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~ Word of the Day ~

Started by Blythe, March 21, 2017, 01:41:05 PM

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Theta Sigma

Today's word of the day is....

noun NEB-ish

1 : a timid, meek, or ineffectual person

They/Them pronouns


When the Baron and his special guests left the house they noticed a nebbish standing in a respectful posture near the doorway. When he caught sight of the Baron, he bare his head and stretched out his hand. The Baron approached him and a silver coin slipped in his hand. The old man bowed thankful and slowly wandered off. The Baron returned his attention to his attendends and explained with a excusing undertone "He is looking out for me every day, spending such a long time waiting ... I cannot disappoint him". Then he resumed talking about politics and the "big problems" in the world. And - of course - about business.
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)


Today's word of the day is....

verb YUP-uh-fye

: to make appealing to yuppies; also : to infuse with the qualities or values of yuppies
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


The project she was assigned to, being a software engineer, was more and more yuppiefied. She finally was aware of the changes with the monthly meeting at the ministry in Berlin, when a lawyer and a number of guys from the financial department were on hand while she was the one and only person to represent the technical wing. She decided to prepare an exit strategy and to apply for other jobs of a more technological fashion.
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)


Today's word of the day is....

adjective BID-uh-bul

1 : easily led, taught, or controlled : docile

2 : capable of being bid
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Kiric Rand

Jacob looked over the baby dragon as the salesman continued his speech. It was an amazing specimen to be certain, violet scales that glimmered like a precious stone when the light hit them. He was actually surprised some wandering conjurer hadn't scooped the creature up already for various materials. He suddenly realized that if he left this poor thing here, it would likely end up in the hands of a far worse fate.

"And you promise this creature is quite biddable?" The half-elven ranger asked, blue eyes raising in question.

"Oh quite so good sir. Plucked the egg from the nest myself, it is quite docile." The merchant spoke, almost sensing a sale.

"That's all I needed to hear." Jacob, or at least that had been the name he had given this poacher, drew his bow, pointing the arrow right at the man's heart. "You will let this dragon loose, and you will turn down the road and never set foot in these forest again, else your heart will be my new quiver." His voice had changed to a much harsher tone as he glared down the arrow. These forest were his to protect, and he would not allow harm to come to any creature as long as he drew breath.
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15

Quick Ben

Lord Malchius Vesmont,

My dear friend, I wish not to arouse offense... But, I laughed heartily upon reflecting on the nature of your last letter. I must say, you have come to the right man when it comes to this particular sort of difficulty. After attending last month's festivities I became quite aware of your betrothed's tendencies to be, shall we say fiery? Perhaps she does seem cold and distant to you, but fear not good friend. You must not become sullen by her staunch refusals to your approaching advances. Remember that she has her mother's blood coursing through her veins, and with such knowledge you will come to understand that hers is a heart of a lioness. You will not win by way of surrender and the kind hand. Show her your fangs, Malchius, show her your roar. Then, I daresay, she will become most biddable to your desires.

Your Wise Choice of Friendly Advice,

Lord Marcus Vyrn
The Crazy Den of Quick Ben

"We have a proverb," said Hadji Murád to the interpreter, " 'The dog gave meat to the ass, and the ass gave hay to the dog, and both went hungry,' " and he smiled. "Its own customs seem good to each nation."

Mile High -- Redd & Hood -- Lana Cross -- Goblet of Murder & Mystery -- Naughty or Nice --  Princess Peach


Today's word of the day is....

noun pan-uh-JEER-ik

: a eulogistic oration or writing; also : formal or elaborate praise
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Quick Ben

"Everyone expects me to write out a grand and endearing panegyric for him." Leon said, almost hesitantly with a hint of bitterness. "They want me to get up their on stage and dazzle everyone with some cute little stories. Oh sure, have a few laughs, some smiles, maybe we'll all cry together about him too." His fists tightened, knuckles turning white. "I'm not going to do that. He was a son of a bitch when he was alive and I'm happy he's gone. No! Don't tell me not to say that because it's true, alright? I've never been more relieved by 'bad news' in my entire life. If you think he's so god damned great then you can give the speech because I'm done, man. I'm done..."
The Crazy Den of Quick Ben

"We have a proverb," said Hadji Murád to the interpreter, " 'The dog gave meat to the ass, and the ass gave hay to the dog, and both went hungry,' " and he smiled. "Its own customs seem good to each nation."

Mile High -- Redd & Hood -- Lana Cross -- Goblet of Murder & Mystery -- Naughty or Nice --  Princess Peach


In the audience he shows up a stoic calm face, sitting on a plain unadorned armchair, listening to a never ending series of smooth tongued panegyrics and impertinent begging. But when leaving the audience hall emperor Marc Aurel lost his countenance for a moment and hissed to his attendant "sourrounded by idiots.. ". His secretary, a wise and experienced Greek scholar, laughed, but decided for himself not to take this for his anthology of imperatorial sentences nor the biography.

My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)


Today's word of the day is....

adjective SANG-gwun

1 : bloodred
2 : a : consisting of or relating to blood
b : bloodthirsty, sanguinary
c : ruddy
3 : having blood as the predominating bodily humor; also : having the bodily conformation and temperament held characteristic of such predominance and marked by sturdiness, ruddy color, and cheerfulness
4 : confident, optimistic

Quick Ben

The High Father of the Blood held out his hand to the young maiden -- clad in a priestess's whites -- kneeling before him. His flesh was full of fresh and potent life, unblemished and unscarred despite the nature of his ancient age written so plainly upon his face. He imposed his towering height not only by way of his stature but also by aid of three steps dividing her from him upon the altar. Her snowy veil of purity seemed a spec lost against the ocean of his hungrily flowing crimson robes. A long moment passed where she did not take his hand; fearful hesitation lying still on the air.

A sanguine smile twisted its way upon his face. "Do not be shy, child. Do not be afraid. The House of Blood welcomes you openly and kindly. If you but take my hand you will no longer be an orphan lost in lonely sorrow amidst this mortal sea of chaos and death, you will no longer cling to fears chaining you to worldly wants, you will no longer be alone my child. You will be eternal." His soft voice echoed unnaturally through the utter emptiness of the chapel. "Take my hand. Live forever."

Instinct screamed for her to turn away, but cold memories knifed at her heart; a maelstrom of flame roaring in a field of lesser fires. She hesitated no longer.

The maiden took his hand.
The Crazy Den of Quick Ben

"We have a proverb," said Hadji Murád to the interpreter, " 'The dog gave meat to the ass, and the ass gave hay to the dog, and both went hungry,' " and he smiled. "Its own customs seem good to each nation."

Mile High -- Redd & Hood -- Lana Cross -- Goblet of Murder & Mystery -- Naughty or Nice --  Princess Peach

Kiric Rand

"Leave him, he's finished."

The gruff voice called out from the dark as the other two thugs dropped him on the ground, turning to leave him in this dingy alley to die. However, as he climbed to his knees he simply started laughing, almost like a man who had lost his sanity. The trio stopped, turning to face what they thought was a broken shell of a man. One of them even approached him again, grabbing him by the collar of his shirt and pulling him back to his feet.

"What's so funny tough guy? Still got some fight in you, thinking you can still protect her from us?"

The comment made him laugh a bit more as a small trickle of his lifeblood ran out of the corner of his mouth. Suddenly, he spit in the thugs face, crimson red spray splattering against the ugly visage of his attacker as a tooth bounced off the thugs cheek.

"Who ever said I was protecting her from you?"

He was once more thrown to the ground, only this time a loud, ear piercing shriek filled the night air. The trio froze, their hearts skipping a beat as they saw what was at the end of the alley. She stood there, still as the night itself, her eyes locked on the three brutishmen. Their victim simply looked up laughing.

"Now might be a good time to run."

Her eyes were feral, blazing with a sanguine look. It all happened so fast, the thugs would never see or know. All that would be found the next morning was the alley painted in a fresh coat of deep red.
Guardian of Lynnie's heart
-My inbox is sort.of like 7-11. It's not always doing business, but it's always open.-
Flying High or Falling Fast (O/Os)My Ideas! A/A updated 2/11/15


"Death and the maiden". She was sure to meet her teacher's request. Schubert's music, composed in the ages of romanticism. Others wrote about Rilke and his famous poems titled "Duineser Elegies". The theme given was "Sanguine sentiments and the apotheosis of Blood". She was awarded by an "A" for her Essay, and the school's mistress invited her to a special meeting in the evening. It was a unique experience, some of the teachers and a hand-picked bevy of the most dedicated students. For the first time she was admitted to the mistress's private rooms, and of course she ended up in her.. bedroom, sourrounded by all these... vampires, showing their fangs. But there was no fear, she was so well prepared by all her studies and emotional experiences. She leaned back, and presented her pale and slender neck.
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)

Theta Sigma

Today's word of the day is....

noun rih-FEK-shun

1 : refreshment of mind, spirit, or body; especially : nourishment
2a : the taking of refreshment
b : food and drink together : repast

They/Them pronouns

Quick Ben

Of all things considered refection to the huntress of the moon, there were none comparable to the primal thrills of a worthy chase. The scent of her prey drifted in the air. Sweet, and sensuous. The soft winds hummed a soothing tune through the corridors of woodland trees, a song that pricked her ears with the sound of rustling leaves. Her prey was close. Very close. She held her silver bow tightly with nimble fingers, readying an arrow destined for lethal intent. The goddess inhaled deeply then, breathing the life-blood of the forest to sate her wild spirit.

Artemis was on the hunt again.
The Crazy Den of Quick Ben

"We have a proverb," said Hadji Murád to the interpreter, " 'The dog gave meat to the ass, and the ass gave hay to the dog, and both went hungry,' " and he smiled. "Its own customs seem good to each nation."

Mile High -- Redd & Hood -- Lana Cross -- Goblet of Murder & Mystery -- Naughty or Nice --  Princess Peach


"Let's have some refection!" Odilo, the fifth Abbot of Cluny, led his guests to the refectory, where a frugal meal was served.
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)


Today's word of the day is....

verb dih-MAHR-kayt

1 : to fix or define the limits of : delimit
2 : to set apart : distinguish

Theta Sigma

Today's word of the day is....

adjective PLAN-junt

1 : having a loud reverberating sound
2 : having an expressive and especially plaintive quality

They/Them pronouns


Oldie But a Goodie :D
Quote from: Theta Sigma on November 16, 2017, 01:50:51 PM
Today's word of the day is....

verb LAH-lee-gag

1 : to spend time idly, aimlessly, or foolishly : dawdle

I had to.  I HAD to use it two and a half months late :D

"Danielle!  MUST you lollygag ?  Our guests are arriving soon and the table is not yet set!"

Her mistress's plangent voice pierced through and stilled the goodnatured chatter in the kitchen and the young serving girl fought the urge to wince as all eyes turned in her direction.  There were at least two dozen maids and footmen rushing about to prepare for this evening's engagement and yet she was the only one being yelled at.  It hardly seemed fair.

They say best men are moulded out of faults, and, for the most part, become much more the better for being a little bad...
Absences 11/10 ≈ BlindfoldsRequests ≈  On's and Offs
Tentatively Open to a few more 1v1's but also come write with me in Grey Matters--->


Today's word of the day is....

verb MELD

: to blend or mix together : merge
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


Today's word of the day is....

noun kair-uh-VAN-suh-ree

1 : an inn surrounding a court in eastern countries where caravans rest at night

2 : hotel, inn
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


In the evening the camel train reached the oasis, a small watering place, palms and some green around. The ocher colored buildings of the caravansary gleaming in the sun. Tullius Tertius, a Roman merchant and traveller, was for the deal of his life. The place was a point of melding of cultures and peoples from all over the world. His Egyptian partner gave him a broad and grabby grin. "Gold and jewelry... ". A long journey has finally reached its destination, from the cold and rainy woods in the northern parts of germany, passing the Alpine mountains, over the Mediterranean sea, and now here in the desert. "The oasis of Siwa"... Tullius declared with a voice of admiration. Before they were off for the last mile of their travel, he gave the sign to stop for a moment. All between the camels and mules, carrying hoses of water and all the supplies, a dozen of palanquins was carried by native heavers. They where laid down to the sand. "Come out, all my little doves, enjoy the sun and make up for your debut..."

The curtains opened and the young, tall female slaves crawled out, their blond hair flashing in the sun, their well formed bodies uncovered. He gave a sign to his assistant, and a wooden case was taken from one of the mules. When he got the key and opened it, wonderful clothing of filmy silk was to be seen, but also pairs of golden chains and cuffs. Without mercy, giggling and dirty jokes on their lips, his men started to chain up the helpless bevy as soon as the girls covered their nakedness. "They all are virgins". Tullius was proudly telling to his partner. With excitement he remembered the ones he had taken by himself. Those were already sold on a slave market in Italy where he got a reasonable price. But these ... would be nearly balanced with gold.
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)


Today's word of the day is....

ad hoc
adjective AD-HOCK

1 a : concerned with a particular end or purpose

b : formed or used for specific or immediate problems or needs

2 : fashioned from whatever is immediately available : improvised
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


"Let's downsize the tables for storage of billing records to the least possible size, it will be much faster and we need to speed up the core procedures of the switch". Laura was sure that an ad hoc work around would make her boss happy and give them a chance to recover from days of last-minute rescue missions for the overloaded productive system. In fact it was implemented quickly and all the problems where solved. Years later... the guys at the control center were startled by mysterious messages from the switching infrastructure. "Call record table overflow - again and again. The switch will go down for another reboot". He picked up the phone. "Laura, we have a problem..."
My o/o thread - My Request thread ( maybe always object to change/ under construction)