Passion of the Sands (SW Sith Academy small group) [Closed once more]

Started by Nowherewoman, August 18, 2023, 12:31:27 PM

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Korriban. A world of endless red desert and vicious beasts; of ancient ruins and places of power. Of wonders and terrors.

And blood. So much blood.

Out of place among the decayed crypts and temples, a new stronghold has risen, a beacon of Dark power: the  bleak and terrible Academy of the Sith Order. Here, Force sensitives from across the Galaxy are brought,
willing or no, to be trained. To find strength, and gain power. To rise, and aspire to become Sith.
Or to fail, and die, nameless and reviled.

Welcome to Korriban, Acolyte. There is no peace here.  For you, there will never again be any peace...

Who: Miss Nyx and NowhereWoman, GMs/Overseers
What: Small group, Extreme game, covering the training of new Sith Acolytes and preparation for their Trials. Max 6 PCs.
Style: Tightly guided Sandbox, with occasional simple Challenge rolls. Played out in 'days' of variable length, but in a shared/locked timeline. Room to explore and be yourself, but everyone stays on the same basic page.
Content: Philosophy; violence; possible torture, N/C and dubcon; interpersonal conflict; alliance and betrayal; xenophobia/speciesism/classism; power, passion, and pain.

This will NOT be a 1st come- 1st accepted game. The GMs will be looking for a mix of origins, races, and genders, as well as writers who are felt to be a good fit with the tone. Not that the game is intended to be a squickfest, but even the 'best' Sith is a ruthless SOB, and some scenes and events may be uncomfortable/unpleasant for some people.

No character sketches right now, please. This is just an interest scanner

My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):



My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):

Miss Nyx

Woooo yeahhhh, Aethy! You’d be a wonderful addition.  ;D




Lightsabers and force lightning? Sounds fun.

Is the MMO any inspiration for this?


In part. Actually, Nyx had brought up that it was a theme she'd never seen taken up here, so we decided to give it a go :D  Haven't 100% nailed down the exact time period, since it's not completely relevant, but we'll probably set a date before it goes live.
My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


Oh, color me interested then. I do so adore writing action and when being an absolute dick is called for.
Am I on the hunt for a story? - Not especially...
My General LFGs
Canon LFGs
My Poetry Thread


I would be interested, depending on what additional information there will be and what direction you two wanted to take things.


Miss Nyx

Oh glorious interest, thanks to everyone who’s chimed in. I’ll be putting some thought toward the wider world and plot beyond the basic idea, should the game find success beyond that, but right now our primary focus will be training and trials and I’m assuming interpersonal relationships among the galaxies most fearsome individuals.


~~~ ONs & OFFs ~~~ Requests ~~~


We've got enough interest to open a formal recruiting thread pretty soon. Just need to tweak the CS a little, and for Nyx to have time to finish her Overseer GM character.
My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


Joining the many in voicing interest in this!  Been creeping in the world building thread before and excited to see this.
If I can't have you, my love...  I'll destroy you
~World Building Workshop ~ Current Ideas and Requests  ~
~ Preferences ~ Status  ~ Nightmares and Inspirations~
~Gnothi's Stories Without Homes~
A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies... The man who never reads lives only one.

Seeking New Stories

Miss Nyx

I've gotten my CS done, so hopefully we'll move smoothly into our recruitment stage. I certainly didn't expect so much interest but I damn well won't complain, my thanks to everyone who's stepped forward. :3


Quote from: GnothiSeauton on August 21, 2023, 07:34:37 PM
Joining the many in voicing interest in this!  Been creeping in the world building thread before and excited to see this.

YAY!  We so rarely get to write together!
My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):


We have enough interest to open formal recruitment, now.

Please have a glance at THE RULES, then grab your shiny CS code below!

Character Sheet:

[center][font=basic gothic STD extra lite sc][size=18pt][b]CHARACTER NAME[/b][/size][/font][/center]
[float=right][img height=250 padding=10][/img][/float]
[float=right][img height=260 padding=10][/img][/float]

[b]Species[/b]: <see rules for allowable races>
[b]Planet of Origin[/b]:
[b]Age[/b]: <17+, not older than 24+-. Adjustable to some extent based on species maturity, but no younger than 17>

[b]Focus:[/b] <are YC's Force skills more melee combat or channeling in nature?  This will determine which Overseer has charge of your training, though you will still interact with both>

[b]Distinguishing Features[/b]:


[b]Brief History[/b]: <How did YC end up on Korriban?  Former slave, found by another Sith, from a Sith family, etc.>

[b]Played By:[/b]

[b]HARD OFFS:[/b] <Sith are cruel, ruled by passion, and inventive in punishments. But consent is a thing. What topics/actions do you absolutely NOT want YC exposed to?>

[b]Additional Information:[/b] <any details you want known not covered in the basic sheet>

Once you're happy with your ideas, please PM them to both me (NowhereWoman) and Miss Nyx for review.  Once we've gone over them, accepted characters will go in the Passion of the Sands-Character Sheets thread.

You'll notice, unlike many games on E, there is no Sexual Orientation field on the CS. There are several reasons for this: this is the sort of thing that should come out in RP; Passion is a tool and a weapon, and preference does not always apply; and- Sith. Some times they don't ask, they tell. Be sure to fully fill in your Hard Offs.

While we're waiting to spin up, the Rules threads is also the OOC thread, so feel free to chatter away!

There is no Peace; there is only Passion
My eyes are a window to the storm that's getting close.

more me here now!  (O/Os, ideas and junk):

and mea culpas  (A/As):

Miss Nyx

-sets out the cookies- Because, y’know… dark side and all that. 😂


I can't wait to see when all the charas are done with thair check in.

Miss Nyx

Hello hello! Just a quick update for you all, we’re currently screening Character Sheets, so if you’ve expressed interest and still hope to join us on this most epic endeavor please get your character sheet in promptly. I’ve got hopes of launching somewhere around the first of the month. That said, thank you to everyone who’ve gone ahead and sent your characters in, we’ve definitely got some promising looking Acolytes among them. 😁

Expect Nowherewoman and myself to reach out closer to the first of September with confirmation on your acceptance and the launch date to begin the game!


Captain Whitebread

There are nights when the wolves are silent and it the moon that howls.

Miss Nyx

Yes indeed, check out the Rules and PM character sheets to myself and Nowherewoman! 😁