My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Started by Kunoichi, April 10, 2011, 08:09:17 PM

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So, three guesses who this week's episode is about. ;D



Verily! ^^

Interesting interpretation for Luna's personality, don't you think?


Indeed.  Canon Luna is best Luna.  :P

My favorite moment was the doorstop slam on Fluttershy.  I know it's mean to pick on her, but man!


xD Oh yes, best Luna indeed.

I think my favorite part is where Luna winds up being the only one to recognize Twilight's costume.  Watching everyone else just not get it is hilarious.

Oh, and looking at everypony's costumes yields some interesting results.  For example, did you know that Colgate dressed up as a dentist?

Chris Brady

Quote from: ReijiTabibito on October 22, 2011, 12:33:54 PM
Indeed.  Canon Luna is best Luna.  :P

My favorite moment was the doorstop slam on Fluttershy.  I know it's mean to pick on her, but man!
You mean FLATTERshy?   ;D

That was a nice episode.
My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming


Yeah, I've already enjoyed rewatching it multiple times. ;D

So, anybody else pay any attention to the costumes on the background ponies in the episode?  I found it interesting that the Cutie Mark Crusaders apparently went with a theme for their costumes.


Autumn Sativus

No episode this week.

Next Saturday seems so far off. :(
Us against the world
Just a couple sinners making fun of hell

~~A&A(updated March 2021)~~Tales~~Wants~~O&O~~Wiki~~


Ah, but hilarity with Sweetie Belle and Rarity is next week. ;D

Given the ending to Lesson Zero, do you think Rarity will write next week's letter to Celestia?



xD Oh, wow.  That's hilarious.

Man, what I've got to post doesn't seem anywhere near as cool in comparison...  Even if it is background ponies getting official names.

Berry Punch:
Carrot Top:


Never mind that they're essentially palette swapped versions of canon characters...


Yeah, it's especially strange when you consider that 'Berryshine' isn't a unicorn in the show. ^^;

Now if only we could see what Bon Bon's official name is, so I can know who to ship Heartstrings with...


Quote from: ReijiTabibito on November 03, 2011, 08:28:30 AM
Never mind that they're essentially palette swapped versions of canon characters...

Nope. One of them is Noteworthy. The rest are forgettable.



So, from today's episode...

...Rarity's father has a rather excellent mustache, wouldn't you agree?

Chris Brady

My O&Os Peruse at your doom.

So I make a A&A thread but do I put it here?  No.  Of course not.

Also, I now come with Kung-Fu Blog action.  Here:  Where I talk about comics and all sorts of gaming


This week, on My Little Pony...

Ponies in hazmat suits!  Zecora!  And a brief interlude for bowling!  Oh, and someone learns a very special lesson about patience.


I caved >.< I'm watching episode 1, and holy fuck, if I had to visit Equestria, I would probably stick a shotgun in my mouth Dx For some reason, I'm imagining the Monarch or whatever spiking the apples with drugs to keep everyone on a constant happy fit. For compliance.


Oh?  What about it seems so unbearable?

...Aside from Pinkie Pie. >>;


I'm just sympathizing with Twilight Sparkle xD that kind of forced cheer I can't deal with, and the surprise party would have had me fuming. And why are they all women? o.O I've seen one guy who wasn't a mute servant... it's kind of adding to the dystopian feel I'm getting.


Quote from: Sabby on November 13, 2011, 02:15:08 PM
And why are they all women? o.O I've seen one guy who wasn't a mute servant...

Because sadly, this show is marketed to little girls, not the bronies, and adding boys would just take focus away from the girls.

Never mind that I think Spike is not at all a good character for guys to relate to.


Yeah, I noticed... first episode and he's already shown he's a pervert and will twatblock for no reason. What a dick xD