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~ Word of the Day ~

Started by Blythe, March 21, 2017, 01:41:05 PM

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There once was a maiden from Ringer,
who seemed to let things linger,
her body would be languid,
because we all had banged it,
after starting with just a finger.


Kit Cat

Languid lily’s loll loosely
Pretty petals propagate profusely
Busy bees buzz briskly
Seasons shift so swiftly

Writers write winsome ways
Casting curious comic clichés
Taking time to trailblaze
Aiming at amazement always


Today's word of the day is....

noun bih-HEE-muth

1 : often capitalized : a mighty animal described in Job 40:15-24 as an example of the power of God

2 : something of monstrous size, power, or appearance

Kit Cat

Sometimes my poems are a behemoth
Occasionally they can be small
This one is far from mammoth
So…um…that is all…


What's a he moth? Why would one want top be he moth? Seems unnecessarily large and flappy and too short lived! Is the offspring of a he moth a pillar of cat?


Today's word of the day is....

adverb INCH-meel

1 : little by little, gradually

Kit Cat

Knowledge is acquired in inchmeal fashion,
To some, it’s pursuit, can become a passion.
You can think you have it, only to be disproved,
And in attempting to show it, have your ego bruised.

There are those who claim to know it all,
And in their hubris overstep and fall.
Others accept that, of it, they are lacking,
So, spend their lives constantly brain racking.

Its presence is fleeting, and changes to new,
And then we are forced to learn it anew.
Seek out it, yes, but keep always in mind,
There is always another perspective to find.


Maureen moaned beneath Trevor's body, and he smiled at the sound. She had been worried, but I knew it would work. Just a matter of going slowly, inchmeal as it were, and even a behemoth like this can be worked in eventually.


Today's word of the day is....

adjective RET-uh-sunt

1 : inclined to be silent or uncommunicative in speech : reserved

2: restrained in expression, presentation, or appearance

3: reluctant

Kit Cat

Reticent I am, in the
Indicate a point of view that
Can seem
Extreme to those who do
Not agree, so silent I stay


"You never did amount to much, did you?" each word cut deeply - and it made it so much worse.  She still allowed him to hurt her , despite all her promises to herself that she would never let anyone hurt her again.  It was his anger she feared the most -it had castrated any uprising in her- and left her a reticent creature.  The greatest betrayal was the ones she kept commiting against herself on a near daily basis.

The dim light of her phone left the room in near darkness, and it was the only times when she'd let herself cry these days.  Crocodile tears as she felt sorry for herself, trapped in a life that she dreamt of fleeing.  But where would she go?  Her failures was draped around her shoulders, a mantle that burdened her daily.  And yet she remained with him, through each cutting word, hoping that he'd change.

An effort in futility surely, and yet she was willing to believe, it was easier by far to believe in him, than herself.
"And he took her in his arms and kissed her under the sunlit sky, and he cared not that they stood high upon the walls in the sight of many.”


Bill knew folks that thought of him as being shy. Some who found him actually bordering on anti-social in the way he seemed to go to great lengths to avoid interacting with others. But he just didn't feel like he needed that sort of attention. He thought maybe he might like some of it, but was reticent to actually give energy to his inner voice and say anything that might draw others to him.


It looked really cold
And pretty dark
Folding her arms around herself
The shiver in her spine not at all fooled

She leaned over the edge of the lake's shoreline
Straining to see the bottom
But, the water was too dark
The day was too old

And reticent to chance falling in
She returned to safe ground
Maybe tomorrow

Ons/Offs, Stories & Poems, Currently Not Available for RP

Kit Cat

My words I often fustigate
So many I wish to obliterate
For the pain they accentuate
Makes my raging mind debilitate

Each in turn I decimate
Cause them to extenuate
I watch and I invigilate
So that I may arrogate

These thoughts I cannot demarcate
They are beyond my skill to placate
So, helplessly I cachinnate
And now these lines eventuate

The Green One

The whole classroom was talking, sharing ideas and idly chatting although he was reticent to participate, remaining quietly in his seat while doodling across his notebook's empty pages.

Not available for new stories

The Green One

It was hot, and he dragged his heavy-feeling, sweaty body, inchmeal reaching for the gym showers after a long and painful boxing practice.

Not available for new stories

The Green One

He chuckled nervously, watching as the behemoth-sized dog ran towards him, jaws wide open, drooling rivers floating in the air behind it. He watched with widening green eyes as the animal pounced as if wanting to be held in the human's arms, licking his face and whining in utter happiness.

Not available for new stories


I had a feeling he would be reticent the moment I approached him in that hall. Every part of his body had shown so. While before he had looked relaxed and ate through his sloppy meal as if it was the best thing he had ever had, now as I stood across from him he had tensed and released the fork that clattered to the plate. His face had sported a scowl, an expression I was used to getting around here. How many of the stories had he known about me? I wouldn’t call them rumours anymore like I had at one time, because somewhere down the line I had started to live them out. People wanted to paint a picture of me in a way that wasn’t true…I did them a favour by painting it myself.

I dropped the tray I was holding smack down onto the weak table and then swung my sore legs around as I slid into the bench. Not a word was spoken, either by me or by him as I dipped my eyes to the insipid swarm of brown whatever-in-the-world this food was. I didn’t even pick up my fork. It wasn’t like I was hungry, I was starving. Sixteen hours of training as a warrior could do that to one. I glanced at my singing palm and broken nails and then snapped over to look at his. His were clean. My anger began to boil. It wasn’t fair, none of this was fair. Life at Melorinath wasn’t fair. 


In coinage, a reticent is a smaller yet indeterminate fraction of a cent. The reticent generally occurs randomly between one cent and one millicent, though occasionally strays below one millicent when true obscurity is desired.


Today's word of the day is....

noun KER-fyoo

1 : the sounding of a bell at evening

2 a : a regulation enjoining the withdrawal of usually specified persons (such as juveniles or military personnel) from the streets or the closing of business establishments or places of assembly at a stated hour

b : a signal to announce the beginning of a curfew

c : the hour at which a curfew becomes effective

d : the period during which a curfew is in effect

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


The alley seemed a good place to stop and catch my breath. Only so many blocks a person can run full out. after all. I could overhear a broadcast coming through an open window on the second floor above me. Minister Thaddeus was going on about the need for a more strictly enforced curfew. "People working during the night will be given a special, additional ID, should they be stopped on the way to and from their job and home. Others, not including law enforcement and those in the Soldiery, will be expected to remain indoors during the proscribed hours. After all, only scurrilous people tend to be abroad this time of the night."

I was pretty sure that was totally an opinion on Thaddeus' part. Especially since one of those he was talking about was Merle and she was the most antithetical person when it came to being described in such a manner. And if you didn't cut those doing good a bit of leeway, then you're bound to see the numbers of their counter-parts irrupt until they overwhelmed decency and totally shifted the balance of the scales in their favor.

This is entirely the fault of Thaddeus' own personal exegesis of the Calenean Prophecies. I need to find something to change how he's reading those sections.


An here I thought a curfew was the net effect of a decrease in the ratio of dogs to people. Less curs per person, if you will. Nice puppy!


Today's word of the day is....


1 a : to provide a brief explanation or interpretation for : explain, define

b : interpret

2 : to dispose of by false or perverse interpretation

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


Today's word of the day is....

adjective tem-PESS-chuh-wus

1 : of, relating to, or resembling a violent storm : turbulent, stormy


The world was a cold, violent place. Like one of those old black and white movies from the silver screen, adorned with stains of blood.

'They told me I was dangerous.'

No, this was not a bad thing. Facts rarely were. That was, unless one was one of those useless, pitiful creatures cowering in fear of their own emotions, letting them rule everything. Each thought. Each movement. Each waking moment tormented by redundant sentiment. They were like invisible chains, truly. Meant to hold back. They were so.. contemptible. How they hid in the shadows of their own fears. Hoping. Crying. Praying. To whatever God they begged for mercy. To no avail. There was no God. Not anymore. Perhaps there never had been one. Not when they needed it the most.

'I asked them -why-?'

They never would be able to escape, never able to see what would hit them. Realisation only would dawn when they had no place to run. The looks on their faces was incredibly alluring, indeed. The fear that came with their realisation, the moment when they saw the truth. The moment they saw who they had fallen for. Their screams would be like the sweetest music and each drop of their blood on his face like mana from the Gods.

When it all would be said and done, the only thing he wanted to see in that pool of blood on the ground would be his reflection. Nothing else would matter once he took everything they could give him. It was never enough. Not even worth glossing over as an aftermath.

'Because you do not need anyone, they said.'

And still. That. Rush. Nothing could compare to it. It was like a violent, omnivorous black hole. Merciless and adamant. Was this what satisfaction felt like? Lust?

Tempestuosus, indeed - and so very, very delightful. Beautiful, was it not?

'That was when I smiled...'
