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Dungeon World: Delvers Company (Currently Closed)

Started by Nastara, March 31, 2016, 05:53:37 PM

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Robyn Hood

Name: Lorelei
Race/Class: Bard / Mermaid (human)
Sex/Gender: Female
Interested In: Adventure, maybe something more light-hearted and fun, straight/bi-curious with a good mix non-con, sex and smut with or without monsters
Brief Description:
Background (long)
Lorelei is the daughter of Lord Adriatic, leader of the Merfolk. The youngest and most beautiful of his daughters, he carefully guarded her and that protection meant she lived a secluded life. What her father did not know was that she was fascinated with the land and its people. Her kind fiercely guards their independence to the point of seclusion from the lands. To speak with an outsider, even a fellow denizen of the sea and especially a land dweller could result in severe punishment, including death. Only the most trusted sages and warriors were allowed to know anything of the surface. Her father decreed that even curiosity was strictly forbidden. So she kept a small trove of artifacts discovered hidden away in a coral reef; anything that might survive in the sea.

As a type of royalty, Lorelei received schooling to cultivate all her talents. The best of which was noticed at a very young age, her talent for music and magic was strong. She was instructed on singing and of the musica universalis. The Harmony of the Spheres, the natural power of music that exists throughout all and into the heavens, was taught to her. As she grew into a young woman, Lorelei was granted a rare gift (with much prodding and pleading to her father) the permission to learn and play the coral flute. Once, long ago she was told, the merfolk often met with the land dwellers and the flute would be used to entertain and even given as gifts! In the very rare occurrences where her kind would have to act with a surface dweller, these flutes were still used. It was quite an honor for her; occasionally many merfolk would float to the surface where she could play for her brethren. She hoped dearly that perhaps her father would one day give her the chance to be at a meeting with the land dwellers.

As she aged, along with her burgeoning talents Lorelei became bolder. Traveling ever closer to the shores, even allowing herself to be seen by those sailing on the seas. Until one day she dared to approach a solitary man on the beach, surfacing in the night as he lay by his camp. Tradak was his name and it turned out he was a scholar, older, well-travelled and well learned. Hence became their “affair of knowledge” as he liked to tease her. She would perch on the rocks and he would show her literature, art and they would talk and talk… and talk. He kept her secret, smitten by beauty and curiousness. Over time, Lorelei just became too excited. She had to explore the surface world, hatching a dangerous plan.

Lorelei gathered what she could in haste, a spear carved from red porphyry, glistening with feldspar crystals embedded within, along with her mother’s superbly crafted ceremonial armor. Woven with sea silk and embroidered with gold. To escape Lorelei sought out the sorcerer, Skrathial. He was no ordinary sorcerer, in fact he was more of an “it” an ancient and powerful Aboleth, vile and wicked. Her father and the creature had a mutual understanding, a pact wherein her people would not bother it as long as it helped to keep others at bay. Skrathial could help her, oh yes it could. Its price was steep though: her body. She hesitantly agreed and the monster seized her in an instant. The act was too much for her, Lorelei passed out as it finished. She floated to the surface in a cloud of its “mucus”, washing up on shore along with the slick. She groaned and rose to her feet…

Her feet! She had feet! And legs! She turned back to the sea and felt an odd prick on her finger. On her left hand, where her mother’s ring was on the right, was a ring of dark red, orange and black coral. It contrasted her natural, lustrous beauty and as she lifted her hand to look closer, thin needles of coral were embedded into her finger! The ring will not come off, attempting to do so became painful and she had a strange understanding the ring’s power was what allowed her to walk on land. This artifact from Skrathial was coming with her. Undaunted she pushed forward. At first seeking out Tradak, who was aghast to learn what she did at first, and sent her fleeing as she sobbed. But she had nowhere to go, nowhere else to turn! Fortunately the old man took pity, after his initial disapproval she made him swear not to tell anyone.

At first she travelled with him, dressing in plain robes to cover her garments and passing herself off as his daughter. Considering the varied difference in statue and shape, as she stood a head taller than he, they did well, relying on Lorelei’s talents to help her way. The first few months she learned much, listening with wide eyed enthusiasm on the tales he told and devoured the books he offered. In less than a year though, he took very ill. They travelled to his ancestral home where Lorelei cared for him over months. Although Tradak was weak, could not stay. Nor would the old man let her. First of all, his sons would be arriving any day and no matter her skills they would not be fooled into thinking she was a sister they never had! Secondly, he knew that she had more to learn and being cooped up in his library offered only one type of knowledge. It was the experience of being out in the world was the appropriate teacher and a teacher he insisted she would learn under. She said her teary goodbyes, promising to return one day.

Out in the world, Lorelei did her best to hide her true nature. She wasn’t sure what might happen should the people of the land find out about her. Lorelei knew that travelers on the Seas told tales that pirates were not the worst things to fear there. And there was another problem, the ring had a strong effect on her desires. Lorelei tried to fight it but occasionally she could feel the influence of the ring move through her body, unable to fight off sexual urges or completely succumbing to another’s advance. Even when she didn’t want to, she could sense her body’s betrayal just waiting under the surface. She was a fool to even consider that Skrathial could be trusted? And if her people… her father came to it, would it protect her secret or gloat. Lorelei knew the answer. As she looked at these things she “borrowed”, they would be looking for them. She pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind as she arrived at the city; traveling with a caravan as entertainer and selling the fine jewelry she had learned to make.

Lorelei was truly blessed by Shelyn, deep blue eyes and a fine face with porcelain feminine features. She is not as muscular as others of her kind, slender through her mid section with ample bosom, her curves a gift from the nymphs of the sea as her mother would say. Her silken armor hangs loosely around her, hanging low on her back, the material diaphanous in places and held in the front with an attached choker and large smooth blue stone inlaid. The entire outfit is trimmed in gold, however when she travels Lorelei hangs a large, plain gray cloak with an over sized hood to help her blend in until it is time for a performance. The hood hides her odd white-blue hair which she dismisses as albinism if asked. It is kept long with two lengths braided in the front and two in the back among the free flowing locks.

Soft spoken and kind, she greatly enjoys the company with others, taking great pleasure in the joy of others. She uses her performances to earn coin because she has to. A smile, a dancing patron or a kind compliment is all she really needs to sustain her. Worried that her timidity would seem a weakness on the surface world to be exploited (or worse reminded of the virtual imprisonment by her father under the auspices of protection and caring) she is out to prove herself. Lorelei is curious, somewhat naive given her lack of understanding of the world around her, caring, generous and good natured. She always tries to be helpful and cheery and is happiest when giving others joy. She appreciates humor and can have a bit of a sarcastic streak when the mood strikes her. She isn't meek, but neither overly aggressive. Preferring to be a peacemaker but not adverse to violence should it come to it.

Familiarity With DW/D&D: I'm familiar with D&D and fantasy tropes but with Dungeon World
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily when active


And my character is done, back on page 2. :)

Might I also recommend for Robyn Hood's gal above that she could cross Druid with Bard, using class warfare? Because I'd have placed shifting to mermaid form as a druid power, at least their shapeshifting move covers what she wants to a tee. ^^

Robyn Hood

Quote from: wander on August 17, 1974, 10:30:13 AM
Might I also recommend for Robyn Hood's gal above that she could cross Druid with Bard, using class warfare? Because I'd have placed shifting to mermaid form as a druid power, at least their shapeshifting move covers what she wants to a tee. ^^

I'm not familiar with the rule so whatever works ^_^ It is a curse as well. I think I'm a backup anyway, so if it breaks something you can just skip me ^_^


I'm rescinding interest, rather leave to room for people who are more interested than I. That and the characters participating aren't exactly the type I'd be comfortable playing with anyways. No offence it that's your thing.


Since not too many people have actually posted characters, I'll throw my hat in the ring as a possible, providing that's alright this late in the recruitment. As there seems to only be one male in the party right now, I hope nobody objects if I play outside my gender...

Name: Hjalmar
Race/Class: Shifter (wereboar) (free playbook at
Sex/Gender: Male
Interested In: All of the above...The more exotic, the merrier.
Brief Description: A dwarf's dwarf, exemplary of the breed in his crudeness and gusto, Hjalmar is a creature of moods. He can be lazy when sated, aggressive at the slightest hint of an insult, and nigh impossible to budge once he's decided to stand his ground. Hjalmar has all the hallmarks of the type: a thick thatch of beard rife with braids and bands of metal; a brawny silhouette, near as wide as he is tall; and a belly that's clearly tried to engulf one too many kegs of ale. He may be a bit quicker to take offense than most dwarves, but he's stalwart and loyal as they come once he's decided someone is a worthy comrade.

What does set him apart from most other dwarves is a bloodline tainted by lycanthropy. He can't turn into a boar, no, but he's hairier than most dwarves (and that's saying something) and has been known to grow goring tusks in battle...and use them. Perhaps he's a bit more long-jawed, squint-eyed and low-browed than many of his kind, but given that most folk are used to judging dwarves by the tops of their heads, who's to say? It's certain that he's a bit more feral, a bit more visceral...more given to sating his urges than most more "civilized" dwarves. He's a gluttonous feaster, a deep drinker, and a breaker of beds as well as ale-steins over heads.
Familiarity With DW/D&D: Been playing D&D since the days when "Elf" was a class and a bard had to level up through multiple classes before becoming a bard. New to DW, but I've played Apocalypse World (which DW is derived from).
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Pretty regularly. At this point in time I'm able to post 4-5 times a week, and that should continue for the foreseeable future.

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


Hi Nastara; are you still looking for players/writers?


So just in case you are...

Name: Dannilov Ebonhawke

Race/Class: Not familiar with Dungeon World (I'll check it out online) but consider him a fighter-rogue sort

Sex/Gender: Male

Interested In: Females - Female monsters

Brief Description: Dannilov; while a bit of a dandy does indeed know his way around a sword or two.  The oldest son of the Ebonhawke noble family; Dannilov is being pushed towards a marriage of convenience and political opportunity with a young woman from another noble family.  A notorious womanizer and desperately eager to avoid any sort of responsibility whatsoever; Dannilov finds himself in a situation where he can stay home and deal with an impending marriage as well as three separate young women; all with child and claiming he is the father.  One of the young women also happens to be a cousin...who knew courtly bloodlines could be so sordid? is stay at home or...take advantage of an opportunity to "defend his family's land and the people therein by delving into the depths of a nearby dungeon in order to stem the flow of evil."   (He felt as though that sounds quite adequate.)  Dannilov plays to his looks; handsome, with dark black hair and compelling blue eyes; he stands an inch or two above six feet tall and while not entirely musclebound he is trim, fit and quite capable physically.

Familiarity With DW/D&D: Quite familiar with D&D.  No knowledge of DW but I'll try to get up to speed.

How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Weekly and at times, daily.


I haven't seen a cleric so far.

Name: Olivia
Race/Class: Human Cleric
Sex/Gender: Female/Femme
Interested In: Women, Futa Monsters, Feminine Monsters
Brief Description: It's a hard knock life, following adventures down into caverns and tombs with just an aspergillum and celestial name-dropping to protect you. You may get banged around. You may be fucked, and not necessarily always by monsters. The good news is that there are other adventurers with more meat on them, and if you play your cards right, you can walk away from absolutely anything.

So doll it up, girl! Take some pride. A hundred brushes every morning to keep that hair lustrous and luxurious. Keep that gown pretty and white and smelling nice. Remember all the ways you've been blessed, and feel a smile on your face. That's right- now you've got the look. Some may call you a career damsel in distress, or sow rumor about how many times that skirt's been hiked, but never you mind. You're in the inner circle now, princess, able to go anywhere, lay a perfumed hand on king and orc chieftain alike. Congratulations!

But watch those snacks, mind. Tubby girls get eaten by trolls, and that's a fact.
Familiarity With DW/D&D: Dungeon World has been described to me as more conversation than dice contest, and I'm really curious to try it for the first time. Lots of experience with playing and running all editions of D&D, currently playing 4E and running 5E with my offsite group.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily, more on weekends


Ugh, all of these characters are wonderful and I love all of them. GM duty of being a fan of the characters: check!
My expectation for transitioning to an OOC thread for relationship and character making is sometime on... Possibly Monday. I would love to start this weekend, but it's cray busy for me, so I figure I'll give a tiny more time for writing in character submissions.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Had a few thoughts, but they'll wait until character creation thread is up.

My O/Os. My A/As.
Games I seek:
Savage Worlds of My Little Pony <- Just what it says. Free supplement for SW. (Or any other MLP RP!!! :D)
Eclipse Phase <- Posthuman grit SF, open source, downloadable from their web site. VERY deep worldbuilding.
Cold City <- Espionage meets the Lovecraftian supernatural. Allies in post-war Berlin chasing down the results of secret Nazi experiments
a|state <- Post-apocalyptic sort-of-steampunk, sort-of-high tech roleplay in a massive, decaying, broken-down city-state.


I may have kinda gotten a new chara idea that I might want to switch to, but shall wait until I see who get to play and such.

e. Eh on second thought the tiefling looked pretty fluffy. Better keep her.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


No Fighter yet, so I'm going to give this a shot.  It's totally cool if things are already full up.

Name: Lynnara
Race/Class: Elf Fighter
Sex/Gender: Futanari
Interested In: Females/Feminine Monsters
Brief Description: While some people live by the strict conduct of good and evil, Lynnara long ago learned the true morality: if you're strong, you live, but if you're weak, you die.  It doesn't help that she's not physically strong whatsoever, but she's learned to make up for it with the skilled use of chain weapons.  Her preferred weapon is a long length of chain that she wields with the ease of a dancer's ribbon.
Familiarity With DW/D&D: Very familiar with both.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: I can get out a most at least every few days, and will often do more if it seems like everyone else is able to keep up.
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Okay, I'm currently putting together information for the party (for the first adventure, at least!) based on sexual preferences and character roles.  That means that at this time applications are closed.

Information for the OOC thread and IC thread will be posted once I've contacted some characters and I'll post here when the party is finalized.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Looks like the party is finalized for now!  I loved all of the characters put forward and I wish I could have included all of them!  Hopefully I'll be able to create another party as well!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Those notified by PM I suppose. Have fun you guys!


Just wanted to post the IC thread in case people were interested in following it!  All of you have amazing character concepts and once we're rolling a little more in this one, I may come back to this thread to draw on more people.  I'd love for Delvers Company to be a bigger group than any one party.

Another thing is, if you are interested in discussing a solo game of some kind (especially if you are a female character!), feel free to hit me with a message!  We'll have to discuss specifics kink-wise, but we may be able to work something out!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding