Stuck In The Middle With You (seeking F-F-M roles)

Started by AmandaShow, May 20, 2024, 05:04:42 PM

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Hello, all! I am actively seeking players (two to be exact) for a small group RP. First and foremost, here are my criteria:

LITERACY! Spell check comes standard with your word processor so put it to use!

POST LENGTH! No one-liners. Period. They are incredibly hard to respond to and lazy on the writer's part. Please post at least two good paragraphs. Violators of this rule shall be ignored/blocked/sacrificed to a Lovecraftian horror

PLOT! I value story over smut and believe in building a cohesive narrative and crafting a world with believable characters before all else. If that doesn't appeal to you and you want to get right into the 'action', close the thread and have a nice day. Don't bother to PM me thinking you can persuade me and change my mind, this is nonnegotiable. Hey, no harm, no foul and we didn't waste each other's time :-)

CHARACTER SHEETS! are not required for any of my ideas but if you want to go ahead and post/send one then feel free! As long as YOU have a good understanding of your character, that’s all that matters.

COMMUNICATION! Before you message me or respond do anything on my list, please be prepared to start a dialogue and work out details and plot progression regularly. I find that keeping channels open helps keep the story alive in the player’s mind and can curve creative stalls. Basically, be open!

See? That wasn’t so bad! If you read all that and are still here, your chances of starting an RP with me have increased exponentially!

The plot would revolve around a twenty-something working girl, fresh out of college and navigating the cut-throat world of literary publishing. She's just landed a once in a lifetime internship at one of the largest organizations on the eastern United States. Her apartment is small but more than enough for her and best of all, its within walking distance of work! Her student loan debts are enormous but manageable if she sticks to her carefully laid of financial plan. Yes, things are looking up! That is, until some relatives from out of town stop in, looking for a place to stay. Uninvited guests are a pain, more so when they're family but there is something unique about her heritage. Her half-sister and half-brother are a succubus and Incubus, respectively and have little patience for humanities desire for modesty and discretion. Her life suddenly upended, MC now much navigate the treacherous waters of the adult business world while juggling a landlord with a strict no long-term visitors policy written into her lease, a budding relationship with a coworker and being the object of sexual satisfaction for not one but two demonspawn! Nothing she can't handle...right?

MC would be the intern. I am seeking players for the two demonic relatives and assistance fleshing out the various NPC roles they would encounter. Coworkers, neighbors, etc. There would be equal parts smut, story and comedy and I would prefer it to be something more long term rather than a quick one-off. If interested in either role, please feel free to PM to discuss kinks and characters! :D
Entrapta: “Did you hear that, Emily? I’ve never had a lab partner before!"


Ooo, this could be fun. *bites lip* The half-brother is my preference. But, let's keep the interest casual for now? Until there's an interest from a third party?

Still, if you want to chat or brainstorm, that'd be neat. Not sure what I'd do with the character. But the setup is sort of neat.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
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