My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

Started by Kunoichi, April 10, 2011, 08:09:17 PM

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You should see the episode with Twilight's saddle.  xD


It's not helping that Nightmare Moon's 'evil' plan is totally my fantasy >.< and her short origin story makes me sympathize with her anyway, so it's making it hard to see her as a villain.

I'm seeing a pattern here. The good and evil of this show is hitting me backwards.


Sounds like we've got a budding NLRian on our hands...




Quote from: ReijiTabibito on November 13, 2011, 02:19:59 PM
Because sadly, this show is marketed to little girls, not the bronies, and adding boys would just take focus away from the girls.

Never mind that I think Spike is not at all a good character for guys to relate to.

Actually, as I've told you multiple times, it was due to budget and time constraints.


Yes, that's an excellent practical reason to not include main characters.  Who's going to argue when the creators say, "we don't have enough money"?

I don't think that those are the only reasons for it, though.


I remember reading here a while ago that first season goes by pretty quick. Don't remember who said it, but these first two episodes are kind of jarring. Here's the main characters! We'll develop some now, I guess... this ones annoying, the one with the Pride colours is gay, and the yellow one is already a meme. Now go get the special item. What do you mean what for? The villain we spent a whole 12 seconds developing, gawsh!

Still guna watch it xD hoping it gets better.


Here's the thing.  The creator of the show wanted to take those two episodes and basically stretch it out over a longer period of episodes.  She wanted the buildup to be slow, make this more of a magical girl-like show (though not explicitly), and have this conflict over basically a whole season...and then the execs came in and changed everything and she was forced to do it in just two episodes, and have the rest of the ones be a standalone, with a handful of episodes being tangentially related to the season finale.

At least, that's what I remember...


Not very reassuring. I like multi-episode/season plots.


I'm just saying, keep the faith.  The creators and writers of the show know what they're doing, they just got hamstrung by the dudes in the suits.


Quote from: ReijiTabibito on November 13, 2011, 02:57:03 PM
Here's the thing.  The creator of the show wanted to take those two episodes and basically stretch it out over a longer period of episodes.  She wanted the buildup to be slow, make this more of a magical girl-like show (though not explicitly), and have this conflict over basically a whole season...and then the execs came in and changed everything and she was forced to do it in just two episodes, and have the rest of the ones be a standalone, with a handful of episodes being tangentially related to the season finale.

At least, that's what I remember...

You remember wrong. ^^; Lauren Faust said herself that she didn't have some big, epic plot in mind for the show.  It was more that she'd intended for it to always be a bunch of stand-alone episodes, but that there had originally been plans to have more adventure episodes, like Dragonshy, rather than the uneven distribution between those and slice of life episodes that they went with.

There was also intended to be more Zecora, which is thankfully being remedied in the second season...


I just sent Andy the clip about the Dutch Dragon, since he goes ballistic if I make Dutchy jokes at him xD he had to watch it three times and still didn't know what the joke was.

"Okay, what was the dragon sad over?"

"His mu-......... D=< YOU DICK HEAD!"


And now for something completely different.


Lol I just started watching it, because all my friends on Tumblr are into it.  I've seen the first four episodes and I mean it's pretty, the ponies are cute, Fluttershy is the most adorable thing to ever exist, but I still don't get why my adult male friends are into it.  I mean I could understand it if it was like Invader Zim with the dark adult humor it had, but who knows.

Anyway, my favorite is Rainbow Dash even though I think she is the cruelest and most unapologetic of the ponies <3

I really hate Spike though

I cringe when his on screen


Eh, so far, I'm liking it. Only thing that's keeping me from getting into it are the messages are simplified to the point they get messed up. I know it's a kids show and so lessons need to be watered down, but not to that extent >.< like I said before, the episode about Twilight discovering friendship just came across as forcing company on someone and made anyone who liked to have alone time look like depressed hermits who miss out on life. Considering how friggen popular it is, the show has a responsibility to teach values that aren't ass backwards when applied to real life.

Me and a friend were discussing this, and he came up with something brilliant. Pinkie loses her favourite blanket. Looks, can't find. Becomes depressed. The others get her a new one, but it's not the same, and only makes it worse. With the happiest character all mopey and reclusive, it drags everyone else down as well. In the end, it was not under her bed, and a magical fairy does not return it. Pinkie accepts that it's gone, and will never come back, and yeah, it's guna hurt for a while, and may never stop hurting, but having said that, there's no point in stopping your life over the unchangeable. She's gotta keep moving forward, and when no ones looking, she secretly cherishes the blanky everyone else got her, because of who bought it and why.

I dunno if later episodes try and tackle these kinds of messages, but I honestly think kids shows who teach their lessons ass backwards are being irresponsible.


Well, if it helps, the friendship lessons do get better as the show goes on. ^^; About the only one that fans have actually had a problem with is the episode Feeling Pinkie Keen, where the message that was given at the end had a bit of an unfortunate meaning to it that wasn't really intended by the creators.

To be honest, the big lesson Pinkie needs to learn is about communication.  I won't spoil anything by going into specifics, but there are a few episodes where things could have easily been resolved if she'd taken some time to explain what she was up to...


I like to think she suffered extreme mental trauma as a fowl ^^ her silliness is an escape from the damage done to her psyche. Of course, she doesn't realize she's doing it, and one day, she could just snap. Makes her much less annoying >=D


Nah, it doesn't have to be some horrific, traumatic event that would lead to a personality like hers.  Just having an unusually somber and grim childhood without much to smile about could easily lead to her having an extreme reaction in the other direction in her adulthood, really.

I'll avoid giving you spoilers about what her childhood was actually like, though.  Or what happens in the episode where she snaps. :P


Also, developing a personality specific to Pinkie's is only one of many possible choices.  She could have easily ended up like Francis Pie.  Those who know the meme know what I'm talking about.


Pinkie Pie is my favorite, mostly because she doesn't take most things seriously. And the randomness. But it does seem all the ponies have a slightly darker side when they snap. Look at the first episode of season two.

Sidenote: Reiji, love the avatar. Can I take a trip in the TARDIS sometime?  ;D


Nightmare Night - [WoodenToaster + Mic The Microphone]

Wow, this song manages to make Nightmare Moon seem like an actual villain... or a character at all.


Quote from: Sabby on November 15, 2011, 06:42:00 PM
I like to think she suffered extreme mental trauma as a fowl ^^ her silliness is an escape from the damage done to her psyche. Of course, she doesn't realize she's doing it, and one day, she could just snap. Makes her much less annoying >=D

Did someone say 'Cupcakes'?  >:)
"Language was invented for one reason, boys - to woo women.~*~*~Don't think it's all been done before
And in that endeavor, laziness will not do." ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think we're never gonna win this war
Robin Williams-Dead Poets Society ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~Don't think your world's gonna fall apart
I do have a cause, though.  It's obscenity.  I'm for it.  - Tom Lehrer~*~All you need is your beautiful heart
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I am not watching it >.> I read enough in Youtube comments to know it's not worth it.

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