M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Started by Lyron, April 15, 2023, 10:35:07 AM

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I don't have capacity right now, but I'll still go ahead and register for if and when I do!

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Small
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform: Preferably freeform, but can do D&D 5e for system. Rather not have to learn something new though ^^"
Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural, Horror, Survival,


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.

Intimate Ink

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Any
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform Preference: Both. Systems that would most interest me in no order include homebrew/E-custom, World of Darkness, Chronicles of Darkness (aka nWoD), Tales From the Loop (aged appropriately), Ten Candles
Genres: Permission to PM with any. Favorites though are slice-of-life, urban fantasy, mystery, adventure, horror.


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


I've been lurking this thread for a minute, and I gotta say that I'd love to hear about more M/M or M/M-friendly games.

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both.
Group Size: Small games.
Story/Smut Preference: No preference.
System or Freeform Preference: Both. System games include: DnD, Pathfinder, FATE, World of Darkness, and Powered by the Apocalypse.
Genres: Any, but I have a special interest in fantasy, suspense, and action.

My O/O's
Request Thread
Let my heart be still a moment, and this mystery explore


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.

Drowned Vandal

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Any
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform Preference: Preferably freeform, but will do any as long as I don't have to roll.
Genres: Any. Favorites are: Horror, Urban fantasy, Dark fantasy, and mystery.

Lovely Complex

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Any
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform: Freeform (never did system)
Genres: Modern, Slice of life, Supernatural, Fantasy, Medieval, Apocalyptic


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Small (6-8 characters)
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform: System (if it isn't too complicated) or Freeform
Genres: I consider all genres, but it depends on my mood or the story really.


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Any
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform Preference: Freeform
Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural, Slice of Life, Science Fiction


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Any
Story/Smut Preference: No Preference
System or Freeform Preference: Freeform (System only if it’s very basic and doesn’t include frequent rolling)
Genres: Fantasy, Supernatural, Slice of Life, Horror, Survival, Science Fiction


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


I'll tag along!

M/M Only or M/M Active: Both
Group Size: Small (Willing to consider larger groups, but the smaller it is, the more stable and steady it tends to be)
Story/Smut Preference: Story would be nice, but full smut is fun too
System or Freeform: Freeform is fine. D&D 5e, Pathfinder 1e or 2e, any version of WOD, Savage Worlds are all good. Not opposed to learning a new system.
Genres: Fantasy, Horror, Survival, Supernatural, Modern...Pretty much anything that isn't realistic slice of life, honestly.


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.


M/M Only or M/M Active: I'd like to be PMed about M/M only games.
Group Size: Any, but I tend to get shy about larger groups.
Story/Smut Preference: No preference
System or Freeform Preference: System only, please. I am full up on freeform right now. Systems I like are...D&D 2.0 (Planescape or Ravenloft only), D&D 3.0/3.5 (Planescape only), Pathfinder 1e or 2e, any classic game line for World of Darkness (but nothing from Chronicles of Darkness please), Fabula Ultima, 13th Age, Scum & Villainy, Blades in the Dark. I am also open to homebrewed/unique systems and if the price is within reason I am willing to buy/try new systems if they are within a genre preference I have.
Genres: Any, but I have a preference to supernatural, horror, or extra weird fantasy settings.


M/M Players for Groups: A Registry

Music junkie here!
Love random song shares.
Anyone, any genre, any time.