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Tactile sensation while dreaming?

Started by Mathim, July 05, 2016, 09:17:59 PM

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I'm not sure if this is a common thing around here but I can't help but want to ask it as I experience it more and more.

I've had a few truly memorable instances that I can name. When I was young (like, before puberty) I remember a dream where I was walking through my elementary school yard and I felt the heat of the sun on my back; just my back, nowhere else, which seemed peculiar since why would that one part of me, while lying in bed, be that much more significantly warm than any other?

A few years later I remember another dream where I got in a somewhat silly scrap with one of my middle school chums and while I had a hand around his throat, I couldn't exactly see what he was doing, but I remember an extremely unpleasant sensation, as if I'm being jabbed incredibly hard in my taint. I experience a similar sensation occasionally after sneezing particularly hard, but I don't remember it ever occurring consciously until I was in my twenties.

Lately, at least twice, I've had dreams wherein I am horrified to find that my teeth have been broken, like half of their length has been haphazardly sheared off, and I can run my tongue over them and feel, with incredible detail, how awful their jagged, shortened stumps have become.

Does anyone else experience dreams where you can experience a tactile sensation, whether pain or otherwise, that would make you laugh in the face of anyone who says "It's only a dream, it can't hurt you."?
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


All the time. Dreams always seem incredibly real to me.
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Quote from: Kuroneko on July 07, 2016, 02:20:13 PM
All the time. Dreams always seem incredibly real to me.

But do you remember any specific situations in which you can feel actual intense heat, pain, or some other very distinct tactile sensation? Dreams are always weird as hell for me, but the ones where I can't actually tell I'm dreaming because of how real the sensations are have more significance to me. I really do wake up horrified that my teeth are irreparably fucked up when the dreams I mentioned are over.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Dear Mathim,

I do know the feeling all too well. I have been experiencing night terrors ever since I was a small child. I am 32 today and still wake up screaming at least once a month. I remember vividly one of the first times I experienced that. It was a dream where a man came in to my bedroom and attacked me. I could feel him grabbing me physically by the arms. Could feel the strength in it as well.
Dreams like that occur still. It's always about someone attacking me and I can physically feel that. I start fighting even when someone tries to wake me up. When I was younger there was a night when my mom tried to wake me from a terror and I started kicking her.

So yes I know all about dreams that are too real. How are you doing currently?


Quote from: AVA on July 11, 2016, 08:27:46 AM
Dear Mathim,

I do know the feeling all too well. I have been experiencing night terrors ever since I was a small child. I am 32 today and still wake up screaming at least once a month. I remember vividly one of the first times I experienced that. It was a dream where a man came in to my bedroom and attacked me. I could feel him grabbing me physically by the arms. Could feel the strength in it as well.
Dreams like that occur still. It's always about someone attacking me and I can physically feel that. I start fighting even when someone tries to wake me up. When I was younger there was a night when my mom tried to wake me from a terror and I started kicking her.

So yes I know all about dreams that are too real. How are you doing currently?

I wouldn't call them night terrors but I rarely have what I would call 'good' dreams, although the ones that are scary aren't usually that bad. For instance, just last night I dreamed I was in my school campus being chased by the T-Rex from Jurassic Park. My schoolmates and I were luckily able to use stairs and elevators and small passages to our advantage but still, some moments were very intense (although no memorable physical sensations were manifest.)
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).

Beguile's Mistress

I've had tactile and lucid dreams of all sorts from playing badminton where I have a mean backhand to some pretty arousing scenes that leave me shivering.  I find that feelings and sensations are a big part of my dreamscape.


Quote from: Beguile's Mistress on July 11, 2016, 12:43:10 PM
I've had tactile and lucid dreams of all sorts from playing badminton where I have a mean backhand to some pretty arousing scenes that leave me shivering.  I find that feelings and sensations are a big part of my dreamscape.

You know, it's funny you should mention that, every time I'm about to get lucky in one of my dreams, something either massively distracting comes along and prevents it, or I wake up. What a tease, huh? I mean, I get why that used to happen a lot when I was still a virgin, but even years after I lost my virginity, it still inevitably turns out that way in my dreams.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Quote from: Mathim on July 11, 2016, 09:28:13 PM
You know, it's funny you should mention that, every time I'm about to get lucky in one of my dreams, something either massively distracting comes along and prevents it, or I wake up. What a tease, huh? I mean, I get why that used to happen a lot when I was still a virgin, but even years after I lost my virginity, it still inevitably turns out that way in my dreams.

Funny. I want to say that it's because wanting to reach that climax in the dream is a sign that you are waking up and no longer passively experiencing the dream, but consciously aware of it. I don't know if that idea pertains to lucid dreams or not though.


Quote from: TaintedAndDelish on July 11, 2016, 11:16:41 PM
Funny. I want to say that it's because wanting to reach that climax in the dream is a sign that you are waking up and no longer passively experiencing the dream, but consciously aware of it. I don't know if that idea pertains to lucid dreams or not though.

I haven't been able to lucid-dream since childhood, makes me kind of sad.

Usually if I have the sensation of falling, I wake up, but I remember once when I was young, I was going up a big ramp and then falling to the cement outside my house and colliding, and feeling nothing once I hit the ground, but I didn't wake up. That was the only time I can remember not being jolted awake by the sensation of falling in a dream.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).

The Lioness

...I occasionally get those dreams about getting lucky, but as soon as I get close, I wake up and lose it all. Total tease!

But there are 2 other instances in which I get those tactile feelings.

1) When I am in a dream and I need to pee. This has been happening more frequently than not.-- I'm running late, or I have to do something....but I need to pee. When I go pee in the dream, I STILL need to pee, so I'm rushing around trying to find bathrooms...and yet when I use the bathroom, I don't get any relief. Usually after a while of that, I wake up needing to piss like a racehorse.

2) When I was about 17, I had a dream where I was walking around my school campus after a basketball game or something. It was spring and grass was green and trees were bright with bloom. I was with my younger brother and we were walking home when a car pulls up and an escaped convict came out and tried to get all of us kids in the gym again to hold as hostages. My brother and I try to escape, but he shoots my brother in the head, and I scream and cry due to the loss of my brother. I hold him in my arms so that I could try to take his body with me in my escape, but no luck. Instead I get shot right between the eyes and I fall to my knees. I literally could feel the ground hit and feel the blood drip from my head. I was paralyzed before everything went black....that night (well, early morning) I woke up and cried so hard I thought I was going to puke.

Thankfully I've never had dreams that bad again. My other younger brother has night terrors all the time. (I actually woke up with him crouching on top of the kitchen island in full panic mode). The night terrors he has though, make him sleepwalk and talk. It's some scary shit when he knocks on your door super early in the morning to tell you that your other brother is dead...
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Quote from: The Lioness on July 14, 2016, 09:34:13 PM
...I occasionally get those dreams about getting lucky, but as soon as I get close, I wake up and lose it all. Total tease!

But there are 2 other instances in which I get those tactile feelings.

1) When I am in a dream and I need to pee. This has been happening more frequently than not.-- I'm running late, or I have to do something....but I need to pee. When I go pee in the dream, I STILL need to pee, so I'm rushing around trying to find bathrooms...and yet when I use the bathroom, I don't get any relief. Usually after a while of that, I wake up needing to piss like a racehorse.

2) When I was about 17, I had a dream where I was walking around my school campus after a basketball game or something. It was spring and grass was green and trees were bright with bloom. I was with my younger brother and we were walking home when a car pulls up and an escaped convict came out and tried to get all of us kids in the gym again to hold as hostages. My brother and I try to escape, but he shoots my brother in the head, and I scream and cry due to the loss of my brother. I hold him in my arms so that I could try to take his body with me in my escape, but no luck. Instead I get shot right between the eyes and I fall to my knees. I literally could feel the ground hit and feel the blood drip from my head. I was paralyzed before everything went black....that night (well, early morning) I woke up and cried so hard I thought I was going to puke.

Thankfully I've never had dreams that bad again. My other younger brother has night terrors all the time. (I actually woke up with him crouching on top of the kitchen island in full panic mode). The night terrors he has though, make him sleepwalk and talk. It's some scary shit when he knocks on your door super early in the morning to tell you that your other brother is dead...

Holy crap, that's intense. I remember in 10th grade I was regaling my English class with a dream I'd had a few nights prior about wandering around Raccoon City and encountering both a savage Wolverine, and eventually, the Nemesis. While I'd been fighting my way through zombies pretty effectively up til then, as soon as I got to the one-eyed monster, I put the shotgun I was carrying in my own mouth, pulled the trigger and woke up. That was the only time I can ever remember actually committing suicide in a dream. Felt nothing, though, don't even remember being all hyped up or having a rapid heartbeat upon awakening. It was actually a pretty fun dream til that last bit.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


The losing/breaking teeth thing is pretty common.  Supposedly it indicates anxiety, feelings of powerlessness, or, more positively, a fresh start.  In my case though, it usually just means that my allergies are acting up and the sinus pressure is making my teeth hurt.

I once had a doctor tell me that sensations in dreams (especially those of the more personal sort for women) can only happen thanks to some outside stimulus, but I don't believe that at all.  Another told me once that it's a product of the brain producing both Alpha and Delta waves at the same time, which also accounts for lucid dreaming, and that seems far more credible.


Quote from: KesTrell on July 16, 2016, 07:44:23 PM
The losing/breaking teeth thing is pretty common.  Supposedly it indicates anxiety, feelings of powerlessness, or, more positively, a fresh start.  In my case though, it usually just means that my allergies are acting up and the sinus pressure is making my teeth hurt.

I once had a doctor tell me that sensations in dreams (especially those of the more personal sort for women) can only happen thanks to some outside stimulus, but I don't believe that at all.  Another told me once that it's a product of the brain producing both Alpha and Delta waves at the same time, which also accounts for lucid dreaming, and that seems far more credible.

Outside stimulus, I can maybe believe in some instances, like when I felt the intense heat of the sunlight on my back in one dream, maybe someone in my family was touching my back for some reason (probably my grandma...don't ask), but when I felt the sharp, intense pain of being jabbed in my taint right at the moment when I was dreaming of physically fighting with one of my friends? I have no idea what outside stimulus could have triggered that (at least without me waking up from it), unless...grandma again. Hm. I think maybe I should go over that with a therapist, I appear to have overlooked some things that are contributing to some other issues.

But me feeling, in cringe-worthy detail, the deformity in my teeth with my tongue, that can't possibly have an external cause that I can imagine. I do want to be able to lucid dream again, if only once, just to experiment with what sensations I can trigger consciously without waking up. Also I want to see how long I can stay conscious of dreaming and try to keep myself from waking up.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).


Certainly, outside stimulus can explain some of it, but, as you said, it cant explain every instance.  Maybe, with the teeth, it was just your brain using the memory of you running your tongue over something jagged and then making a very vivid guess at the sensation?

My NaNo group last year had a discussion about lucid dreaming. Apparently, it's a very common thing for writers.  I guess the writing teaches you how to consciously control your imagination, if you do it enough.  I hear that keeping a dream journal can help.


Quote from: KesTrell on July 17, 2016, 11:31:12 PM
Certainly, outside stimulus can explain some of it, but, as you said, it cant explain every instance.  Maybe, with the teeth, it was just your brain using the memory of you running your tongue over something jagged and then making a very vivid guess at the sensation?

My NaNo group last year had a discussion about lucid dreaming. Apparently, it's a very common thing for writers.  I guess the writing teaches you how to consciously control your imagination, if you do it enough.  I hear that keeping a dream journal can help.

I'm a writer, dammit, I want to be able to lucid dream! But now that you mention it, my imagination is wacky and often unpredictable so maybe that's why I can't, I haven't learned to consciously control it. I should look into that. I did try to keep a dream journal but since I wake up once or twice a night and I'm so sleepy I can't usually keep my eyes open at those times, unless I have a good way to record and dictate orally my recollection of a dream, there wouldn't be a way to keep a good record of my dreams since I'm likely to forget them after falling asleep and waking up again.

Edit: Okay, as of last night, I had a seriously fucked-up dream. I was uncharacteristically putting a huge amount of effort into trying to find my birth father whom I've never met nor know any significant details about. A lot of it involved a hospital, I'm not sure why but great deal of the dream took place in and around one. At one point I think I had found a lead, but once I started making headway, it started to seem like people didn't want me to find out. No idea why that would be. I considered giving up, and a friend of mine who was with me agreed it was probably best to just give up. But then this red-furred cat (I have red hair; coincidence?) dashed up to me and I swear, for a brief moment, I could feel his claws digging into my right thigh. It got my attention, so I grabbed him and he started talking. He was my father, and had been turned into a cat. I can't remember what his explanation was as to why, but changing him back into a human would mean I needed something from the hospital, where I think from that point I was no longer welcome. So the rest (I don't remember details at this point) involved sneaking about, causing sabotage-like damage and distractions, and all I really remember in the end is that I was unsuccessful.
Considering a permanent retirement from Elliquiy, but you can find me on Blue Moon (under the same username).