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~ Picture of the Week ~ Discussion [CLOSED]

Started by Hob, November 02, 2018, 08:10:01 PM

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I've had this bookmarked since the begin  and I've Finnaly managed to get some thing written.


Quote from: Eva on January 13, 2019, 04:13:31 PM
MrAlanNH It actually looked fine on my phone when I stumbled upon it today.  I just took a longer look at it just now on a computer and the larger screen made it more enjoyable.  I thought the poem as well as the formatting were very appealing and added to the punch of it.  Nicely done, poetry is always such a lovely challenge.

Thank you for the kind words Eva.  My first impulse was to do a wordy freeform ode to the majesty of nature and the circle of life, blah blah blah.

Then I had one line with 3 words (farther further deeper, i think) that I really liked the rhythm of so I decided to try a more structured approach based off of that.

Afterward, when I was thinking about my process in crafting it, I realized I had (purely unconsciously) mimicked the picture, in that the poem was very minimalist and bare bones.

Self critiquing, I think there are probably some better more evocative word choices that could be made and that I could have tried to extend the calm, passive word section at the beginning to better contrast when the active, faster section kicks in.

Also, I put the period at the end since I thought it might emphasize the sense of finality, especially since there is no other punctuation in the poem.  But I'm kind of conflicted as to whether it actually adds anything, or if it superfluous.


abandoneddolly, that was certainly a unique take on the picture.  Like Eva said, some very nice evocative imagery.

Perhaps the character should stop working in biology and start a Primal Diet lifestyle brand.


MrAlanNH, on the subject of punctuation, I didn't make note of the period the first time around so it may not be doing what you want it to, perhaps others will weigh in with their sense of it.  You used formatting very effectively early on, perhaps utilizing formatting to give the sense of finality would be more evocative. Not that I'm sure how you'd go abut it.  Perhaps a smaller font? 


That was a great poem, Liam

Mariah, your entry made me chuckle out loud.  I was confused at first until I figured out the story's miniscule protagonists! A very unique perspective!

The Green One

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Black Mariah

Quote from: MrAlanNH on January 15, 2019, 02:24:16 PM

Mariah, your entry made me chuckle out loud.  I was confused at first until I figured out the story's miniscule protagonists! A very unique perspective!

Thank you very much! Humour is completely out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to try something different.  Not my best work by any stretch of the imagination but "picture of the week" is a great excuse to try out things.
Bite me.


Quote from: Black Mariah on January 16, 2019, 09:49:28 AM
Thank you very much! Humour is completely out of my comfort zone, but I wanted to try something different.  Not my best work by any stretch of the imagination but "picture of the week" is a great excuse to try out things.

Oh, good! That’s one of the reasons I came up with this thread, so that folks could flex their writing muscles and try different things. And I think you did a fine job with that last one, Mariah!


What a great week with some great submissions!  Hopefully, everyone will find this next one just as inspiring!


Third one in - finally!

Yeah, no prizes for guessing which Skyrim mod inspired this. But it was the first thing I thought of when I saw the pic, and I figured it would be a laugh just to go with it.



Congratulations!  *Confetti tosses* Welcome to the club. 



*De gives his gormless Rodney Trotter look* Did I just get married?

(Not wholly impossible for me, considering I once got engaged by accident.)


Quote from: DeMalachine on January 18, 2019, 02:44:21 PM

*De gives his gormless Rodney Trotter look* Did I just get married?

(Not wholly impossible for me, considering I once got engaged by accident.)


Okay, so this means next week I have to find a pic that will inspire you to tell this story...


The Green One

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Lovely Complex

Quote from: Justric on January 31, 2019, 08:34:23 PM
Hmmm... Okay, so maybe not sci-fi. Let's try something different for this week:
Love the new picture!! Will definitely be writing something up for that one. :)


Quote from: Cliffspiracy on January 31, 2019, 09:29:39 PM
Love the new picture!! Will definitely be writing something up for that one. :)

Marvelous! Looking forward to seeing it!

And welcome to cutesii! Thanks for playing along with us, and I hope to see more of your writing in the future!


The latest picture of the week has now been posted!

For this one, I went with an old favorite of mine: Jehan Georges Vibert's "The Reprimand."  Although my favorite painting of his will probably always be "The Marvelous Sauce"


One look and I knew it had to be french. Then looked it up and sure enough, dude was Parisian born 1840. Unless I totally misread the info.  Not a fan of the patriarchal religious overtones of the imagery. I feel like you should have went with your favorite, "The Marvelous Sauce". That would have been much more whimsical and appealing to me personally. That said I am definitely a fan of character studies and story telling. I find abstracts to be pleasing at times but the arbitrary feeling of meaning imposed on them is not to my tastes.

Where do you come up with these art pieces and am I posting this in the correct location? If not please move for me.

Why did you choose this piece and how does it make you feel? 

I get drawn into the environments in the images. I'm a fan of architectural details and representation of life from a different era.


Quote from: Sarita on February 11, 2019, 04:47:55 PM
One look and I knew it had to be french. Then looked it up and sure enough, dude was Parisian born 1840. Unless I totally misread the info.  Not a fan of the patriarchal religious overtones of the imagery. I feel like you should have went with your favorite, "The Marvelous Sauce". That would have been much more whimsical and appealing to me personally. That said I am definitely a fan of character studies and story telling. I find abstracts to be pleasing at times but the arbitrary feeling of meaning imposed on them is not to my tastes.

Where do you come up with these art pieces and am I posting this in the correct location? If not please move for me.

Why did you choose this piece and how does it make you feel? 

I get drawn into the environments in the images. I'm a fan of architectural details and representation of life from a different era.

Well met, Sarita! Welcome to E! Hopefully, you're finding the Introduction process entertaining?

First of, yes, you did post this in the correct location, so no fears there. This is where general discussions are held and updates are announced for the challenge. Any writing contributions should be in the same thread as the pictures.

As for the image, you are correct! I'm rather fond of the styles of the French painters at the end of the 19th Century, especially Vibert and Tissot. Oddly enough, I went with "The Reprimand" over "Sauce" only because I was in a purple mood that day, and the shades found in the clergyman's robes were stunning. While it could be said to be a rather patriarchal and religious overtone, I would ask the viewers to consider two things. First, that Vibert rather openly (for the time) mocked the Church; most of his works with religious figures in them show the clergy in... less than holy situations: consorting with fortune tellers, reading banned books, falling asleep during meetings...  Second, (and this is my interpretation) by the expression on the young woman's face, if she's being the one reprimanded then whatever reprimand she is getting is having little to no effect on her; she looks far more aggravated than chastized!  Granted, that is just in my opinion. That being said, bear in mind that the image itself is whatever you make of it when it comes to this writing challenge. For myself, I like to envision that she's the one reprimanding him over something, turning her back on him, and he's being defiantly stubborn about the whole thing what with his arms crossed like that.

TEASER: Next image up, the one for Valentine's Day... definitely NOT patriarchal. That's all I'm saying.

Now, where do I come up with the weekly images? Pinterest, mostly. I have a rather large collection of images that I gather from various sources, including several posted by friends and writing partners. Choosing which to use is mostly a matter of whimsy on my part. What art style haven't I used lately, what might speak more to other people, what topics or genres haven't been covered yet? (Anime does not seem to be overly popular so far.) Those are the sorts of questions I ask myself. I generally have an idea two or three weeks out what I'm going for, although sometimes I'll have close friends help me make a decision as the deadline draws near.

Best of luck on your approval, and I hope to see you writing soon!


Thank you for the welcome and the response. That was a well thought out answer and much appreciated. I look forward to seeing the Valentine's day image.  Also you are right, when I look at the image again, I can see a hint of defiance cast in her looks.


Just a heads up!

This week there will be TWO images posted: the regular one and a special Valentines Day one. Yes, I'm trying something new for the holidays. The same time frames apply, and you can write for either or both. As a reminder, everything should be kept PG13. As an additional reminder, that does not necessarily mean sexy or hot is out! It's all in how you write it!


Last week's image is now closed and this week's IMAGES are up!

Remember: you can write for either or both, whatever tickles your fancy!