Hidden in the Smoke - D&D 5E {Iron Kingdoms} Recruiting

Started by Kakihara, January 08, 2024, 07:45:22 PM

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Hmm. Thought so. :)

Big wigs are at work so makes reading up a pain.

So what's wrong with outsider pacts?


Quote from: Hexed on January 10, 2024, 08:05:32 AMHmm. Thought so. :)

Big wigs are at work so makes reading up a pain.

So what's wrong with outsider pacts?
Because cosmology in the Iron Kingdoms is different than your default D&D one.  As their book puts it, Warlocks in the D&D sense do exist among the infernal cultist but are not called warlocks.  The term warlock in IK are spellcasters who can establish telepathic bonds with savage warbeast that they can control.  They have no rules for them but have said they will be coming in future books, not sure if they have them in the Cyrx book as have not had a good look at it but pretty sure it's not in the Borderlands books.  With them being tied to infernal cults, basically the people hoping to burn the world down, they wouldn't really have a place in the campaign.  (I need to put up a little lore in my worldbuilding thread on the cosmology/religion need to remember.)

And I don't think gun mages are as comparable to warlocks as they are to maybe a mix of sorcerer and artificer I feel.  I've loved them since 3.5 edition but then the idea of having magic guns has always struck me as neat.


Animal bond warlocks are in the borderland book with... shaman n bone grinder I think.

And aye magic guns is a very interesting concept.

More thinking is needed after work. Take a poke at some more stuff.


While I know it's a bit too early to discern character creation stuff yet, are we using the essence and background system from the book? I admit I like them a lot more than racial stats as it feels they add a lot of leeway to character creation.


Quote from: Revelation on January 10, 2024, 11:28:53 AMWhile I know it's a bit too early to discern character creation stuff yet, are we using the essence and background system from the book? I admit I like them a lot more than racial stats as it feels they add a lot of leeway to character creation.
Debating on this.  I was going to leave the Essence stuff go because I wanted to make things easy for people without the books but I didn't want to ax the background system... but just rereading it realizing they kind of expect them to go together so I need to reconsider if I want to ax the racial bonuses now and just go with Essence as I do really want to include the backgrounds.


I'd say keep essences. It make the campaign world feel more unique and it's not overly burdensome to learn.
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Marie Reynolds

The Essences  only remove the racial stat bonuses. Everything else remains the same about  races and backgrounds. So go for it if it is something you would like to add.


Soooo, a satyx gunslinger? That sounds like soemthing I want to play. Yuuup!

*goes to dig more in his Nightmare Empire book*
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What is on or off the table with this?
Are various nationalities simply no go if the unit is "mostly" cygnar (ie Menoth Khador)?
Since magic is relatively rare in setting (having not played it in decades) being mostly limited to the warcasters, how does that work out in the RPG?

Since warcasters and jack's are off the table does that limit the usefulness of Bodgers or Mekaniks? (Had the old 1st ed book)

It also partly a me thing where we all turn up with guns and then I go, what makes my character unique?


Guns do not make you unique in IKRPG. They are a ubiquitous part of the setting. That's a shift in paradigm you'll need to make. Mechanics are used for a lot more than just warjacks. There's trains, generators, and various other machines in the world.

A good base point to consider is that mechanics and guns are not extraordinary in this setting. They are the base point.

But so is magic. And, in lore, arcanists and sorcerers and druids and shamans and priests exist as magic users. In lore, you just need the spark of magic to use magic, but there are many many paths to take. Gifted essence individuals might be rare, but there are still thousands of them in the world. Tens of thousands probably.

As for team composition... no idea. We're a mercenary team. So, that opens things a bit. Especially if we are post Tithe. I forget the anme of the apocalypse event that occured in lore.
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*pokes head in, tentatively plants a flag of interest, then runs out*

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on January 10, 2024, 06:12:26 PMThe Essences  only remove the racial stat bonuses. Everything else remains the same about  races and backgrounds. So go for it if it is something you would like to add.
If you use Essences, you also get a stat bonus from your background since the two are meant to work together. If you don't use essences you just use racial traits instead.


@shengami Thanks. :)

Maybe I'll just go Winter guard (so that's probably ranger of fighter)

Part of me wants to play a Paladin of menoth, but I don't mechanic characters that well.

Or a mechanic but that probably is affected by the above as well


Quote from: Rashol on January 11, 2024, 02:58:41 AM@shengami Thanks. :)

Maybe I'll just go Winter guard (so that's probably ranger of fighter)

Part of me wants to play a Paladin of menoth, but I don't mechanic characters that well.

Or a mechanic but that probably is affected by the above as well
Pretty sure that a Paladin of Menoth... if you mean Paladin of the Oath of the Wall... is a subclass of the Paladin class in the Requiem book.

As for anything else, RP first and mechanics second.
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Quote from: FyreFoxx on January 10, 2024, 10:02:38 PM*pokes head in, tentatively plants a flag of interest, then runs out*
Quote from: Timeless on January 10, 2024, 05:41:40 AM-plants interest flag-
>->;; I never played DnD before, but would like try, either way.. If you'll have me. Ah hem.
-raise a hand- I am thinking something like friends, but frenemies would be interesting. Basically, a humorous banter between friends who like to mess with each other would be cool. I'm also down with siblings, but however, I have to admit that I'm going to enter into this as a total newb.
Sweet.  Thanks.  Glad to see more interested.  I'd saw we definitely have enough to proceed so I'll work on getting a character sheet up and character creation info up by this weekend and turn this into a recruiting thread.


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Marie Reynolds

Look forward to seeing that Info! Yay recruitment thread.



Ok, have the character sheet and creation rules up, think it's all clear but just let me know if something needs clarification.  Most of my 5E has been on a VC so I hope I wrote everything down needed. lol

Marie Reynolds

Yay Character sheet and Creation rules! Now to work up more ideas and flesh out more details of  a Nyss  Labor boss Alchemist!


Well, I'll be working on things. I knwo I put out some tendrils for connections between my character and others.

So, anyone who wants can touch base with me. MAjor connections or minor are all fine. Shoot me a PM with your idea.

*goes to look at CC guide*
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Marie Reynolds

@Kakihara  is the second  entry of Background is that  where we should list Personality Trait, Ideal, Bond and Flaw?


Quote from: Marie Reynolds on January 15, 2024, 08:41:50 PM@Kakihara  is the second  entry of Background is that  where we should list Personality Trait, Ideal, Bond and Flaw?
Yeah, the second should say (cont) on it, quick edit and moving things around and missed it.  It can go there or if it's having trouble fitting can go in the notes section as needed.

Marie Reynolds

Thanks Kakihara!

So anyone feel free to Chime in  What would be the more common materials to  build buildings out of in the Iron Kingdoms Stone or Wood? I am trying to decide if I should go Mason or Carpenter.