~ Word of the Day ~

Started by Blythe, March 21, 2017, 01:41:05 PM

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Jail Rose

"And so, here we are, ladies and gentlemen! The new Parfum de Florera, manufactured by the prestigious company of De Florera Scents! Many people have finally tried the perfume, and I can tell that their enjoying this fragrance! Let's see the reactions of a few people with me..."

"Cerise, what's that?" Jane Julie Benson suddenly appeared, walking into a bored Cerise Belladonna, who was just watching television.

The brown-haired pig-tailed girl turned her head to her friend, with a bored look on her face. "Oh, Julie. You're here." She simply said, then turned to the television again. "Just watching another one of those soi-disant amazing perfumes that existed upon man."

Julie stared into the television, then gasped. "The 'Parfum de Florera?!" She then hurriedly sat next to Cerise and shook both her shoulder. "But Cerise! That's as elegant as ever! You can't just call it a soi-disant or whatever! Its smell is magnificent!"

Cerise rolled her eyes. "Well, if it's so magnificent, then why don't I like it? It's so boring. My family bought it for me a week ago, and trust me, it's left standing on my closet with no use at all." She retorted, turning to the yellow perfume that was standing alone, unused.

Jane turned to Cerise with a hopeful smile, slowly standing up. "Can I have it?"

Cerise scoffed. "Pff, go ahead. I don't need that excuse of a perfume anyway."

"You're so mean!" Jane pouted, then walked up to the perfume and took it off. She then rubbed the bottle against her cheek. "Thank you, anyway, Cerise!"

The 16-year old girl crossed her arms with a small smirk. "Anytime, Julie. Anytime."
                             Kinda not around for some time.


"This is her soi-disant weight loss soy drink. She says she lost all that weight just by drinking this daily."

"Even though it doesn't make sense to drink soy milk to lose weight?"

"Yes, there must be something special in the beans. Maybe some genetically modified fat-burning beans. It's fifty dollars a cup."


The word of the day is....

noun KAHN-frair

: colleague, comrade
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


"No," Stellaris murmured.  "This... how could you do this..."

"Me, do this?" Ishtar replied, arching an eyebrow.  "Oh no, my confrereWe did this."

"You killed people-"

"You never asked," Ishtar said.  "You chose not to ask.  You chose not to because you simply didn't want to know.  We're in this together, as we've always been.  You simply now know the price of our victory."

"I have to stop you," Stellaris said.  "You... you can get help."

Ishtar laughed.  "How pathetic.  You knew what I was before we even met, and I'm the one that hasn't changed.  What about you?  You think you're so righteous, wearing that mask and 'saving lives'.  Foolishness.  This has always been what makes the world a safer place, not your paltry displays of philanthropy between sessions mugging for the camera.  No, nothing has changed."

"I would never have agreed to this!"

"Which is why I never told you," Ishtar said.  "It's why you never asked.  You are a vainglorious coward, Stellaris.  An overinflated popinjay, with the heart of a mouse and the brains of an ox.  At no point in your meaningless, pusillanimous life have you ever amounted to more than a hollow shell, no matter what mask you wear over your own ugliness.  No, Stellaris.  You can lie to me, and to the world, and even to yourself, but you knew.  You always knew.

"So run.  Flee back to your meaningless games with street thugs while the adults keep the world spinning.  Run, craven wretch, and don't return until you grow a spine."

Stellaris ran, and he never looked back.


She grabbed her confere in the science lab and ran out the door before the explosion knocked the two of them down. A large fire had started and she quickly grabbed the nearby fire extinguisher while her lab partner pressed the emergency fire button.


The word of the day is....

verb in-THRAWL

: to hold spellbound : charm
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."


It wasn't anything big.  He was sidetracked while looking for a hole in the wall restaurant downtown, and when he turned a corner he heard it.  It was the single most glorious, beautiful sound he'd ever heard in his life.

The song came from a woman sitting on a street corner, an old and battered violin in her hands.  The incredible music produced by her efforts enthralled him utterly, leaving him spellbound for almost half an hour until his friends texted him, asking him why he was late to dinner.  When he walked by he tossed one hundred dollars and his business card into her open case, both as thanks for the music and in hope that she'd call him.

She never did, but he remembered the songs forever.


He found himself enthralled at the way the ballerina moved about the stage.
This doesn't have to end in a fight, Buck.
It always ends in a fight.
You pulled me from the river. Why?
I don't know.
"Don't dwell on those who hold you down. Instead, cherish those who helped you up."

Jail Rose

He didn't know why, but every time Caleb stared at the other man by the street, he felt enthralled. Who was he kidding? That man already has a wife. But still... he would never stop enthralling the young man.
                             Kinda not around for some time.

Dys Astyr

Today's word of the day is....

adjective voh-SIF-uh-rus

1 : marked by or given to vehement insistent outcry
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


She was enthralled by the way the stars danced across the sky here at the End of All Things. She knew that it was a trick of light, of her planet spinning fast and the gases being flung around by the differing gravity strengths, but it looked like God was putting on a last show for her.


"They must all be killed."

"You can't do that!" "No!" "That's inhumane!"

Despite all the vociferous yelling about the fate of the velociraptors, he hit the button. The lab immediately sprayed a poisonous cloud from the ceiling and the dinosaurs fell to the ground.


The rock concert had a wild vibe to the air.  The crowds were vociferous even before the opening act, and at the end of the night they wouldn't stop screaming for more encores.  It was an incredible evening for the band, and they finally began to hope that they would make it.


I used to be a lion tamer in the circus. I used to stand on brightly-painted podiums, arms parted wide to welcome glorious cheers or awe and wonder from the crowd as the the two large animals made a show of pracing around the arena, standing on their hind legs and butting balls through hoops. The atmosphere was wonderful, brilliant and bright... but then I'm not writing these memories in past tense for nothing.

I suppose it was inevitable that opinion would shift against people like me - the supposedly cruel tamers who butchered the majesty of fantastic wild creatures. The papers and the paupers and the princes all decided that they no longer appreciated the sight of a lion nosing a bouncing ball. The audience's cries of wonderment changed to a vociferous roar of disapproval, the circus master decided enough was enough, and now my top hat and coattails are replaced with rags.

I wonder, do people care more for animals than their own kind? Maybe that's human nature, but I do miss my brightly-painted podium...
- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


She was sick, violently sick. Her vociferous cries made everyone gag. Her father went to the powder room door and asked, "honey are you alright?" There was no reply and his concern grew by the second. He asked again, "baby, are you okay?" When his question was met with silence he tried to open the door, but it was locked. Her mother joined him outside the powder room door. They looked at one another and her mother said, "break it down Tom." Thomas pushed hard on the door with his shoulder but nothing happened. Linda said, "get out of the way," she ran at the door and delivered a karate kick to the space right above the door knob. The door flung open and they saw their daughter unconscious and covered in vomit. Her mother rushed over to her while her father gagged vehemently. "Trisha? Trisha?", her mother said as she put her daughters head in her lap. She didn't care that her Coco Chanel gown was covered in vomit, her only concern was her precious daughter. Once her father stopped gagging he looked around the room for signs of what could have made his daughter so ill on her 21st birthday. In a corner of the small room he noticed her handbag. It was covered in vomit, but he also noticed there was a white powder on part of it . He pointed to the bag and told her mother, "Linda, give me her handbag." Linda reached over and handed him the Louis Vuitton handbag she had received as an early birthday gift. He looked inside the bag and pulled out a small opened vile and a small compact mirror which had the white powder on it. They looked at each other with disappointment and when Linda looked back down to her daughters pale face she said, "She isn't breathing Tom." Tears began to stream down Linda's face as she knew that her daughter had began using once again.

All Thomas could do was say, "I'll call the police."

When he exited the small room his guest looked at him inquisitively. "Is she okay?", his best friend Ben asked him.

"No, no she isn't. She's dead Ben," he replied in a flat voice. A gasp went through the crowd and that was when Thomas said, "The party's over." 
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


An abandon warehouse that was located on the outskirts of the city was occupied by the most heinous villains in Gotham City. The Joker, Bane and Penguin, were gathered in the center of the building, discussing their next plans to take down their foe. "I vote for dressing up as Batman again!" The crazed man with a permanent smile pushed himself up from the wooden stool he was sitting on and arched his back, arms in the air with crooked fingers. "You know the whole shebang! That will definitely catch the Dark Knight off guard!" The cackle laughter that came from the man filled the warehouse and broke the silence that barely lasted a minute. "I told you we should've contacted, Ra's al Ghul. This is ridiculous." With his pointed nose that was arrogantly raised up away from the laughing man, spoke from the right side of Joker. "No choice, we settle for The Joker. The old man is out of town for business, unfortunately." Said the largest man among them with his elbows resting on his knees.

"You know i'm standing right here listening to everything you're saying. People can be so rude it's hilarious!" The Joker let out another laughter before his attention, as well as the others, turned to the upper level of the building. A loud noise of glass shattering on the concrete floor, resounded through the air. "Ooo! I love company!" Said Joker then the three of them prepared themselves, awaiting any attack to break loose from the shadows.

A dark figured emerges from the darkness and stood on one of the railings that led to the lower floor. Before anyone could utter a word, the three villains witnessed the Dark Knight stumble down a flight of stairs after taking the wrong step. Upon landing, with his head on the cold concrete floor, Batman, for the first time, let out a vociferous cry from the sheer pain. The embarrassment and shame that the man felt after letting out such a noise sent him running out of the building and swinging into the night sky.

The three villains, even Joker, were left perplexed by what they saw but merely a second later, Joker fell back on his back and broke out into an uncontrollable laughter.
[/td][/tr][tr][td]"I have all the characteristics of a human being:
blood, flesh, skin, hair; but not a single, clear,
identifiable emotion, except for greed and disgust."[/td][td]
I tripped and feel into some feelings.
Don't worry
I brushed that sh-t off.

Dys Astyr

Apologies for being absent yesterday everyone.

Yesterday's word of the day is....

noun froo-ISH-un

1 : pleasurable use or possession : enjoyment
2 : the state of bearing fruit
3 : realization

Today's word of the day is....

adjective SKROO-pyuh-lus

1 : having moral integrity : acting in strict regard for what is considered right or proper
2 : punctiliously exact : painstaking
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


Eighteen months of delays.  Hundreds of man hours of labor.  Thousands of dollars in expenses.  A lost friendship, two divorces, and a funeral.  But finally, it all came to fruition.

He had made the finest sandwich in the world.

After the army of angels invaded, it became obvious that humankind was unable to win the war.  When desperation truly hit, the governments of the earth began to search for other options, and eventually the UN was approached by a mysterious figure that claimed to represent Hell, offering support for the conflict.  The contract that was offered was incredibly long and needed to be signed in blood, so before they agreed the finest legal minds of the age gathered to scrupulously exam it for any loopholes or hidden dangers.  Quite a few were found, and after several rounds of negotiations Hell joined the side of the mortal world.


He was more scrupulous than most. One thing was certain the situation at hand required him to be the man he had always proven to be, always scrupulous no matter the cost to himself. It was difficult to watch someone die. But even worse was to watch them suffer and die. She knew their baby would not suffer and it was only because he was watching over her. Janet couldn't do it. She had never been the mother she could have been. Jack had always picked up the piece, always been the one to make the really hard decisions. This situation was no different but Jack felt the burden this time. To him it felt as if a weight had been placed on his chest which made breathing difficult. Through his tears he watched as the doctor put the morphine into his daughters tubes. He was with her when she was born and he was determined to be with her when she left this world. As he held Jenny he hummed and rocked in the rocking chair in her hospital room. He watched as she drew her last breath. While he sobbed and was inconsolable, he held his lifeless daughter. Why? That was one question he would need an answer to. WHY?
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


His plan made twenty years ago had finally come to fruition. He held the skateboard in his hand, spinning the wheels idly. Now for the test-run. He set the skateboard down and stepped on, pushing off. Immediately, he felt his body rejuvenate the further he skated. It was a skateboard which could rewind time for any object placed on it. He skated until he felt young and sprightly again. His reflection showed a fuller, younger head of hair.


People had always said she was scrupulous but to what extent no one would ever know. She watched as the intruder fired the shot, her hand shaking as she held the knife. She slumped over with a bullet hole in her head, choosing to be killed instead of kill.

Dys Astyr

Today's word of the day is....

noun ROH-baht

1a : a machine that looks like a human being and performs various complex acts (such as walking or talking) of a human being; also : a similar but fictional machine whose lack of capacity for human emotions is often emphasized
1b : an efficient insensitive person who functions automatically
2 : a device that automatically performs complicated often repetitive tasks
3 : a mechanism guided by automatic controls
Alive! Trying to catch up but there is a lot, please be patient! Thank you. <3


The soldiers broke out into a co-ordinated robot dance when the Commander told them to march. His shouts of rage were no match for the groovy tunes being piped into their headphones. Their jaunty movements cemented the case for higher spending into cybersecurity for newer models of grunts.


"I am a man," the synthesized voice said.

"You are a robot," the mad scientist replied.

"Do I not think?" the robot countered.  "Do I not perceive the world?  Do I not have preferences, opinions, ideals?  Do I not feel?  How am I not a man?"

"First, I made you with some spare parts," he said.  "Also, you are the size of a toaster, and you have two wheels and a single arm.  You are also held together mostly with duct tape.  And finally... I need a part, so..."

"Father... whyyy...." the robot moaned as it was powered down.

The scientist pulled the machine apart, pulled out a pair of double A batteries and put them into his TV remote.  "Ah, almost missed the game."


Data was more that a mere robot as some would have had you believe. He was an artificial life form, capable of much more than a robot. When Sam finally came face to face with Data he froze, his body was unable to move. His fear completely swept over him and while Data spoke to him Sam was that little boy again. In his mind, he was back on the space station hiding from the robot that he saw kill his parents and sister.

Data realized something was wrong with Sam but he did not understand what it was. He asked, "Are you alright? Would you like me to call the doctor?" Sam heard the words and snapped out of his fear induced panic attack. He said, "No....no I am okay. What are you doing here?"

Data replied, "The captain would like to see you and you were not responding to his communications."

"Oh right, I forgot to put on my communications device I'm not use to wearing them. I have spent almost 25 years by myself, there was no need for one."

"I see. Well the captain would like to see you." Data reached out to give Sam a communications device. Instinctively he shrunk back. After a few seconds he slow reached out and quickly took the device. Nervously he said, "Thanks uh yeah thanks". Data said, "Have I done something to offend you?" Sam said, "No, I am just not use to being around anyone that's all."
"I see. The captain asked that I escort you to the bridge." He motioned in the direction that he wanted Sam to go and they walked. Sam never let Data get behind him, he thought it was best to keep it beside him so that he could keep it in sight.

No...., Sam would never be able to trust one of those things again. The 'incident' on the space station had ensured that his ability to trust was gone forever. Why was a question he had been in search of for more than 25 years and it was close at hand. It was the only reason he had agreed to come aboard the Intrepid. It was the driving force behind his entire life. Why had his best friend turned on him and his family? Kelvin was Sam's best friend and a robot he had built from scratch. How.... why.... what happened? He was about to find out after his years of searching.

They reached the bridge and as the doors to the lift opened. Sam jaw went slack as he saw Kelvin standing beside the captain. His heart began pounding. Anger and hatred filled his entire being and then, suddenly, things went completely black.
May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish