The Boundaries (A werewolf RP) - Now Recruiting!

Started by Charlotte Fox, August 28, 2013, 04:53:47 PM

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Quote from: Amelita on September 07, 2013, 03:48:16 AM
Three is too much for me anyway, but I thought I'd give you options ;)

Blackwood brothers it is then. I'll write up profiles at some point today.

Haha. Woo. How exciting!

Charlotte Fox

Excellent! Once they're up and approved I can get the IC thread up and running, and we can begine recruitment for the bitten exiles. I'll also be adding a bit more info on the boundaries and what not.

Sara Nilsson

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences



Quote from: Charlotte Fox on September 07, 2013, 10:15:14 AM
Excellent! Once they're up and approved I can get the IC thread up and running, and we can begine recruitment for the bitten exiles. I'll also be adding a bit more info on the boundaries and what not.

Does that mean I need to hold of on getting together my sheet?

Charlotte Fox

It sounds like we have another person looking to play a male pure, so I may open a slot for another female pack member if you're interested curvy.


I suppose my idea will work for a pure as well with a few tweaks. I can see about getting something up as soon as I work it out in my head hehe


Played by:Amelita


Name: Dan Blackwood

Race: Pure

Age: 28

Pack Member: Yes

Pack Rank: Mid level

Skill set: Carpentry, cooking, good social skills, fierce fighter

Character History: The Blackwood brothers are the only remaining sons of an old bloodline of pure wolves. They were born in the area, their path led straight to the pack and their lives have been dedicated to that for the most part. Dan educated himself in carpentry, his appreciation for earnest hard work and making something from scratch easily bringing out the young man's talent in the profession. Being part of the pack and providing it with the benefits of his work has always been a fact of life, and while his loyalty is unwavering towards his brother, his pack is the closest they have for family as well as being their natural community so his loyalty to it is strong. He's had his share of stormy relationships, and by that I mean with other men trying to push him out of the way or retaliate for what they've counted as Dan stepping into their territory, either literally or of the female chasing kind. Plus, his younger brother has a knack of getting into trouble and Dan of course has his back. In short, you won't want to be up against those two together in a bad mood.

Personality: Dan is a flirt, playful and cocky, charming when he sets his mind to it. Easily approachable, but keeps people at arm's length and doesn't usually involve deep emotions in anything he does unless it's of the aggressive/angry variety.

Additional Information: Older brother of Dominik Blackwood

On’s: Playful, feisty, sensual, shy, aggressive, withdrawn, tall, short, curvy, skinny... err... to make it simple: women. He enjoys anything from tender and sensual to rough and playful. Heterosexual.

Off’s: vore, gore, watersports, commitment and whining.

Played by:Amelita


Name: Dominik Blackwood

Race: Pure

Age: 26

Pack Member: Yes

Pack Rank: Mid level

Skill set: Auto mechanics, trained physical therapist, cold climate survival, fierce fighter

Character History: The Blackwood brothers are the only remaining sons of an old bloodline of pure wolves. They were born in the area, their path led straight to the pack and their lives have been dedicated to that for the most part. Dominik educated himself in physical therapy, working with people and aiding their strength and health a good ambition for him. Being part of the pack and providing it with the benefits of his work has always been a fact of life, and while his loyalty is unwavering towards his brother, his pack is the closest they have for family as well as being their natural community so his loyalty to it is strong. He's had his share of stormy relationships, and by that I mean with those he deems have done others wrong, are about to do others wrong or cause harm. His protective instincts cover any member of his pack, the females even more than the males. This has cause him trouble a whole lot of times, and his brother has his back when it does. In short, you won't want to be up against those two together in a bad mood.

Personality: Protective, loyal, dependable, passionate, playful, compassionate, easily angered and just as easily made laugh, cocky, confident, romantic. Oh yeah. He'll flirt alright, but he wants the real deal. Relationship, romance, commitment and the whole happy ever after.

Additional Information: Younger brother to Dan Blackwood

On’s/Off's: Bisexual. Gonna go with writer's on's and off's on this one.

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red


Yay for the blackwood brothers! Ooooh and Kitten's joining the doggypile as well \o/
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.


Charlotte Fox

They look great! Consider them approved, I'll move them over to the approved characters page as soon as I get to my computer. (Mobile sites on my phone suck). Welcome aboard!


RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red

Sara Nilsson

In the mood for: something beastly or incesty

Apologies and Absences


Ok working on my character now, though I have a question. Does technology play any sort of part in this setting? Was debating making my girl a bit tech savy to help keep the pack within the modern age. And do different things like, get supplies, gain money, make identities, security, and countless other things. Good idea...or no?

Charlotte Fox

That would be super helpful for them. Especially regarding security. They wouldn't want anyone snooping around, and since they're getting low in numbers, I imagine it would be more and more difficult to maintain a perimeter.


Kinda interested in playing a female Exile.....

- Rainbow ♥


Quote from: Charlotte Fox on September 07, 2013, 05:09:32 PM
That would be super helpful for them. Especially regarding security. They wouldn't want anyone snooping around, and since they're getting low in numbers, I imagine it would be more and more difficult to maintain a perimeter.

Awesome~goes to work on my sheet some more~


Played by: Curvykitten

Picture 2
Picture 3
Name:  Alexandria Conway

Race: Pure

Age: 24

Pack Member: Yes

Pack Rank: High

Skill set: Agility ( Alex has been training all her life to use her speed and agility to her advantage. Through gymnastics, cross country running, and parkor) Technology (Alex unlike most of the other wolves has kept up with today's modern world. Using it to aid the pack in several different ways. From gaining money, to getting supplies, added security and much more.) Stealth (Alex has always be able to go about unnoticed when she wants to, if one ever could hide in plain site she would be the person to pull it off.) Unique Fighting Style (Years of training in different styles of movement, gymnastics, parkor, and even her limited fighting styles have made her one hard woman to catch or hit. "You can't hit what you can't catch, and there is only one way to catch me and you Sir don't have it.'')

Character History:
Alex was born within the pack; her mother and father were both well standing members. Her father was a strong fighter and always strove to protect the pack. Her mother was brilliant and saw to the more unseen needs of the pack. Each saw to the safety and wellbeing of those they cared about. And when Alex came into the world she very much became one of them. The small girl was always curious and more than handful at times. But with a smile that could melt any heart and the unyielding spirit that never seemed to waver. Her parents knew she would be a great part of the Packs future.

Alex grew up learning and taking in every bit of information she could get her hands on. This accounted for her interest in modern technology. And the more she learned the more she helped bring the pack into the 21st century. For the most part life seemed good enough, happiness was easy and Alex always found a reason to smile. It was only during a routine run down the mountains and to the closest city for supply that things changed for Alex. Her parents decided to leave early just before a bad snow storm as they wanted to pick up Alex's present. And as the truck allowed for three to go along Alex went with them, all too excited about their trip to the city.

But on the way back the storm that they had hoped to avoid set in, and they found themselves veering off a cliff trying to avoid something that was on the road. The explosion was heard even with them being miles away. The pack rushed to their aid but it was already too late. The flames had taken her parents, Alex having been somehow thrown from the crash. Though Alex was severely injured she survived. The scars on her back a reminder of that night.

Weeks passed and the pack saw to her healing and general care, but could not help with the nightmares. She barely spoke and blamed herself for what happened that night. It wasn't until one of the elders pulled her aside and told her the stories did Alex finally started to show life again. Something about what was said to her that night helped bring back the spark that they had thought she had lost. From there Alex throw herself into her education, wanting to learn everything she could to better protect and care for the people she so cared about. Even with her enhanced healing it took several months for her to heal. But heal she did, and soon Alex seemed to find her place and her path once more.

Alex has slowly earned her rank within the pack, having brought them forward with the times. She has helped with security around their lands, brought fortune and supplies directly to them, and even sees to helping bring a few modern luxuries to their homes. Now 24 Alex seems to have found her way in life, the sense of adventure and ever strong will still remain. Only now it is tempered with a bit more wisdom then before.

Alex may not look it, her beautiful face and well toned body. But don't let the those pretty eyes fool you, those that know her can tell you what a type of temptress lies beneath. Strong willed, confident, and quick witted all traits she has learned over her years of travel. She never shy's away from new things, always saying things like "Life's to short, play ok how about Live life to the fullest while you can." She respect those that respect others, and if you happen to be an ass don't be surprised if you suddenly have an empty back account. Karma is a bitch...

Additional Information:
Her ever growing playlist ,
Alex has a scar on he back, from where bits of metal from the truck cut into her.
She has a rather large sweet tooth, a vise she would never admit to.
She plays piano and has a fine touch when it comes to painting or sketching though she doesn't normally show off those skills as they don't really benefit the pack.
She is in fact a bit of a nerd, from scfi shows to video games...what everyone has those kid like things they still enjoy.
She loves music from old rock to some new age alternative.
She has been known to goes without sleeping when on a project. Needless to say someone usually pokes her and reminds sleeping and eating are good
Her wolf form

sensuality, kissing, touching, nibbling, being in the moment, sometimes soft and loving, sometimes rough and filled with urgent need,
bathroom play, humiliation, branding or marking, being forced


Played by: Shii


Eyes of liquid obsidian burn with defiance as they guard a venerable heart. Hair of the same tone rarely behaves it's self, much like it's owner...

Wolf Form:

A wolf black as pitch wanders alone. Golden eyes shine in the darkness. A howl so keenly lonely it pierces the darkness as well as your heart...

Name: Atlas J. Troublefield

Race: Pure

Age: 22

Pack Member: No... seeking to be.

Pack Rank: N/A (but he will raise hell until he gets the rank he wants)

Skill set: He is a talented musician, mostly vocals and guitar, He is also an artist, He can hold his own in a fight but he tends to be a brawler.

Character History: His mother was a beautiful woman that he knew next to nothing about except when she would come into his life from time to time, sometimes for months some times for days. She was gypsy like, mysterious, magical and gone like the wind without a trace. She, unbeknownst to him was a wolf. His father was a well connected business man producer and director in Hollywood. He, also unbeknownst to Atlas was a wolf as well. As a child Atlas knew from a young age that his parents didn't get along. The fights... he would always remember the fights. His father tried but he wasn't very good at raising kids and often times Atlas would find himself alone while his father entertained an endless revolving door of women. Alone, hurt and emotionally neglected he turned down dark paths.

He started a rock band called WolfsBane and there first album made the top 100 with two hit songs in the album. He had moved out at 17 after a bitter fight with his father that ended up with both of them bruised and bloody. After his first album the money started to come rolling in and he never spoke to his father after that. however when he turned 18 just after the release of his first hit album he experienced a full moon like no others before. He turned for the first time. He was on tour in a hotel room and luckily, alone that night. It was the most painful experience of his life, particularly sense he fought it with everything he had, which only made it hurt more. When he became a wolf he panicked. He didn't know what was happening to him and he couldn't accept that he changed into an animal. In the early hours of the morning he changed back, also very painful, and found himself in a completely destroyed room. Thus began his quest to find out what was going on with him. He looked up werewolves but it just didn't match. I mean he didn't get bitten and he didn't seem to be effected by silver in any way. None the less he found his senses sharper, especially smell. Yet he did not scent another of his kind in all the cites he toured in. He thought about asking his father but he couldn't bring himself to expose something so personal to a man that had been like a stranger to him his entire life. No, he was on his own with it. And his mother? She never came back.

It hurt and his loneliness deepened. To cover the pain he got angry. To ease it he got into drugs. It was mostly cocaine but by the time his third album rolled around topping the charts and making millions he was hopelessly hooked on heroin and looking for a way out. He had never seen, heard or scented another of his own kind. The wolf cried out in him and he took a break from touring and making albums. He tried to get clean twice and failed twice. He had more money than he knew what to do with and all the partying, drugs and sex couldn't kill the pain or the need for someone, anyone like him.

He hid his changes, careful of the full moon and had several close calls when he was emotional, but he managed to keep it his dark little secret. He was searching for something. He just didn't know it was a pack.

A wild child, screaming for vengeance, racing down the track of self destruction at 200mph and fuck anyone who gets in his way! A left out only child, attention gets him high. Authority figures make him have a near knee jerk reaction of rebellion. He's a jerk and he does what he wants when he wants to. He can get very dark at times. However, for all the bad and negative aspects of himself he is a truly sensitive, loving guy. He just needs a chance and a little time to learn to trust and heal. He's rough around the edges and he says lots of things he regrets later, mostly out of social anxiety. A room full of people is his worst nightmare if he's sober. He just can't handle it.

Additional Information: Fuck You! Is his favorite thing to say to people that stand in his way. He hasn't ever had a stable relationship and tends to have bad luck with women. What do you expect from a spoiled, drug addicted, out of control, rock star? A polite hand shake? Good fucking luck...

On’s: Pain (biting, nails), blow jobs, rough sex, Open to BDSM and all things kinky, He is Bi so guys and girls are welcome. He takes the top mostly but he's not opposed to taking the bottom as long as the top can handle him. He likes a strong but gentle hand in his partners and admires people who can stand up to him at his worst. He's looking for 'the one' but true to form, he won't turn down an offer...

Off’s: Water sports (scat, urine) are a no fly zone. Also anal on girls is a no.


oooh they look good!

Hmm gonna include my boys' sexuality. I don't think I did, and since we might have a bi curious one aboard it's relevant ::)

RP Etiquette ~ Tumblr ~ Mumbler
~ There is nothing to writing; all you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed ~
Ons & Offs ~ Post Tracker ~ Ladies in Red

Charlotte Fox

Alright they're both approved. Editing top post now, adding to character approved thread and then getting started on the IC thread(s?).

Charlotte Fox

Also - I did forget to add sexuality to the Char sheet. If you're character is in the approved thread and you'd like to add a sexuality bit to your sheet, let me know and I will add it.


Quote from: Charlotte Fox on September 09, 2013, 10:12:52 AM
Alright they're both approved. Editing top post now, adding to character approved thread and then getting started on the IC thread(s?).

yay. you rock
ons and offs

They left their home of summer ease
Beneath the lowland's sheltering trees,
To seek, by ways unknown to all,
The promise of the waterfall.

Charlotte Fox

Oh, quick thing to mention, the IC thread is up and running here. Please post with the following:

[float=left][img height=200 padding=5]your picture here[/img][/float]