New World of Darkness: Atro City {RECRUITING FROZEN}

Started by Blythe, March 07, 2013, 02:53:49 PM

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New World of Darkness: The Battle for Atro City.

[For those of you familiar with the Old Word of Darkness, I will be using the Vampire Translation guide, so if there is a clan you liked or a discipline you adored, feel free to include it]

Alexander Shaw.
Image is from:

This is an RP that will use White Wolf's Storyteller system. There will be dice involved—just d10s, easily used in the dicebot. The goal is to not use the dice too terribly much if it can be avoided. The story will involve extreme elements, up to and including: nonconsensual scenarios (you may choose to opt-out your character), consensual scenarios, light and extreme BDSM (you may choose if you prefer one, both, or neither), MxM, MxF, FxF, and maybe even a little gender confusion depending on what the powers are of certain characters. I'm looking for people willing to read through posts that might not include matching sexualities and kinks to their own in the interests of keeping up with a storyline. You will not be asked to participate in anything you do not like.

If you have never played in the World of Darkness setting, never fear! I hope to make it an easy experience for you, if you care to try. I can go over any questions or rules in a PM—the easiest way to play the World of Darkness is as a normal human, or someone who has just come into supernatural power, that way being ignorant of something isn't a problem, it's realistic and interesting. <3

Character Types Permitted:
*Any gender.
*Any sexuality.

*Vampires, Werewolves, Mages, Normal Humans. Ghouls. Hunters. Maybe even Changelings.

The Plot:
Let's play War, shall we? The fictitious city of Atro is located state of New York in the USA. It has a population of over a million people. Ample enough room to hide, right? Maybe not.

It starts with vampire politics. Damnable and inescapable vampire politics. The current prince of the city, Alexander Shaw, is too weak to defend his territory from the encroaching Uratha (the werewolves). He is a Ventrue (a vampire clan prone to madness and known for nobility) who has lost the respect of his court when his vampiric lover, Allenere, was murdered by mages. He has been the prince of Atro City for well over a century, and he is mired in the past, unwilling to change. Certain human factions have noticed the bloodsuckers are weak, and want to destroy the court. These include the mages, who can be fed upon by vampires as easily as any other mortal, normal humans who have penetrated the inner workings of vampire society, and hunters eager to cleanse the city of corruption or eager to put their own supernatural patsy in power in Alexanders place. The werewolves are determined to take back Atro City at all costs—if they must ally with other vampires to do so, they will.

The Eroticism: (Plot Hooks to make a character)
Alexander needs help to keep his position, and so he wishes to newly Embrace a group of unfortunate mortals as his unliving children. If he cannot do this, he will use his potent blood to ensnare normal humans, addicting him to the taste of him and turning them into ghouls (unaging human servants). The vampiric offpsring or ghouled servants may end up as Alexander's eternal lovers.

Alexander may be willing to ally with the werewolves, toning down the debauchery of his reign and conceding some territory...if the werewolves will send him an emissary. After all,  Alexander is in a position of weakness, not stupid. A werewolf alliance, while hideously unlikely, would be power. Alexander is attracted to power, first and foremost, and the unadultered beauty and savagery of werewolves appeals to him.

Alexander has a mole within the mages or the hunters (or both). This mole is someone who is either a lover of Alexander's, or this mole is bringing unwitting mages and hunters to Alexander for his debauched pleasures.

Notes for more experienced players:
I'm looking for any clan and any covenant for vampire characters. I love the idea of a vampiric grab-bag. But the shadowed vampiric society will use the feudal system, with one prince in a city, followed by any of lower status. Princes have territory rights, exclusive feeding rights, and no other vampire may make others of their kind without the express permission of the prince.

I am also willing to run Changing Breeds, such as werecats like the Bastet, wereravens, etc. You may not play one of the Pure—the Pure would never stoop to ally or even associate with vampires at all, but  one of the Forsaken of the tribes of the Moon might...if given a persuasive reason. And the threat of vampires destroying all of a werewolf''s kin-folk is a pretty large threat, as most kinfolk for werewolves are normal wolves or humans.

Any path and magic type is acceptable.

The Ashwood Abbey makes a wonderful choice for hunters. The Slasher supplement book, that deals with killers and deranged people, is also permitted. The Lucifuge would also be interesting. I do not mind if you wish to play a hunter with no group memberships.

Anything goes with ghouls, guys. Things get very skewed when a ghoul gets addicted to the ecstatic power of the blood, being bound by a false love for the vampire who provides it.

Normal humans:
Again, nearly anything goes, but those with law enforcement or criminal ties could be very interesting.

Normal humans stolen and taken away to a faerie realm known as Arcadia. I'm open to Changelings, but they might be tricky. Darklings would fit in here very nicely.

For inexperienced players:
If you would like to play and do a character sheet using the World of Darkness rules, PM me. I will walk you through character creation. Don't be shy—I don't bite. But Alexander does. <3 For experienced players who do not have access to the rulebooks, PM me if you have questions. If I see enough interest, I will post brief instructions on how to make a character.

Posting Expectations:
I would like at least a paragraph per post. I would prefer to see something closer to three or four paragraphs. I would like proper spelling and grammar in these posts. I understand some small mistake here and there; I'm guilty of them myself, as I've edited this thread to take a few out.  Seeing as there might be a variety of characters in addition to running major NPCs, my post sizes are going to be anywhere from five paragraphs up to two pages. I'm not holding you to what I might have to type in order to keep up with all the players, but it might be important that you read it.

Dice Rolling:
Use of the dice is simple. You add an attribute (which is an innate quality of your personality, body, or mind) to an ability (a cultivated knowledge, talent or skill) to determine how many d10s you roll for most types of check, including attacking people. I, the GM, determine difficulty. Higher numbers are more difficult to attain (8, 9, and 10). Every time you roll and equal or exceed the difficulty number, you acquire a success.

You normally need only one success to do most things, but very complicated things or extended challenges might require more. If you roll a 10, you may roll that dice again to see if you may acquire an additional success. Rolling a 1 will subtract a success from your total, and may result in a critical failure.

This is literally all you need to know initially to play the game at first. More complicated things can be brought in as we progress.

Notes: This RP will have a definite ending. It ends when Alexander Shaw is either deposed or if Alexander and his allies eradicate his foes.

NEW PLAYERS: I must reassure you that mistakes happen. I will probably make my fair share of them as well. No one is perfect. That's the fun of trying out a new setting, maybe new characters, maybe some new ideas. I say this to you as a new member of E currently terrified that I'm making mistakes right and left.

EDIT: If people are interested, I will discuss more about the various supernatural entities and factions. I have most, if not all, most of the new World of Darkness sourcebooks in pdf format. I will only put up character sheets and info if there are at least four people interested.

OOC is up and a work in progress.  Questions, suggestions, ideas for plot? Go right in. You are not formally approved until you submit a final approved character sheet with your race template applied to it. You may still post questions or suggestions in that thread.


I'm a huge fan of WoD, and I've been waiting for one to start up here on E since I joined up!

I don't normally do Erotic Group RP. As a player who is interested in RPing homosexual men, I'm rolling the dice in the hopes that somebody else also plays a bi-/homosexual man and then there is always a chance that I just don't want to group with them. Don't get me wrong, I'm not looking for this to just be a non-stop fuck-fest. I just want to make sure there is ANY chance of intercourse -- after all, that's why I'm here.

So I'm tossing this out here: I would love to join in as this, and frankly, I'm not super picky about what template/splat I play as (out of the listed options). If you're looking to play a dude that's into dudes: shoot me a PM. I would love to work out some kind of relationship between our characters, or at least try to guarantee a smidgen of compatibility. I'm willing to create a joint story for us with some input, or make a character based around your character. I'm not trying to shirk writing responsibility here, nor do I need for us to be perfectly matched star crossed lovers.

If I get desperate, I'll probably toss out some character hooks/ideas on here just to build interest. For now, I'd rather keep that kind of character stuff behind closed doors.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Thank you for posting, lockepick. The character I will be playing is Alexander, on whom whose weakness and desperation this story will likely revolve around, and he will be a bisexual male and open to a homosexual relationship...but likely not monogamous. If you prefer not to post sexual scenes in group play, that is fine. You can make arrangements with either myself or a player who character you are interested in via PM.

I don't believe you're trying to shirk writing responsibilities. After all, this hadn't even been posted all that long. I will PM you if there is enough interest in this, to do character creation and to discuss plot hooks, character development, erotic development, and anything else that strikes your fancy. :)

I'm trying not to be too terribly specific about plot just yet, as I would like to keep a more open WoD concept and shape it to my players' liking. After all, while Alexander is a vampire, I might see more interest in changelings  werewolves, and may need to adjust plot ideas accordingly.

But huzzah! One interested. Hopefully three more people to go.

EDIT: Also, this will be my first time running a WoD game on a forum, so bear with me if it takes me a little bit to get my bearings and get organized. I'm normally so prepared with tabletop games.


Just to be clear: I'm perfectly happy to pose sexual RP in a group RP. I was just worried there would be nobody TO RP with! Also, when I say 'relationship' I mean in the more generic sense. I'm not specifically looking for a boyfriend or something. I mean relationship in that one has ANY connection/rapport -- positive or negative.

If Alexander is an option, then definitely consider me in for this game. Not to sound ungrateful, but I'd still like to make some PC connections as well; either instead of a relationship with Alexander, or as well as.
Like what you see? I am currently looking for new plots!

Detailed List of O/Os and Plot Seeds

All of my image links were previously photobucket and broken -- I'm fixing them as I use the avatars again, or for current games. Please let me know if there is something that needs updating!


Sure thing. And there might be some more to RP with. I've been discussing this with a couple of other people, one of which is new to the WoD setting but is considering trying. I'm willing to wait for a group of people.

And no, you don't sound ungrateful.  ;)  Obviously in a group RP you want to make PC connections. That's part of the whole appeal of a group.


Interested. Bookmarking this and I'll check back in a bit. Interested in being a female vampire or werewolf, perhaps, depending on what needs filling.


Excellent. That gives us two now, if things work out. We need two more.

EDIT: Also, I used the E search function to scope out a few potentials. No clue if I'll hear back from them or not. So we still need a bare minimum of two more.


Hm...sorta on the fence about this RP.  While I think about it some more is there any good 'resouce' I can use to learn more about the universe of this setting?  Additionally, after you reach 5 players (including yourself) are you planning on stopping recruitment?


Quote from: Siereis on March 07, 2013, 06:07:48 PM
Hm...sorta on the fence about this RP.  While I think about it some more is there any good 'resouce' I can use to learn more about the universe of this setting?  Additionally, after you reach 5 players (including yourself) are you planning on stopping recruitment?

Excellent question. I don't know if I would stop recruitment or not. Sometimes not every player sticks around. I might freeze recruitment, and if we lose a member, go back to active recruiting. I might take more than four players as well, if interest were high enough.

As for resources, I can give you a fair few. The publisher, White Wolf, has a wiki available that is pretty good:

Clicking on any of the game subtitles, such as Vampire the Requiem or Werewolf the Forsaken, will take you to their respective pages. It's a good resource for beginners.

Wikipedia has some info, but you should look specifically at the New World of Darkness information. New players might have difficulty with Classic.

TV Tropes has some interesting tidbits as well:

I hope that these help. <3


Awesome, thanks for the info.

In regards to my question about max number of players I have a follow up question.  I might have accidentally skipped over this in the info at the top but in my mind it sounds like this is going to be a plot-driven sandbox game.  Is this correct?

Let me clarify what I mean by that just in case:  a main plot does exist but it's not solely the DM's responsibility to to produce interactions between separate plots or character interactions.  In such a game the plot would 'softly' guide players along a certain path but it's much looser than something purely plot centered.

I only ask because if it is slightly 'sandboxy' then it might be best to allow for around 8 players or so to join.  Just my opinion at least.

So with that said is this going to be heavily plot centered or much more freeform?


I like it when you ask me questions, Siereis. They're intelligent and help me clarify what I'm up to. Most definitively freeform. I chose that because I like the players to have some control with plot.  But yes, plot-driven sandbox sounds about right, given your definition of that. There is a plot: save Alexander's reign or destroy it, the game ending when one or the other is accomplished. But how you get there, what happens, the players will get a good chance to direct some plot.

I'll provide the plot elements with Alexander and some NPCs. You guys will ultimately end up choosing what you most like, but I will regulate the freeform interactions a little bit, in case opposed actions come up and we need some dice to solve it, of course.

I also like the sandbox idea, as it lets players plot and scheme even against each other. So upping the number would be great. 6-9 players would make a good number.


Interested but what about other vampires?

The Unaligned likely see the situation as screw the Court and let it burn, and likely would cut their own deals with mages and werewolves as solitary predators. And mages and werewolves must get some idea not all vampires are going to help the Prince and the Elders so likely would be happy to get some vampires off the chess board since there are not as many of the Unaligned around. Hunters would hunt regardless.

Belial's Brood they might send one member who is more socially gifted in to scout maybe intending to come in force when the fighting cripples everyone to much, Unaligned usually have no issue with them and vice versa so just putting it out there as another faction to consider. But I would consider playing one if open.

As for a Slasher yummy if anyone else is doing that how about a Slasher family like Captain Spaulding and his relatives think of all the options to play, after all the chaos will spill over to the mortal world when better to get all sick and twisted on society.

I'm interested though but I suggest downplay Predator's Taint that mechanic in my view for vampies has issues.


Sure, no problem - early questions are good at better defining the RP in my experience.

I agree that having you play as a few key story NPCs will indeed be the best way to handle the RP.

In any case go ahead and count me as interested in joining.  Sorta leaning towards playing as a vampire but of course I still need to look more into the source material before I can decide.

Now we need more bi or straight males to balance the sexual interests.  But then again I suppose fxf action is anticipated as well.


Viewing it like this:

Unaligned: Unaligned vampires have a chance to seize power without having to join a covenant. They might jump at that, or, failing that, remember that the RP ends if Alexander is deposed. You aren't actually required to side with the Ventrue lord.

Hunters: Hunters are human, and hunters are corruptible. Hunters in this game can be ghouls, can be bribed, can be blackmailed.

Belial's Brood: If you select Belial's Brood, it's highly likely that you're either wanting to depose Alexander, or you want to maintain him as a puppet leader so that the Brood now has "official" recognized territory. Open to other ideas as well with that.

Slashers: I'm only permitting one Slasher. They can be rather overpowered, and a game full of Slashers is likely to fall apart very quickly.

As for downplaying Predator's Taint: I always downplay it a little, but if we have any human player characters, I won't, as the Predator's Taint gives humans a fair edge, considering vampires have access to disciplines, can burn blood to heal or augment attributes, and can survive worse types of damage than a human.

Siereis: We need bi males, and we need a least one more female character.


I'm slightly interested, I have played NWoD before as well. Just wondering are you wanting us to put together actual sheets? If so I'd want to know how much xp we have and so forth so I know what I have to work with while building my character. I'm thinking a changing breed or a mage, changeling would be fun but does banality still affect them harshly in the NWoD?


Quote from: CurvyKitten on March 07, 2013, 06:50:53 PM
I'm slightly interested, I have played NWoD before as well. Just wondering are you wanting us to put together actual sheets? If so I'd want to know how much xp we have and so forth so I know what I have to work with while building my character. I'm thinking a changing breed or a mage, changeling would be fun but does banality still affect them harshly in the NWoD?

Banality was harsh in the classic WoD. In the NWoD, Changelings use Clarity. Revealing your true form to an unensorcelled mortal is a sin against Clarity 6, and you might degenerate as a result. High amounts of Wyrd can also affect you, making you alien and distant from the world....distant enough to even return to Arcadia one day. Clarity replaces Morality as a trait for Changelings in the New World of Darkness setting.

And yes, there will be character sheets. I have not decided on XP totals until I know the race of every player, to make it fair.

RubySlippers: Looking forward to a PM.


I've never played New World of Darkness before as a Ghoul, however, I have played Old World of Darkness Vampire and Ghoul. I am interested in playing a male Ghoul with a female vampire Domitor (if there are any women wanting to play vampires out there who'd like to have a Ghoul).

If this idea isn't cool, I may make a Mortal with Numina (assuming the rules for Numina are the same or close to the same?)
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Quote from: TheHangedMan on March 07, 2013, 07:02:53 PM
I've never played New World of Darkness before as a Ghoul, however, I have played Old World of Darkness Vampire and Ghoul. I am interested in playing a male Ghoul with a female vampire Domitor (if there are any women wanting to play vampires out there who'd like to have a Ghoul).

If this idea isn't cool, I may make a Mortal with Numina (assuming the rules for Numina are the same or close to the same?)

A ghoul would be welcome. Visna expressed interest in playing a female vampire, so the question of ghouldom with a female domitor would be better put to her. If she is okay with it, so am I. If another female plays a vampire, you can inquire with her.

Failing that, a mortal with Numina...that's complicated in NWoD, but I could house-rule it in for you, with one automatically assigned numina you choose at the beginning of the game, and I can assign purchase XP values for additional numina.

I may need to make an OOC soon....


I will play if allowed an Unbound Gangrel and by unbound sticks to the basic philosophy and considers the Traditions "a couple good and practical guidelines for vampire life" as for the Prince and the Covenant vampires they wanted to play Lords of the Night they can pay the piper. Unless a mage, werewolf or other force threatens her its not her issue. Plus truth be told if they cull the Elders and all the few Unaligned can settle in and not have to be bothered again by the "system" and it will get the number of vampires to a manageble small level. Not she will fight the vampires unless forced to and that would be in self-defense.

Not sure of more but likely her only issue will be against Hunters, and only if they target her but that might cause her to work with others.


Quote from: RubySlippers on March 07, 2013, 08:24:36 PM
I will play if allowed an Unbound Gangrel and by unbound sticks to the basic philosophy and considers the Traditions "a couple good and practical guidelines for vampire life" as for the Prince and the Covenant vampires they wanted to play Lords of the Night they can pay the piper. Unless a mage, werewolf or other force threatens her its not her issue. Plus truth be told if they cull the Elders and all the few Unaligned can settle in and not have to be bothered again by the "system" and it will get the number of vampires to a manageble small level. Not she will fight the vampires unless forced to and that would be in self-defense.

Not sure of more but likely her only issue will be against Hunters, and only if they target her but that might cause her to work with others.

Would your Unbound Gangrel be willing to help others either depose Alexander or help others to help him, if it benefitted your Gangrel?


You must have read the Unaligned philosophy you think she cares, it comes down to what threat the mages and werewolves are to her in the end that is what matters. If anything she would be looking out for the Unaligned since they need to survive this so she might move to claim an area for the Unaligned with her "faction" and worry about that.

Her focus on development is to hone HER powers and HER combat skills she cares little for power over the city any more than the small assets she needs to exist and with Proteans second power fully developed her first goal she can "rest" pretty much anywhere in the city. So even a haven is kind of optional. Power corrupts after all its better not to seek it in more than your own form.

Of course if the mages and werwolves did pose a threat she would have no choice now would she but to take some side near the Prince for the time being.


An OOC is up, and it details the first, and largest, step in character creation: creating the base human. If you are playing a vampire, you used to be human. Changing breeds and werewolves were essentially human before their changes. Ghouls still are human, just with some added kick of vampiric blood. Changelings were human before being taken to Arcadia.

We will discuss plot ideas within, and I will post Alexander Shaw's character sheet and powers soon enough within it.

Please PM me your character sheet before posting. I need to approve it before it is posted.

And Ruby, you slightly misunderstood me. I was asking if your Gangrel would help or harm  not  Alexander, but other vampires or people who may have taken sides already, if your Gangrel had attachments to any other characters. What I'm asking is if your character is willing to work with the other characters (or actively fight against them) who would be created here, who will likely take sides.

I understand the Unaligned just fine. The Unaligned vampires are those who either deliberately choose not to take sides, being independent at heart, sick of vampiric politics, just plain don't care, haven't found a covenant that suits them, or they are newly Embraced into unlife and have not selected a movement.


Bookmarked, though I'm not sure I'd play.  NWoD is saturated with issues.  I'd probably go Mage.

For a mortal with powers, though, I might suggest the Second Sight book.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Quote from: AndyZ on March 07, 2013, 09:04:37 PM
Bookmarked, though I'm not sure I'd play.  NWoD is saturated with issues.  I'd probably go Mage.

For a mortal with powers, though, I might suggest the Second Sight book.

Classic was saturated with more though, and did not include cross-game compatibility, so I hesitated to consider running Classic World of Darkness. Ultimately I decided against it.

The Second Sight book is amazing, and I do have it.

For those who don't know, mortals may have psychic powers or special thaumaturgy, so there is some benefit to playing a human.

Vampires, werewolves, changelings, and mages do not have access to those powers.


I would personally recommend at least 50xp to start.  We want to have characters that don't feel like they just fell off the boat, and supernatural people tend to be cream of the crop people anyway.  (Though ordinary mortals can get the same bonus since they've got to be able to keep up.)  Not that 50xp gets you anywhere near to cream of the crop, but you don't feel like complete crap.

Is your prince going to be a PC set up with the same amount of XP as everyone else, an NPC who guides the story and mostly stays back as you run things for us, or some combination therein?
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.