Mass Effect: A New Galaxy [Andromeda AU]

Started by thebobmaster, September 19, 2017, 02:23:30 AM

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2820 CE. The arks have arrived at the Nexus without any unforeseen difficulties. Government has been set up to mirror that of the Citadel. Now, it is time to continue on the mission, spreading to new worlds...

Essentially, this RP will take place in an AU version of Andromeda. There was no Scourge in this universe, and everything occurred as scheduled, with all the species on the arks arriving on time, and everything being set up. Of course, that was always the first step in the process. Now, it is time to spread to other parts of the Heleus cluster, preparing to set up colonies. In addition, the Pathfinder teams need to make contact with any natives, ensuring that some sort of agreement is reached. Specifically, their orders are to "take all necessary steps to pacify the natives. Peacefully if possible."

This will be a freestyle RP. I don't really enjoy using systems, and I find that it is much more freeing to simply have a sheet and let the characters develop from there.

Rules! I don't really have very many rules, and those that I have are quite common. That said, having them written down makes it easier for all parties involved.

1. No god-modding. Nobody likes someone else controlling their character, and no one enjoys RPing with someone who does everything better than anyone else.

2. Respect other's limits. I like to keep things loose, but if someone doesn't want to read something, that should be respected. Shove other things down their throats, if you must, but not that. :P

3. Have fun! This is something meant to be done in your free time, in order to enjoy yourself. If you are feeling otherwise, just let me or the other players know. I don't want anyone to feel pressured to post when they just aren't feeling it.

4. In conjunction with Rule 3, please let someone know if you are going to be unable to post at least once a week. Real life happens, and muses occasionally need a break to restart the juices. It happens to the best of us (as well as myself). Just be sure to let us know so we can work around that, if necessary. Rest assured, we will not allow anything to happen to your character should you wish to return.

Now that that's out of the way, please post if you are interested! I'll wait to gather a few interested parties before posting a character sheet outline, as well as the character sheet for my character. If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Character Sheets
IC: The Medaji
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


Hi thebobmaster,
I am definitely interested in exploring the Heleus Cluster. Should be able to contribute at least once a week. Can't wait to see what you have in mind for character generations.
Choice is but an Illusion. Consequences are however real.


I would be curious to play a Turian or perhaps even a younger Drell. (I think they'd make for a great Science Officer for a Pathfinder team.) I would of course understand that there may not be many of my own Species (If I get to play a Drell) so procreating would likely mean that I'd have to find an Asari as a mate but I am fine with the concept of someone who wishes to see worlds that one day may offer suitable habitat for his own species without fear of Kepral's Syndrome.


There would definitely be the possibility of a drell. Since the quarian ark made it to the Nexus in this universe, that wouldn't be a problem.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


I honestly don't know much about mass effect, never got very far into the first game, but I do know a good handful of people who have beaten the three games before andromeda, I would need to do a bit of research but I'll throw my hat in for interest if you'll accept it.


You know, I made a character for another Mass Effect Andromeda game that ended up going no where. I wouldn't mind reusing that character as I never got a chance to play her.


Question. Would this RP require me to play Andromeda? Because I haven't, and doubt I ever will.


Haven't played Andromeda but I've beaten the first three games. Sounds like it would be fun, I have a quarian exile from the same game as Timeskeeper that I never got to play, so I'd like to use him ;D


To those asking, you do NOT need to have played Andromeda for this RP, as the direction I'm going in will not be influenced by the game. However, understanding some broad strokes of the first three games (mostly relations between species) might not be a bad idea.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


Well, I have the original trilogy played at least three times PLUS lore-sponging from time to time, so that's covered.

So you can count me interested. Preferring turian, but open for others.


A basic synopsis of Andromeda in it's intended purposes.

Some people took Commander Sheppard's warning to heart, a large pocketed entity took heed and began Project Andromeda. He reached out, selected Pathfinders...people who would lead the colonists to find and settle worlds, make first contact and make relations with the vertiginous lifeforms, and if necessary fight any threats that may occur to threaten the Arks and their colony seeds.

Each major race (Salurians, Turians, Asari, Quarians [Who gathered the masses and the few IE Drell, Krogan, and the like] and Humans) had an Ark built, scientists, military experts, engineers, and those of the blue collar variety were gathered, documented, and sorted for the journey. AI were implemented and the Long Journey of 600+ years was issued out just as the Reapers began their full assault on the Civilized Worlds.

You were chosen, you agreed to give up what life you knew in order to journey across the stars and save your respective races and cultures in what was considered the only way to avoid extinction. Leaving your friends, your family, or just you past behind you entered a deep sleep waiting to wake up to a brand new galaxy to explore and settle.

(Of course I'm not in the slightest the GM but that's the basic premise that I think you need to understand besides what the original trilogy of Mass Effect offered. GM, feel free to amend or tell me to shut my hole about any of that. ^_^)


That basically covers it, although I would like to add that there is a fair chance that, given the Arks launched prior to the Reaper invasion, those on the arks would not realize how big of a threat the Reapers were.

So, now that I've gathered what I feel is enough interest (although there is always room for more), I'll put up my skeleton of a character sheet, as well as my character to give a full example. Once you have a character sheet prepared, feel free to PM it to me. If I approve, I will post it in the soon-to-be-created Character Sheet topic.

Name: Character name, obviously
Role: What do they do in the crew?
Age: Keep in mind, different races have different lifespans. There's a pretty big difference between a 21 year old human and a 21 year old salarian, and let's not even get into 21 year old asari or krogan.
Gender: Pretty straightforward
Race: Again, pretty self-explanatory.
Sexuality: Do they swing to the left, swing to the right, or right round like a record, baby?
Appearance: What do they look like? Pictures help, but I'm not opposed to written descriptions.
Weapons and Abilities: Try to keep it reasonable. I don't really put a number on it, but someone who is proficient in all types of weapons and several biotics would be a bit much.
History: What is in their past, prior to joining the Initiative? Think of this like a dossier.
Notes: Anything that doesn't quite fit into their history, but you feel needs to be said about your character can go here.

Connections: If you want your characters to have any connections with other characters


Name: Belani Cetain
Role: Pathfinder
Age: 25
Gender: Female
Race: Turian
Sexuality: Pansexual
Appearance: Belani stands about 6 foot 3, on the shorter side for turians, but has a slender build, hiding a fair amount of muscle. She has a white face, with turquoise facial markings. When out in the field, she generally wears armor that is dark blue, with a helmet concealing her features. When in private, or at least not in the field, she wears a more casual, dark red bodysuit.
Weapons and Abilities: Belani is skilled with both her Sidewinder pistol and her Avenger assault rifle, as well as in close combat. However, she is quite open about being a "bruiser", lacking both technological and biotic skills.
History: Belani never really fit in with the Hierarchy, having a quick temper and quicker fists. Before branching out on her own to work as a private investigator, she'd spent a fair amount of time in confinement. Deciding that she didn't fit the Hierarchy in any direct role, Belani left for the Citadel, working as a private investigator. Her contacts in C-Sec would often find ways to pass less savory jobs onto Belani, ones that red tape tied up for any official channels.

It went south on one job. While investigating a drug ring, Belani was captured by the ringleader. What happened is one of the few things Belani doesn't talk about, but she joined the Ark at the first opportunity, proving herself capable, if unorthodox, as a Pathfinder. It didn't go unnoticed that one of her luxury items was a bottle of turian brandy, either, and one of her necessary items was a nerve dampener. As long as Belani did her job, however, most looked the other way. Those that didn't and questioned her soon let it be.

Notes: When unable to use her nerve dampener for more than a few hours, Belani has a noticeable limp in her left leg. In addition, she has several scars on her torso. Both are likely caused by her time held captive, but any attempt to get further details out of Belani did not go well, at least when she was sober, and she never gets that drunk.

Ons/Offs: Anything goes
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


Sorry for the double post, but both OOC and Character Sheets topics are up.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!

la dame en noir

I'm interested! Probably looking to a boring human or a cute Asari!
Games(Group & 1x1): 7 | Post Rate: 1 - 6 days | Availability: Actively looking!
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You are more than free to join, la dame!

Also, this was asked in the Character Sheets thread, so I thought I'd answer it here (as I meant to earlier. Oops). Each player can have up to two active characters, if they wish.

What do I mean by active? Well, while nothing permanent will happen to any characters without their author's say-so, this allows for wiggle room if the author has another character concept that they want to use, essentially allowing that author to write out one of their active characters and request a replacement character.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


What roles would be needed on the ship? It would be an exploration vessel right?


Scouting, actually. Partially exploration, but the team would need to have some people able to hold their own if things got dangerous.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


Does anyone have plans for a doctor character? I might make one if no one already has it planned.


For future reference, please keep character/plot discussion to the OOC section. I want this thread to be essentially the news/interest thread.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


I've got a few characters kicking around, lets do this :)

"The true price of my immortality, has been outliving my children" - Kassey LeHane - the Home of my SFW art commissions - the Home of my NSFW art commissions


I am interested, even have a krogan I'd like to play. Question, will the Kett and the Angara still be in the galaxy?
“Train yourself to let go of everything you fear to lose.”
“Do. Or do not. There is no try.”


I don't really plan on it at this time, but they may show up later.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!


As an update, I have officially launched the IC topic, linked in the first post. However, this is still quite open for players, so if you have expressed interest, but are still working on your character sheet, don't worry.
Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

RP Ideas:New and Approved!