A sick, twisted and bloody love story ( F for M, poss. Ex.)

Started by Belladonna1, June 27, 2011, 07:43:49 PM

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I'm looking for a male partner to play the part of a somewhat deranged lover alongside my equally fucked up female.  The two are ignorant and in love, and both come from highly disfunctional homes in a dead end, shit hole town where any opportunity for a decent future are dismal at best.  The young couple discuss and later decide to run away together, to start a new life, get a fresh start.  However, neither have a penny to their name and so they decide to rob a few convienance stores before leaving town....and that's when everything goes to hell..... and so begins the start of a wild,  very bloody killing spree as the two escape and become wanted fugitives. 

From there, we can discuss the details but regardless of what we come up with,  I'm wanting the story to be very raw and gritty,(ever seen the movie *Natural Born Killers*?) where violence, blood and sex mingle into a blurry line of existence and where murder and mayhem become like a drug and both are completely addicted.

Obviously, this is just a very brief summary- but if you're interested, PM me and we can discuss further! ;)
There's nothing inherently dirty about sex, but if you try real hard and use your imagination you can overcome that.   On's & Off's are up!


Interested, to say the least.  PM me if my O/Os work for you.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not really...
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Quote from: Belladonna1 on June 27, 2011, 07:43:49 PM
I'm looking for a male partner to play the part of a somewhat deranged lover alongside my equally fucked up female.  The two are ignorant and in love, and both come from highly disfunctional homes in a dead end, shit hole town where any opportunity for a decent future are dismal at best.  The young couple discuss and later decide to run away together, to start a new life, get a fresh start.  However, neither have a penny to their name and so they decide to rob a few convienance stores before leaving town....and that's when everything goes to hell..... and so begins the start of a wild,  very bloody killing spree as the two escape and become wanted fugitives. 

From there, we can discuss the details but regardless of what we come up with,  I'm wanting the story to be very raw and gritty,(ever seen the movie *Natural Born Killers*?) where violence, blood and sex mingle into a blurry line of existence and where murder and mayhem become like a drug and both are completely  addicted. 

Obviously, this is just a very brief summary- but if you're interested, PM me and we can discuss further! ;)

It was to late, they were in too deep. He looked at his lover as he held a gun to the cop's head. It wasn't supposed to be like this. It was supposed to be one gig, maybe two but now... Dozens of lives were gone. He pulled the trigger, and his grin would not escape his love's attention. It was not the boom and the kick of the gun that was the best for him... But the blood, spraying from the newly found hole in the cops head. The body dropped to the floor with a thud, and Ryan turned around to look at his woman, his shirt now covered in blood.

"That was for you, dear, for us." He told her, stowing the gun away in his waistline, "Grab the cash and let's get going." It had started as convenient stores, but that had not been enough. This last target was a bank, they would live a life of luxury no matter what. No matter what it took. He reached up to run a hand through his hair as he exited the building through the read, and pulled up the car. Waiting for his lady love. She was worth it. Worth it all.


Hey there! Clearly I am into this idea... Alot! I think it'll be a he'll of a time and there are alot of places we can go with it. My only concern is focus, I tend to really get into stories and lately I've noticed my partners not responding without a word to me for going on a week ;(

Anyways, if you're interested let me know... Or start a topic and send me the link to it!

Looking for CONNECTIONS in Deviations! Here are a list of my ideas!