Interest Check: NWOD Circle of Leaders (At Capacity)

Started by Downfall347, June 29, 2012, 05:33:38 PM

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This is a basic interest check for an idea I have been kicking around for a bit set in the New World of Darkness game line. The principal is simple.

Chicago has always been, and forever will be a city defined by the shadows which dwell within it. Beyond the bay, and the museums darkness pools in blind alleys and back streets. These dark places are home to the cities degenerates, gangs, criminals, and monsters far more sinister and ancient. But not all these monsters are mindless killing machines. Some of them have societies, some of them have purpose. This is the story about the leaders of monsters.

The Great Chicago Fire was officially attributed to a cow and a mistake involving a lantern. The truth is far stranger. Hunters, men driven to the edge of sanity by the supernatural and given over to a divine Vigil. Hunter's burned the city in hopes of smoking out the towns oldest residents, a gathering of Vampires who's ancient roots sank all the way down to the foundations of Chicago. Proud creatures, they had been arrogant in their power, in their control, and in their hubris let fall the Masquerade which protects humans from the truth. They hardly survived the consequences of that mistake. After that the various supernaturals of the city made a decision, mutual monitoring of all societies in the city to ensure none brought calamity upon them all. The Council was formed, constructed of the leaders of each of the various Supernatural races that called Chicago home. They are not friends, they are not allies, often enough these meetings dissolving into blind bickering and snarls. But they have endured until the modern night, where once again it seems a dark plot has been set in motion to bring forth the Hunter Scourge once again. Prophetic visions have seen them coming, dark vans have been spotted outside of gathering places. Who let it slip this time? Who is to blame for this coming catastrophe? And is there anything which can be done to stop it?

The players in this game will play the leaders of the present supernatural factions in the city of Chicago, being Vampires (Vampire: The Requiem), Werewolves (Werewolf: The Forsaken), Mages (Mage: The Awakening), The Changelings (Changeling: The Lost), The Sin Eaters (Geist: The Sin Eaters), and the Created (Promethean: the Created). Each will play either the leader or elected representative of their local supernatural community. Basic knowledge of the World of Darkness world and the Supernatural your representing are encouraged. Note this will be utilizing NO DICE. I expect everyone to be good and honest role-players with the basic RP rules followed, namely, No God-Modding. Fights should be worked out over PM before hand.

This is the story of culture clash and crisis. Of working with your enemy despite fearing him. It is a story where forbidden romances can be played out in hand with dark plots. Where this goes is entirely up to you.

Note: Plot comes before Sex, that said, Sex can create some damn good personal story. So feel free (Obviously)

Now, as for each of the council members we will be needing a total of 6 players plus myself (I will be GM'ing the NPC's and such)

Supernaturals, their leaders, and their turfs

The Vampires: Lead by a Prince (male or female) they have claimed much of downtown and the entertainment district in their name, controlling the finances, police, and night club industry of the city. They are by far the most wealthy financially speaking.

The Werewolves: The Werewolf packs are led either by a Alpha of Alphas or by a simple elected representative of their kind. Claiming the bay area as their own as well as the outlying wilderness/farms they often gather in the Marina.

The Mages: Claiming much of the lower side of the city for themselves the Mage's are led by a powerful Hierarchy. They are known to gather at the Field Museum, as it is a den of learning and knowledge.

The Lost: Capitalizing on the cities drive toward green energy the Lost have found themselves claiming turf over many city parks and the surrounding neighborhoods. They are led by a Seasonal King, however to prevent the Lost representative changing on the Council every 3 months one of the seasonal monarchs has been selected by the Freehold to represent them to the other supernaturals.

The Sin-Eaters: Represented by an elected Krewe Founder from among the cities Krewes the Bound have claimed the inner city and slums as their turf, as well as the historical district for its wealth of history and ghosts.

The Created: The smallest in number among all the cities supernaturals they are represented by a single elected representative. The created claim no land, living as nomads outside the city, moving around to try and keep their taint as limited as possible. They have been known to gather in an old Scrap Yard outside the city limits.

As I said, i want people with basic working knowledge of the group they wish to represent.

Not sure if there are enough NWOD fans here to get this going, but please feel free to sound off if it interests you.


Possibly interested.  I'd probably go for either Mage or Vampire, possibly Changeling.
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If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.




I have gotten PM's from 2 folks so far in addition to those who posted.

We may have a Mage Leader set
Another is knowledgable about everything and has yet to choose
Darkling you are more than welcome to snatch Promethean (Although your name makes you sound more Lost :P)
Andy and Knight just let me know if you want in. I would like to get this started up within a week.

One thing of note, I encourage any interested parties to talk with each other and establish ties at least a bit. The intent coming in is that you have been on the council together for at least a bit of time, maybe as long as decades for some or at minimum a year for others. You should be familiar enough with the other characters to justify this length of time and interaction, able to have a conversation with them without screaming, "OH MY GOD A VAMPIRE KILL IT WITH FIRE".

Those interested please write up a simple Bio

Apparent Age:
Description: Pic or words
General Personality:
Notable Quirks or Features Noticed:
Attitudes about the Council:
If you are a leader or an elected official:

Then I want you to PM me with the following
True Age:
True Name:
Dark Secrets:
Truth of Position: (In case some leader has sent a patsy in his place, like a vampire prince sending in his hound who claims to be the prince of vampires)


And I just realized the possible Mage Leader was mentioned twice in my last post. Sorry Andy! The Spot is open for you if you still want it.


 I am interested, but I would like to know if you would be willing to allow a Genius character. I've been trying to find a game to play one for a while now....
Call me Shadow
My A/A



 Oh yes, because Mages are so much more balanced :P

If Genius a no go, then dibs on Geist, running a historic bar in south Chicago.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


“Also I've seen that movie, if they're any similar to it, then those guns do not fuck around, please take cover“
- scribus1000


Trying to find a picture but failing so far.  Are anime pictures acceptable or do you want them to have to be real?

Here's some of what I've got so far, though:

Shadow Name: Aria
Apparent Age: 19
Description: I'm hoping to find a picture long blonde hair that goes all the way to the small of her back, dressed casually but stunningly sexy.  If I can't find a good one, I'll just do a writeup.
General Personality: Carefree and happy-go-lucky. 
Notable Quirks or Features Noticed: She never seems to take much of anything seriously, and anything she puts her mind to seems to come about more by luck and circumstance than any actual work on her part.  On at least one occasion, someone has attempted to attack her by shooting her; the gun jammed and she didn't even seem to notice.
Attitudes about the Council: Although she talks about how it's going to take a bit more work before everyone can be true friends, she's happy about how nice people can be at times, and tries her best to ignore those who can't behave themselves.
If you are a leader or an elected official: This is a little unclear.  Some people claim that she was sent by the Hierarch as an Emissary, others that she is herself the Hierarch but rarely steps in to manage affairs unless accidents happen, or are about to happen.  When asked, she smiles, wags a finger and says that if you want to know more about her, you're going to have to buy her a drink first.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Andy: An pictures you feel represent the character work just fine. After all the Mage books certainly use a TON of anime, I can expect people to extrapolate what by our going for based on a pic and words regardless of if the pic is 100% right.

Red: Sounds good

ShadowFox: What do you mean Genius? If you just mean a very very smart character than absolutely. Hell you could even do it AS a Sin Eater. I would just suggest, as I would to everyone, to make sure their character is not Mr. Perfect. A genius likely has some major flaws to offset their superior intellect.


 Genius: the Transgression;  TvTropes page-

There are some people who complain that they are overpowered, though they don't seem to read through the pdf enough to notice all the weaknesses Geniuses have.

The big one, of course, is being very socially awkward.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Shadow Name: Aria
Apparent Age: 19
Description: She's usually dressed pretty casually, whether in jeans with holes, or a miniskirt, and sometimes even a bikini if she's just gone swimming.  Her hair (presumably dyed, though no one has asked) flows all the way down to the small of her back.  Beyond that, it could be about anything, though she does love music and headphones/earbuds aren't uncommon.  It's very rare to see her properly dressed up in anything formal, even for Council meetings.
General Personality: Carefree and happy-go-lucky. 
Notable Quirks or Features Noticed: She never seems to take much of anything seriously, and anything she puts her mind to seems to come about more by luck and circumstance than any actual work on her part.  On at least one occasion, someone has attempted to attack her by shooting her; the gun jammed and she didn't even seem to notice.
Attitudes about the Council: Although she talks about how it's going to take a bit more work before everyone can be true friends, she's happy about how nice people can be at times, and tries her best to ignore those who can't behave themselves.
If you are a leader or an elected official: This is a little unclear.  Some people claim that she was sent by the Hierarch as an Emissary, others that she is herself the Hierarch but rarely steps in to manage affairs unless accidents happen, or are about to happen.  When asked, she smiles, wags a finger and says that if you want to know more about her, you're going to have to buy her a drink first.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


 If you do allow a Genius character, here's her info:

Name: Tes Coils
Apparent Age: 20
Description: Pic or words: Tes is 5'10 with long red hair reaching down to her hips, framing her slim face. Her eyes are always covered by a black visor, a single green light in the middle. Tes wears a black striped blue long sleeve shirt, no matter what the weather, with a black vest filled with writing and measuring tools over it. Over her slim hips, she wears blue jeans with an odd metal device reaching up from her knee-high boots to her waist. the leg supports sometimes beep and sparks of electricity sometimes jump off.
General Personality: Tes is timid and quiet much of the time, keeping to herself. She is quick to blurt of explanations of things, however, and can be riled up quickly if someone knows what buttons to push. Tes is sensitive about people talking about her gear, especially her visor, and will try and change the subject as quickly as possible.
Notable Quirks or Features Noticed: Tes will not let anyone touch her visor or leg supports. It's a quick way to get her to freak out and move away as quickly as possible.
Attitudes about the Council:
If you are a leader or an elected official:
Call me Shadow
My A/A


*pokes shadow* dont fret so much :P, When i said we were doomed, i was referring to their penchant for madscientistism, not any notions of overpowerness.. Mages are far more so.


My only major concern here is that I have no idea what the heck these guys are. I am poking at the Wiki, and they do seem rather powerful but I suppose in context not terribly much so. My other concern is that if I allow this then that means that Hunchback the Agony, Immortal the Quickening, and Streetshark the Destruction are on the table as well which kinda ruins the feel of the game. That said I seldom like to shut down story if the player feels passionately about it. So this is what I can do. I really want the core venues listed represented before we begin. So if we get enough people that all of those get taken I will allow a Genius character, potentially not as a direct Council member but an advisor to the Council, as in the current set up there is little room for a whole new supernatural faction. For that reason the character could be there as a sort of mediator between parties or the direct personal friend of a Council member who brings her in to throw an extra (Highly intelligent) voice into the fold.


I would be up for being a werewolf if needed if there is still room?


Senti, there is still room although Werewolf is currently taken.

So Far what I have filled is:

Vampire: OPEN
MAGE: Andyz
Werewolf: Redlobster
Changeling: OPEN
Created: Darkling
Bound: Open

with a possible Genius add on. Did I miss anyone?


I can do a changeling though will rethink though I have an idea already.

(I have all the core books and more ...)

I just know werewolf better.


I am thinking a very special shop keeper.


Quote from: Downfall347 on July 01, 2012, 09:50:02 AM
Senti, there is still room although Werewolf is currently taken.

So Far what I have filled is:

Vampire: OPEN
MAGE: Andyz
Werewolf: Redlobster
Changeling: OPEN
Created: Darkling
Bound: Open

with a possible Genius add on. Did I miss anyone?

Okay, I could take the Sin-Eater slot if it doesn't fill up enough for my Genius character.

If anyone does know Tes IC, and you know her well enough out of the Council, let me know. I'll PM you her secret along with Down.
Call me Shadow
My A/A


Toward the end of bring to fill this up if you guys have rp friends who could be enticed who could be taught enough to run that venue we can try and make it work for the sanctity of the storyline and what we have going on.


 Sent in the secret info about Tes.

We might not be using dice, but I still find building character sheets fun. 50-75xp depending on character experience sound about right?
Call me Shadow
My A/A
