A deep deep philisophical question that has been on my mind.

Started by jake one, January 26, 2013, 09:49:00 PM

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jake one

Goku or super man ? Who wins in a fight, I say goku but I wana hear your opinions.


The greater, more important answer, is that Mighty Mouse beats them both.

Chris Brady

Quote from: Monica on January 27, 2013, 01:35:57 AM
The greater, more important answer, is that Mighty Mouse beats them both.
because no one sees him coming.
My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming

jake one

You also have to take into acount what era Goku as well. If it is from Dragon Ball , Dragon Ball Z or from one of the others . But i think over all it would be Goku .

And Mighty Mouse would be cool too.


Superman is the OG. That's all I have to say on the subject.

Chris Brady

My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming


After seeing Screw Attack's Deathmatch video break down both characters' stats and abilities, I hate to say it, but Supes takes this one. 'A man who can surpass any limits (Goku) cannot defeat a man who has none (Superman).'
You live for the fight when it's all that you've got.

jake one

Exalent point. However superman has a limit, kryptonite. So he isnt completely invincoble.


You'd also have to take into account where the battle takes place.  It's canon that Superman gets his power from the fact that the Earth's sun radiates different energy wavelengths than Krypton's sun.  Goku, on the other hand, would fight at equal levels (adjusted for gravitation) in any system.  Of course, Goku would want to challenge himself by taking Superman on where the Man of Steel was strongest (as there would be no other reason for him to even fight Superman than the challenge - it's not like he'd be defending anyone from the Ultimate Boy Scout).
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Quote from: Oniya on January 27, 2013, 09:11:18 PM
You'd also have to take into account where the battle takes place.  It's canon that Superman gets his power from the fact that the Earth's sun radiates different energy wavelengths than Krypton's sun.  Goku, on the other hand, would fight at equal levels (adjusted for gravitation) in any system.  Of course, Goku would want to challenge himself by taking Superman on where the Man of Steel was strongest (as there would be no other reason for him to even fight Superman than the challenge - it's not like he'd be defending anyone from the Ultimate Boy Scout).

I was with a girl that posed this question to me once and swapped Vegeta in for Goku for that very reason, it's easier to come up with a "why".

But regardless of which Saiyan was in the battle, I usually sided with Superman.  We know from evidence shown to us that even the most powerful of Saiyans can't survive (a) in a vacuum or (b) direct contact with the sun.  Both are things that Superman has no problem with which gives him an advantage if it's a "fight to save the world" kind of fight.  Superman's capable (depending on the writer) of kicking his heat vision up that high if he needs to, albeit doing so usually drains him if he's not doing it in direct sunlight.  It's like Bulbasaur's solar beam, it can be just as much a liability as an asset if the atmosphere isn't on his side.  Superman also has (or at least had at one point, I don't know what abilities and limitations he has in the New 52) the ability to fly into the sun and over-charge his own power.

Meanwhile, Superman's most exploitable weaknesses are kryptonite, magic, and the rays of a red sun.  Goku, or any Saiyan really, is unlikely to really capitalize on those weaknesses either because they don't have access to them or just want to fight him at his strongest.  All three are really wonky and inconsistent about how badly they effect him, but assuming the worst case of any of 'em it could amount to an instant victory for his opponent.

The more I think about it, though, if it were a "just dicking around" kind of battle (not out of character for Goku or Superman, really) I think that might be more likely to go Goku's way.  In that case Goku has a distinct advantage of being aware of his opponent's limits and strength before the battle starts (since he can sense that stuff) and he'll know exactly how hard he can hit.  While Superman is used to the "world of cardboard" problem and will only push himself as far as he knows it's safe to push.  Superman would always be striking with just under the amount of power he probably could use... meanwhile, I don't think Goku even holds back when he's throwing punches at his children.

So I guess that would be my answer.  No stakes: Could go either way, but I lean Goku.  High Stakes End of the World kinda battle: I lean Superman all the way, unless his opponent has both the cunning and the means to "cheat" by exploiting his weaknesses.
"Inciting Violence" (O/O) | "Random Acts of Violence" (Requests/Ideas) | Language of Violence (A Story I'm Working On)

And it all breaks down at the role reversal . Got the muse in my head she's universal . Spinnin' me round she's coming over me.
Domestic Violence (My OC's) | The Art of Violence (Stuff I Draw'd) | The Absense of Violence (A/A)

Cravings::  ANYTHING with Ballerinas! | Playing a cheating wife/girlfriend scenario. | Something that lets me play Jaime Lannister.


Moon Knight. All he has to do is speak to them and they'll go cry in a corner.


Quote from: BlightRaptor on January 28, 2013, 04:14:32 AM
Moon Knight. All he has to do is speak to them and they'll go cry in a corner.

I can't help but feel that you might be just a tad bit biased :P

Retro Heretic

Superman peaks his lift around 100 tons
100 tons = 100,000 kg = 220,462.262 lbs
An average person can lift 40% of their weight
An average person weighs 80kg, 40% of that is 32kg
100,000/32 = 3125, meaning superman can lift 3125 times the average man

Now, remember when Raditz scanned a human and his power level was 5?
Well, Superman's PL is 3125x5, which is 15625
Goku, when training with Kai, reached 16000PL using kaioken2x
When using kaioken4x, he reached around 40k

And he just keeps going....

Goku wins. Science proves it.
When judgment day comes you nonbelievers will be punished. Have you been touched by His Noodley appendage? O Heretic ignorant fool, repent now before the rapture or spend eternity in red hot spaghetti sauce."Thou shalt not forget the parmesan"(Parmesan 21:6) "Once true believers partake through their mouths of the pasta of life, the pasta should be recycled through the other end to offer to the nonbelievers"(Ramen 23:8)
Remember, His son, the Great Tortellini, boiled for your sins. RAmen

If you have any RP that you would like to do with me, please feel free to send me a message with any kind of offer. I would love to hear from anyone who has read any of my writing. Let's do something together, yah?

jake one

It is hard to argue with science. Unless your religion then its easy *laughs at the joke*.

Chris Brady

My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming


You're seriously using mathematics to compare Goku and Superman? xD Two characters whose only plot arc is repeating "I MUST BE A UNDEFINED MEASURE STRONGER THEN I CURRENTLY AM" I mean, what does the Scouter actually read? You don't know if it only takes physical strength into account, so the equation is based on an assumption, and the assumption itself based on a contradiction, that being Supermans strength.

And this is why I love these topics :3 they're so ridiculous and yet so straight faced.


Quote from: Sabby on January 29, 2013, 12:00:42 AM
You're seriously using mathematics to compare Goku and Superman? xD Two characters whose only plot arc is repeating "I MUST BE A UNDEFINED MEASURE STRONGER THEN I CURRENTLY AM" I mean, what does the Scouter actually read? You don't know if it only takes physical strength into account, so the equation is based on an assumption, and the assumption itself based on a contradiction, that being Supermans strength.

And this is why I love these topics :3 they're so ridiculous and yet so straight faced.

In the DBZ universe power level determines the strength of a fighter.  While yes they are physically strong, that really doesn't matter.  Ki is what does.  Ki amplifies their combative abilities. 
If you know me personally, you know how to contact me.


Quote from: Chris Brady on January 28, 2013, 10:56:41 PM
Apparently, Superman has been working out.

That image answers the raw strength question. He has enough to humiliate Goku with that alone.

Let's also remember that he once flew so fast (Superman Movie) that he actually turned back time as well. So even time isn't an obstacle to Superman.

Superman is forever!


Love And Submission

Clearly the answer is The Doctor as he goes back in times and prevents Goku and Superman's parents from ever meeting causing them to never exist.

The real ultimate question is Doc Brown and Marty McFly vs The Doctor.
TARDS VS DeLorean. Biff Tanner Vs The Master.

Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


Quote from: DTW on January 29, 2013, 12:34:46 PM
Clearly the answer is The Doctor as he goes back in times and prevents Goku and Superman's parents from ever meeting causing them to never exist.

The real ultimate question is Doc Brown and Marty McFly vs The Doctor.
TARDS VS DeLorean. Biff Tanner Vs The Master.

Humans with a car that has to build up speed to travel through time and stay on earth or a Time Lord who can go anywhere and a brain that makes Doc Brown look like a kid barely out of diapers.  Hmmm I wonder.  Biff vs The Master is a hands down contest.  I'm a fan of both mind you but lets be honest here, They can't go back in time and kill the Doctor, he'd just reincarnate and they can't very well go to his home planet as they don't know where it is.  Doctor has the upper hand in every situation.  The only thing stopping this is that both want to use their abilities for good.  Biff and The master are a complete other story but seriously Biff couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.
If you know me personally, you know how to contact me.

Love And Submission

Quote from: SinXAzgard21 on January 29, 2013, 01:01:55 PM
Humans with a car that has to build up speed to travel through time and stay on earth or a Time Lord who can go anywhere and a brain that makes Doc Brown look like a kid barely out of diapers.  Hmmm I wonder.  Biff vs The Master is a hands down contest.  I'm a fan of both mind you but lets be honest here, They can't go back in time and kill the Doctor, he'd just reincarnate and they can't very well go to his home planet as they don't know where it is.  Doctor has the upper hand in every situation.  The only thing stopping this is that both want to use their abilities for good.  Biff and The master are a complete other story but seriously Biff couldn't fight his way out of a paper bag.

But you know what team BTf does have? Huh? I do...

Back to the Future soundtrack - The Power Of Love with Lyrics

The Doctor might be smarter and more powerful but he does not have the power of love.


Discord: SouthOfHeaven#3454


I say superman, but >.< I have no idea who Goku is, the name sounds familiar but .....  ???


The Goku referred to is the one from the Dragonball animes.  Although, now I'm wondering how it would stack up if Goku from Saiyuki got involved...  Minus his limiter, of course.
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
O/O's Updated 5/11/21 - A/A's - Current Status! (Oct 31) - Writing a novel - all draws for Fool of Fire up! Requests closed


Quote from: Oniya on January 29, 2013, 01:57:45 PM
The Goku referred to is the one from the Dragonball animes.  Although, now I'm wondering how it would stack up if Goku from Saiyuki got involved...  Minus his limiter, of course.

Lets put Saint Seiya into the mix as well.
If you know me personally, you know how to contact me.