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The World of Toil

Started by Aethyrium, October 11, 2023, 10:40:36 AM

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The Index
The Characters of Toil
     Aurora Torvoe
     Bri'elle Whitewater
     Chee Tortious
     Farrah Tinkerspan
     Haimehen de Temps Infini
     Hulta Elderfond
     Koko Gero
     Lyreilynn Myalis
     Maria Rex-Astra
     Marlowe Ashe
     Meena Tor
     Mila Rios
     Mugi Stone
     Namid Valentine
     Torina Squall
     Vesper Cabello
The People of Toil
     Apple Blossom
     Azir Venris Kil-Mitter
     Background Characters
     Doya Yama
     Ocean Specter
     Shir Dhan
     The Crimson Jackals
     Velvet Smoke
     Xaexyl der Ocolos Enerim
The Places of Toil
      Hammer Academy
      World Overview
The Lore of Toil
      Black Lotus
      Elves of Toil
      Gods of Toil
      Great War
      Humans of Toil
      Legend of the Moon
      Onyx Prairie
      Silenus of Toil

Sandbox Time Frames
Chapter 1.01 - October 3rd - October 6th (7pm)
Chapter 1.02 - October 7th - October 12th (6am) (*Lyra, Haim, Lolo, Farrah only) - October 18th (5am)
Chapter 1.03 - October 19th - November 5th (11pm)
Chapter 1.04 - November 7th - November 18th
09.27.1322 | Wednesday - Initiation and Acceptance Ceremony
09.28.1322 | Thursday - Headmaster Meetings
09.29.1322 | Friday - Squire Trials
10.02.1322 | Monday - Team Challenge
10.06.1322 | Friday - Side Effects May Include: Explosions
10.10.1322 | Tuesday - Namid's Departure
10.11.1322 | Wednesday - Crime Spree Broadcast
10.12.1322 | Thursday - Meena & Vesper's Arrival
10.16.1322 | Monday - Unity Tournament Announcement
10.18.1322 | Wednesday - The gRAVIty of the Situation
10.19.1322 | Thursday - Hollow Attack Onyx
10.22.1322 | Sunday - Freebird Uprising
10.24.1322 | Tuesday - Instruments of Destruction...
10.28.1322 | Saturday - Arcanite Heist
11.06.1322 | Monday - Quoth the Heroes "Forevermore"
11.08.1322 | Wednesday - Ettinus accepts Chee into Hammer
11.09.1322 | Thursday - Fate of the Recovered Message
11.12.1322 | Sunday - Freebirds Steal Military Supplies
11.14.1322 | Tuesday - Onyx Power Outage



Non-Player Characters

Clover Field: Hollowology professor at Hammer
Douglas Wilt: Survival professor at Hammer
Ettinus Maro Lin Oscoro: Headmaster of Hammer; Councilor of Onyx
Jericho Swain: Tactics professor at Hammer
Kola Fizz: Human. Owner of Dazzle & Dust
Locken Lowed: Arcanite professor at Hammer
Moss Kirk: Hammer Academy professor
Sandie Beach: History professor at Hammer
Shae Butter: Councilor of Onyx
Silk Whyte: Combat & Technique professor at Hammer

Farrah's People

Aldim Almentis: Thessa's older brother; works at junkyard
Ashrym Tinkerspan: Farrah's mother; works in defense technology
Myressa Almentis: Thessa's mother; retired Knight; deceased - new shield tech failure, city attack
Olasin Tinkerspan: Farrah's father; works in defense technology
Orym Tinkerspan: Farrah's older brother; dating Thessa; works in defense technology
Thaldir Almentis: Thessa's father; owns a junkyard
Thessa Almentis: Farrah's childhood friend; works at junkyard; dating Orym
Saaldir Almentis: Thessa's younger sister; intends to attend Savage when of age

Haimehen's People

Auguste De Temps Infini: Haimehen's father; Onyx military, intelligence officer.
Celeste De Temps Infini (nee Des Gemmes): Haimehen's mother; Onyx military, sniper; deceased - killed by an ancient hollow in Kantos
Charles des Gemmes: Haimehen's maternal grandfather; farmer
Constance De Temps Infini: Haimehen's twin sister; Onyx military; missing - 'leviathan' hollow attack
Etienne des Gemmes: Haimehen's maternal grandmother; farmer
Victor De Temps Infini II: Haimehen's paternal grandfather
Violetta De Temps Infini (nee Xyrven): Haimehen's paternal grandmother; commander in the Onyx military, northern Johtan; deceased - killed by 'leviathan' hollow attack
Nicialan: Haimehen's ex-boyfriend.
Haliy: Haimehen's friend from university of Onyx.
Britani: Haimehen's friend from university of Onyx.
Sheom: Haimehen's friend from university of Onyx.
Caela: Haimehen's friend from university of Onyx.

Lyreilynn's People

Anamaris Myalis: Lyreilynn's older sister; thirdborn
Anwyn Myalis: Lyreilynn's older brother; secondborn
Chetan Myalis: Lyreilynn's older brother; firstborn
Mareika Myalis: Lyreilynn's older sister; fourthborn
Reichet Myalis: Lyreilynn's father
Sylviana Myalis: Lyreilynn's mother
Wyndell Myalis: Lyreilynn's younger brother; sixthborn

Marlowe's People

Aveline Ashe: Marlowe's mother
Eamon Ashe: Marlowe's father
Kenny Hood: Retired Champion; Marlowe's mentor
Linnea Ashe: Marlowe's older sister
Roderic Ashe: Marlowe's older brother

Meena's People

Airyadnee of the Tors: Meena's sister.
Ansi of the Tors: Meena's grandmother.
Day'dalus of the Tors: Meena's brother.
Davni of the Tors: Meena's grandmother.
Emol Le’ Ente: Apothecary in Ruby Cove. Human.
Knos'os of the Tors: Meena's brother.
Lashti of the Tors: Meena's grandmother.
Meenos of the Tors: Meena's father.
Pasifae of the Tors: Meena's mother.
Rynth of the Tors: Meena's sister.
Sumina Inès dè Océane: Meena's mentor. Elf
Thys'eeus of the Tors: Meena's brother.

Mila's People

Felicia Trinity: Mila's mother; tech mogul of Sapphire; world renowned
Mattias Trinity: Mila's brother; deceased
Santiago Trinity: Mila's father; tech mogul of Sapphire; world renowned

Namid's People

Brison Alexander Ranalds II: Namid's adoptive father
Brison Alexander Ranalds III: Namid's step-brother
Elyon Elric: Champion who trained Namid
Mikeal Spencer O'Neil: Namid's biological father; CEO of Geotech in Sapphire
Sophia Ranalds: Namid's mother

Maria's People

Agnes Stoutwall: Maria's childhood nanny and still close friend. Blunt, honest, kind. Even-tempered. One of few who used to be able to get through to Ameldia & Nicolash but after Maria grew out of needing a nanny they don't see her anymore. Maria still visits her.
Ameldia Astra: Maria's mother; Hearthdeer Silenus business tycoon who moved from Sinnat. Somewhat callous. Moved from engineering energy systems to armaments. Greedy, a bit cold, does love Maria a lot and wants the best for her but wants that to be running Astra Industries. Genius in the field of engineering. Obsessed with 'making more for herself' has kind of lost the old young her, become accustomed to wealth and status and fixated on maintaining it.
Gehrmun Jaeger: Maria's trainer and mentor. A practitioner of the Path of Fallen Leaves. Very loyal to his spirituality. A former champion of some repute. I imagine him as a large, broad, grey-haired man who fights with a sword, but he's largely retired and now is just a trainer for others, mostly privately and 1-1. Perhaps a former tutor at the Academy, or he guest tutors at times if that's an option. Playfully banters with people, generally a 'good guy' all around, kind of an ageing past hero trope.
Nicolash Rex: Maria's father; human from Onyx. Aspiring politican who is not young but is young in his political career. Maybe wants to spark war for financial gain for his wife's company. Greedy but not an outright supervillain, more clutching to the wealth / status he has reached.

Koko's People

Chandra: Koko's former maid.
Dara Gero: Koko's mother; missing/estranged.
Mahandi Gero: Koko's father.

Bri'elle's People

Alica Whitewater (nee: Arlington): Paternal grandmother (74)
Ali'elle Whitewater: Sister (23); Hammer Academy Graduate (Air affinity); Military Lieutenant.
Amos'atlan Whitewater: Brother (25); Military Sergeant
Ang'atlan Whitewater: Father (54); Hammer Academy Graduate (Air affinity); Military Captain
Astor Aspen: Counsin (17); Brother of Macy, close friend to Bri & Tigga due to closeness of ages
Bo'atlan Whitewater: Brother (8); Ty'atlan's twin.
Bri'atlan Whitewater: Paternal grandfather (73); retired Colonel
Elle Whitewater-Aspen: Mother (45); matriarch of the Aspen Farms Land Corporation
Gigi'elle Whitewater: Sister (12)
Jam'atlan Whitewater: Uncle; Captain; Married with 5 children.
Kara'elle Whitewater: Sister (6)
Macy Aspen: Cousin (18), sister of Astor, close friend to Bri & Tigga due to closeness of ages
Mara Whitewater-Clems: Aunt, Married with 4 children
March'atlan Whitewater: Brother (15)
Tan Whitewater-Thorum: Aunt; Colonel, Married with 1 child
Tig'elle "Tigga" Whitewater: Sister (17); The sibling that Bri is closest too
Ty'atlan Whitewater: Brother (8); Bo'atlan's twin.
Zara'elle Whitewater: Sister (21); Works as Elle's personal assistant manager

Torina's People

Georges Squall: Father; owl silenus.
Nana Verde: Mother; raven silenus.
Bojack: Mentor, red fang member.

Mugi's People

Aine Stone: 17, Lives in Eastern Quarter, foster care; Bunk sister.
Arata Stone: 18, Black Lotus; lives in Western Quarter; Bunk Brother, Mongrel Brother
Emmanuel Jorsen: 31, Black Lotus, lives in Central Onyx; Mongrel Sponsor
Emmette Stone: 15, missing, lives in Eastern Quarter; Bunk Brother, Mongrel brother
Jackson Imperial: 17, Deceased; Mongrel Brother.
Jorge Gaines: 20, Black Lotus, lives in Southern Quarter; Mongrel Brother
Keira Drake: 20, Black Lotus, Lives in Eastern Quarter; Mongrel Sister
Lance Kuso: 19, Black Lotus, Lives in Southern Quarter; Mongrel Brother
Medina Guerreo: 72, Deceased, Foster Guardian
Missy Zynthean: 19, Deceased; bunk sister, mongrel sister
Seiza Loveless: 18, Deceased; Mongrel Sister
Whitney Ashida: 29, Black Lotus, Lives in Western Quarter; Mongrel Sponsor
Virginia Mason: 24, OES, Bunk sister
Xyxel Dane: 21, missing; Mongrel Brother




Headmaster: Ettinus Maro Lin Oscoro
Faculty: Moss Kirk (Professor); Douglas Wilt (Professor); Jericho Swain (Professor); Locken Lowed (Professor); Sandie Beach (Professor)

Squire Class Schedule (Monday-Friday)
7:30am - Breakfast
8:00am - History 101: The Great War and Forward (90 minutes; 15 minute break)
9:45am - Survival 101: Wilderness Basics (90 minutes; 15 minute break)
11:15am - Combat Training & Technique Review (60 minutes; 15 minute break)
12:30pm - Lunch
1:30pm - Arcanite 101: Arcanite and You (30 minutes; 15 minute break)
2:15pm - Hollowology 101: Know Thy Enemy (90 minutes; 15 minute break)
4:00pm - Team Logistics (50 minutes; 10 minute break)
5:00pm - Self-Directed Sparring
6:00pm - Dinner
Each of Toil’s Battle Academies was uniquely constructed and plays a specific role in the city in which it was erected, but that is perhaps most true of Hammer Academy. Easily the largest of the Battle Academies, Hammer is a sprawling complex that is home not just to those who would choose the life of a Champion, but also those who would choose a life serving Onyx in its military. Hammer is not just a Battle Academy, it is a military compound; acting both as a military academy as well as the Onyx military’s central command. Hammer sits on a floating island that was ripped out of the ground of northern Onyx using a complex system of green, white, and black Arcanite with four enormous stabilizers built into the risen earth to keep it afloat. It is often considered the greatest feat of engineering in history. The island floats stationary roughly one mile above the city, casting a long shadow on what is affectionately known as Hammer Crater - which has long since been turned into a military base that houses the bulk of Onyx’s reserves and city stationed assets. There are two ways up to Hammer: military transport from the crater, or the academy’s private shuttle system which makes a two-way trip every thirty minutes from a tower in Onyx.

The flight from Hammer Tower in Onyx to Hammer Academy is a leisurely seven minute trip one way. You arrive on a large, circular landing pad that could support five shuttles this size - these transport jets are built to carry about two dozen passengers comfortably, and are crewed by a single pilot with room for a second. There are two additional shuttles near permanently sitting on the Academy side, which matches the three bays on the tower, despite there usually only being one shuttle in service at any given time. The landing pad is at the end of a long sky-peninsula that stretches out from the island and out from a small valley formed by large hills. Over their bulge and to either side, you can see bits of Hammer Academy. But it isn’t until you pass through the little valley and into the spacious courtyard that you can truly appreciate how massive Hammer really is. Straight across from the shuttle landing are heavy, reinforced, military grade automatic steel doors that grant entrance to the academy proper, where would-be Champions go to be forged. To the right of the courtyard, another entrance grants passage into the military education part of the complex, where students who will join the service in one of its myriad roles go to be educated, trained, and disciplined. Opposite that, on the left, is a third entrance. This set of doors has a hard light shield active in front of it at all times, and is perpetually guarded by four Artemis Sentry Units - fully robotic soldiers, that require no sleep or food, and don’t care about your excuses; if you don’t have an appointment, you aren’t getting into central command.

The courtyard itself has an array of stone benches, a central fountain, and a dozen beautifully crafted statues of Johtan heroes arranged in a half circle, all looking in on the academy. Passing through the doors, you enter a sterile feeling environment that favors bright whites, sharp blacks, with the occasional accenting of red or blue. Hammer favors minimalism. The academy is a maze of interconnected, identical corridors that are labyrinthine to the uninitiated. Exploring these halls reveals points of connection between the Battle Academy and the military academy, which are open for champion hopefuls and military cadets to pass between freely. However there is no shortage of clearance required offices and entire sections, which belong to Onyx central command. Hammer’s first floor is home to general facilities - the mess, an auditorium, and an indoor combat stadium, as well as several offices. The second floor is dedicated almost entirely to classrooms and training chambers. On the third floor are the dormitories - each designed to facilitate an entire six person team. There are a number of private rooms, which belong to Hammer faculty. There is a closed air skybridge that connects the third floor back to the military academy, where their barracks are likewise located. Above that is a smaller floor which has a number of facilities that aren’t public access, but also contains Hammer’s library as well as a communications room. Finally, at the highest point, on the fifth floor, is the headmaster’s office.

Headmaster Meeting
Walking into the headmaster’s office, you are immediately stricken by the fusion of Elven aesthetics and intricate clockwork craftsmanship; a harmonious blend of tradition and innovation. The walls are adorned with finely carved wooden panels, featuring delicate motifs that depict nature’s beauty in its purest form - a stark contrast to so much of Hammer’s seemingly sterile decor. The eastern wall features an elaborate three panel stained glass mural, depicting a great battle behind the multicolored sunlight that filters in and casts a kaleidoscope of colors to dance across the room. The centerpiece of the office is a majestic, meticulously crafted desk. Its surface is a polished slab of rich, dark wood, embedded with delicate clockwork mechanisms, each cog performing some unknown function. The headmaster’s chair, an ergonomic marvel, is adorned with plush cushions and leather upholstery. Tapestries hang from the ceiling, depicting scenes of timeless wisdom and lore, while complex and ornate pendulum clocks grace the rooms corners. These enchanting timepieces, both functional and artistic, produce a soothing, rhythmic ticking that fills the office and sets a serene atmosphere. Shelves line the walls, filled with ancient scrolls, tomes, and trinkets from a long lived life. Elven artifacts, from ethereal, unknown crystals, to delicate figurines are carefully arranged offering a glimpse into a history that spans more than decades. The headmaster’s office is a place where the passage of time is both honored and harnessed, where the traditional and the innovative coexist in a seamless blend, reflecting the values and wisdom that Ettinus values most.

Behind his desk, the elven headmaster of Hammer looked up from the file he was reviewing as you entered. “Welcome, squire.” He beckoned you forward with a gesture and closed the file, sliding it aside. “You’re…” His lips thinned and he picked up a digital pad with a holographic screen, a few swipes and you could see your picture facing him - and a whole collection of information. “Right. Well, congratulations on your acceptance. Before you say anything, I prefer professor to headmaster.” He looked at you over the pad, standing there - nowhere obvious to sit - and nodded, “I like to do these little one-on-ones so that I have a chance to look every single person under my care in the eyes.” The corner of his lips tugged into a fine point as he met your gaze and challenged it with his own. “I believe that everyone who comes to Hammer has the potential to leave it as something more. So… Why don’t you tell me,” He glanced back to the pad now held off to the side…
Farrah… Tinkerspan.” Ettinus narrowed his gaze on the holo image, zoning in and near glaring at it. He hummed under his breath and lifted a brow. His jaw shifted slightly side to side, and after a moment looked back at her, “Do I have that right?” He questioned with just a hint of skepticism. As quickly as that had come, whatever was in the old elf’s mind seemed to fall out, because he cleared his throat before allowing her a chance to answer. “As I was saying,” He began, setting the pad down. “What is it you want to be, Farrah?” The headmaster seemed to take great interest in the answer to that question. He leaned in on the desk, giving her his full and undivided attention. “Well there’s no denying your potential, you were given very considerable ratings in your application exam. A mark of excellence in strength and shimmer both, and a distinction in soul. Hrm.” Placing his hands on the arms chair, Ettinus lifted himself up and began around his desk, “Show me your weapon. What drew you to it?” Never touching it, Ettinus did circle and examine what was presented. “Well, I’m glad that we had this chance to meet, Farrah.” He… Smirked. “Before you go, is there anything you’d like to tell me?
"Haimehen, what is it you want to be?” Ettinus gave him his complete attention as he answered, as if he had great interest in it. “Well, you certainly have the blood for it, don’t you? Your proctors marked you excellent in your speed rating, and gave you a distinction with your shimmer.” Ettinus smiled and gently set the pad down on the desk, “And extraordinary, an exceptional distinction in your ranged combat performance. But maybe that shouldn’t be surprising, given who your mother was.” He propped his elbow and sat his cheek in his hand, seeming to evaluate Haimehen silently for a moment. “It’s been a long time since I’ve seen a Temps Infini here.” Standing up slowly, Ettinus walked around the desk, “Let’s see your weapon. Tell me what drew you to them.” The headmaster never touched the weapons, even if offered. But he did spend time having them shown off, and observing them from different angles, listening to whatever was shared about them. “I am looking forward to seeing what you can do, Haimehen.” He nodded, then clicked his tongue. “Did you know that about sixty percent of Hammer Champions end up serving in the Onyx military?” He tilted his head, “Graduates are automatically given a rank equivalent to Major. Most people wait until year three or four to make that decision, but I suspect you already know your answer. So tell me, Haimehen, am I looking at Temps Infini Champion, or the next in line of Temps Infini officers?
What do you want to be, miss Myalis.” Ettinus held up a finger to stop her before she could answer, and he leveled his gaze on her. “That’s what I ask everyone in your position. But you’re not just anyone, are you? I must say I was surprised when I got communication from your mother. I have to say, Lyreilynn, I don’t much appreciate people trying to throw their weight around with me. This is my academy, and your name might mean something at Light, but it means nothing here.” Casually tossing the pad aside, Ettinus folded his hands and sized her up, squinting as he evaluated all he saw. “So before you answer that question, let me tell you that while I am very interested in helping you become what you want to be, I’m not at all interested in helping your family get their hooks into my school. If that’s what you want, I’m sure I can speak to headmaster Fordring and find you a place at Light.” He leaned back, opening his hands to her for her to answer, listening carefully to what she had to say. “I must say, your proctors told me your application exam had unique results… Exceptional distinction in stamina, shimmer, and soul. But, barely passable marks in everything, save speed. You’ve a long way to go.” He sighed and shook his head, “I suspect you will either be one of the most incredible Champions to graduate Hammer, or one of its most disappointing. Your mother told me why I should take you, but I want to hear it from you. Why do you belong here?
What do you want to become, Marlowe?” Ettinus questioned, head tilted as he took in all of her glam. “Well with marks like this, you might just be able to make that happen. Excellence is stamina and shimmer, with distinction in strength and brawling. Show me your weapons, Marlowe.” He requested, abandoning the pad and striding out to examine, only to be surprised by what she produced. “How very… Lowkey. An uncommon choice that doesn’t quite match the rest of you. You are trying to stand out, aren’t you?” He shook his head, “What drew you to them?” Ettinus leaned back against his desk, crossing his arms and listening to her explain. “Well, everything seems to be in order. I believe you can do what you’re trying to do. But I do have,” His arms unfolded and he held up a finger, “One question for you. What are you going to do if you reach the end and realize you can’t have it both ways?
"What it is I can help you become, Mila.” He questioned. The headmaster put an almost uncomfortable amount of attention on her, evaluating every word that came out of her mouth. Once she was done he nodded and took a deep breath. He leaned back in his chair and looked to the ceiling, “You might want to be that, but your father would like very much to ensure you didn’t become that.” He scanned her for that moment of understanding and nodded without the need for her to say anything, “You can imagine my surprise when Santiago Trinity sent me a communication demanding that I ship his daughter back to Sapphire, since I was quite sure there was no Trinity attending my school.” Ettinus heaved a heavy sigh and looked across the desk at her, “I don’t imagine telling him about your talent will change his mind, huh? Excellent in shimmer and ranged combat, with a distinction in speed.” He dropped his pad and stood up, “Well, show me these weapons of yours and tell me why you picked them.” Coming around his desk, he examined them as they were displayed, studying them as he had her earlier. “You’ve put me in a complicated situation, Mila. Going to war with Trinity Solutions isn’t what I had in mind when I was preparing for this new class. I’m going to keep your secret, miss Rios, but you can at least tell me what I’m doing it for.
"Namid, what is it you’re trying to become?” The headmaster queried, listening to her answer rather intently. “Hmm… Well there’s no denying your endurance. Exceptional distinction by your proctors in stamina, and an excellence mark in speed. I don’t know that I’d be particularly impressed, but it’s not often we get squire’s who have the backing of an established Champion, let alone one as prestigious as Elyon Elric. I’ve never known him to be easily impressed, and he seems to think you’re worth watching.” Ettinus discarded his datapad and came around the desk, “So why don’t you show me this weapon of yours, and tell me about what it means to you.” Ettinus studied the item presented, carefully, and listened to what she had to say like it was as important to him as the sort of person she wanted to be. “I have a great deal of respect for Elyon, but you’re not him.” Ettinus pointed out as he leaned against his desk, “You flourished under him, but by the sounds of it, before he showed up…” He shook his head, “So, Namid, the only question I have for you is: who are you without Elyon?

Squire Trial
The day following your meeting with Headmaster Oscoro, all forty-eight squires were loaded into two shuttles in no particular order. Ettinus joined one group, sitting up front with the pilot in one transport, and Professor Kirk - the headmaster’s right hand man - mirrored him in the second. Flying overhead Hammer, you’re better able to see the enormity of the floating island. Just over fifteen hundred acres, or about two and a half square miles suspended in the air. Hammer in its entirety takes up about a third of that space, dominating the southern portion of the island. The remaining thousand acres or so has been terraformed with Arcanite into a handcrafted wilderness, showcasing all eight terrain types masterfully blended together to create an elaborate, natural, training ground right in the academy’s backyard. The academy, on the wilderness side, is contained by a vaguely half-circle shaped wall. It’s at least twenty feet tall, and a walkway along the top is home to an Artemis Sentry Unit every twenty-five feet or so. Beyond the wilds, framing the edge of the island, just slightly inward, are small towers that are recognizable generator towers. Each one projects a hard light barrier that connects to the two next to it, creating a shield - strangely, however, the shield is on the inside rather than the outside.

Shuttled toward one of the towering mountains that has absolutely no business in this part of Johtan, you set down within five minutes of departure on a particularly flat cliff face that overlooks a forest about three hundred feet or so below. Oscoro and Kirk take the lead, ushering the nearly fifty squires away from the jet’s landing zone. You cross a flowing river that creates a lovely straight drop waterfall into the forest below - and you can see it continues on as a river, eventually turning into a lake beyond the forest’s edge. The trip is quiet, save for some murmuring amongst the fresh meat, speculating what’s coming next. You travel around the curve of the mountain until the jets are out of sight. Finally you arrive at a portion of the earth lip that has - conveniently - forty-eight pads built into the ground in a straight line. They’ve got rounded edges that bulb up over the ground a few inches, before turning into smooth, flat platforms. There are a series of lights around the rim, all of them showing green.

Take a pad everyone,” Ettinus began, while Kirk continued off to the far end of the pad line. Raising his voice as everyone spread out, the headmaster continued, “It is true that some Champions prefer to work alone. And it’s true that some of them excel at it. However, historically, the most successful Champions have operated in teams. The Hollow are a threat that fights without honor or compassion. They are as much beast as they are anything else. Many a Champion has forgotten this fact, and found themselves overwhelmed.” Ettinus moved to the end of the pads nearest where they came in and looked out over the woods below while the last of the students got into place. “I am not here to tell you what to do with your lives. The choices you make as Champions will be yours to make alone. However, it is my duty to teach you and give you the best chance of survival that I can. So today is your first lesson, squires: It never hurts to have someone watching your back. You can do what you will when you leave Hammer, but while you’re here you will have someone.

Drawing the thin blade from his hip, Ettinus pointed it out over the surface. “This is a live training ground. That means there are Hollow up here. If you’re clever, or lucky, you won’t run into one of them. But I wouldn’t count on that.” He waved the blade slowly, gesturing to the whole of the woodland, “Your task today is a simple one. Find your partner, and then find your way back here. Do it without dying, because make no mistake, the dangers here are very real and we will not intercede on your behalf. If you can’t make it here, you won’t make it at Hammer.” Suddenly the green lights on each platform turned red. Each squire was squeezed by an invisible force, pulling them down and slowly growing in force. “How do you find a partner you don’t know? Simple. The first person you see out there will be your partner. Good luck.

Pad number twenty-two’s red lights turned blue, and in that same second rocketed the squire standing on it into the air, catapulting them into the sky and out over the forest. Thirty-six went in the following second, three in the second after that. Each second, a random pad fired its occupant at a random velocity and distance into the air. Leaving the squires to figure out how to navigate the fall and survive it - and whatever came next...

Team Challenge
The first night at Hammer, you slept in a randomly assigned dorm with five other randomly assigned squires. The second night you were assigned a new room, but this time with only four other randoms. Because on the second night, each squire had a partner gained earlier that day, and by the evening each pair was put together. You had three nights with them over the weekend to become familiar and comfortable. Monday brought new change as students were, once again, ushered into jets - pairs enforced. Once again you were flown above Hammer and taken past the rear wall into the sculpted wilderness. This time, however, you were kept low. The jets dipped down, barely higher than the wall before passing across the grassland. Another, glaring, difference was the presence of a third jet. Oscoro rode in that one, but today Kirk did not accompany him. There were, however, eight others. They had been present at the initiation ceremony on the previous Wednesday, but they had not been introduced as professors - or at all. And they still hadn’t been. As the transports passed over the lake, and rose to a height that’d keep them from running into trees of a second woodland beyond it, Ettinus’ voice came over the comm system in each of the jets.

Friday you acquired a partner. This is a bond you should continue to strengthen. Today’s task is one you will not be able to complete alone. Each pair has been assigned a number, when your number is called you will vacate the transport immediately, landing where you will. Lost within this zone are three ruins, and in each ruin a set of relics that you are to retrieve one of. But be warned, each ruin happens to be the home of a Hollow. Not the little Hollow you’re likely familiar with, but Hollow that there is a good chance you do not have the skills, nor the strength, to defeat. Regardless, your mission is to take the treasures they guard. Also, hidden in the zone, is a cave mouth. You will need to bring your recovered relic to the compound beyond the tunnel maze that cave leads to. Do this, and you will be graded on your tactics, teamwork, and the relic you choose to recover. Oh, and please, don’t forget that there are other Hollow to worry about, not just the guardians.

Almost immediately following that, Ettinus called a number. A pair from jet two had to jump out, landing in a marsh. Less than a minute later, another number and another pair. Flying so low, there were no hints to be had about where the ruins might be. Nor the cave mouth. Ettinus didn’t elaborate any further on the relics or how they’d be scored. Eventually, all pairs had been deposited somewhere in the area. With no directions, each pair was forced to navigate and search the zone. This was made more difficult by the terrain type, which while forested was also swampy. With unknown large Hollow in the distance, and no time frame in mind, care and stealth were important. Drawing the attention and needing to engage with other Hollow could only cause problems. Eventually, by whatever individual means taken, each pair of squires eventually found one of the ruins. As promised, each was guarded by a particularly ferocious Hollow. Some were lucky, and got to capitalize on the strategies of others, getting in and out while another pair dealt with the foe. Inside the ruins, as promised, were the relics - roughly forearm scale stone tablets, carved to look like playing cards, the ace, king, queen, and jack of spades and diamonds. All symbols and lettering was made of gemstones, ruby for diamonds and onyx for spades. For one reason or another you and your partner ended up with the ace of diamonds. Then the finding of the cave began - save for a few who had been lucky enough to find it first.

This task took much longer than the former. Just under nine hours in total before the last pair found their way past all the trials. Once all the relics were together, Ettinus began sharing scores. Then revealed a bit more, “You may have noticed before, but these relics are not unique.” He motioned to one pair, holding a jack of spades. Then a second pair, also holding a jack of spades. Then a third. “Your partner is one part of your support network, but success against the Hollow will require more than just two. Missions often require the skills of many Champions, so it is important to know how to work as a team. More than that, if you are going to survive in this life, you must have friends. Three pairs each will be joined together to form eight new teams. Get used to these people, because for the next four years you will succeed and fail together.” One by one, Ettinus grouped the different cards together, until eventually your pair was called and joined together with two others - Mila, Farrah, Namid, Haimehen, Lyreilynn, and Marlowe. Once all eight teams were assembled, Ettinus looked over them, “Now as for your scores…” He started at the highest scoring team, assigned them one of the eight with him - a veteran Champion to serve as the team’s mentor - named the leader of the team, and then the named the team itself.

Year 1 Teams

FaTHOms (110pts)
Soraya Tabbi
Khaedra Onat Yanir Fyrsiv
Orion Beltte
Jasper Ornn
Blake Horcos
Rene Quartz
aBaTiNG (105pts)
Rose Nadan
Lionel Tealle
Citrus Blend
Fern Bloom
Ano Nymous
Hayden Gorette
MoCKerY (89pts)
Azir Venris Kil-Mitter
Cub Coran
Velvet Smoke
Artanis Mellow
Irona Nagasi
Doya Yama
gRAVIty (83pts)
Lyreilynn Xyrven Myalis
Chee Tortious
Farrah Tinkerspan
Marlowe Ashe
Meena Tor
Vesper Cabello
PRoWLer (82pts)
Falkner Rubian
Kiba Lurke
Tay Porchiere
Mir Glenn
Ruan Cage
Autumn Wind
SWAGger (62pts)
Maria Rex-Astra
Aurora Torvoe
Bri'elle Whitewater
Hulta Elderfrond
Koko Gero
Mugi Stone
XiPHoiD (48ts)
Umber Thran Ko-Xyrven
Arick Howl
Grayt Dane
Ella Vader
Minnow Pond
Reini Orval de Jitte
AbSoLVe (42ts)
Claire Voyant
Torina Squall
Ruth Less
Zoltan Cross
Joan Nu Elen Atoara
Warren Peace




Arcanite. It is the beating heart of Toil. It connects the people, it protects them, and it enables them.

The people of Toil are known to have Soul, a fundamental energy that is generated by life. Toil is home to many types of these fundamental energies, elemental energies among them. Some people believe that, because of Arcanite’s relationship with Soul, that it is a crystallized version of Toil’s Soul; Though such theories have never been proven. More accepted is that Arcanite is the physical manifestation of the elemental energies that exist on Toil. Originally discovered by Blue Oak, Arcanite was given the name Ansaga in the old tongue. It is a naturally occurring substance that can be found across toil and comes in two forms, Hard and Soft - which Blue named Anniru and Siru respectively. At a glance the most notable trait of all Arcanite is that it comes in a variety of distinct colors, the most common and understood are: red, blue, yellow, green, black, and white. These colors correlate directly to the six known and accepted elemental energies: fire, water, sound, earth, lightning, and air respectively. Though other colors are known to exist, they are far more rare - among them is clear Arcanite, a substance that has no natural elemental attunement, and is highly valued for that property.

After the departure of the Gods from Toil, magic was lost to its people. With the discovery of Arcanite, a small fraction of what was lost was reclaimed, and since then Arcanite has played an integral part in the lives of Toil’s denizens. It became a cornerstone of society and its growth, and Arcanite found its way into nearly every aspect of life. Though highly volatile, Arcanite was found to be activated and controllable with proper use of the Soul. But as time went on its secrets were unlocked, and the people of Toil have found - and are routinely discovering new - ways to harness the power of Arcanite without the need for Soul. Today, Arcanite serves as a nearly all purpose energy source, powering much of Toil’s technology from airships to androids and more. It is a form of magic so common and easy to use that it is often no longer thought of as magic - it is simply a part of Toil’s evolving technology.

The difference between the two forms of Arcanite - Hard and Soft - is mostly in scope. Soft Arcanite is best used and most reliable for small, instant, and or uncomplicated effects. It is generally considered easier to use, it naturally has a lower intensity, and most importantly it is a more easily regulated source. If you were to imagine the magic of Arcanite as a fire, Soft Arcanite is easier to ignite and maintain, it will never burn as hot as Hard Arcanite, and the potential fail state is limited by the amount of Soft Arcanite used. Conversely, Hard Arcanite is better for larger, sustained, or complex elemental effects. It is more difficult to control, but offers more power and versatility. No matter the form, regardless of its potential, controlling Arcanite and producing effects is tightly bound to an individual's Soul - or the technology they use to activate it. Though strides have been made to counter the effect, Arcanite activated without Soul has a lower intensity than that which is.

Regardless of the form, Arcanite is consumable. When it is used, it returns to an ethereal state via a process similar to evaporation. Soft Arcanite is consumed immediately on use, with its potential being tied directly to the amount of the powder utilized in an effect. Hard Arcanite on the other hand, is much more difficult - verging on impossible - to quantify in potential. A bit of Hard Arcanite might dissolve after a single use, or work for dozens; there’s just no telling how much elemental energy is contained in a crystal. Both forms can be handled raw or processed. Raw Arcanite is volatile and dangerous to use, but it is much more powerful than its processed counterpart. When Arcanite is processed it is made more stable and usable, but that process diminishes its intensity. Both have their uses, but getting your hands on raw Arcanite - let alone moving it around - can be a difficult task. Individuals with exceptional Soul, and the dedication and resilience to learn, can use multiple types of Arcanite simultaneously, creating effects far varied from what any single type could produce. This is a task that is again made much easier by technology, which might do so at a lower intensity, but can far more simply blend effects toward intended purposes.

But beyond its simple activation, and the role it plays in technology, the people of Toil have found other uses for this mystical resource.

Raw Arcanite can be used to create Eyge, what we called “Arcweave”. It is, perhaps, the oldest technique of utilizing Arcanite, outside of activating its raw form. Raw Soft Arcanite is prepared in a special mixture that creates a lye-like substance, which is then further refined with a series of natural chemicals that creates a dye which fibers can be enriched with and then woven into clothes. Raw Hard Arcanite is prepared in a similar manner that uses forge-esque temperatures and natural chemicals to temper the Arcanite until it can be crafted into jewelry or secured in other forms. Arcweave can have a number of simple, if perhaps minor, effects - clothes that will keep you particularly warm or cool, to clothes that are stiff and offer earthen-esque protection. Though the practice is a little archaic in modern times, there are some who swear by the age-old technique. And true masters of the craft who have exceptional mastery of their Soul are said to be able to enchant even greater effects.

Arcweave’s modern form is known simply as Imbuement, and it utilizes processed Arcanite in both forms which is then further refined. It’s tragically expensive, and near-entirely impractical for any kind of mass production. Imbued items, like Arcweave, are given permanent elemental abilities; and specific patterns combined with elaborate formulas are used to - most commonly - grant weapons properties beyond the norm. These are particularly valuable to Champions, who often seek to have weapons imbued with properties that favor their style, enhance it, or otherwise compliment them. Unlike Arcweave, however, and perhaps because of the layers of refinement, imbuement requires Soul to activate which makes it nearly useless in standard applications.

Originally Arcanite’s primary function was a weapon against the Hollow. In the study of how to better weaponize it, a brutal and desperate method of activation was created - Amudisi, “Godly Blood” or Fusion as we more readily call it. This activation technique requires embedding Arcanite directly into the body. While powerful, this method of activation is never without injury and greater risk as it requires actually injuring yourself with the Arcanite, causing more than negligible damage in the process. However, fused with an individual, the Arcanite is tethered directly to their Soul, grounding it, which makes it both stable and fully accessible - unfortunately, that pulses power through them, and the body was not designed to endure that, so even beyond the initial damage this fusion puts continuous and great stress on the user. This Fusion utilizes Hard Arcanite, however a lesser version exists by consuming Soft Arcanite. This version allows for moments of accessing Arcanite’s fullest power, with less prolonged strain - yet the consumption of Arcanite is toxic, and the power is still immense. Though rarely used in any practical sense because of the tremendous risk, this method of Arcanite use can sometimes be seen used as a last resort, granting someone the ability to perform incredible feats of pure elemental power until they are consumed by it.

Finally, some individuals who are particularly creative, as well as fluent in Soul and masterful with their Shimmer, have figured out ways to enhance their Shimmer by using Arcanite’s magic. This is a difficult skill to learn, and its effects are as varied as the Shimmers of the world, but once discovered and mastered, can add amazing new tricks to a person’s arsenal of options.


Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Air | Earth

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Urban | Grassland
Mila Rios

Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 20
Height: 5'6
Body Build: Lithe, slender, toned
Hair Color: Platinum blonde
Eye Color: Blue-grey

A pair of sleek black, curved blades. The weapons act like boomerangs, spinning out to her target and then swinging back around to her. With a flick of the wrist, the curve will elongate, creating scimitars that she can use as speedy, slashing weapons.

In perfect combination with leaps, jumps, twists and flips, Mila has the ability to create a surface where there was nothing. It can be used as a step, leverage to send her into her next attack or movement. The surface is not visible, almost acting as a forcefield as opposed to terrain.

Special Trait - Streetwise
Mila has Streetwise which will give her insight into subtle actions, and how to find, identify, and interact while operating in less than official channels.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Mila was born in Sinnat to a powerhouse of a mother and father in the tech community of Sapphire. The expectations her parents had resulted in a stiff and impersonal homelife. Heading one of Sapphire's top innovation companies, her parents were eager to lead her into the family business. Mila had other ideas. She did stay in Sapphire for some time, mostly roaming on her own. Sometimes she would go days and even weeks before she would return home. But the older she got, the more her parents attempted to shrink her outside interests to instead focus on what they felt was sustainable, and more importantly, responsible. To say that the relationship was strained was an understatement. But despite their differences, blood was blood. And they were her family. Loyalty was one quality she did share with her parents. It's just that loyalty held different meanings for each of them.

Her rebellious, independent nature had her jumping around Sapphire, which was a massive city in itself. But she grew bored of what it had to offer, the flashy inventions and technical prowess growing old after years of exploring. Eventually, she moved around Sinnat almost in its entirety. She was a true nomad, making friends - or at least acquaintances - wherever she went. Crashing on a couch, paying for a room, she made sure never to tie herself down for too long. Now she found herself in Johtan, ready to take on and explore whatever this new continent had in store.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
On top of being a nomad, Mila was absolutely obsessed and addicted to anything that got her blood pumping. A true adrenaline junkie, she was always looking for the next cliff dive or stunt that begged to be conquered. She had even been hired as an entertainer in one city or another. She wasn't quite a celebrity, but there was probably a specific group of people that might recognize her here and there. While she had many friends, she didn't stay anywhere long enough to forge deep connections. So there was no one really there to pay any mind to her decision to get into something so structured. Her parents, though, were torn. This was something that would pull her away from their business even more so. They had been holding onto the hopes that she would run around for a few years and then come back to them when she was tired of this 'phase' she was going through.

On the one hand, they disapproved of the danger it would bring into her life and the distance it would put between them. But on the other hand, they were glad to see her do anything with any kind of rigidity and commitment. The small group she'd been hanging out with were disappointed to lose her, but swore up and down that they'd be around for any time off she had.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
The truth is, Mila was just looking for the next challenge. She couldn't be sure that this would satiate that need, but she did know that the grind and climb to becoming a Champion was something that called to her. One of the biggest perks is she heard about the accessibility Champions had to other continents and parts of the world. Heck, maybe there were even unmapped areas that she would be able to find and explore. Her only fear? Stagnancy. Even though she understood that there would be endless adventure and action, what if it was all just one note? What if she climbed the ranks only to earn that Champion title and then realize it was all for naught? Her loyalty would not allow her to desert the Academy. That much she knew. And for now, she would just have to hold onto the hopes that this would be everything she wanted it to be.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
While Sapphire did call itself home to many a scientist and bright mind, it was also the romping grounds for tinkerers, gadget fiends and young rebels. When still there, she discovered an underground fighting ring. Some of the 'fighters' were more tech dependent than anything else. But there were no rules in this particular ring. Not that it was a ring at all. There were no ropes, no boundaries. At least, not really. It was held in a small section of Sapphire, off the beaten path and a well known black market area that even special forces and police wouldn't interfere with. It took her many a loss to finally come up with a win. But every time she fell, she learned something. Whether it was learning about the technology that fueled the weapons she was pitted against or practicing her boomerang throws at the range, she 'leveled up' time and time again. Her stunt work didn't hurt either. She had true acrobatic prowess, her agility and flexibility unmatched.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Mila would always remember being deemed top dog of the underground a the best day of her life. It had been two grueling years of pain and suffering until she clawed her way to the top. It was also the day that she knew she had outgrown Sapphire, a milestone. She saw it as a conquering of the city in a way, maybe even a conquering of her childhood. In contrast, the worst had to be the stunt that went wrong. She remembered how sure she had been that the jump was possible. The group in a city outside of Sapphire hired her for some fundraising event to jump across a crumbling bridge hundreds of feet above the equally decrepit city streets below. She was sure she could make it, and the first few sections of the 'course' went by without a hitch. But there was no planning for the way the bridge's state would disintegrate. A massive fall later, and she was out for months... mostly because she refused to let her parents see her injured that way. It would only add more fuel to the fire anyway. She was already disappointed enough in herself.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Finishing the most recent version of her boomerangs was a thrill. It was a labor of love, starting with nothing more than a regular boomerang - no blade. The number of times she cut herself on the prototype with the blade? God... she could have sworn she had it out for herself the way she tore herself to ribbons. But with tweak after tweak of the weapons themselves and then the addition of the gloves... She was beyond proud. And now there was no other weapon she'd want to yield. They were smooth and fit perfectly to her hand and movements. They were made for her, by her.

Mila swore she would have no regrets. But she couldn't lie to herself that she had to think twice about what happened with her brother. Rest in peace, Mattias.


Strength ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul     ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Melee    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Earth | Water

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Forest, Mountain | Desert, Aquatic

Marlowe "Lolo" Ashe

Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19
Height: 5'10
Body Build: Stacked;Curvaceous
Hair Color: Black-Grey
Eye Color: Scarlet

Lightweight gloves with raised, reinforced knuckles and dorsal plate. The gloves house micro hard-light generator that works synchronously with the wearers movements, projecting a hard-light auto-hammer construct that protects the wearers hands and delivers enhanced power blows. The gloves can also project small, foot and a half diameter shields.

The gloves are infused with Arcanite that act as an suspension system that absorbs impacts and holds the energy, allowing Marlowe to absorb a greater amount of kinetic energy via her Shimmer from impacts she is able to deflect or intercept with her hands.

Marlowe passively absorbs and stores a percentage of all Kinetic Energy in her vicinity. She can release this energy to create bursts of increased speed or strength.

Special Trait - Status Seeker
Marlowe has Status Seeker which will give her insight into who is really in charge here, or give her an idea of social structures, and how to navigate individuals.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Marlowe was born in a serene village of Evergreen, nestled in the bosom of a forest not all that far from the city of Onyx. Her family is deeply rooted in the village. Her parents, Aveline and Eamon, are renowned artisans who specialize in crafting exquisite jewelry. Her elder sister, Linnea, is a gifted jeweler like them, and her talent is well respected within the community. Roderic is her older brother, and he is known for his strong sense of responsibility and leadership. He has taken up a role within the village council, ensuring welfare and harmony for the community. While the rest of her family is entrenched, Marlowe has always been a bit of a black sheep - and her relationship with them was loving but awkward long before her decision to leave the village and become a Champion strained it to the maximum.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Before her decision to leave Evergreen, move to Onyx, and ultimately join Hammer Academy, Marlowe's life was far from satisfying. Her family's legacy revolved around jewel crafting and artisanal work, and though a source of pride, was a suffocating cage for Marlowe. While successful in the scope of the village, Marlowe's family was little more than peasantry and she dreamed of a life far more grandiose. She struggled to fit in with the mundanity of life as her family lived. Her decision at seventeen to leave her family and move to Onyx on her own was a bold declaration of independence; one that her family took as a rejection of all they had built. They disapproved, and saw it as a betrayal. It created an irreparable rift between them. Despite the disapproval she faced, Marlowe remained resolute in her pursuit of independence ance a bigger, better life beyond the confines of the village and her family’s craft.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Marlowe’s reasons for becoming a Champion are a muddled mixture both selfish and selfless. It is both a ticket into a society that is above her, and a desire to defend the life that she wants. It’s a way to rise above the station of her family, and make a name for herself that is not only distanced from her family, but greater than it. She wants to shatter the misgivings and doubt her family cast on her. Marlowe craves to prove her ability to transcend her humble roots and chart her own, starsung destiny.

However, her decision is not without fear. She worries that her family was right, and the expectations they have of her will haunt her every step. That one day she’ll have to admit they were right, and the greatness she wants to be will never be within grasp. The chance that she’ll fall short, despite her audacity and bravado, looms largely over her - but also fuels her determination to succeed.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Long before leaving Evergreen for Onyx, Marlowe was known to be a bit of a bully. Roderic did his best to try and curb that in her, but the effort was in vain so long as she was trapped in the confines of her family’s life. Once she was in Onyx, and struggling to find a way into the life that she wanted, she met Kenny Hood. Kenny was a Champion who had retired, but saw the potential in her. He took a combination of pity and interest in her, and taught her how to fight. It was Kenny who put the idea of using the Champion title to build the sort of life in Marlowe’s head. He never gave up on the idea that Marlowe would eventually embrace the true meaning of being a Champion and told her that if she put all the passion she had for herself into others, she’d be a force to be reckoned with.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The best day in Marlowe’s life was the day she told her family that she was leaving. Though it pained her to break those bonds, it marked the first step toward taking her life into her own hands and building on the dreams that she had for herself.

Conversely, the worst day was not long after when she realized that she was a nobody. Moving to Onyx on her own was a struggle, and no one had time for a girl who had nothing to offer. Until she met Kenny, Marlowe was forced to face the fact that her path to glory might be over before it ever got started, and it was crushing.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Acceptance to Hammer is easily Marlowe’s biggest accomplishment and the thing she is most proud of. Two years ago, she was effectively nobody. She did not have the skills to do this, and it had never even been on her radar. But with Kenny’s assistance, Marlowe buckled down and put in the hard work to get where she is. It’s proven to her that she can be exactly the person she wants to be, that she can forge the life that she wants for herself.

Marlowe believes that her greatest failure was not being able to convince her family to support her. Part of her larger dream is recognition and fame - celebrity. However the truth is that she regrets not being able to be what her family - or anyone - wanted her to be. She doesn’t acknowledge it, but Marlowe has a deep sense of wanting to make people proud, which she believes is showcased in roaring support.

In the wake of Chapter 1.01, how are you feeling / presenting generally? What is your position regarding the Mila situation? What, if anything, are you spending free time doing about anything regarding the events of the chapter - and how, if applicable? What are your feelings about the actions of each member of gRAVIty, and briefly summarize your attitude toward them.
Broadly speaking, Lolo is trying to play it cool. Which looks a lot like her trying not to draw attention to the situation, though she's got a willingness to engage with it if it's brought up. She's concerned about Mila, and feels guilty - at least initially - about her lack of doing anything. Though it's not clear if she could have done anything to Xaexyl, that she didn't try allowed them to get away before Silk showed up and that means that her inaction directly led to Mila being taken. It's unlikely that Lolo will try to do anything on her own to resolve the issue, though she'd make a great partner in someone else's attempts. As it is, she's likely to listen to Moss, Shir, and the other professors when they say there's nothing to go on right now.

Lolo was comfortable with the idea of partnerships from the get go, but in the wake of Mila being gone, Lyreilynn probably gets more attention from her than ever. While Lolo is more determined than ever to make sure nothing happens to the team, she now has a very specific reason to be assertively protective over Lyra - only made more firm when Namid leaves them. She is confused, initially, about Lyra's actions during the incident, but resolved to trust and stick with her. Which means any bad attitudes others send her way, Lolo is likely defensive over.

Haimehen's injury is a reason for Lolo to fret. There's some guilt there as well - if she had acted sooner, rather than trusting Lyra's actions, she might have been able to prevent that from occuring. She doesn't see that Haim did anything wrong, he's just a victim of the event, so her thoughts on him haven't changed much at all. She is going to be particularly attentive while he's injured, and again moreso once he loses Namid. In a way she'll want to increase the boldness she presents for him to fill the hole left by Namid's departure - he's not alone, and she won't let him believe he is.

In the same way, Lolo is going to fret over Farrah. But there's a big conflict in doing that, because Lolo has the guilt that she's responsible for Mila being gone. She wants to fill the whole and take up Farrah's thoughts (more than she usually wants to take up anyone's thoughts!) to help her accept where things are and know she's not alone. There's definitely some reservation, particularly if Farrah is sharp edged, because Lolo doesn't know how to reconcile making it better with the feeling of responsibility.

Overall, until the arrival of Vesper and Meena - and after, though a bit differently - Lolo is very much trying to be the social glue for gravity. She's trying to bring everyone together, and expand her presence to fill the holes the best way she knows how - by being larger than life.


Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ● ●

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Sonic | Lightning

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Urban | Aquatic

Haimehen de Temps Infini

Ancestry: Elf
Gender | Pronouns: Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 20
Height: 5'7"
Body Build: Small, thin, average tone
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Violet (r) and Gold (l) (heterochromia)

Feu and Fureur are heirlooms of the family passed down through generations. Though they are capable of firing regular ammunition, Haim has altered them to also fire Arcanite ammunition that he prepares himself that create a variety of effects. A third setting allows them to channel his Shimmer and fire concussive rounds of pure sonic energy.

Haim is able to passively see sounds. Though he cannot explain how it makes sense, they look like ripples in the air or heat waves coming off everything. It is always on and he is used to it.

Special Trait - Magitech Insight
Haimehen has Magitech Insight which will give him insight into objects that are powered by or otherwise utilize Arcanite. Identifying not just if, but how, technology utilizes Arcanite, and provide opportunities to sabotage or alter those functions. May allow for the identification of effects before actually seeing them in action.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Haim's paternal family, the Temps Infini, have a long military history. AS far as back as his father's family keeps records, they have been soldiers and officers. The oldest records, when the family was still united, saw them serving in the Kalanos and even counted heroes trained in the Dragon academy among their numbers. Since the fall of that nation, though, his paternal family has been scattered over the world serving in many different militaries. It is to the point where his paternal family line has almost petered out. As far as Haimehen knows, he has a couple of distant cousins left and little more. Haim's own line goes back several generations in Johtan. His paternal grandmother is a commander in the Johtan north defending against Hollow threats from old Kalanos. His paternal grandfather died fighting an ancient Hollow that came out of Kantos before Haim was born. His father serves as an officer in the intelligence corps. His mother is a sniper. His parents met in the military but were both deeply career oriented individuals.

His mother was often gone on long missions and his father worked late more often than not. Thus, after school, the children were often left alone. Latchkey kids in the big city of Onyx saw the twins in their fair share of trouble. They spent the first decade of their lives raised more by the TV than parents. Yet, still, Haimehen and Constance were happy and relatively well adjusted kids. When they were all together, it was idyllic. Haim loved, especially, when their mother took them to the firing range. He learned how to shoot young and proved a natural adept. Connie spent her time with her nose buried in father's books. They did well in school.

That all changed when their mother never returned from a mission. The day their father came home early is gray and rainy in his memory. The news that she had fallen with her team trying to kill an ancient Hollow in Kantos was devastating. The children barely had time to recover form the news, however, before their father bundled them off to their maternal grandparents. A single father with a busy career had no room in his life for children.

Etienne and Charles des Gemmes were farmers in a secluded elven community in the west of Johtan. Charles spent his day tending his orchards and cows while Etienne worked as a mechanic fixing their own and their neighbors' machines. Connie chafed and struggled in the sleepy rural community; however, Haim thrived. In particular, he was fascinated by the machines his grandmother worked on and spent many days at her side learning when he got home from school. He also learned that marksmanship was something his mother had gotten from her father and the old elf soon had Haim shooting the wings off flies. This continued until Haim reached adulthood.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
On the day he reached legal adulthood, his father called him back to Onyx. Reluctantly, Haim went and listened calmly as his father declared that he would see his son enrolled in the officer's school. Haim had known it was coming. he had been raised on the stories of his ancestors and knew his father's family's tradition. Still, he did not want to join. Haim wanted to attend university, study mechanics and engineering. The fight was massive. It last for two weeks until his sister intervened. A truce was made. His sister joined the military and Haim enrolled in university.

For two years, Haim toiled in the dusty halls of the university studying Arcanite and engineering. In a  turn of events that mollified his father, Haim proved interested in and adept with Arcanite weaponry, especially firearms, and soon focused in this area. Things were going well, so the world had to intervene again. His sister had been stationed in the north at the post commanded by their won grandmother and was rising in the ranks. They exchanged phone calls and messages nearly constantly. Then, one day, a massive Hollow flew down from Kalanos and attacked the fortress. Lives were lost, including his grandmother's, and many went missing, including his sister. It shocked Haim to the core. In a fury, he lost two weeks. When he came back to him self, his grandfather's pistols were in his hands, heavily modified, and he was standing before the Hammer Academy. He marched in.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Haim wishes that it had been hm. All his life, he had gone along and gotten along. But the one time he insisted on his way, it got his sister killed. Technically, she is MIA not killed. But Haim has to assume the worst and shoulder the blame. It certainly doesn't hurt that his father lays that blame on him as well. To atone, Haim has left university and joined Hammer Academy to become a champion so that he might find the Hollow that did it and avenge his sister. He's not reckless or rage fueled though. He knows what he is; he knows what his advantages are. He is not big or strong or tough. He understands Arcanite, he knows how to use Glimmer, and he is a crack shot. He is fast, agile, smart. He is also determined. He intends to hone his strengths into a blade and wield it against the enemies that have mangled his family.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Haim's mains skills were acquired early in his life. He learned to shoot from his mother and grandfather. He's honed this skill to nearly legendary extent since he joined the academy. He has always been small, agile. Now he trained every day to emphasize these attributes. He learned basic mechanical aptitude from his grandmother and then spent two years at a university studying Arcanite, mechanics, and Glimmer. Haim is smart, logical, and calculating. These traits he got from his father though he doesn't like to admit it. He wields them ruthlessly. Finally, Haim is a genial man. Despite his drive for revenge, he is friendly and warm. This he also got from his maternal grandparents and he values it.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The worst day - The day he learned of his sister's disappearance and his paternal grandmother's death.

The best day - A couple months into living with his grandparents, he helped his grandmother fix an old tractor. The moment when its engine hummed to life was like something inside him turning on.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Regret - Letting his sister join the military instead of him.
Accomplishment - Feu and Fureur are his pride. They are the pinnacle of his own studies and understanding. They represent the acme of his potential. Once old wheel-lock pistols, he had modified them extensively into modern arcane weapons. He has also developed a skill at manufacturing Arcanite ammunition for them with varying effects. He can also channel his own affinity through them. He has trained with them extensively and relies only on them in battle.

In the wake of Chapter 1.01, how are you feeling / presenting generally? What is your position regarding the Mila situation? What, if anything, are you spending free time doing about anything regarding the events of the chapter - and how, if applicable? What are your feelings about the actions of each member of gRAVIty, and briefly summarize your attitude toward them.
Haim is closing off more now. He views what Namid did as abandoning him in a minor sense of that term. He's upset by Mila's kidnapping and views it as having been preventable if Lyra hand't worked actively against the team. He's also upset as he realizes that no one worked well together. He understands they had been a team for maybe a week, but it was poor teamwork even for that. He still adores Farrah, and is envious of her, and likes Marlowe, but he doesn't trust Lyra and it might take a Titanic sized effort to shift that. A final reaction to the team dynamic and shakeup is that he doesn't want to lead. He's not afraid of failure, like Namid was, but knows himself well enough to know that he should not be making decisions. He'll make a reckless one in the wrong moment if certain pressures are applied to him. Namely, where Connie is concerned. He's terrified of what would happen if he has to choose between the tema and his sister because he knows what he will choose. He doesn't recognize that such concern actually probably makes him good leadership material.

His biggest goals at the moment are logistical and tactical. He was worried about his physical prowess before he was lamed. Missing up to a month's worth of combat training is going to impact that greatly. As a result, he pours himself into studying tactics, logistics, and tinkering. He's sort of determined that the team needs a back line type, one that can be trusted, to support and give direction. If he has to be the leader, for now, then he will work hard to make sure he provides the best leadership he can with his talents. Of course, a broken leg doesn't prevent him from target practice and he will be taking any opportunity medically or technologically or therapy-wise to speed his recovery.

As a brief response to the news cycle surrounding the Dazzle and Dust events, he is torn. He can see, in hindsight, how they made several rash and irresponsible decisions. How good leadership should have defused that situation. It makes him reflect on Namid alot and her lack of confidence being the thing that hurt them, partly. A stronger leader would have controlled both Farrah and Lyra. He even considers his own actions hot-headed in charging atop the building. He believes that he should have just let Ocean take Lyra. They'd all have been better off it he had made that choice.

As such, Haim is presenting as colder and more logical than before. He is doubling down on the choices he made that led him to Hammer. He'd never admit it and he'd be pissed if anyone were to point it out, but he is becoming everything about his father that he used to hate.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


Strength ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Speed    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Soul     ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Water | Earth, Sonic

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Aquatic, Arctic | Mountain, Urban
Lyreilynn Xyrven Myalis


Ancestry: Elf
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/Her
Sexuality: Heterosexual

Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Body Build: Slender, frail
Hair Color: Pale silvery blue
Eye Color: Silver (glows blue with arcanite useage)


Ancient rings passed down in her family, meant more as jewelry rather than weaponry. Their hidden purpose was discovered when Lyra received them on her twelfth birthday. While normally looking like a pair of golden bangles, the rings are able to unfold into spheres, the inner portions inscribed with various spell runes to aid in casting. While one has the primary affinity of Lightning, the other has Water, with minor elements of Fire and Air respectively.

Water exists in all forms, so it stands to reason that she can control these at will. Liquid, gaseous, solid. It is something more akin to controlling its temperature to achieve these states and manipulating its shape. She does, however, need to physically touch its surface to do this.

Special Trait - Legend Lore
Lyreilynn has Legend Lore which will give her bits of knowledge and understanding, allowing opportunities to verify, dismiss, or add to information presented to the characters. May allow for the identification of things before knowledge is shared, and give insight into things like titles, symbols, objects, stories, etc beyond what would otherwise be given.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
It is said that her family line came from Kalanos, proud and stubborn as they were. Every family gathering was just a retelling of those stories, reminiscing of the “good old days” of legend. But that was generations ago now and even she wasn’t sure what was fact and what was fiction. Perhaps they had truly come from Kalanos, or perhaps it was merely wishful thinking. There were records that said as such, but these days, even old documents can be forged.

These days, they were living a life of luxury deep south in Unovia, having “escaped” the destruction of her homeland far in the north. She was born in the portside capital of Pearl, although her home settlement was just outside of city limits. Rich in arcanite, her family wanted for nothing and were very strict on her and her siblings. She had two older brothers, two older sisters, and a younger brother. Even if her family was large and close-knit, it was like she didn’t exist. All three of her brothers were proficient in battle, and even her sisters could wield weapons of war. Lyra would rather grab a book.

But in a prestigious family like hers, where their image was everything, Lyra had to be the perfect daughter. She had to be better than the others. She had to be the “best” among her peers. It wasn’t enough that she was smart, her siblings were smarter. She didn’t have the strength like her brothers. She didn’t have the speed to match her sisters. But she had the stamina to keep trying, to keep pushing herself to please them. She had to be perfect. There were no alternatives. It was expected of her and she would deliver.

Her relationship with her parents was nearly non-existent. It’s not that they didn’t love her, nor her for them, but the fact there was very little interaction between them. The same went for her older siblings, although her second older brother did dote on her when she was younger, and her youngest brother is fiercely protective of her, but from a distance. There is little more than civil interactions between her sisters and herself. It is not cold, per say, but indifference, pleasantries exchanged at arm’s length.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
All Lyra has ever known was training and teachings and studying. She was the youngest Myalis daughter and constantly had to prove herself useful to her family. She had to train harder, study longer, and learn more teachings than any of her siblings just to keep up. It was exhausting, but she did it all with a smile on her face, a mask that hid her true feelings. It was the only coping mechanism that she knew.

It was merely a natural process that she would eventually end up attending a Battle Academy like her siblings. The difference was that while her siblings joined those closer to home, Lyra was being sent to one further away, a ploy to spread influence and hopefully set her down a “proper” path like her siblings. It wasn’t even her choice, but one she accepted anyway without a word of protest. She had the skills, so she must use them to her advantage. That was what was expected of her. Right?

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Lyra didn’t choose the path of a Champion, for it was chosen for her. It was in her blood, her lineage, and she must obey. Although handed to her, it wasn’t as if she didn’t have the skills not to become one, merely that her assets lay in a different field than most. Her goal would to be make her family proud of her, to show that all their training hadn’t been wasted. Even a single word of recognition or praise would be enough for her.

She had little reason other than her family wished it, so she would see it done. She just wanted to be of help, of assistance or of use. Be something that mattered to someone. Failure was always her biggest fear, that she was too weak. Failure meant disappointment, and that wasn’t something she could handle. She was also fearful of those finding out about her more archaic methods of using arcanite, as it seemed to be severely looked down upon in modern times, despite its obvious boons due to the high costs.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Lyra had many instructors over the course of her life, but they taught her little more than the basics, seeing her absolute lack of potential in any traditional art of war. Any save for one; strategy and intellect. Books were more her teacher than an actual professor and she devoured them almost to an obsessive degree.

Coming from a rich and influential family, she had the power and means to acquire rare tomes and artifacts, old records that had never been digitized. She was little more than a forgotten embarrassment to her family, so she looked for ways to change that, to have them accept her, and it turned into her diving into looking more into the archaic forms of arcanite use; the use of powders on oneself, even consuming it. There was no one to teach her these old methods, so much of it was dangerous trial and error.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
When someone asks what the best and worst days of your life, most people have two separate answers to those questions. However, Lyra had one. Just one single answer, a single day that encompassed both qualities. Having studied nearly all her life, she was proud to finally figure out a way to use arcanite powder via consumption. While her experiment was met with success, increasing her spell output and gaining the desired effect, the toll it had on her body nearly ripped her to shreds, not having the physical strength to endure such a feat. It was merely her determination and increased stamina that let her survive the ordeal.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Her greatest accomplishment coincided with the best and worst day of her life. It was the knowledge of arcanite coming to fruition, her long nights of pouring over old records and tomes, finding those ancient paper records when more modernized documents couldn’t keep up. The day that her first experiment on the use of powdered arcanite actually worked.

Her biggest regret would be never having the courage to stand up to her family and tell them what was really on her mind and how she felt before she was sent away to another country. She never wanted to disappoint them and always put what they wanted before her own needs. Her fatal flaw was always doing what others expected of her to retain that image of perfection.

In the wake of Chapter 1.01, how are you feeling / presenting generally? What is your position regarding the Mila situation? What, if anything, are you spending free time doing about anything regarding the events of the chapter - and how, if applicable? What are your feelings about the actions of each member of gRAVIty, and briefly summarize your attitude toward them.
In general, Lyra is conflicted about the ordeal. She feels both responsible and yet, at the same time, believes the others are to blame. However, she does not show any emotion or other indication to this on her face at all, and rarely speaks of the matter, unless directly brought up, and even then, she says as little as possible. Instead, she has spent most of the time since that day deep in thought, replaying the events over in her mind and trying to see what else could have been done differently and where they went wrong, of which she believes was many things. She is upset at herself for getting carried away, but she stands firmly behind what she did, regardless of consequences. Despite lingering feelings of guilt and remorse, Lyra believes some of the knowledge she gained on her own could be a clue to finding and rescuing Mila.

Lyra was upset at herself for Marlowe’s injuries and believes that the first thing that went wrong was leaving her partner’s side. The headmaster had told them to watch out for each other and barely a week in and she’s already failed that, far too used to being on her own and not quite understanding the meaning of companions. She is also distraught that while her focus was on Marlowe’s safety while on the rooftop, it caused a lapse in judgement and awareness that she did not see Mila arrive and subsequently get kidnapped. Stopping Marlowe was her only way to protect her partner, whilst being unaware in that doing so probably cemented Mila’s eventual abduction.

She has mixed feelings towards Haimehen at this point. She’s quite cross with him from his actions and especially the sonic round on the rooftop that nearly compromised her hearing permanently. She believes it was all over the top and unnecessary. He harmed her as much as he tried to help her, help she did not need nor want. Of course, she’s also fairly certain that the mistrust goes both ways, especially after Namid’s departure, which she is sure he blames her for, on top of Mila’s disappearance. While she intends to attempt to repair that bridge before it’s burnt completely, she is reluctant to do so first. There is a twinge of guilt over his injuries, as she was also the first to find him, but she mostly believes that if he simply stayed out of it, he’d have been just fine.

Farrah… Farrah is a problem child that Lyra wants to steer clear of. The friendly giant of an elf was little more than a background character in her mind, but now she sees the woman as an idiotic brute. If she feels guilty for leaving Marlowe alone and resents Haimehen for injuring her, then she absolutely loathes Farrah for throwing the first punch and being the catalyst of it all. She isn’t outright hostile, of course. That wouldn’t be very ladylike. However, Lyra tends to avoid her whenever possible, choosing to instead ignore the problem. She is not willing to forgive her just yet. The only reason she does not treat her coldly is because of the loss of Mila and her own role in that.

Until the arrival of Vesper and Meena, and perhaps even after that, Lyra will keep mostly to herself, finding it difficult to face her teammates in the wake of her rash decisions that quite literally caused a rift in their team. She is doubling down on wearing her mask of indifference and more focused on trying to find a way to fix things, in her own way.

 Current Status: TENTATIVE
 How To Stoke The Fyre (O/O) Updated Aug 19, 2023
 What does the Foxx say? (A/A) Updated Oct 1, 2023
 Den of Iniquity (World Building)


Strength ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul    ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Brawl    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged  ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Lightning, Fire | Earth, Water

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Grassland, Desert | Aquatic, Urban

Farrah Tinkerspan

Ancestry: Elf
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She
Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 18
Height: 6'1
Body Build: Muscular
Hair Color: White
Eye Color: Gold


A bladed shield where the front spike can extend into a 12 foot long chain whip.

Farrah can pull an object towards her. The size of the object determines the distance and intensity of the pull.

Special Trait - Motive Sense
Farrah has Motive Sense which will give her insight into the bonds between people, as well as potential glimpses into why people are doing what they're doing or if they're not being upfront about their motives.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Farrah’s parents did not understand a girl who enjoyed playing with swords and shields. They constantly discouraged physical, unladylike activity, but no punishment kept the spirited girl down. She was born to be a warrior! Worst yet was the gaggle of noisy children down the street led by Thessa that encouraged adventurous play. Despite protests, Farrah’s parents could not keep her separated from the group of children - especially not Thessa - and Farrah became somewhat of an adopted child to the group much to the extreme displeasure of her parents. Instead of studying like her brother, she was becoming a ruffian. There is a very cold love between them. Her parents are well off and provide for her for things they deem important and even some of the frivolous things she's interested in, but there are expectations attached.

Farrah’s older brother Orym was her pillar at home. One year her senior, he was the golden child who enjoyed following in the footsteps of his parents. Technological innovation was an enjoyable puzzle that he constantly tinkered with and his career trajectory placed him at a college to learn and improve defensive technologies. Much to Farrah’s pleasure, Orym and Thessa began dating.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
It was frustrating for Farrah to never be able to live up to her parent’s expectations, but she never really tried all that hard. If it were not for the support of her brother and Thessa, she might have become angry and resentful. Her parents loved her very much in their own way, but it wasn’t a way that encouraged Farrah or allowed her strengths to be seen. When she declared her intent to attend a Battle Academy, her parents criticized and discouraged her. It only fueled her resolve to be successful!

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Helping people has always been a part of Farrah’s character and every time her parents said something to diminish her, it only brightened her resolve to go out into the world and be the light for someone who needed it. She wanted to protect the world and deep down, she wanted to be recognized for it. Her greatest fear would be to prove her parents right and somehow fail.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Childhood games and street fights were serious competition! While she has received no formal training, she’s always been a fast learner with a big heart and enough brute-force strength to get by.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Making the decision to join the Academy despite the pressure from Farrah’s parents to remain home was the best day of her life. It lifted a weight from her shoulders as she began down the path she knew she was always meant to take. The boat trip to Johtan was the worst day of her life. It was attacked by a Hollow and it showed her what she was capable of… and what she was not.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
This is two sides of the same coin. On one hand, she's most proud that she stood up for herself to follow her dream. On the other, she regrets how she's disappointed her parents so.

In the wake of Chapter 1.01, how are you feeling / presenting generally? What is your position regarding the Mila situation? What, if anything, are you spending free time doing about anything regarding the events of the chapter - and how, if applicable? What are your feelings about the actions of each member of gRAVIty, and briefly summarize your attitude toward them.

Dear Diary,

Today sucked. My gut has never been wrong, but… I guess there is a first time for everything. I was so sure that those Crimson Jackals were there to rob the place! I’ll never know since most of them died. I guess their day sucked, too. =[

I’m sad. I miss Mila. I’m really sad that no one helped her. What is wrong with my teammates? Namid and Lyra didn’t even go in for Haim, Lolo, or Mila after the explosion! Namid is lucky that Haim was able to walk out and Lyra is lucky that I cared about Lolo more than some bad guy!

Ugh, I thought he was a bad guy, but was he? He must be. He took Mila! Stupid Lyra getting stupid captured. You know what? He WAS a bad guy! A stupid bad guy! My gut is never wrong! I just can’t prove it. But I will. AND I’ll get Mila back.

No, I shouldn’t do that. I was told not to. I should listen. I wish Namid and Lyra had listed to ME. Maybe if she had let me take Bad Guy out of the shop like I wanted to, those Crimson Jackals would have left the store too. Then we could have fought and kicked their ass out in the street!

Being stuck under the building was scary. No one came to get me out. I know I’m big and strong, but I need rescuing sometimes, too! My faith in my team is shaken - if I am in real danger I don’t know if I can count on them.

I feel bad for Lyra. She must be so embarrassed letting herself get captured by the man she was trying to defend as a good guy. She has bad judgment. She was wrong about Bad Guy and she contradicted Namid when she said we should all leave.  If it weren’t for her, we wouldn’t have become separated and Mila wouldn’t have gotten taken. I don’t know if I should be angry with her or just pity her for being so useless.

Haimehen believed me and I appreciate that. Well, I don’t know if he believed me, but he didn’t hesitate to act. I was wrong about that stick up his butt. He’s kind of a cool guy. For all of his training, he sure did take a beating like a wuss. I won’t tell him that, though.  I don’t know why he’s denying himself pain medication. I hope it’s not some type of penance thing because that’s wrong.

I’m disappointed in Lolo. She’s cool. She’s strong. She’s fast. I thought she could take on the world. She probably could have gotten Mila back if she didn’t have to worry about Lyra. Did she have to choose between my partner or hers? That’s an awful thing to have to do. I guess I feel bad for her. But I’m also mad. It’s so complicated >=[

And Namid? She’s a bad team leader. She didn’t do any leading. Maybe none of this would have happened if she had.

I don’t feel like writing anymore. I don’t feel like doing anything. At least with F the last time I was able to do something. I’m being told to wait and… truthfully, it’s not that I’m listening to orders. I feel paralyzed. I can’t stop hearing the thud of the jet ramming into Mila. I can’t stop feeling that building close down on top of me. I couldn’t save her. Is this the life of a Champion? Just seeing those you care about get taken away? I was supposed to help people. Be a hero. I have to be cut out for this. I have to become a Champion. I have to…

For later


Character Thoughts
- Farrah is friendly. She has said hello and has initiated conversations
- Farrah is direct. She will tell you right to your face what she thinks. This can be used for serious/funny/misunderstandings - whatev!
- Farrah will be patient by request, not by choice. She is a doer not a thinker.
- Farrah does not worry about consequences. She will hype up or participate in any decision a character is enthusiastic about.
- Farrah flirts, but your character gets the impression that it’s friendly and not likely to move into action.
- Farrah has been a part of two building fires. Do not imply she was the cause - she might punch you.
- Farrah punches a lot.
- Farrah likes friendly competition and is very competitive.
- To anyone who likes travel: Farrah does not see the appeal. She’s traveled twice - both times, people have died because of Hollow. It’s not safe.
- Being a Champion is an act of service to Farrah. Her only interest is seeing the world become a safer place.

- Books are dumb. Why read it when you can live it?
- Farrah requests songs for Torina to play. Farrah will sing (not well) along. She has shown up to 1 karaoke night.
- Farrah might not even know where the library is at lol
- I have a personal interest in having Farrah beat up someone from every criminal organization in Onyx. plz hook me up with a Red Fang baddy buddies!

- I have a personal interest in having Farrah beat up someone from every criminal organization in Onyx. plz hook me up with a Black Lotus baddy!
- Farrah wants to have a very large family. She is shocked to know that children are treated so horribly because who would do that?
- Farrah claimed she could cook. Mugi learned that was a lie. Farrah ate her plate and then Mugi’s as well!
- Limerick competition while studying!
- Farrah endorses violent reactions (the ear wing thing lol)

- I think Farrah has met Dr. Gero. Or seen him. Maybe it was just his work that she’s familiar with.
- Farrah would “prove” on the spot that she didn’t need any robot modifications with a “oh yeah? Watch this!” sort of attitude.
- I have a personal interest in having Farrah beat up someone from every criminal organization in Onyx. plz hook me up with a Steel League baddy!
- Farrah is 100% on board with don’t like it? Change it. She doesn’t care about continuous improvement, though.

- Farrah also received those Elf Heritage lessons! Her particular village (close to Tabor - the village is in the process of “moving” to Tabor due to safety) leaned heavily into never fighting because it was better to run than to die. A big emphasis was placed on family and raising more Elven children - something Farrah has fully bought into… when she’s done being a Champion!
- Farrah loves that Hulta loves her family because Farrah loves hers as well!
- Farrah is acquainted with the proper way an elf should conduct herself, but never let no stop her from doing what she wanted to do. She encourages all those little freedom-seeking things Hulta is looking for.
- Farrah is overconfident in herself lol

- Very tiny. Very chuckable. Prepare for me to suggest Farrah yeet her somewhere lol!
- Farrah has recently considered joining the military. She’s a huge fangirl of Apple Blossom and approves of her military message and choices
- Farrah respects that Bri’s reason for joining the Academy is to protect the world from Hollow and gives a +1 to her figuring out how to do it despite the military rejecting her
- Farrah does not follow the rules. She hasn’t even read the rules.
- Farrah wants to go to the Military Officer’s Ball!
- plz let Artanis be that bully. Farrah recently confronted Artanis over him being a bully to Marlowe. I’m always looking for an excuse to butt heads with Artanis lol


Strength ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Speed    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ● ● ● ○
Ranged   ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Earth | Air

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Desert, Mountain | Forest, Arctic

Meena Tor

Ancestry: Silenus
Gender | Pronouns: Female | she/her
Sexuality: Pansexual

Age: 21
Height: 6'4" 
Body Build: No other way to put it, she busty. She’s a Brickhouse. Slim in the waist and wide in the back.
Hair Color: Platinum White
Eye Color: Orange with brown flecks

Heart of the Mountain

Fluctuating Gravity
Heart of the Mountain is a two-handed war maul carved from a large chunk of earth arcanite crystal. When Meena wields Heart of the Mountain it feels much lighter than it should, allowing for feats of agility with a weapon that should be cumbersome, but when she hits something it strikes with a weight much heavier than it should, crushing people and structures with frightening force.

Meena’s shimmer manifests by improving the effectiveness and potency of her natural remedies (or poisons). Wounds heal faster when treated by Meena’s balms, salves and tinctures.  Pain relievers relieve more pain, stimulants are more stimulating…etc. As a side effect, plants grow faster (not instantaneously) and healthier when she tends to them.

Meena’s Silenus lineage manifests in her height, sturdy frame, Oxamel horns and tail.  (+1 Stamina)

An Oxamel is a heard/riding beast of the Viridian Wastes that is a cross between an Ox and a Camel.

Special Trait - Odor Sleuth
Meena has Odor Sleuth which gives her the ability to identify and make deductions based on olfactory stimuli. This might allow her to tell that someone has had contact with someone else who wore a scent she's familiar with, or make deductions about where someone has been based on the earthy aromas that follow them.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Deep in the Viridian Wastes of Central Hoenan lay the scattered bones of a mountain range so ancient it never had a name. All that remains of its majestic peaks are blunted granite outcroppings and strangely stacked stones. Today, the land is known simply as The Tors. Home to a sparse population of Silenus clans, this region of scattered stone pillars in the southeastern wastes would have remained little more than a curiosity to the world at large if not for its strange abundance of earth arcanite. This is where Meena of the Tors was born. Like many Silenus Clans, Meena’s family was large, but not so large to stress the limited resources of their lands. When a family became too large, they would split, or the youngest were married to smaller clans nearby whose numbers had dwindled. In a genuine sense, all the Clans in the Tors were Meena’s family. Except for the Sanguine Pride. Fuck those guys. Meena’s family remains in The Tors. Her leaving has strained the bonds of tradition and her familial relationships. She loves them, and they love her, which only makes it hurt more.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Meena knew at an early age that she would be a healer. As a little girl, she followed her grandmothers around daily, listening to their stories (and their gossip) and picking up their “grandmother magic” by observation and memorization. She was good at it, too. She knew what herbs to pick and when. How to make herbal remedies, be they tea, balm, or salve. It was during these years her shimmer manifested. Her remedies make wounds heal in less time than they should. Illness eased faster. Wounds hurt less. She was destined to be a Clan healer and a respected Grandmother when she was old.

Meena’s decision to leave The Tors and her family was not taken well. Her skills had value. Great value, and she was leaving. There is a deep wound in her and her family. It would be easier if they had been so angry that the bonds of love and family snapped, but they didn’t. Instead, there is a deep gash of anger, resentment, and hurt feelings. Regrettable words were said by all parties during her leaving. Things like that don’t heal over time when great distances keep hurt loved ones apart. Those kinds of wounds fester and rot if not tended. Healing the body is easy. Healing the heart is hard.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
When Meena was about 13 years old, the Tors became home to a cunning Hollow beast that hunted the Clans. The clan warriors could not find it, let alone kill it. The Clans lived for two years under the shadow of this beast, known as the Hunter in the Dark. It picked clan members by night. Only taking one victim at a time, who would be found the next day torn apart in the most brutal fashion. There was nothing healing magic could do for the Hunter's victims. There was nothing much left of the bodies that was recognizable other than the head. The head was always left intact. The Hunter in the Dark was so silent it could enter a yurt and snatch someone while their family slept nearby. Who would not notice anyone was missing until the following day. 

A traveling squad of Champions saved her Clan from the Hollow creature known as the Hunter in the Dark. They arrived in Meena's family's camp the morning before the creature struck again. She never knew if that had been pure happenstance or if the Champions somehow knew it would attack her family that night. Her now 15-year-old mind figured it was the latter. The Champions were larger than life, and she was more than a little enamored by them. Elves and Humans, whom she had been taught to distrust, selflessly sacrificed their bodies to protect her family, with whom they had no kinship. They were not even Silenus! 

When the battle was over, she set about tending the wounded Champions along with the Grandmothers of her Clan. They were larger-than-life heroes. Practically godlings in her young mind. She was smitten immediately, of course, and when an ethereal elven warrior woman thanked her for her gentle care, she practically fainted dead away. It was that encounter. That moment solidified Meena's desire to become a Champion. She had always wanted to help others. She had only ever thought that meant her Clan, but she now realized she could do more than that. 

Meena embraced the city's modern look compared to the clans' utilitarian aesthetic. While she enjoys metropolitan Toil's fashion, it was partly done to deflect the prejudice she encountered away from Hoenan and the clans. Growing up culturally isolated and facing racial profiling and prejudice (sometimes extreme) for the first time was a shock to her young system. "Fitting in" was a defense mechanism she used to cope. Meena knows she is a talented healer and has survived independently since she was 15. Still, the fear that creeps in when setbacks and failures happen is...Did she make the right choice? Did she abandon her family for a foolish dream of adventure?

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Meena learned herbology and natural medicine from her clan's elder women (Grandmothers). All family members were taught how to defend themselves against threats and survive in the Viridian Wastes if they became separated from their families or lost. The clans of The Tors use weapons crafted from the resources of the land, incorporating found earth arcanite when possible. These arcanite weapons become family and clan heirlooms, like Meena's Heart of the Mountain.

When Meena was 15, she left the Viridian Wastes on a sky ship bound for Ruby Cove, one of the scattered ships that scavenged the wastes. She presented herself at Instinct Academy, where she was summarily turned away for being far too young. Dejected, Meena's humiliation prevented her from immediately returning to her family. She stayed in Ruby Cove, living on the street and hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the Champions who saved her people from the Hunter in the Dark. Eventually, her persistence paid off. She spotted the elven woman, whose wounds she had tended, leaving the Academy one day and practically begged her for help to be accepted into the school. The woman, Sumina Inès dè Océane, recognized her. While she could do nothing to change Academy rules, she assured Meena that when she was of age, she would put in good work for her at the Academy. Instead, Sumina convinced a local apothecary, Emol Le' Ente, to take Meena on as an apprentice, where she learned the science of medicine (and poison making) to go along with her nature-based healing.

When Meena turned 16, she returned to Instinct Academy only to find Sumina had been transferred to Port Pearl, and with no one to vouch for her, she was again turned away. Meena continued to apprentice under the apothecary but never gave up on her dream of becoming a Champion, and when she turned 18 and still had yet to hear a word from Sumina, she packed up her things, thanked Emol, and took the first ship to Port Pearl. Sumina had long since moved on, and the snooty Light Academy of Pearl had no interest in a Silenus vagabond as a student. Again and again, Meena would work in a city long enough to save up enough money for a trip to the next port, slowly moving across the lands of Toil in Sumina's wake until she finally reached Johtan and Hammer Academy.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Meena's best day was being granted admission to Hammer Academy. She had spent the last seven years trying to get admitted into one of Toil's academies for the chance to become a Champion. To finally get that validation after so many trials and setbacks was a feeling unlike any other.

Meena would probably say it was that first rejection at Instinct Academy, and yeah, that was a pretty dark day, but if she was being honest with herself, it was the first night on the scavenger vessel after she left her family. The fear, anger, guilt, and sadness were soul-crushing. She still hasn't dealt with that deep-seated sense that she betrayed her family by leaving, even if she knows it was right for her.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Meena may not realize it yet, but even more than her admission to Hammer Academy, her greatest accomplishment and the thing she should be most proud of is the fact that she has traveled the length of Toil alone. Providing for herself along the way. That is a pretty incredible thing for a girl who grew up thinking she would never leave the Tors.

Meena regrets how she left things with her family. Not so much that she left. She feels guilty about that, but she doesn't regret it. It was the harsh words spoken by her that she regrets. The last words to and from her family were angry and harsh. She misses them all dearly, even if she pretends she does not.

"Sorry, you must survive at least 3 games with me before we can chat like this."
Congratulations, you've unlocked Flirtatious Crash! - Envious


Strength ●● | ● ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Speed    ●● | ● ● ● ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Soul     ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Fire, Lightning | Water

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Urban | Aquatic

Namid Valentine

Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Female | She/her
Sexuality: Still figuring that out.

Age: 18
Height: 5'3"
Body Build: Lithe yet subtly curvy
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: One green and one blue

Beginning as a blade this sleek creation that Namid herself build is an adaption of her skills and physical abilities. Not being the strongest of combatants she wanted to come up with something that would help her meet her goals. So Namid strived to create a weapon that matched her. And in the end her creation of the Gun Blade. A blade that was made of the strongest material she could find and the finest tech her fathers money could buy. The blade spits open to expose the blaster or gun aspect of the Gun Blade.

Namid has endured a great deal of physical abuse in her life, but somehow she's managed to survive all of it. This is due to a healing facture she seems to have. Not instant by any means, but she heals incredible fast none the less. What might take someone weeks to heal may take her a few days.

Special Trait - Engineer's Insight
Namid has Engineer's Insight which will give her some insight into computer technology, and provide opportunities to sabotage and or otherwise interface with 'advanced' computer options.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Born in the urban world of Sinnat, Nami was born to a woman who fell for a wealthy CEO of Geotech. Geotech is to this day one of the leading development companies that cover various fields. Robotics, medicine, communications, military adaptations and oh so much more. Her mother's beauty had drawn him in, and the life this handsome man could offer her was all she could dream of. The only problem came about when her mother ended up pregnant. Telling him had been a mistake, as he couldn't drop her fast enough. Giving her a lump of credits as a pay off to take care of the problem was the only thing he could be bothered to give up. Thankfully though despite being alone in the world her mother decided to bring the baby to term. After all, she could be a mother...right?!

Her mother was a mess of a woman, always chasing the next lover and the next pay day. So Nami found herself alone more often than not. Which led to her growing up much faster then she should have. In a big bad world she was all but alone, surviving on the meager resources her mother would leave her before her next tryst. At the edge of 11 her mother came back one evening with a man that had an edge of cruelty to him. But to her mother he was perfect. He was handsome, and loaded. And her book that spelled out LOVE. She announced they were to be married, and Namid was to come live with them and her new step-brother. Which at first sounded amazing. A family, an honest to god family, and her mother actually being around! What more could Namid ask for?

At first their lives seemed like a fairy tale, he spoiled them both and got Namid into the top school within Sinnat. It was all so good, too good. Nami soon found out that within all good things there is something tainted. Her step-father and step-brother had a cruel streak within them both, one that would only shine when they were alone. You see, her step-father demanded perfection. Anything less brought about his anger, and the punishments that followed have left scars within and upon Namid's body and mind. Her new brother was no different, he would take out his own frustrations on Namid without hesitation. Her brother was nothing more than a carbon copy of the step-father. It was all she could do to survive, always trying to be what her step-father wanted. The perfect daughter, brilliant by anyone's standards, but it never seemed like enough.

Nami fell into herself, hiding her pain from the world. Years past like this, trapped in the cruel life. Hidden behind this image of the perfect family unit. Yeas past as Namid grew silent in her new world. The less she protested, the less she spoke up, the more she faded into the background, the easier her life got. It was oppressive to say the least, but somewhere within Namid there was something more. So when she was old enough Namid decided to follow a different path in life. Hoping and praying that it would in some way save her from the horrible life she'd found herself trapped in.

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Namid's life before the academy was filled with pain and mental anguish. So much so that she'd nearly become mute. A beautiful silent image meant to lift her step-fathers reputation. But Namid wished for so much more. She craved freedom, strength and the ability to stand against the cruelty of the world. Brilliant by most any standard Namid drew the attention of an Alumni of the Battle Academy Elyon Elric. They saw the truth of her life, and the fact that she'd been strong enough to survive it. They saw more to Namid and offered to help her get into the Battle Academy. It was an offer Namid couldn't refuse as it was the closest thing to a way out of her life as it was.

Her family had mixed reactions when Nami told them. Her mother feared for her, and tried to insist that she should remain with them and marry as she did. It was a dream Namid rejected without hesitation. Her mother's dream for her, just wasn't what Namid wanted. Her step-father grew angry as it was not what he had planned for her. And her step-brother...well he couldn't get rid of her fast enough. Though the fact that she'd been accepted to the Battle Academy did bring out a great deal of jealousy from him. Thankfully Namid didn't have to deal with their cruelty any longer. And despite being terrified of what might come next she left her life within Sinnat behind.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Namid grew up way too fast, seeing the dark side of the pretty things in this world. She'd always dreamed of a different life, a life of her own. One she could be proud of and feel safe in. She wanted to become strong and to wipe all cruelty from this world. It was a grand goal for sure, but it drove her to be more than she was. Pushing herself to be strong enough to meet the requirements needed to join the Battle Academy.

Namid still has the dark fear that she won't be enough. Perhaps her step-fathers words would prove true and she'd fail not only herself but those she cared about. Still Namid swore to herself and to whatever gods seemed to listen that she'd prove them all wrong. That she'd become a hero, one that would change the world for the better.

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Namid has always been brilliant beyond measure, but she didn't begin to really shine and discover her skills until an Elyon took her under their wing. In secret they trained Nami so she could meet and exceed the needs to join the academy.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
The worst day of her life still is the day her mother came home and explained she was getting married. It may not have been a horrible day, but it was the first day of pain-filled history. There are also countless days that still haunt her. Days her step-father's cruelty would terrorize her. She also has a fear of water because of nearly drowning as a child. The memory of the cold feeling as the water filled her lungs is something she will never forget.

Her favorite day, when she was finally accepted to the Battle academy and offered a new freedom and hope for the future. And though her happy moments are few and far between for now. Namid still has a few fond memories to look back on. Like when she created her small robot companion with an ever evolving AI.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Namid is endlessly proud of her creations, her own weapon, and even a small robot companion with a ever evolving AI. It displayed her skills in such a way that even made her step-father proud. It was a rare event in her house, but it was something that proved that Namid had more to her then meets the eye.

The only regret Namid has is that she didn't find a way to run and gain her own life sooner. She'd believed her mother's promises of a grand life and a family she so desperately wanted. That belief and trust proved to be her worst decision ever.

Intimate Ink

Strength ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Stamina  ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Speed    ●● | ● ● ○ ○ ○
Shimmer  ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Soul     ●● | ● ● ● ● ●
Brawl    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Melee    ●● | ○ ○ ○ ○ ○
Ranged   ●● | ● ● ● ● ●

Elemental Affinity | Weakness
Wind | Fire

Terrain Specialty | Weakness
Swamp | Grassland

Vesper Cabello

Intimate Ink
Ancestry: Human
Gender | Pronouns: Male | He/Him
Sexuality: Bisexual

Age: 19
Height: 6'1
Body Build: Lean, athletic
Hair Color: Black
Eye Color: A distinctive and rare amber shared by most of his family

An heirloom of his family’s, Vesper’s weapon is designed to allow him to engage while maintaining distance between himself and his target. As a longbow, Vesper can channel the power of wind to aid his soul in performing feats of aim and angles not otherwise physically possible. As fantasy grenades, impact has the chance to incur a level of wind-based knockback effect that could unstable an foe’s weapon, or even their stability.

Vesper is able to create what, on the surface at least, appears to be small disruptions in Soul; perhaps more importantly, this power extends to whatever mysterious mirror-energy enervates the Hollow. The end result in this is a curse-like effect that leads to potential interference in the success of feats that Soul would normally enervate, often accompanied by feelings of despair, paranoia, or fear. Vesper’s shimmer manifests when he attacks something whether with his weapon or hands. As he attacks, stacks are added, with higher numbers of stacks increasing the likelihood and severity of effects.

Special Trait - Hollow Studied
Vesper has Hollow Studied which can allow him to glean tactical information regarding Hollow, such as potential weak points or abilities. It may allow him to identify Hollow power or other notable traits.

Where were you born? Whom, if anyone, do you consider family? Where are they, and what is your relationship with them like?
Vesper was born in the Kingdom of Kantos, however far from Emerald and its sprawling technology. His hometown of Gorren’s Point has a meager population and even more meager technology. It is located close to many of the region’s infamous and powerful Hollow. It’s saving grace, if there is one (many would say there is not), is its positioning in the Crescent Swamp that allows for it often to go unnoticed, and when it does, the surrounding marsh-oriented obstacles can act as both deterrent and shield.

Vesper hails from a family there that has historically been deeply entrenched in both the military and scientific business of Kantos, despite their satellite position. Starting with his paternal grandfather, his family has been in service of studying the Hollow and trying to find motivation and reason where there always have been none. Vesper’s father, Jerome, as well as his aunts and uncles were all connected in either service or marriage to either the pillars of fighting or researching the Hollow. His mother, Maya, is a stern woman from the outskirts of Emerald whose marriage was only a shade away from prearranged as a means of stabilizing the delicate population of Gorren’s Point. Though Vesper had two brothers and one sister, the only one that survived with him through childhood was his older brother Kato. (Given the harsh surroundings, this was not a particularly dismal survival rate.)

Kato and Vesper were in many ways opposites in terms of talent and ability, which is some ways served the family’s dual dedication towards research and defense. Kato would take the defense side, from an early age training in melee combat and brawl, set on becoming a champion. In contrast, Vesper’s interest became more signified as a tactician and ranged opponent, seeking to try and predict, intercept, and deal with the Hollow at a distance.

When Vesper was 17, though, things began to change. Kato joining Savage was practically his birthright. With each of his returns home, however, Vesper found the brother he knew less and less in Kato. Kato became quick to anger, and his chilliness never left even when his rage passed. He often engaged in pointless fights where there was none of that behavior before, even assaulting one of Vesper’s childhood friends during one visit. Every visit home Kato was shut down more, hinting that Vesper didn’t understand the bigger picture, that there were things going on both at the academy and within their very family he didn’t… that Vesper shouldn’t... understand. Kato was haunted, and Vesper felt powerless to help.

Then one day Kato never came back to visit at all. Vesper’s own family tried to dismiss it, and yet when Vesper did his own research he found that his brother had officially been declared AWOL, dishonorably fleeing from the champion title that he once had dedicated his life for. Every where he turned, Vesper was told to relent… to let it go and forget about his brother. Even his own family urged him to not try and find Kato, if he was even still alive.

Still, Vesper had to know the truth, and found his only step forward was to aspire to be the Champion that Kato never became…

What sort of life did you have before you decided to attend a Battle Academy? How did people react to your decision?
Much like his brother’s, Vesper’s life and path had been set largely by his family. He had little thought about attending Battle Academy prior to his brother’s oddness, if only because the path of a Champion was Kato’s goal, Kato's purpose. Vesper had planned to live out his life in the swampland surrounding Goren’s Point and assist his family both in survival and their research of the Hollow, because that was the expectation set on him.

Though his family has a lineage and prestige in the Battle Academy, they have not been supportive of Vesper due to the circumstances behind his interest. Somewhat correctly, they see Vesper motivated by a search for his brother, as well as to find answers behind his changes in behavior and disturbing statements. Vesper’s family would, bluntly, prefer that he stick to the post assigned to him since nearly his birth, rather than suddenly try and follow Kato’s.

Why have you decided to become a Champion? What are your goals, your reasons, and your fears?
Vesper was initially drawn to Battle Academy as a means of trying to find his brother and find answers to his behaviors. Vesper, however, is enough of a pragmatist to realize that is a goal that might never be realized. While he’s not shared it with anyone, the truth is that he also is enjoying stepping away from the sheer weight of familial expectation and experiencing a world beyond the swampland that he has largely been limited to. Vesper is a motivated fighter against Hollow’s whether that is in direct conflict, or playing a long game of reconnaissance of trying to explain and predict that which seems to often defy explanation and prediction (sans an unholy and disturbing attraction to life.)

How did you acquire your skills before coming to Hammer? Who taught you?
Vesper has a tight-knit family whose ethic and existence is largely tied to service of the Kingdom of Kantos. Furthermore, Gorren’s Point is treacherous not only because of the swampland around it, but also the number, power, and age of the Hollows that can be found in the area. Consequently, training and skills have always been a matter of both obligation and survival for Vesper. He has learned bits and pieces from both his family and the people of Gorren’s Point. His older brother, Kato, and his uncle Hadrian have been particularly strong educational influences.

What was the best day of your life? What was the worst day of your life?
Vesper would likely identify the best day of his life as when he was a child and he and his family visited Emerald. It represented quite the change from the unsafe and technologically backwater Gorren’s Point; the experience of being in an area not nearby the oppressive swamp was notable in and of itself. Beyond that, it was a time that he and Kato both had an opportunity to explore and enjoy without being reminded of their obligations and duties to their family, Kantos, and all of Toil. The worst day of Vesper’s life was when he found out his brother was missing and labeled AWOL, only to find that even his own family strongly discouraging of him searching or looking for answers. Having seen the dramatic changes in his brother’s behavior, and seeing how some unshared knowledge was haunting him, Vesper was aware there was a problem. The fact that it happened not only meant losing his brother, perhaps forever, but also that Vesper had failed in getting through to Kato in time. He had a moment of time where he could have saved his brother, but Vester recognizes that may now be gone forever.

What is your greatest accomplishment or thing you are most proud of? What is your greatest failure or thing you regret the most?
Vesper’s greatest accomplishment has been stepping away from his families’ expectations and enrolling in Battle Academy. This was of particular note since because of their influence he had been denied entrance into Savage and has instead needed to prove himself as an outsider to Hammer. His considers his greatest regret not being able to reach his brother and get him to tell him what was going on, hopefully saving him before he now may be lost forever.


Deep within the convoluted streets of Onyx Prairie, a city stained by shadows and echoes of its tumultuous past, thrives a gang known as the Crimson Jackals. Based in the eastern quarter like a festering sore, the Jackals are a ragtag assembly of thugs, brawlers, and malcontents who take pleasure in chaos and revelry. While their influence is confined to the gritty alleyways and dimly lit corners of the quarter, their reputation as rowdy, tactless brutes is whispered across the entire city.

Formed in the shadows of desperation, the Crimson Jackals are a disparate group unified by a shared disdain for authority and a lust for power. They are not a sophisticated criminal syndicate; instead, they embody the disorganized chaos that brews in the heart of Onyx’s underworld. Born out of the neglected fringes of society, the Jackals find camaraderie in their shared grievances, and their activities range from petty theft and extortion to brazen acts of public harassment.

The eastern quarter serves as the stomping ground for the Crimson Jackals, where narrow alleys provide the perfect cover for their misdeeds. Their headquarters, a dilapidated warehouse with a faded red door stands as a symbol of their defiance against the orderly facade maintained by the Onyx Enforcement and Service Bureau. Despite their audacious behavior, the Crimson Jackals remain too small to envelop the entirety of the eastern quarter, a fact that both restrains and emboldens them.

Onyx’s military views the Crimson Jackals with a mix of disdain and indifference. While the gang may harass the locals and disrupt the peace, their disorganized nature makes them appear more like a nuisance than a true threat. This perception, however, is a double-edged sword. The Jackals exploit the military’s underestimation, slipping through the cracks of surveillance and continuing their reign of disorder with impunity.

The gang’s name is an ode to their brazen nature and their willingness to spill blood for their pursuits. Clad in red ties striped with white and red lens sunglasses, the Jackals rarely make any attempt to hide their affiliations. Armed with an assortment of makeshift and low quality weapons, they roam the streets like urban hyenas, their laughter echoing through the night. Tales of their exploits are shared in hushed tones, painting the picture of a gang that thrives on chaos but lacks the finesse to orchestrate anything truly sinister.

As the sun sets over Onyx, the Crimson Jackals emerge from the shadows, their rowdy laughter and brutish antics leaving an indelible mark on the city’s underbelly. While they may be dismissed as mere troublemakers, their presence serves as a reminder that chaos festers in the darkest corners of Onyx, an ever present threat to its peace.


The magic of Toil is complicated and storied art that, over time, has diminished nearly into antiquity.

In the old tongue, magic was called Sirvada, which translates into the modern tongue as “blessings of the brothers above”. Scholars refer to this magic as true magic, the original magic. It was a formidable power, said to allow its greatest practitioners to act themselves as echoes of Toil’s Gods. Details are scarce and myth is abundant, but all accounts seem to agree that when the Gods left Toil, its mortal races lost their ability to harness this power - though the reasons as to why are as varied as the legends themselves.

Whatever the reason, not all magic left Toil or its inhabitants. In the wake of the Gods departure, the people of Toil discovered that magic had irrevocably changed them. Each individual, present and future, was marked by magic. They called this Vasesa, better known as the Shimmer. Though the scope of this magic is akin to true magic, in that the effects it can generate and abilities it can grant are seemingly endless, it lacks the choice and flexibility of true magic. Shimmer is a form of magic, a unique ability that every person on Toil has; Despite this, many Shimmers, in fact most, go unawakened - except among the Elves, for whom few go undiscovered. The Elves, more than any of Toil’s other denizens, seem particularly attuned to this residual magic, and they often become aware of it early in their lives, and easily. Unlike other forms of magic, Shimmers are unique in that they are inexplicably untethered to an individual's Soul. Those who have studied this suggest that the Shimmer is a part of the Soul, the part that was once connected to true magic, and through that connection became mutated into its own force, similar but distinct. Shimmers are known to be able to grow stronger with time and familiarity, and truly exceptional individuals have been able to refine them, but these things are uncommon - most often, what awakens is what one will have. Though it is unknown why or how, in rare cases, Shimmers have evolved and granted some few individuals with entirely new abilities, or deeper, enhanced levels of potential.

Sometime after the Gods departed Toil, a man was born - Blue Oak. He possessed a Shimmer that is said to have allowed him to sense power. From the moment that he discovered this ability, Blue spoke of a power all around him, ever present. Blue would go on to discover and define the phenomenon Nuranana - Resonance. He taught the world of the ambient elemental energies native to Toil, and discovered the people’s natural connection to these prime forces. These energies were discovered to be omni-present, as ever present a force as gravity, if usually not as noticeable. Though build ups of these energies could occur. Often these were minor, but could be strong enough to impact individuals who were sensitive enough to them. On occasion, these build ups could become so swollen that they would erupt into an elemental fueled chaos with effects often unpredictable.

Later, he would go on to discover two substances, both inseparably tied to these forces. Blue named this resource Ansaga, known today as Arcanite. At first he speculated that these substances were different, but in time he came to recognize them as the same thing in two distinct forms, and so they were named Anniru and Siru - “Tears of the Gods” and “Breath of the Gods” literally, but better known as Hard Arcanite and Soft Arcanite. These resources were found to be abundant, and the people of Toil harvested it greedily. Arcanite, as a physical manifestation of the elemental energies, provided Toil with a new type of magic - elemental magic. It was rudimentary compared to true magic, but versatile in the effects it could produce compared to Shimmer. With Arcanite, anyone who had reasonable control over their Soul could access this basic form of magic and produce simple effects. Over time this form of magic became a pillar of life on Toil, and found its way integrated into nearly every facet of it. Eventually brilliant people found ways to harness the power of Arcanite’s volatility in controlled ways, giving rise to modern technology that could manipulate it without the need for Soul - and a whole lot safer and less troublesome to use.

With the discovery of Arcanite and its connection to the elemental forces of Toil, some became intrigued in exploring that connection. These were the first Ekara - soul weavers - and they discovered that it was possible, if complicated and unintuitive, to manipulate not the energy within Arcanite, but the energy that it was connected to. Through Arcanite these sorcerers learned and birthed a craft that allowed them to alter and control the primordial flow of Toil’s elemental energies - this they called Amacara or “Elemental Sorcery”, an art that eventually became reduced simply to sorcery despite the inaccuracy of it. This art uses a series of symbols  - called the Negalu - drawn with the Soul, to “reach through” a small piece of Hard Arcanite and grab hold of the elemental forces to manipulate them. Each elemental force was given its own Negalu, as were different effects which allowed for channeling these energies in specific ways. This craft allowed its users to replicate the effects of Arcanite without consuming it. In this form it was more stable and less dangerous, but infinitely more difficult to learn and perform, and much slower.

Through the study of elemental sorcery, the soul weavers went on to discover more forces that existed on Toil that they could manipulate. Beyond the five known elements, the sorcerers discovered an additional eleven types of energy present on Toil that could be manipulated. Some of these were discovered through rare finds of Arcanite, colors that did not adhere to those most common. But many weren’t discovered until the rarest form of Arcanite - clear - was found. This untethered substance could be reached through by traditional Arcanite, but served as more of an open gateway until it was attuned. Clear Arcanite became highly sought after by the sorcerers because it could become a focus for types of elemental sorcery for which there were no naturally occurring crystals. This advanced form of Amacara was given the name Amaunde, an art through which elements beyond could be made use of. As deeper understanding of all the energies of Toil was found, more intense, powerful, and sophisticated Negalu were created - and these advanced Negalu when paired with Amaunde formed the so-called perfected version of the art, which became known as Amaeccu.

After the discovery of these expanded energies, some Ektara went on to try and apply the theories and things they had learned to another force - their Shimmer. Their theory was that if Arcanite was a tether to the elemental energies of Toil, then perhaps their Shimmers were a tether to the true magic that had once existed. This practice eventually bore fruit in the form of what they called Akalu, their “Imitation of God” or more generously Soul Sorcery. The Negalu were intrinsically tied to the elemental energies, and served as a way to merge the Soul with them to create a malleable effect. Akalu also required forming the Soul, but it had to reach through a different place and so an alternate version of Negalu were formed, called the Pagalu - “Forms of the Soul”. Unlike the Negalu which required drawing a symbol with the Soul, the Pagalu required a practitioner to create a specific form - typically in the form of a sign with the hand - and push their Soul through a specific circuit.

These basic forms created the first style of Akalu, Vayam, or more literally, “Soul of the Self”. By moving the Soul through a Pagalu, a specific effect could be imbued onto the user; each Pagalu produced a simple and unique but identifiable effect. The natural evolution of Vayam was learning how to project these Soul effects beyond oneself, and so a slightly more advanced set of Pagalu were created that became the second style of Akalu, Arala - “Distancing the Soul”. In the same way, these individual single forms allowed for a user to produce slightly more varied unique effects that were identifiable and repeatable. The third form, “Unnade” - “Grasping the Soul - came as more advanced Pagalu were discovered. Where Vayam and Arala relied on overall simple gestures that used only a single hand, digit, limb, or otherwise, Unnade required complicated two-handed gestures, harsh bends, or well oriented poses. Eventually the sorcerers learned to string Pagalu together, and this created the fourth and final style, Ivrada in the old tongue, “Echo of Blessings” to the more modern. Ivrada is the closest thing to true magic that exists in Toil. Like all styles of Akalu, Ivrada uses Pagalu, and if one knows the combination and ordering of the Pagalu utilized, one could identify the effect it would produce. However, Ivrada is so varied because it can combine any number of Pagalu, in any particular order, and each specific combination will produce a unique effect - no two Pagalu strings result in the same effect. It is for this reason that Ivrada is so rare and difficult not just to use, but to learn.

In modern Toil, magic plays a very small role.

Arcanite is plentiful and used commonly, but it is mostly through technology. Most individuals lack the control of the Soul needed to activate and control Arcanite on their own - this is a feat most commonly reserved for Champions. Next to this Shimmers play the most active role in day to day life.

The number of Ektara dwindles with each generation, as technology has become more and more pervasive. With this the knowledge, interest, and thus teachings of both Amacara and Akalu diminish. Most people in modern toil do not know that Akalu exists at all, and the few practitioners of Amacara are often seen as an out of touch breed clinging to dying tradition.



Savage Academy
Hammer Academy
Instinct Academy
Equinox Academy
Light Academy
Dragon Academy


Apple Blossom
Ancestry | Age: Human | 34
Gender | Sexuality: Female (She/Her) | ?
Height | Build: 5'6 | Lean, Athletic
Hair | Eyes: Red | Green

Citizenship: Johtan
Affiliations: Onyx, Onyx Military
Title/Rank/Position: General of the Onyx Military, Councilor of Onyx

Weapon: Liberty; A 36-shot, revolver style hand canon.

Shimmer: ?


Ocean Specter
Ancestry | Age: Human | 31
Gender | Sexuality: Male (He/Him) | ?
Height | Build: 6'0 | Lean
Hair | Eyes: Black | Neon Yellow

Citizenship: ?
Affiliations: Crimson Jackals, Red Fangs
Title/Rank/Position: ?

Weapon: Sordid Motives; A cane with a kraken head that separates into a thin straight sword and a small automatic uzi-like pistol.

Shimmer: ?

  • (Rumor) Member of the Oakisoba: According to Doya the weapon that Ocean carries is a symbol of the Oakisoba clan and may indicate that he is affiliated with the once pirates turned marauder tribe.
  • (Fact) Arcanite Thief: Ocean is responsible for the Arcanite thefts across Onyx in October of 1322, including the one that led to the destruction of Dazzle & Dust in which gRAVIty was involved on 10/6.


Xaexyl der Ocolos Enerim
Ancestry | Age: Elf | 24
Gender | Sexuality: Male (He/They) | ?
Height | Build: 5'7 | Tone, Lean
Hair | Eyes: White | Red

Citizenship: ?
Affiliations: ?
Title/Rank/Position: ?

Weapon: ?

Shimmer: ?


Doya Yama
Ancestry | Age: Human | 20
Gender | Sexuality: Female (She/Her) | Heterosexual
Height | Build: 5'9 | Athletic, Toned
Hair | Eyes: Blonde | Grey-Green

Citizenship: ?
Affiliations: Hammer Academy, MoCKerY
Title/Rank/Position: Squire

Weapon: Excalibur & Peridwyn; A sword and shield combination. Excalibur is capable of transforming into a javelin mode, and Peridwyn is a hoplon design, large enough to cover Doya if she crouches behind it. It was designed to be thrown and ricochet.

Shimmer: ?


Shir Dhan
Ancestry | Age: Human | 38
Gender | Sexuality: Male (He/Him) | Heterosexual
Height | Build: 6'2 | Muscular
Hair | Eyes: Black | Blue-Grey

Citizenship: Johtan
Affiliations: Hammer Academy, gRAVIty
Title/Rank/Position: Mentor

Weapon: Clotho, Lachesis, and Atrophos; Three identical swords that can extend into a curved and toothed form. The three blades can be joined together to create a singular full ring blade.

Shimmer: ?


Akalu: Old tongue; "Imitation of God". Soul sorcery.
Amacara: Old tongue; "Elemental Sorcery".
Amaeccu: Old tongue. The most advanced level of Amacara.
Amaunde: Old tongue. The second level of Amacara.
Anniru: Old tongue; "Tears of the Gods". Hard Arcanite.
Ansaga: Old tongue; "Arcanite".
Arala: Old tongue; "Distancing the Soul". A form of Akalu.

Battle Academy: One of the institutes that trains the Champions who defend Toil against the Hollow. There are currently five - Hammer, Savage, Instinct, Light, and Equinox.

Champion: An individual who has graduated from one of the Battle Academies and has been registered on the Index.
Cor: The currency used across Toil. Partial Cor is measured in chips (1/4), bits (1/2), and rounds (3/4). Much less commonly used are flats (20) and plates (100) when dealing in bulk Cor.

Ektara: Old tongue; "Soul Weaver". Those who practice Amacara and/or Akalu.

Ivrada: Old tongue; "Echo of Blessings". A form of Akalu.

Negalu: Old tongue: "Symbols of the Art". The various symbols used in the practice of Amacara.
Nuranana: Old tongue; "Resonance". Specifically the phenomenon of elemental resonance.

Pagalu: Old tongue; "Forms of the Soul". The various gestures used in the practice of Akalu.

Siru: Old tongue; "Breath of the Gods". Soft Arcanite.
Sirvada: Old tongue; "blessings of the brothers above". The name of true magic.

Unnade: Old tongue; "Grasping the Soul". A form of Akalu.

Vasesa: Old tongue; "Shimmer".
Vayam: Old tongue; "Soul of the Self". A form of Akalu.


The Hollow are the single greatest threat to Toil and its people that has ever existed.

The Children of the Dark God are ancient beings that have existed since the beginning, in fact, they are older than any of Toil’s mortal races. Spawned from the depths of the Infinite Black, the Sacred Realm of the Dark God, their origins are shrouded in mystery and darkness. Despite the sealing of the Sacred Realm after the departure of the Brother Gods, the Hollow persist in their insidious infestation of Toil, their presence an enduring enigma that haunts the land. Though the how and why of their continued existence remains a great mystery, their malevolent influence continues to cast a shadow over the world, threatening to consume all in their path.

Indeed the Hollow are the epitome of brutality and mercilessness, born from the very essence of anti-life itself. They exist solely to snuff out creation and all things blessed by the God of Light, wielding their destructive power with ruthless efficiency. Unlike mortal beings, they know no rest nor hunger, feel no pain nor fatigue. Their sentience, if it can be called such, is primal and savage, driven by an unquenchable instinct to eradicate life in all its forms. These creatures cannot be reasoned with, negotiated with, or tamed in any way. They are the antithesis of life itself, driven not by survival or procreation, but by a singular and insatiable urge to bring about destruction and chaos wherever they treat. They care not for the bonds of family, the companionship of a pack, or even the preservation of their own selves.

Despite the tendency - for some breeds - to gather in groups, the Hollow do not adhere to any discernible social hierarchy. While they may congregate in clusters or hordes, there is no evidence to suggest that they operate under any form of organized leadership or structure. Furthermore, while they may gather in numbers, the Hollow do not exhibit true cooperation or teamwork. Each individual seems to operate independently, pursuing its own agenda of destruction without regard for the actions of its brethren. However, this lack of coordination does not imply individuality; rather, it speaks to the mindless nature of their existence, as they move in frenzied and chaotic ways, driven solely by their instinctual urges. In essence, the Hollow exist in a state of primal anarchy, devoid of anything resembling a social structure. They are solitary agents of destruction, each driven by the same dark impulse to bring about the downfall of all that is touched by the light.

And every individual in all of history who has forgotten these facts, or made the choice to believe that there is something redeemable within the Hollow has met a grim fate.

Study of the Hollow presents numerous challenges, primarily due to their relentless aggression but also their enigmatic nature. The form of the Hollow is ephemeral, and upon death their bodies rapidly disintegrate into ash, leaving behind no physical remnants for analysis. It has been observed that the age of a Hollow influences the rate of decay, with older specimens deteriorating at a slower pace than their younger counterparts.

Age bestows upon the Hollow not only a slower decay but also a host of other benefits. As creatures with seemingly endless lifespans, the Hollow undergo a process of evolution as they age, resulting in the development of distinguished forms that have mutated over time. However, it is not just their physical appearance that changes with age; Elder Hollow also exhibit a remarkable level of intelligence and cunning that comes from surviving decades, and even centuries, of conflict against the forces of light. These aged specimens of the Hollow are capable of making intelligent decisions, demonstrating a level of restraint and patience that is uncommon among their younger counterparts. Instead of engaging in futile conflicts, they lurk at the edges of mortal borders, biding their time and waiting for opportune moments to strike. Through their experiences, they have learned to adapt their strategies and tactics, utilizing guile and cunning to achieve their goals rather than relying solely on brute force. This ability to evolve and adapt over time makes them a potent threat, capable of outsmarting even the most seasoned defenders of light.

More unsettling is that the Hollow - not any mortal race, not even tallied together - reign as the predominant species of Toil by orders of magnitude.

Toil is plagued by a staggering diversity of Hollow breeds, with 151 known varieties cataloged across the world - though rarely is any given location or individual aware of more than a few dozen. However, it is widely believed that even more breeds exist, lurking in the shadows beyond the reaches of mortal knowledge. Within each breed, further distinction arises in the form of various subtypes or forms, each presenting its own unique set of challenges and threats. To categorize the myriad breeds and forms of Hollow, scholars have devised a system of four general threat classes.

Class 3 Hollow, while the weakest of their kind, are by far the most numerous. Despite their perceived feebleness, these creatures possess formidable strength and speed, capable of inflicting great harm if underestimated. However, with sufficient arms and luck, untrained individuals may stand a chance against them.

In contrast, Class 2 Hollow pose a significantly greater threat, with even a single specimen capable of laying waste to an entire village if left unchecked. Their strength and ferocity demand a coordinated defense, with the use of powerful weapons such as Arcanite often necessary to repel their onslaught.

Moving up the threat hierarchy, Class 1 Hollow emerge as formidable adversaries, possessing not only immense power but also remarkable resilience. Dealing with such creatures requires the intervention of seasoned Champions or military units deploying advanced tactics and strategy.

At the apex of the Hollow threat hierarchy stand the S Class, exceedingly rare and immensely powerful beings that inspire fear even among seasoned military forces. Entire teams of Champions have been known to confront these creatures, only to meet with defeat and despair in the face of their overwhelming might.

While the threat classes provide a valuable baseline for understanding the capabilities of different breeds and forms of Hollow, they are by no means definitive measurements. Age, experience, and other factors can greatly influence the power and threat level of individual Hollow, leading to significant variations within each class.

Finally, of particular concern are the Alpha Hollow, enigmatic and terrifying specimens that defy conventional classification. These creatures are mutations of a particular breed or form of Hollow, imbued with the benefits of age and then some. Larger, more fearsome, and possessed of a commanding presence, Alpha Hollow are a tangible form of fear itself. What sets them apart, however, is their ability to assert dominance over other Hollow, bending lesser creatures to their will and directing their destructive energies towards a common purpose.


For centuries, the dragons stood as stalwart defenders of Toil, their ancient wisdom guiding the mortal races through times of peace and prosperity. With their boundless strength and unwavering courage, they protected the land from threats both mundane and mystical, ensuring that harmony flourished throughout the realm. From the highest peaks to the deepest valleys, their influence could be felt, their very presence instilling a sense of awe and reverence in all who beheld them.

For the dragons, who had long served as guardians and protectors of Toil, the gods' neglect was an affront to their very existence. With their ancient wisdom and keen senses, they saw the cracks forming in the once-unbreakable bond between mortals and divinity, and they knew that something had to change. And so, as the gods continued to squabble amongst themselves, the dragons made a fateful decision that would alter the course of Toil's history forever.

On a day when the sun hung low in the sky, painting the clouds in hues of crimson and gold, the dragons gathered atop the highest peaks of Toil. With a thunderous roar that shook the very foundations of the earth, they unfurled their mighty wings and took to the skies, their departure leaving behind a world teetering on the brink of chaos. In that moment of unleashed fury, the moon, once a serene and tranquil beacon in the night sky, bore the brunt of their wrath. With a single breath, they shattered its surface, sending its fragments cascading across the sky like shards of broken dreams. The once-proud satellite of Toil now lay in ruins, its once-serene surface scarred by the dragons' rage.

Despite the valiant efforts of those who remained to defend their homeland, without the dragons the Hollow's advance could not be halted. With each passing day, the Hollow's relentless advance claimed more territory, leaving a trail of destruction and despair in its wake. From the deepest forests to the highest mountains, their dark influence spread like a plague, consuming all in its path. And as the shattered fragments of the moon cast their fractured light upon the land, the people of Toil could only watch in sorrow as their world slipped further into darkness. Until all of Toil lay in their shadow. And as the once-glorious realms descended into darkness, the people looked to the empty skies above, longing for the return of the dragons who had once been their protectors, their guardians, and their hope in the face of despair.

In days of old, when dragons soared on high,
And gods above ruled the azure sky,
A rift did grow 'twixt mortal and divine,
As darkness veiled the celestial shrine.

The dragons, once guardians of the land,
Grew weary of the gods' heedless hand,
Displeased with their arrogance, with heaviness in their heart,
From Toil's embrace, they did depart.

On the eve of their leaving, with a thunderous roar,
They shattered the moon, forevermore,
Its once serene surface fractured and marred,
A testament to the gods' disregard.

In the wake of the dragons' departure, anger burned bright,
As gods looked down with regret in their sight,
For in their arrogance, they had failed to see,
The darkness that would soon set all beings free.

And as the shattered moon cast its fractured light,
The Hollow stirred in the depths of the night,
A sinister force, more fearsome than before,
A testament to the gods' eternal war.

With the dragons gone and the gods in disarray,
Toil stood on the brink of a darkening day,
For in the absence of unity and divine might,
The Hollow's shadow loomed, a relentless blight.


There are no details of the Brothers Divine before they created Toil, but it is known that they are older than this creation and also that it is not their first. Legends tell that of all the worlds created by the Brothers, it was Toil that held a special place in their hearts.

The God of Light, the elder brother, delighted in the act of creation. His touch brought forth life from the very essence of the world itself. From the primordial energies of Toil, he fashioned Kyodai, the Soul of Toil, and the first dragon. Inspired by his wondrous creation he sought to bring forth more life into the world, and thus, the first mortal race, the elves, were born.

In contrast, the younger brother, the Dark God, held no dominion over creation, his desires twisted and malevolent. Disgusted by the creations of his brother, he turned to the Infinite Black, a realm of darkness and chaos beyond mortal understanding. From its depths he drew forth dark ichor, shaping it into grotesque forms that would become the first Hollow, embodiments of destruction and chaos.

And so, with the creation of Kyodai and the elves, and the birth of the Hollow, the stage was set for a conflict that would shape the destiny of Toil for the rest of time. The war of creation versus destruction had begun, and from their thrones, the Brother Gods watched this eternal struggle play out with a mixture of fascination and dread. Fortunately, from Kyodai, more dragons were spawned, their majestic forms soaring through the skies as guardians against the encroaching darkness. With their formidable strength and ancient wisdom, they stood as bulwarks against the Hollow, their fiery breath and razor-sharp claws striking fear into the hearts of their enemies. Yet, for all their power, they could not be everywhere at once, and the cost of their vigilance was measured in blood and tears. As the conflict raged on, Toil became a battleground, with the forces of creation and destruction locked in a never-ending struggle for supremacy. Cities fell, forests burned, and rivers ran red with the blood of the fallen, as the mortal elves fought desperately to survive in the face of overwhelming odds. And through it all, the Brother Gods watched from their thrones.

Tired of their feuding, the God of Light approached his brother with a proposal to end their conflict once and for all. With weariness in his eyes and a glimmer of hope in his heart, he suggested that they join forces to create something together - a joint project that they could both take pride in. Surprisingly, the Dark God agreed to his brother's proposal. And so, with their powers combined, the Brother Gods set to work on their greatest creation yet - humanity. Unlike the elves, who were born solely from the God of Light's touch, humanity was instilled with the essence of both brothers, their conflicting desires and ambitions woven into the very fabric of their being. With free will and the power to choose their own path, humanity possessed the capacity for both light and dark, creation and destruction. As they watched their creation take its first breaths, the Brother Gods felt a sense of pride and satisfaction unlike any they had known before. And though the road ahead would be fraught with challenges, they knew that humanity would forge its own destiny, shaping the future of Toil in ways both wondrous and unforeseen.

Despite their shared involvement in creation, only the God of Light ever had a true following, a point of great envy for the younger Dark God.

For reasons that are lost to history, following the departure of the dragons from Toil, the Brother Gods also abandoned the world. And while the dragons leaving broke the moon, the Gods leaving stole magic itself from Toil’s inhabitants, leaving them to the non-existent mercy of the Hollow. This marked the start of the Veiled Era.

God of Light
The God of Light manifests in a form that reflects his boundless strength and radiant energy. Standing tall and muscular, his imposing stature commands respect and reverence from all who behold him. His very essence is a shimmering golden aura, an embodiment of the purest light that bathes the world in its warm embrace. Yet, despite his formidable appearance, his demeanor is gentle and soft-spoken, his words carrying the weight of wisdom and compassion.

Temperamental by nature, the God of Light possesses a quiet resolve that belies his peaceful demeanor. Though he may be stirred to anger by injustice or cruelty, he maintains a sense of calm and restraint, refusing to let his emotions cloud his judgment. With a keen sense of fairness and justice, he upholds his perception of balance with unwavering dedication, unwilling to compromise his principles even in the face of adversity.

Despite his sympathy for those who seek solace and redemption, the God of Light remains steadfast in his convictions. He believes in the inherent goodness of all beings, yet understands that true balance can only be achieved through the harmony of light and shadow. Though he may be tempted to intervene on behalf of the downtrodden, he restrains himself, knowing that true growth and enlightenment can only come from within.

Above all else, the God of Light is a proponent of peace and harmony, believing that conflict and strife only serve to perpetuate suffering and despair. Though he may harbor deep-seated grievances towards his brother, the Dark God, he does not wish for violence or bloodshed. Instead, he seeks a peaceful resolution to their eternal feud, hoping that one day they may set aside their differences and embrace the light of reconciliation and forgiveness.

The Sacred Realm of the God of Light is known as Radiance, and before the departure of the Brothers it was accessible at the Luminous Throne, a location in western Sinnat.

O God of Light, whose radiance guides our way,
Illuminate the path before me in this hour of need.
Grant me wisdom to discern right from wrong,
Strength to face the challenges ahead,
And courage to walk in the light of your divine grace.
May your guiding hand lead me to truth and goodness,
And may your eternal love shine upon me always.
In your name I pray, amen.
Dark God
The Dark God, in stark contrast to his brother, manifests in a form of deep inky purple, his lean and slender build exuding an air of sinister elegance. Atop his head, a pair of ram horns curl menacingly, a symbol of his affinity for destruction. His very presence is suffused with an aura of theatricality and aggression, his movements fluid and graceful yet tinged with a sense of menace and unpredictability.

Unlike the God of Light, who seeks balance and harmony, the Dark God revels in chaos and discord, delighting in the destruction wrought by his hand. His desires are fueled by a longing for worship and adulation, a hunger for power and recognition that knows no bounds. Though he may have agreed to a truce with his brother, his ambition burns as fiercely as ever, his thirst for dominance driving him to ever greater heights of depravity and deceit.

Despite his cunning and manipulative nature, the Dark God can be surprisingly gullible, easily swayed by flattery and praise. Yet, beneath his veneer of charm and charisma lies a deep well of vengefulness, his heart blackened by centuries of bitterness and resentment. Prone to acting on impulse rather than holding true to his convictions, he is a creature of whims and caprice, his actions guided by his fickle desires rather than any sense of moral obligation or duty.

The Sacred Realm of the Dark God is known as the Infinite Black, and before the departure of the Brothers it was accessible at the Grove of Shadows, a location in south eastern Kantos.

O Dark God, lord of shadows and depths,
I humbly beseech thee in this hour of need.
Grant me mercy in the darkness,
Shield me from the terrors that lurk in the night.
May your shadowy embrace be gentle,
And your wrath be stayed.
In your name I pray, amen.
Wild God
The enigmatic figure known as the Wild God is a mystery who remains known, largely, only to the Silenus. Unlike the Brother Gods, who were known and present throughout the land, there is no indication that this being was recognized prior to the departure of the Brothers Divine, or having any involvement with the mortal races before the Veiled Era.

Some suggest that the Wild God was merely the Brothers in disguise, a clever ruse to conceal their true intentions. Others say that the Wild God is actually Kyodai, who secretly remained on Toil after the departure of the dragons. The only thing that can be said for certain is that the Wild God is responsible for the emergence of the Silenus during the Veiled Era.

O Wild God, master of the untamed realms,
We, the Silenus, offer our humble thanks to thee.
For the bountiful forests and fertile lands,
For the rivers that flow with life-giving water,
For the abundant harvests and plentiful game,
We give thanks for all that sustains us.

In your boundless wisdom, you have provided,
In your wild embrace, you have nurtured.
May we honor your gifts with reverence and respect,
And may we tread lightly upon the earth,
Preserving its beauty and diversity for generations to come.

O Wild God, we bow before thee,
In awe of your majesty and might.
Accept our gratitude, and guide us ever forward
In harmony with the untamed rhythms of nature.
In your name we pray, amen.


Azir Venris Kil-Mitter
Ancestry | Age: Elf | 20
Gender | Sexuality: Male (He/Him) | Heterosexual
Height | Build: 5'9 | Athletic, Muscular
Hair | Eyes: White | Peridot

Citizenship: Unovia
Affiliations: Hammer Academy, MoCKerY
Title/Rank/Position: Squire, Team Leader

Weapon: Hurricane; A 9-foot lance capable of spinning like a drill. It is comprised of five individual segments which can be launched as missiles, or to create battlefield hazards, while shortening the length of the lance as each segment is a spiked tip nested within the one ahead of it. When all five segments are released, Hurricane's heavy handle can eject a blade that transforms it into a greatsword. Hurricane is a weapon built to utilize Arcanite, and has several slots that are often filled with Red and White powder, which are used as rockets or elemental blasts when needed.

Shimmer: ?