Guilty or Not Guilty II

Started by Ariel, June 12, 2019, 03:25:19 PM

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If it’s x-rated, guilty! If it isn’t... Then not guilty!

You have rarely change your order at restaurants you go to frequently.
She is the untamed. She is the wild. She will come to you like a storm and wash away your fears. And then when she leaves, you will wonder how you ever hated the rain.

[Check A/A thread for info!]
~A/A Thread Updated: September 16,  2020~     |     Peccavi's True Desires/Roleplay Search& Characters     |     Ons & Offs


I mean, these days? Not guilty. I like variety.

But, back in undergrad, one of the girls at the campus coffee shop knew my order so well she'd have it ready by the time I made it to the cashier to order.

Speaking of: You've been to a restaurant so regularly that staff members recognize you.


Not guilty I don't go out to eat all that often

You saw someone you knew and tried to avoid being spotted


Not guilty, at least not recently.

You read less than 25 books in a year.
If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing.
O/OA/A, Requests


Not guilty I love my books >.<

You prefer to read manga than watch anime


Not guilty. I read a mange once, and I actually had difficulty reading normally for a few hours afterwards. Decided maybe to stick to the animated stuff.

You prefer cold weather to hot.


Not guilty cold weather is the bane of my existence

You consider 75 degrees hot


Blaaah. I consider 65 F hot. Guilty.

Your favourite ice cream flavour is neither chocolate nor vanilla.



The next person has been the one screaming in the movie theater?

Undeniable Sin

Not guilty. The most I've ever given is a loud laugh but not obnoxiously.

The next person does not enjoy hot weather

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The next person is a lover and a fighter wrapped into one

Undeniable Sin

Guilty. It's all about my mood... and if I've had coffee

The next person has a unique hobby
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Many actually.

The next person loves anime


Guilty currently watching three >.<

passing it on


Eh, I'll enjoy the occasional anime. It's not, like, a full-fledged hobby of mine or anything, though.

Next person gets flustered easily.



Not guilty unless it's online xD

Next person has had spaghetti tacos


Not guilty... but you got a recipe or something? Sounds like it could be fun.

Next person has has a favourite food that everyone thinks is weird.


Probably guilty but there's no food out there that everyone thinks is weird. I like Pecan Nut-Thins and babybel cheese with nutella on it

Next person wants to try a pecan nut thin

Wandering Mind

Not guilty.  I'm having a hard enough time not snacking too much on my keto diet.

Next person is on a diet.
Status: Hiatus. Not sure when or if I'm coming back.


Not guilty.

The next person has at least once travelled to a dream destination of theirs.


I wound up in Akihabara one day, so yeah, guilty.

Next person watches too much TV or streaming video like Netflix.
If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing.
O/OA/A, Requests


Guilty, very very guilty.

Passing the question on.


Not guilty, I read too damn much.

The next person has a crush on someone they shouldn't.

SMR Rein


TNP regularly lets their phone battery get below 5% before charging it.
Be bold