I run, usually with minor variations to suit the specific setting. I like to think there is nothing draconian or unacceptable here, and I ask all players to read them. Submitting a character sheet to me implies that you have read and are in agreement with these rules.


All rules except two are negotiable!

Sandbox for kitties? Get the scoop!

This is a sandbox roleplay. What that means is that I as GM provide you the players with an environment to have fun in! You can explore it, you can fuck each other senseless, you can sit in a corner and mope, you can go wild and climb the curtains!

I don't mind what you do, so long as you do something!

With a sandbox RP, it's down to you guys to make the story, not me. There is an over-arching plot that you can pursue if you wish, but other than that, it's your game guys. Do with it what you will...


  • The GM's word is law. This does not mean I'm not open to discussion, but if it comes to an impasse, if a decision needs to be made, or a discussion is getting out of bounds, I will render a decision that I expect to be abided by. I will do this based upon context.
  • Respect other players ons and more importantly, their offs! This is NOT negotiable. Ons and offs are there for a reason. If you feel someone has broken this rule, please PM them first to talk about it. If they will not change their post, then contact me via PM and I will deal with it. Please note that persistently ignoring another players O/Os is grounds for reporting to staff!
  • Try to post at least once a week. If you know you will be unable to post for a while please let us know in advance in the OOC. it is a good idea to create an Apologies/Absences (A/A) thread so everyone you are RPing with knows where you've gone.
  • If you know you are going to be away for a considerable time (more than a week) please bring any story-arcs you are involved in to a conclusion , or extract your character from them.
  • If you find your character is sitting around doing nothing, post something to the OOC, or PM me. If you wait for someone to interact with you, you will wait a long time. Let me know and I will create a NCP for you to interact with.
  • If you have any questions about anything in the game, ASK! The only stupid questions are "how many beans make five" and ones that aren't asked!
  • The OOC-Chat thread will be for people to chat. I have no problems with you guys discussing the latest football results if you wish, (although I'd rather you didn't because I hate football), because it means you are getting on as a group. Use that thread as you see fit. However, please give priority to game related discussions.
  • Please tag all IC posts using the code that will be supplied, editing the details as appropriate. This will enable other players and myself to track where everyone is.
  • There is no rule 9.
  • Players who drop out of the game without ending all story arcs they are involved in will have their characters confiscated by the GM and manipulated as NPCs in order to allow any story arcs to be concluded. The GM may, at their discretion, offer such characters to another player to continue playing with.
  • Please try to post a minimum of 200 words per post. If you post short once in a while, that isn't going to be a problem, but doing so consistently will draw my attention and I will ask you to expand your posts. If the player you are responding to has not given you enough material to write a decent length post from, PM them and ask them to expand their post.
  • God-Moding is a big no-no, but in a n/c game a certain amount of "moving the story on" needs to be expected. Use common sense! If you feel you have been god-moded, talk it over by PM, and if you cannot reach a satisfactory solution, bring it to me.
  • HAVE FUN! This too is non-negotiable. If you aren't having fun, I would like to know why, so I can change whatever it is that is stopping you having fun!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Character Sheet

[float=right][spoiler=Possibly NSFW][img height=300 padding=5]Put image URL here of character as a cat-girl[/img][/spoiler][/float]
[b]Player ID:[/b]


[b]Species:[/b] Human / Cat




[b]Head-fur/hair colour:[/b] (if not obvious from picture)

[b]Eye colour:[/b] If not obvious from picture

[b]Feline characteristics:[/b] (Please remove those your character does not have) Tail, Ears, Eyes, Fur, Teeth, Hand claws, Foot claws, extra nipples, Agility, Balance, tongue. (The minimum is ears and tail!)



[spoiler=Other images]
Images of her as a full feline and as a full human can be posted here

[b]Other Info:[/b]

[b]Link to Player O/Os or Prefs:[/b]

My character will be posted below.


The first image  should be of the anthro/neko feline form. The spoiler tag is so that a nude or partially nude image can be used.

Player ID: Your login ID

Name: The character's name. Note that for cats, this will be what they were called by the last human to own them...

Species: Human / Cat. All cats are species Felis catus, just as all humans are Homo sapiens. In other words, common domestic house cats, no lynxes, lions, cheetahs, leopards, tigers, etc.

Age: 18-24 or 3-4

Height: in inches and/or cm

Weight: in Lbs and/or kg

Head-fur/hair colour: (if not obvious from picture)

Eye colour: If not obvious from picture

Feline characteristics: Go by what your picture is. I al;ways recommend choosing a pic first before designing a character because it is easier to describe a picture in words than to find an existing pictuire that matches a pre-written description. Your character can have as many of the characteristics as you wish, but the minimum is ears and a tail.

Personality: What is she like, what pushes her buttons, what does she like and dislike.

History: Who was she (or who's was she)? Note that cats will have only vague, dreamlike memories of their life before, so their history must be told from the point of view of a third party

Other images: If you can find a picture of a cat that resembles your anthro/neko even superficially, that will work. For Nekos, a human image isn't really necessary, but for full furries a human pic that looks vaguely like the anthro would be handy. The spoiler tags on all pics are there so that NSFW pics can be used.

Other Info: Anbything I've missed that you think might be important

Link to Player O/Os or Prefs: I know some people like to play things by ear, or say "Anything goes" or "I'll tell you if you do something I don't like". I'm sorry, but to me this is asking for trouble. Please have a propper O/O page and/or a completed Preferences matrix and link to it here.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


As with so many of your games, looks interesting, wish it were less exclusionary. 


You had me at cat-girl. I'll mark down my interest for this little adventure into the feline-world. Cat-turned-catgirl certainly sounds interesting but I'm thinking I'd prefer girl-turned-catgirl.
[Absences and Apologies] -- [1/0 - Preferences] -- [Requests and Ideas] -- [YIM/Email/PM Requests]
My Status:
◄ The mark is a part of me, but it does not define me ►


Quote from: eBadger on October 20, 2014, 10:01:07 AM
As with so many of your games, looks interesting, wish it were less exclusionary.

Sorry, hun. It's a personal preference thing. I just don't feel comfortable playing in an "all-girl" group with guys playing as girls. Oh and thanks for winning my bet for me! I had a bet on that the first reply would be from a male player!

There was a 90% male "cat-girls" group game going a couple of months ago, that I would have joined if it hadn't been so male-heavy: perhaps you could join and/or restart that one?

Quote from: Zefie on October 20, 2014, 10:03:30 AM
You had me at cat-girl. I'll mark down my interest for this little adventure into the feline-world. Cat-turned-catgirl certainly sounds interesting but I'm thinking I'd prefer girl-turned-catgirl.

This is why I put both options in. Me? I'm cat-turned cat-girl, but I know that isn't for everyone.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


Quote from: Nowherewoman on October 20, 2014, 11:32:34 AM
LOL ANOTHER one, Chrys? :D  sooo tempting...mrroW?

Yeah, it just came to me and needed to be recorded somewhere!

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


I actually have a Cait Sidhe character in one of my Storium games...I should see if she's portable...
Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0


As long as you can remove the fae component from her, she should work...

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Whether it's a breakdown or a breakthrough, shit still gets broken.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=215830.0

and mea culpas  (A/As): https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=221151.0



*roughly translated...."Sounds fun. Count me in."


Beckily-Weckily! *Glomps*

You'll get your tail pulled!

Okay, I guess I put a character sheet in that reserved post then...

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Quote from: Chrystal on October 20, 2014, 12:32:51 PM
Beckily-Weckily! *Glomps*

You'll get your tail pulled!

Okay, I guess I put a character sheet in that reserved post then...

Chrystal, are we talking anthro catgirl or just girl with cat ears and tail?

*personally prefers anthro :D


Actually, I'm going to leave that entirely open, given that some of the cat-girls are changed one way and some the other, the amount each one changes by could vary considerably - especially as the method by which each character has been changed is a total mystery!

So anything from a neko with ears and a tail but otherwise human to full furry.

And I'm not going to limit who goes which way, either.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Okay how about this?

Human-to-cat anthro cat gets tired of being stuck in the crazy cat lady's house when the woman is no longer there.  She decides to get dressed and go out one night.

But she is out too long and can not hold her human form until she gets back.  Has to change into her cat form a couple of times in order to avoid being seen but did not realize said form is in heat. 

Ends up cornered in a tight spot where she can not change back into her anthro form without being crushed to death.  She is cornered by a prowling stray tom cat. 

Comes back, knocked up, and no one has a clue what she is going to have.  *smirk

Would actually be more motivation for her to try to reach the professor.


If we can hold off on the sub-plots for a bit? *giggles*

But I do like the way everyone is thinking!

Character sheet is up and I will have my character posted as soon as I can find where I put the pics...

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Possibly NSFW
Player ID: Chrystal

Name: "Misfit"

Species: Cat

Age: 38 months (19)

Height: 5'3" (160 cm)

Weight: 112 lb (51 kg)

Head-fur/hair colour: Mousey brown

Eye colour: green

Feline characteristics: Tail, Ears, Eyes, Fur, Teeth, Hand claws, Foot claws, extra nipples, Agility, Balance, tongue.

Personality: Misfit is not the most sociable of felines. She tends to be rather quick with her claws, and has no problem getting into or out of a fight when she wants. She doesn't give her trust or loyalty easily, like most felines she tends to be something of a free spirit, but if you catch her in the right mood, she can be friendly and playful as a kitten.

She is strong willed and independent, has little respect for property or authority, and has an intense dislike for dogs, blackbirds and mailmen/women. She likes warmth, comfort, a full belly and privacy. While her favourite food is cooked chicken, she will eat pretty much anything going. Unlike the stereotypical "doesn't trust easily but is then unswerving", misfit tends to be quite fickle also, and will happily change her allegiance if she thinks she will get something out of it.

But what do you expect? She's a cat!

History: Misfit is a stray, an alley cat. She was abandoned as a kitten and was the strongest of the litter of five and the only one to survive. As stray, she survived any way she could, catching mice and rats and baby birds, stealing food from pet cats by slipping in through their cat doors when they weren't around, raiding trash cans.

She was caught by PETA once when she was seven months old, and given shots and spayed, and given to a family who wanted a kitten. But they also had a dog, a baby and two todlers. Misfit didn't fit in at all, which is where she acquired her name. She put up with it for three months then left and went back to being a stray.

When she wandered into Prof. Dimplot's house, she was flea-bitten and quite ill. The proffesor nursed her back to health and then one day took her down to the basement, gave her an injection to put her to sleep.

When she woke up, everything was different!

Other images

Other Info: Misfit is actually quite an expensive breed of cat, an Egyptian Mau. Why a litter of them would be abandoned is anyone's guess, but that's humans for you!

Link to Player O/Os or Prefs: https://elliquiy.com/forums/index.php?topic=74306.0

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Chrystal, do we need to PM you our character sheets or just post them?


Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


lol ....Ok.

I am going to go a head and post my pics just to make sure no one else uses them.

Spoiler: Click to Show/Hide


Somebody sat too close to the fire and forgot to roll over!


Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Hmm...this is interesting enough that I think I should check and make sure my preferences are still filled out...

Actually, would anyone here mind if I linked to my profile on F-List? It's got my on/offs and preferences much more clearly marked.
Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!


As long as you link to something where people can see what you like and don't like, that's all I ask.

Please check out my latest A/A post.
I would rather watch a movie then have dinner than have dinner then watch a movie!


Avatar is by Lemonfont. Will remove it if he asks me to.

Come check the Cyberpunk Images Thread!