Vampire: the Masquerade Sandbox Interest Check

Started by AndyZ, May 19, 2016, 02:46:19 PM

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I couldn't see anywhere a rule in the book about Dominate and similar powers not working on lower generations, is that still the case or is it changed now?

Because I'm pondering on swapping a point or two into the Generation background to cover my character if at 13th generation he can only affect his own gen and the thin-bloods... Since they have Thaumaturgy with the Path of Corruption as their main discipline and I want them to have it as something that they garner prestation from, having it only work on the thin-blooded is kinda shitty and worthless.


It's listed at the very end of the Dominate listing.

Quote• Vampires:It is impossible to Dominate another Kindred who is of stronger Blood.  The vampire must be of an equal or higher Generation than the target for the powers to be effective. Scholars of the Kindred condition suspect that this is one of the protections Caine put in place to protect himself from the whims of his willful childer. A faction of those who believe this theory also maintain that this implies that Caine himself employed the Discipline of Dominate.

It's also worth considering that it'll always work on Mortals, so if you have Forgetful Mind, it can be quite useful to have other vampires know you have it and can help erase Masquerade breaches for favors.
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I have no idea how I missed that... Blame it on skim-reading...

Perhaps Dominate 3 will be something to buy with some experience points. I have Path of Corruption 1 which makes people change their minds, that can come in handy in a variety of ways, plus Path of Corruption 2 is good for character assassinations and general blackmail fuel gathering, plus we're on elliquiy so you can imagine the awesome such a spell can do...  >:)

I'll for sure lower their generation... Very likely make them 11th Generation as is with their other backgrounds. Of course starting experience likely will change things too.


I hate doing this, but I think I might be getting in over my head with this.  I have no experience with this system, and I'm having all sorts of trouble trying to make heads or tails of just the character sheet part of it.  At this point, I think I'm just going to bow out and hope someone might be willing to do a solo system game with me first before I try a group setting.  Still, I wish you guys good luck and I'll likely read along if nothing else.  See ya folks.
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IMPORTANT UPDATE as of October 6th 2016 in A/A page


Feel free to PM me Vergil as I'm pretty experienced at character generation, less so the setting though perhaps I could help if wanted.


So what other settings should I ponder?  Anyone have any particular interests or desires for where they can see their char hanging out?
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I could see my character as hanging in a nightclub/bar with their herd...

I haven't played Vampire in a while and that was Requiem, so can't think of interests/desires immediately, though I have been watching a playthrough of Bloodlines and there may be some inspirational stuff in there. :)


I can think of some that would be very interesting

Versalles right before the revolutionary War
Russia 3 years before the Russian Revolution
Washington DC 1812
Glory is being Great and being Useful - Simon Bolivar

Because its There - Sir Edmund Hillary

"The Lord of the Mans of Rod" - Me, spelling everything write and still getting the sentence wrong.

On and Offs -


The (admittedly nwod) book Dark Eras is filled with different ages games can be set in.


I'm converting a pre-20th Anniversary Malkavian to the v20 rules here is her old character sheet and basically she is a Celebrant to herself since you should be honored having her in your presence being the most beautiful thing in the world in her own mind. Her derangement is built on a common personality disorder she is fully functionally however has issues. And a mortal derangement in a Malkav's Child can prove very dark indeed.

Here is the basic sheet but plan changes most points were to boost Attributes with some spent on other things.

Old Sheet for an idea but will make necessary v20 Changes, are Clan Book things allowed I need to know so changes will be game appropriate:


Afraid I gotta pull out of this one--I just can't really think of a suitable character idea at the moment. >_>;

Happy gaming to y'all, though. ^^


I apologize to everyone.

I don't have the setting books in question, and attempts to create my own setting have only really met with failure.

Sometimes my creativity just seems to want to take a nap, so I can reuse stuff but coming up with new things seems to be like pulling teeth.

If anyone wants to take over on this idea, by all means.
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Anyone up for a chronicle set in St. Louis in 1850, before the Civil War began, its a Northern city but on the border so will have an active part to play in the war.

Characters would be new neonates and I'm running this now table-top so could work in the games here.


I might be up for that, I'd like to use my Tremere in one game at least...  XD


They have a small chapter in the city, going for quality over quantity, there is currently two elders, two ancilla and likely a neonate added the Prince is allowing Elders to each make one neonate and a few others such as the Sheriff an Ancilla. He is working to reinforce and add to the cities overall Kindred population due to an increasing population. Simply put they need more Kindred to help run and protect things in the city. So there is a rare opportunity for a smart Coterie to make their mark as a group.

Current threats include the Anarchs who are around, the Sabbat has been sending small young packs into the region and some werewolves are around.

Note this will be historically run so if you have issues with period racism and discrimination you might not want to play this and is only going to be used for the setting, my views are not the game setting views.


I'd still be up for that. If noone else shows interest I may like to do this as a possible solo, though I'll be patient and see if anyone else shows an interest too.


I'd prefer a small coterie, maybe three players.

Lady Ren

Can I play? I mean I've played the pc game, not the tabletop version, but if its like D&D (I'm such a nerd) than the translation should be a breeze, right?
It's not always about a right answer, its about asking the right question.

Now Here's a Story


The system is a little different to D&D, though I actually find character generation in V:tM and most White Wolf games to actually be pretty simple. That said, I'm not the GM so it's not up to me though I'd say if you know how character advancement worked in Bloodlines, it may not be too hard for the GM to walk you through making a character sheet. It would help to own a copy of Vampire:the Masquerade 20th edition though.


Well its not that hard to do and we have more experienced players to help, on-line there is plenty of free information on clans and powers the rest is simple number crunching. I'm going to want players to do the sheets online at Dalines and flesh it out here with notes and so on.

Running down the Camarilla Options the vampires are pretty easy.

Caitiff - no clan your likely a weaker vampire and considered trash but can do fun things like invent new disciplines and even get many clan specific ones since you develop powers largely from trial and error or what you picked up from movies or books. There is actually a go to person for them the Ventrue Elsbeth Dantovich also tends to take care if issues they are having and she is an elder and treats them decently considering. As a Mentor she is 3 Dots she is not leader of her clan but has enough respect to be treated that well.

Brujah - gang bangers, thugs and poets and scholars and freedom fighters they tend to be more brash (Lost Boys Movie vamps)

Gangrel - shapeshifters who are more earthy and can commune and command beasts and take damage these are able in advanced levels to take animal form and become mist.

Malkavians - all are insane but can be functionally so or not, clan power includes making other nuts.

Nosferatu - grotesque formed vampires. (Nosferatu movie or the head vampire in Salem's Lot)

Tremere - vampire blood sorcerers largely with very few exceptions.

Toreador - the beautiful people and artists and socially very gifted. (Vampire Chronicles vamps)

Ventrue - rich, powerful, refined and the leaders by default in many Camarilla cities and if not ruling will be powers to go to get things done.

Oh and although I have no cap on merits banned outright are Unbondable and True Faith.

And we are using the Revised VtM Rules.


Okay, well with this new info on how the game would work, I'm going to withdraw my interest at this time. Not a fan of off-site character sheets and I'd prefer to use VtM 20 as my reasons. :)


I can use v20 if people want I have access to several versions of the rules, the merit bans are simply to keep people from abusing the game mechanics. It won't matter that much. Most of the elders are not fully sheet made out detailed since your not likely to be able to risk attacking anyone who is  respectable Kindred. And if you want to post a sheet here you can I try to make players happy. But I do prefer Revised my Chronicle uses it and I prefer to have Dodge and other skills used. You can have hobby ones to I'm not opposed to ones not listed.