Now that Sons of Anarchy is over...

Started by jouzinka, December 10, 2014, 10:56:37 AM

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... I would like to ask the general population of E for a recommendation on what show to watch?  :o

Because I have no clue. ;D

I'm a Trekkie, I liked Highlander, I liked Firefly, I loved Brotherhood, I kinda liked Leverage, but felt it got too repetitive by season 3, I liked Queer as Folk, but they lost me along the way somehow, I liked The Pillars of the Earth (that was more a mini-series). Was a huge Supernatural fan, but I hate what has been done to it after season 5. I liked (a lot) Danish crimi-drama series Rejseholdet (Unit One), if anyone knows it, I thought 10,000 Days had a really nice, unique outlook on a post-apocalyptic drama.

I watch Game of Thrones. Love the books, but kinda love to hate on the show. XD

I don't think I'm the person for sitcoms. IT Crowd humor was totally lost on me. Walking Dead has a promising premise, but I only saw the pilot and predicted the story/twists of it, so it doesn't hold much appeal.
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If you like Indiana Jones and Dr. Who, and Leverage you can pick up the Librarians. It's pretty good and early enough to get into (they ran the pilot and episode 2 in its premiere).

I watch the Flash (I really like the Flash) on CW too.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Would it be possible for you to watch Penny Dreadful? Because it's absolutely beautiful show...

Lustful Bride

There's one fun show on Netflix calle Lillyhammer about a new york italian mobster entering the witness protection program and being sent to a Norway. Its funny and doesn't take itselr too seriously while still feeling like a mobster show.

I personally like it at least.   :-)


The Bridge is a great show, I know the first season is on Hulu (last time I checked)


I hate vampire stuff, but I love The Strain. So if you're looking for vampire that are actual monsters, that's your show.
If you're searching the lines for a point, well you've probably missed it; there was never anything there in the first place.


Thank you everyone for all the recommendations, I'm taking notes. :-)
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My latest guilty pleasure is Reign. Right down the alley from The Tudors, if you can cope. ;)
To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated May 10) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI


Some shows I've found interesting.

The Listener about an EMT with mind reading abilities who helps the police is pretty good. Happened by chance to catch a few episodes.

Continuum has a sort of TimeCop/7 Days vibe.

Castle is another favorite. Love Nathan Fillion. Lots of injokes about Buffy and Firefly, plus guest appearances by Gina Torres and Adam Baldwin.

GrimmFocus on a Detective who can see the inner darkness/creature of a person. Creatures based on fairytales and legends. Awesome cast.

Arrow One of few superhero shows I've enjoyed that doesn't go over the top with superpowers. Like how they balance the action with the story.

Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.Love how they tie in events of the movie with the episodes. Plus, having guest appearances by some of the characters from the movies like Colbie Smulders Maria Hill, Jaime Alexander's Sif, and Samuel L. Jackson as Nick Fury. Good ensemble cast. Has the trademark Joss Whedon style dialogue.


Some of these are shows that have already finished as opposed to on-going ones, so they're more "binge watch in a single lost weekend" then "tune in every week".

1) The Tudors/The Borgias (Showtime production)/Borgia (Sky Italia/Canal+ production)

All three sit firmly in the Pillars of the Earth/a sort of historical version of Game of Thrones niche. The Tudors deals with Henry the 8th and the two Borgia shows deal (fairly obviously) with the rise (and to some extent fall) of the Borgia family in Papal Italy. Expect plots, murders, assassinations, machinations, a few pretty impressive set pieces and a lot of bodice ripping.

2) Oz

Arguably the most influential TV series of the modern day... and one that never really gets the credit it deserves for that... this was the first of the adult HBO dramas and as such paved the way for pretty much everything that's come since; Sopranos, Walking Dead, Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire, the Wire etc etc. A prison drama with a diverse cast of interesting characters there's a large number of deaths, some interesting cod philosophy, ongoing stories and significant amounts of prison rape. One word of warning; the producers thought they were being cancelled at the end of Season 4 and so wrapped up pretty much all of their storylines... only to find they'd been renewed. As such the two last seasons are, despite some interesting elements, a clear step down from the first four.

3) House of Cards (both the BBC and Netflix versions).

If the political schemes and "magnificent bastard" tendencies in Sons of Anarchy and Game of Thrones get you going then this could well be the one for you. The original is set in the British parliament, the remake in the US political system and deal with how a politician who has been rejected for high office proceeds to ruthlessly exploit everyone in his way to get to the top of the greasy pole. Personally I slightly prefer the BBC take but it looks fairly dated and for someone in the US the Netflix take may touch on more familiar aspects of political life.

4) Person of Interest/The Blacklist

Conspiracy thriller/"... of the week" episodic TV. Both follow roughly the same theme in that they have a "take down the baddy of the week" plot week-in, week-out but tie that into a wider conspiracy theory. Person of Interest deals with a rogue special forces vet/secret agent who works with a reclusive genius billionaire to save lives using a machine that can predict when a person is likely to be murdered and ties into a wider conspiracy within the US government. The Blacklist deals with a genius criminal from the FBI's most wanted who gives himself up to FBI custody and assists their agents in taking down the most dangerous criminals they're not aware of.

5) Spiral

Sometimes sold as a French version of the Wire it follows the Law and Order format of concentrating on both the police and judicial system and the Killing format in that a single murder at the start of the series is the driving force behind everything else to come. Well written, well shot and well acted although the need for subtitles may be off putting to you.

6) Spartacus (Blood and Sand, Gods of the Arena, Vengeance and War of the Damned)

If you were watching Pillars of the Earth or Game of Thrones and thinking "what I need is less plot and political scheming but even more breasts, glistening torsos and over stylized ultra-violence" all combined with some dialogue that switches between the overly epic and hilarious seemingly without warning then this is the show for you. It's shot like it's 300 in TV form, there's almost as many pairs of breasts as there are splashes of blood, the language is a wonderful combination of profanity and almost Shakespearean delivery and it's just good fun.

mia h

Person of Interest started off well during it's first season and just keeps on getting better.

Arrow is great but was a bit of a slow starter in the first season, the first four or five episodes are not the greatest but it picks up after that.

Compared with The Flash that nailed right out of the blocks  ;D

There's Rectify which a fantastic watch but a slow burner.  A man gets off death row after 20 years after being found guilty of the rape and murder of his highschool girlfriend. Is he innocent or did he just get off on a technicality? How does he adjust to the real world and how does the world see him?

And if you're looking for something that is bat-shit insane in all the right ways then there's Banshee. Sorry that should be *coughs* Bansheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!
A criminal gets out of prison after 15 years and takes on the identity of a small town sheriff to track down his former partner, where he ends up in conflict with an Amish crime lord.
If found acting like an idiot, apply Gibbs-slap to reboot system.

Wolven Soul

Might I suggest some of the Netflix originals, if you have access to them.

House of Cards is really good if you like political stories.  And really, anything with Kevin Spacey in it is likely gonna be pretty good. 

Orange is the New Black is a great show about a lady who is a bit of a diva going to prison.  I wouldn't let the over abundance of nudity in the first episode get to you.  It calms down after that and the story is good.

Also, Marco Polo is a pretty good historical type show about the time in Kublai Khan's court.  Again, if you don't mind the nudity, of which there is a ton in that show, you'll be in for a treat.  It's got some really good martial arts in it to.  Probably the most bad ass character in the whole thing is a blink monk.
Est Sularis Oth Mithas

My O/O's


Thanks a lot for the recommendations! :-)
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