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More 5th Ed Adventuring

Started by Lyku, May 09, 2016, 03:19:48 PM

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With the close of the Watch, I am going to being starting a new campaign.  Fifth edition, the starting level of the campaign will be level 5.  I am ideally sticking with 6 players, though I might flex for another player or even two.  Details of importance.

Alignment of the part needs to be good in some manner.
Ability Scores is a 32 point buy in.  Table is listed in PHB, but for that don't have it on hand:

8 - 0 Points
9 - 1 Point
10 - 2 Points
11 - 3 Points
12 - 4 Points
13 - 5 Points
14 - 7 Points
15 - 9 Points

Everyone starts with 1000 gold.  With this starter gold, you can "purchase" with this starting money any UNCOMMON Magic Item for 300 gold.  You can purchase more than one.  You also get the starting gold from your background.

You are all level 5... you've done stuff before.  You are expected to have been able to have done something heroic at this point.  You may have been an adventurer before and did something more independent or you can have done work with an adventurer's guild.  There are a few, with the Watch being one of the best known.

Any questions, feel free to ask.  I am not pushing for a quick pace like previous games, but instead something that there should be progress, but I will typically wait on all players to respond.  That being said, I am preferring players who are willing to put up at least one post every two days at least.  I will respond accordingly.

Post your characters and I will review them and will message those who are approved.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


While I am always up for some DnD 5e, I would obviously like to know what the plot/setting is beforehand. Also, will this game have erotic elements, and how closely will they tie into the game itself?


Neat! I'm interested, though I do echo Domjoe's questions and such.


I'm interested, and so long as it's not Faerun or Steampunk I'm good with any setting. If you're taking suggestions, I wouldn't mind something Al Qadim-ish, or like, cornball 1980's high fantasy.

Kind of eyeballing a wild magic sorcereror something, but I'm not totally sold yet

Elven Sex Goddess


I'm also interested, and might have an interesting idea depending on what the setting will be and such


As far as classes go, I'd probably want to make a paladin or perhaps a fighter. but it's been a bit since I played a paladin, so that'd be my preference no doubt.


  I was telling Lyku in PMs that I'd apply wiht either a Wizard (BladesingeR) or a druid who makes extensive use of the Shielagh cantrip. 

  If either of those would contest with fewer people, please let me knwo. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


  I gather from Lyku's description that this is the same world he used for the Watch game. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


I'm thinking a monk maybe as I haven't played one in a really long time hahaha

Zaer Darkwail

Name: Adran Sunglade
Race: Elf (high elf)
Class: Paladin 5
XP: 6,500/14,000
Background: Courtier
Alignment: Neutral Good

Hit Points: 39/39
Armor class: 21
Passive Perception: 11
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30

STR: 16 (+3)
DEX: 10 (+0)
CON: 13 (+1)
INT: 14 (+2)
WIS: 12 (+1)
CHA: 16 (+3)


• Athletics (+6)
• Deception (+6)
• Insight (+4)
• Perception (+4)
• Persuasion (+6)
Saving Throws:
• Wisdom (+4)
• Charisma (+6)
   • Simple weapons
   • Martial weapons
   • All armors
   • All shields
   • Lyre
   • Playing card set
Languages: Common, Elvish, Sylvan

Features and Traits:
• +2 Dex, +1 Int
• Darkvision
• Keen senses
• Fey ancestry
• Trance
• Elf weapon training
• Cantrip; Minor Illusion
• Extra language known; Sylvan
• Divine Sense 1+Cha mod/long rest (detect presence of fiends, celestial or undead in 60'ft range as attack action, including holy/unholy sites)
• Lay of Hands (heals paladin level x 5/long rest amount or cures disease/poison per 5 cure) 
• Figthing Style: Defense (increase AC by +1 while wearing armor)
• Divine Smite (sacrifice 1st level spell slot for +2d8 additional radiant dmg on weapon attack, +1d8 per higher slot and also if target is fiend/undead)
• Sacred Oath; Oath of the Ancients
• Channel Divinity (1/short rest); Nature's Wrath (restrains one foe in 10'ft), Turn the Faithless (turns fiends&feys)
• Ability Score Improvement (+1 both charisma&strenght)
• Extra Attack (able make two attacks in attack action)

Prepared Spells

  • Shield of Faith (1)
  • Ensnaring Strike (1)
  • Moonbeam (2)
  • Find Steed (2)
  • Misty Step (2)
Spell Slots
Personality Traits:
   • No one could doubt by looking at my regal bearing that I am a cut above the unwashed masses.
   • Despite my noble birth, I do not place myself above other folk. We all have the same blood.
Ideal Trait:
   • I must prove that I can handle myself without the coddling of my family.
Bond Trait:
   • My loyalty to my sovereign is unwavering.
Flaw Trait:
   • I have an insatiable desire for carnal pleasures.
Feature: Information is power
   • As an advisor, assistant, entertainer, or other functionary, you have or had a position in the court of some king, queen, prince, or other royal. The past-time of courtiers is gathering favors and knowledge of
      allies, enemies, and schemes, and so you know about such things in the royal court, and to a lesser extent, neighboring seats of power. You also have a few favors owned to you from other courtiers that you
      may call in when needed.

Adran Sunglade is from Sunglade noble family from elven kingdom Evergreen, in his youth he studied swordplay but also musical arts and traditional high elf basics of magic (which he did not stick to like his younger sister did and become a mage). However he took early on responsebillity to present his family in the court thanks his charm and grace he possessed. Overtime he studied ancient ways of the ancient order, which is branch of society which revers feys and ancient ways of the light and life. A sort of cult really. He embraced the ancient teachings and he finished his training under a fey knight as a squire and he earned his spurs. He haven't taken oaths yet as they advice experience world and life before commit entirely in preserving beauty of life.

However, there was problem; his court duties kept him away from danger and excitement and so how he could complete his training while in tight seclusion and bound by duty? So he left during the night and left a heartfelt note of temporal retirement for his duties along with his recommendation for replacement for face person present house matters in the royal elven court. He departed to the human lands and what he has heard about them sends his blood boilin in excitement! So he enters the city and hears about guild of adventurers in it.....and nothing compares to life of adventure in excitement so he books himself in. Albeit less interested on coin and more seeking a adventure worth to tell tales about. So thus he joined the guild at the Watch.

In the Watch he had promising start in adventuring in helping some miners, but things did wander bit off to side misled by scoundrel gnome to chase bandits which did not excist, chase gnome to rescue horse which was loan from local stables and arrive to mines after rest of group help healing the injured survivors from the mines. After that he had grand solo adventure where he exposed lycantrophy plaque created by rapid infected wererat which infected both lycantrophy and rabies in it's victims. Once that was dealt Adran visited local sacred grove where he took in official ceremony overseed by local archdruid to take his oaths as a green knight! Witnessed also by grove's beautiful guardian; dryad.

Since then he had done several heroic guests for the adventure guild and grown respectable adventurer by repute (and quite a charmer of ladies and partying knight who inspires others enjoy pleasures of life and living).


Longsword +1
Cloak of Elvenkind
Longbow w/40 arrows (silver)
Leather Armor Barding + Military Saddle, Saddle bags, bit&bridle
Priest's pack
Mithral Plate
Holy Symbol (Corellon)
Fine clothes
Playing card set
Pouch w/18gp


Hrm! With a paladin already applying I shall play out of my usual boundaries and make a warlock.


World is homebrew.  Classes permitted are those within sanctioned source books.  Erotica is dependant on your decision support but this is not a story focused on that.  This is not an adventure of lust monsters and all.  We have more than enough games focused on that.

Base plot... is going to be very vague.  Largely as I do not want to give information that can alter how a character is built.  Make what you want to play, not what is optimal for a specific setting.  The intro will be simple... adventurers hired for a simple retrieval mission by the Kaufmann Company, which is the largest trade organization within the known world.  A branch is paying for the retrieval of a shipment of goods that never made it to their port and well... there's the brief sample.  The rest is for the story itself.
Every great dream begins with a dreamer.  Always remember, you have within you the strength, the patience, and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world.  – Harriet Tubman


To fight evil, one must know it. Or that’s what Jericho says. Born to prestigious scholars in a distant city, much burden was placed upon the young Jericho. Succeeding his parents knowledge, honing his magical skills (His parents were wizards, of course), and continuing their legacy of scholarly pursuits. There were problems with those, however, Jericho was more of a talker and a man who enjoyed the less intellectual pursuits, and looking upon the paths of wizardry left him frustrated, and despite hard training there seemed to be no gift of magic within him. He did not want to disappoint his family – not by any means, so despite that lack of magical aptitude he again sought out to impress them with academic pursuits. Unfortunately again – he was stymied. Not a stupid man by any means, instead he had found trouble with honing up to the impressive legacy that his family made. Year after year he was middling, despite his best efforts. Petty distractions, putting work off, a lifestyle that could have developed into hedonism if he did not keep himself in check.

It was by anger and self loathing that he gained what gifts he has. A moment of doubt was all that was ever needed from infernal powers, and when one was already drunk and feeling issues of pride? The thought of being gifted magic was a powerful bargaining tool. The bargain was a simple one – Jericho would gain magic, his fiendish patron would have an agent in the world. Not an agent he was fully in control of, but one that could be influenced if necessary. A sudden gift of magic was enough to surprise and awe his parents, their curiosity allayed by a silver tongue and confidence from their child.

Yet, as a year passed by... He knew that he had done something wrong. An infernal pact could do no good, and he knew he would never fully be capable of seeking to break the bargain and find a way to free himself from fiendish powers. Working with various adventuring groups, he has sought to make amends for any calamity that might befall those around him due to this gift, and for the most part his patron watches with interest. Despite having done much good already, Jericho knows that it can take one slip to fall, and is careful to act righteous and good despite the source of his gifts.

I know a good aligned infernal pact warlock is... Not exactly the best fit in every party, but I tried to make one that wasn't overly edgy or would clash with a group of good people. he wants to be a hero and do good, but he had a mortal foible that devils took advantage of, and now he seeks to atone for taking such an offer. I hope it's okay.


It's still a work in progress (Mostly hte "work" part, it's all done in my head) but here ya go...

Juniper Jumper
Race: Lightfoot Halfling
Background: Far Traveler (From Sword Coast Adventures)
Class: Sorcerer (Wild Magic origins)

Concept: Juniper hails from strange tree-dwelling halfling tribes in lands so far to the west, it is said the sun sets in their east. It's her magic that has brought her so far afield. The small cantrips or occasional fey happening were cute enough when she was a child perhaps, but as she came into womanhood, and her magic surged.. .well, things got dangerous. The village council, though sorry to do it, shooed her out with the next trade caravan, and then the next, and the one after that. Juniper is an adventurer in the truest sense; less about delving into dark tombs for ancient loot (though that's fun too) but seeing the great big world.. .even though homesickness has been gnawing at her, and a sense of worry about her village has come into her thoughts.


Working on a high elven wizard (bladesinger) tonight by the way.  :)
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


Hrm! We seem to have a lot of arcane casters. I can switch out to a different type of character if necessary. Don't want to step on others toes.


I'm bringing in a monk, just a pain to use my phone for this is all hahaha


I'd like to put forth my interest in applying, though unfortunately I have no idea what the background of this world is. T-T


Name: Alexa BladeDancer
Race: Half-Elf
Class: Wizard(Bladesinger) 5
Alignment: Chaotic Good

(I'll continue to work on this after I get my players handbook and Sword coast copy. ^0^)


We have a warlock, 2 potential blade singers, and a sorcerer. I think i'll just snip the warlock and make a fighter or a cleric tomorrow.



  And the bladesingers are even both blonds! 

Name:  Seleenia Riverwind
Race:  High Elf
Class: Wizard (Bladesinger) 5
Alingment: Chaotic Good
Bladesinger School: Red Tiger
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)

Elven Sex Goddess

Have idea for a Half-elf  Rogue   


Looks like this filled up fast :(
Lemme know if there's still openings


If there is still openings, I'd love to play a warlock with a tribal-esque background. That, or an Indian-themed monk. I'll gladly throw up more details when I'm home if you're still willing to look. ^^
"Our battlefield have no place for that piece of shit God! It's time we take over God's job, we soldiers will take God's place. Put the arrogant ass, God, out of the job!"