Guilty or Not Guilty II

Started by Ariel, June 12, 2019, 03:25:19 PM

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Undeniable Sin

Not guilty. I watched two seasons

The next person sleeps less than 8 hours a night.
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Semi-guilty. It really depends for me!

Passing it on.

Wandering Mind

Guilty even though I need it.

Passing it on.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.



The next person is a child at heart..

Lady Shadow

Guilty - very much so.

The next person likes candy corn.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~


So Guilty.

The next person enjoys the lake.

Lady Shadow


The next person likes black and white movies.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~



The next person enjoys hiking.

Lady Shadow

Not guilty - Lots of rocks and hills is too much for my knees.

The next person gets a lot of headaches.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~


Not Guilty.

The next person loves dogs.

Lady Shadow

Totally Guilty - I hug my doggie all the time.

The next person is hungry.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~

Undeniable Sin

Not guilty. I just had breakfast. I'm stuffed

The next person has attended a concert in the last 6 months
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Not guilty.

TNP is guilty of lying to someone dear within the past week?

Wandering Mind

Guilty.  My kid will learn sarcasm from her parents.   ;D

The next person has started writing a new story this month.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Guilty.....will probably take awhile to finish :-(

The next person writes about zombies..


Not guilty. I've got vampires, but no zombies currently.

Next person had sushi this week.


Not Guilty - I do wish it wasn't so and may have to consider it for the weekend.

The next person likes non-fiction.

Lady Shadow

Guilty - I like biographies and such.

The next person is craving some chocolate.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~


Guilty, I’m never not craving chocolate. Haha.

The next person is thinking about someone special. :3

Wandering Mind

Not guilty.  I was thinking about getting a few posts in including a new story.

The next person has a bad allergy.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Not guilty. Seasonal allergies are as bad as it gets.

The next person had eggs for breakfast.

Wandering Mind

Not guilty.  I had a granola bar for breakfast.

The next person looked at E's classifieds this week.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.

Lady Shadow

Not Guilty - I didn't even know they had them.

The next person likes The Simpsons.
Rhythm is something you either have or don't have, but when you have it, you have it all over.
Ambition is like a V8 engine.
~Elvis Presley~

Wandering Mind

Guilty.  It's been years since I've watched but I was a fan.

The next person is participating in a group game on E.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Guilty! The most active one is a Ravenloft D&D game. We are currently aboard a sinking ship, and our dice have been screwing us royally as we try to rescue the various passengers.

The next person has never been in a group game on E.