The Boundaries (A werewolf RP) - Now Recruiting!

Started by Charlotte Fox, August 28, 2013, 04:53:47 PM

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Oh julles! I tagged you in my post just so you know.


Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."

Charlotte Fox


So, I'm super pleased with the success of the ad banner! Just wanted to give everyone an update so they know what is going on. I have decided to move all info over to the elluiki, including the Approved Character threads. I'm not sure how long that will take, so bear with me.

But first, and more importantly, I will be starting up the IC threads for the Exiled. I've decided to open up three threads for the Boundaries and two more for the Ahki Territory. If anyone would like a specific thread made for their character (IE their house or clinic etc.) let me know and do up a description and I will get one up for you. Also I will be adding a time to the character post code so that you don't have to all be synched together all the time. I'll put out an announcement if you need to synchronise for an event. I think that's everything! Thanks everyone!


Currently no longer taking any more Roleplays or games as i am thoroughly overwhelmed already, many apologies.

If all else perished, and she remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and she were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.

At your will,


Bloodied Porcelain

So many pretty wolfmen in this game! *doesn't know who to stare at first*
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.




They are manly as fuck....
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."

Bloodied Porcelain

Quote from: Deamonbane on September 27, 2013, 03:56:09 PM


They are manly as fuck....

*pets him* uh huh. :D *scritches behind his ears*
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


You forgot to mention competitive. *pushes bane out of the way* attention. *cuddles porcelain*


*melts* MMmm that feels soooo g...

No NO! Manly!
Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


*i bare my fangs* mine. All zeh girls attention ish mine!


Currently no longer taking any more Roleplays or games as i am thoroughly overwhelmed already, many apologies.

If all else perished, and she remained, I should still continue to be; and if all else remained, and she were annihilated, the universe would turn to a mighty stranger.

At your will,



RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Bloodied Porcelain

I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


Angry Sex: Because it's Impolite to say," You pissed me off so much I wanna fuck your brains out..."


Bloodied Porcelain

*scritches them both behind the ears* theres plenty of praise to go around.
I want no ordinary lover. I want a storm. I want sleepless nights and endless conversations at four a.m. I want passion, I want madness.
I want someone who's able to make my whole body shiver from a distance and also pull me close to make sense of all my bones.

~ Bizarre, Beautiful, And Breathtaking ~
~ O/O ~ Seeking ~ A/A ~ Mirrors and Masks ~ Poetry ~
She walked with the universe on her shoulders and made it look like wings.


I'm almost done with mine.. trying to find a good picture to use..



Hehe. Entertaining group. Why dont we move discussions to ooc, though. :)

And karasu, that is the hardest part.


Alright, and can I has a Lux posty? *puppy eyes*


Quote from: Julles on September 27, 2013, 04:11:22 PM
Hehe. Entertaining group. Why dont we move discussions to ooc, though. :)

And karasu, that is the hardest part.

I tell ya.. cause I am suuper picky about what I use as a picture.. though anime pics are damn easier XD


NOT DONE YET! Just posting to show what I've got so far.. working on the history before I call it done.

Played by:Karasu

Appearance: Lithe and toned with pale skin and black as night hair that matches his fur.

Picture preferred, or descriptive writing of such, you may also add a picture of your wolf form if you so choose, though it is not required.

Name: Raiken (Often called just Rai for short)

Race: Pure Wolf

Age: Equal of 27 in human years

Sexuality: Bi curious

Pack Member: No, wants to be though

Pack Rank: N/A

Skill set: Stealth, quite good with kids, Advisor

Character History: Raiken's life wasn't always as dark as it was now, and he wasn't always in exile wandering alone through the world. When he was young he was part of a larger pack, and his parents were respected members all through his life. When he was young he wasn't a big trouble maker, in fact he wasn't a big problem at all. The young Raiken was for the most part a friendly child, who seemed to get along with everyone. Through his life he had very many close friends, and a few closer to closer. When he changed for the first time, he was excited as if was a sign of adulthood, and it meant he really belonged with the pack. Most others got more temperamental with their changes, and so did Raiken. But, of course he didn't go to an extreme as most had. He was going to school, and he kept his emotions in control by keeping his mind on other things, and other people.

That idea had worked for the most part, in a way. The person that was keeping his mind off everything that was bad a certain female of the pack. They had grown up together and by the time he changed, he was in love. And to top it off, she loved him back. They were desperately in love with each other, but no one had a problem with it. In fact, the rest of the pack was happy for them, as many if not everybody saw it coming. They went years together as a happy, comfortable couple. Within these years they had had three children, and they were just as smart, witty and attractive as their parents. Two of them were twin boys, and a younger daughter. To say the least Raiken was in love with his own life. Many pack members came to him for advise for things, and he gave it to them easily as it came naturally to help and advise people. His kids taught him things nothing else could, and the patience it took added to his personality. But everything must come to an end, and sadly Raiken was not destined to live this blissfully for his entire life, no things took a hard left turn quick.

The day everything changed was a dark day, a very dark day... for his pack and for Raiken himself. He had been out with his family on a picnic far away from the pack, but within pack lands. Apparently, though, they were too close to a traveling group of bitten exiles and Raiken's family was too close for their comfort. They attacked the happy family quickly and swiftly. Raiken and his mate fought hard, but as they were ridiculously out numbered while they were alone in the woods it was fight no avail. The bitten exiles had left, and when Raiken woke up from being knocked out, the exiles had left them to die, or figured they were all dead anyway. He rose his aching body from the ground but instantly fell down in a fit of tears and cries as he saw his family around him... dead. They were all dead. He shook his head and knew that he was just imaging things and scurried over, ignoring his own pain to his fallen family. When he approached their bodies, the pools of blood and lifeless bodies was a clear give away to the reality of what had happened. It was hours before his pack had found them through his cries and even more hours until he finally moved at all.

After weeks of mourning and barely eating, and barely having any contact with the rest of the pack, he went to the alpha with a rage. He had been alone for weeks and an anger had poisoned him, and he knew what he had to do. He had to avenge his fallen family, and he wanted his packs support to chase down the exiles that took his family from him. But, unfortunately the alpha didn't agree. The exiles were dangerous and it was too dangerous for the pack to chase after, too many would die. Raiekn was infuriated and the argument went on for hours, and many pack members had tried to intervene, but it didn't matter. Neither wolf was baking down, and Raiken was exiled quickly from the pack by that evening. He ran away, quit comfortable with the idea of leaving a pack who didn't care about him. He ran for days in his wolf form, an days turned into weeks. He didn't stop often, and it was only for scraps of food and a little rest. It has been a few years of running blindly through the world, but now he has stumbled upon Wellborough, and decided to stay. To start fresh as it were.

Personality: Quite the complex male, most often times he takes the wise elder approach to his interactions with others, preferring to give advice when needed over needlessly talking. Despite his quiet disposition he is very good with children. Patient and calm with a temper to fear should the situation call for it.

Wolf Form:

Additional Information: (Anything else you’d like to add that is not listed here)

On’s: Im good with damn near anything that isn't on my offs. Love seduction (receiving), Force, Pseudo Rape

Off’s: scat, vore, gore, Heavy Blood


Played by: Wolfie


Name: 'Eve' (She has forsaken her birth name)

Race: Bitten

Age: 26

Sexuality: Straight

Pack Member: No, but considering.

Pack Rank: N/A

Skill set: martial artist, survivalist, parkour, and street racer/car thief.

Character History: Eve was born in downtown L.A., an only child of a dysfunctional family. Her mother was a coke fiend, and her father, a drunk. By the age of fourteen she managed to escape the hell she once called home, and found refuge with several talented people surviving in the streets. Each did whatever they had to to survive, and each taught her a skill that she would hold onto through today.

At age 19, her new family had all gone their separate ways. So she did what she could from there on out. A few days after leaving she was bitten, having barely gotten away from a desperate and hungry lupine. A few nights later she changed and found a beast within she could barely contain. Most of her life since then was spent finding out what she was, and avoiding the hunters who wanted to mounted her pretty face up on a damn wall.

Today at age twenty six, she has found her way to the Silver Bullet Bar, ready to meet a few others like her. Maybe, just maybe, she'll find a family of misfits just like her....

Personality: A typical badass, Eve doesn't take shit from anyone. Typically she'll let people close enough to get to know her, but if they try to screw her over she'll send their entire world crashing down on them. To her, "bitch" is one hell of a compliment. If you stay close long enough to gain her trust, you'll have one hell of an ally.

Additional Information: Eve never gets a hangover.

On’s & Off’s: See RP preferences
