Dungeon World: Delvers Company (Currently Closed)

Started by Nastara, March 31, 2016, 05:53:37 PM

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Do you seek Dungeon delving and adventure without the clunkiness of map-based combat?
Do you want character interactions and bonds that go beyond Cha +2?
Do you want to help create and build the world you play in?

Current Status: Gathering Players
Okay!  So clearly there is some interest!  Good to know that before diving into too much else!  I've put below a little bit of code (also posted in the thread itself) for people to fill in regarding what kind of character they would like to play.  I would love to be able to have everyone play (and if this goes well, I want to run MORE Dungeon World), but being realistic party size probably sings best somewhere between 4 and 6.  As such, I'll be looking at characters, sexual prefs, etc, and trying to put together the game that will treat all of us best!  You are welcome to put as much into this (and provide additional information) if you wish, but I'm mostly looking for interesting characters and some degree of balance.

If you are interested in playing, please fill out the following character form:
No Gandalfs or SephriophKiller6969s
Race/Class: If your character is /not/ a core Dungeon World class, please note if you have a pdf of the playbook
Sex/Gender: All welcome (as long as we're getting a party that works well!)
Interested In: This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. Add more if you want to: Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/
Brief Description: At least some physical, some personality
Familiarity With DW/D&D: I'm going to try to fill DMed sections with description and pictures to help, but I'm curious about familiarity with the lore.
How Often Do You Elliquiy?: Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

[b]Name: [/b]No Gandalfs or SephriophKiller6969s
[b]Race/Class: [/b]If your character is /not/ a core Dungeon World class, please note if you have a pdf of the playbook
[b]Sex/Gender: [/b]All welcome (as long as we're getting a party that works well!)
[b]Interested In: [/b]This is mostly what YOU the player are interested in. Add more if you want to: Men/Women/Trans/Futa/Masculine Monsters/Feminine Monsters/
[b]Brief Description: [/b]At least some physical, some personality
[b]Familiarity With DW/D&D: [/b]I'm going to try to fill DMed sections with description and pictures to help, but I'm curious about familiarity with the lore.
[b]How Often Do You Elliquiy?: [/b]Daily? Weekly? Constantly but only on weekends? Just give me a little pattern.

To get the most out of responses:
-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)
-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Placing interest as I love this system. May not be available to post for a lil bit yet, but this is one of my all time faves. :)


Awesome!  I'm hoping that my love and enthusiasm for Dungeon World comes through besides my lack of knowledge for formatting!

I'm definitely a little bit away from getting things off the ground, I can run DW live at the drop of a hat, but putting together a team that works for sexy-times is a bit more complicated.

Edit to intro and for here:

-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)
-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


One question I'll ask is will you allow classes put together using Class Warfare at all? I find it's probably the best supplement for DW out there. :)


Class Warfare is on my list of supplements to really read and figure out! 

I've got it already, my instinct is absolutely!
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Seeing as how the pathfinder game I was really looking forward to just fell though I'd be totally interested. I'd most likely be playing a straight female character, but I don't really know what role I'd pick. I usually pick whatever sounds best for the storey or a slot that isn't filled yet like if the party doesn't have a thief or something.


Well I have exactly zero knowledge of this system.  However, I would be playing a female cleric or paladin for the most part. I would be more interested in smut revolving monsters than the other players.


I don't know the system, but wander's avatar seems to go very well with mine, so that is reason enough innit?  :P

To your little questionaire:

Female Rogue or Warrior-type, as I'm already playing a Sorceress and a Cleric in other games lol.  Likely human or elf or tiefling because I suck at playing dwarves and halflings get too close to pedo for me (sorry halflings!) 
I am open for relationships with either PCs or Monsters, but I am a total non-con painslut, so I am super okay with being used and abused by monsters.  I am also okay with being mollested by other party members, but find that never really works out (for good reason... why would the party be okay with one member being a non-consenting fucktoy?)

I do tend to have consentual relations with women and non-con relations with men, but that isn't a hard or fast rule


P'interested in playing, unfamiliar with the system but willing to learn.

-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
Any/all, whatever best compliments what others wanna do.
-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)
I like playing healing and support classes and settle for skill monkeys\sneaker deaker types when that fails\is filled already.
-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Oh, why, both of course.  Optimally consensually with PCs and nonCon\NTR'd with monsters but honestly it comes back to the 1st question there.


I have a particularly soft tiefling barbarian that might be fun here.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


@freeko The system is pretty easy to learn as the majority of the time you can just do what you do and moves get triggered.  So if you, for example, 'attack an enemy in melee' that would trigger the Hack & Slash move which is 2d6+Strength and has results for a 10+, 7-9, and 6-.  If you are comfortable with the system, you can likely declare your own moves with very little trouble, but I can also prompt you if I think a move has happened!

@faeli Sounds cool to me! I can see how that could be problematic, though that may depend upon the party.  One nice thing about Dungeon World is that it doesn't necessarily imply full social-balance between players.  I've played a couple of games where the rogue was a captured prisoner being transported through dark and perilous dungeons that worked remarkably well!

@Jezabelle, It's a super cool system, in my opinion.  It's certainly not completely system light, but PbtA games offer a lot of interesting stuff (and once you know how to play one, the rest are pretty easy to grok!)

@Sain, Cool, cool, cool!

For people who don't have much experience with Dungeon World, here is a pdf of the playbooks and the basic moves.  I'm working on deciding the best way to store character sheets (if you have suggestions, let me know!) but this has a lot of the information.

Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?

I'd be interested in playing a mostly straightish male character.

-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)

Something like a rogue or ranger. Half-elf for race. I plan to tweak the ranger class using class warfare for my play style. :)

-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?

Both. :)

*waves at Faeli* Of course I very much dig your avatar!  >:)


Very much interested in this.

Gender/sexuality: female, realizing that she is pansexual but at this point relatively naive.

Role: a halfling based loosely off of
. A novice, but with natural potential in the rogue/thief department. Also an accomplished bullshitter.

Sexual Relations: Please and Thank You. (Both)

If I can make one teeny-weeny suggestion that you are free to take or leave, I've been much craving a street-level game. Not that I'm opposed to the occasional dungeon crawl, but I'd like to see scenarios that are less battling demons on the nether realms and more saving the kindly baker's wife from the thugs who are demanding protection money, protecting the local whores from some impish nobleman's son, and uncovering the mystery behind those strange lights at the manor house at the end of the block.

Saving the world is fine, but I'd like to keep it personal.


I'm also interested -- I haven't looked at Dungeon World yet, but I've heard good things about it.

-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
Male, somewhere between hetero-flexible to pansexual depending on soberness.
-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)
If at all feasible in the system, I'd like to revive a character of mine who never really panned out in the game I originally made him for. An elven Investigator (Pathfinder class, hybrid between Rogue and Alchemist) who was raised by gnomes in a wandering circus. He claims to be a wizard.

Original Character Concept

Edmund Aelvson, Elven (Urbanite/Silent Hunter) Investigator 2
Age: 125, Gender: male, hair: black, skin: light


Known Associates:
The Moonglow Circus Troupe
Scratch Moonglow, male Gnome Illusionist. Ring Master and Edmund's foster parent.
Zhree, female Goblin Alchemist.
Lod&Yod, half-elven acrobat twins. One male, one female, otherwise identical. Both Rogues.
And many more, including the freak show, a fortune-teller, a fire-breather, a strong man….

Edmund Aelvson. Self-declared master wizard. A loquacious wonder, showoff extraordinaire and pathological liar, he is highly intelligent and verbose. Edmund has taken to the grand dramatics of the circus and made them his own, adopting a rather eccentric appearance and mannerisms that make all but certain he stands out in any locale he deigns to visit.

He has a penchant for lying whenever he opens his mouth and the very wizard-like  ability to think himself the smartest person in any given room and talk down to others accordingly.

All of this can make him rather obnoxious, but as a born showman, his actions are as much intended to entertain as to confuse those he intends to take advantage of. His keen wit often allows him to pick out who might be amused rather than annoyed by his antics and those he makes his allies.

His own motivations are as one might expect: he likes to soak up attention, he likes to feel clever and is quick to apply his skills and mind to try and solve problems presented to him, assuming that he feels doing so is to his advantage (of course, considering how he thrives on attention, it's surprisingly easy to motivate him).

A strong penchant to travel and curious streak have turned him into an adventurer -- wealth and a magical trinket or two are a strong lure as well, he isn't altruistic by any means, but he generally prefers to avoid or circumvent danger than face it -- when he has no other choice, he tends to err on the side of bluster: talking a lot and acting like he has little if anything to fear.

Found alone and taken in as an infant by a wandering circus, the Moonglow Circus Troupe, the young elf was raised by their ring leader, a kindly gnome named Scratch Moonglow. It was he who gave him his name, Edmund, though the wizened gnome often called him his 'elf son' instead -- Edmund used this as a point of inspiration to adopt the moniker 'Aelvson' when he took to traveling later in life.

As Edmund grew older it became painfully obvious that he lacked the magical talent of his brethren despite his particularly keen mind, so after many frustrations trying to learn from his foster father he received tutelage from another member of their troupe: Zhree, a goblin and alchemist. It was she who awakened his interest in alchemy and the many applications thereof, even as he spent much time learning from the other members of their illustrious assembly - in time, he even perfected his own act, acting as secondary ring master during parts of their show and performing various 'magic' tricks that were anything but.

However, the wish to set out on his own and see where his luck and wits might get him, grew stronger and stronger and eventually he decided to part from his rather odd family-replacement and set about traveling on his own. On his way, he tricked, swindled, bamboozled and occasionally even helped out those he met. Between then and the present, he collected all manner of oddities and a reputation for chancing on adventure.

-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Both, I suppose? Not too into the 'get raped' angle with male characters, I'll admit, but he'd probably be happy to flirt up a monster or two. Make love, not war. -adjusts top hat-

Edit: I could switch gears to a female character, too. Rat Queens, anyone?  >:)
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


I'll leave my ideas here to marinade before sleep too. Don't have a good idea of system, but eager to learn. Didn't seem too complex. The idea was that we help make setting, right? So I was thinking I could make a barbarian/tribal demonic race suitable for my character concept. I'll flesh them out more.

Phelypsis - 'tiefling' barbarian

Description: Phelypsis can seem somewhat weak at first glance, but behind her massive breasts and the fluffy furs hide an athletic frame with toned abs, and muscular arms of someone used to fighting with pure brawn and endurance. All the softness has accumulated at her chest, hips and legs. Like most members of her sub-race Phelypsis is quite tall (6'7" and rather sensitive about it). She has a sweet husky voice of someone who sounds like she really cares.

Concept: Barbarian who is very scared of angering anyone. Not too surprising considering she is from a tribe descending from vicious demons fueled by pure rage and carnage. The blood flows thick in Phelypsis and occasionally she succumbs to the demon rage in self defense or when someone she loves is in danger (didn't see any rage abilities on the pdf so maybe I'll change this to something else). Inexperienced in anything Ridiculously easy to manipulate as she only believes the best about people even if they've proven her wrong in the past.

As a side note, I really like the choices of art you for Edmund that halfling rogue.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


I'm interested! Anyone call Mage yet?
"There are five possible operations for any army. If you can fight, fight; if you cannot fight, defend; if you cannot defend, flee; if you cannot flee, surrender; if you cannot surrender, die."
    - Sima Yi


@wander, Cool, cool, cool!  Thanks!

@wigglebiscuit, (Love the name), For the first game at least (yes, I'd love to do multiple campaigns!), I'm probably going to go for some kind of dungeony, adventurey sort of thing, but probably getting in on that feel of not being prophecied heroes so much as adventurers getting a buck!  Dungeon World freaking /sings/ when you set it inside dungeons with all that entails, so I want to be able to provide that best possible situation.

@VonDoom, I love DW, I'm hoping I can get everything working!  Yeah, I'm still trying to work out appropriate use of the sexual content within this, because I /totally/ want it, but also am not kinked up by playing big orc-dudes bangin' big hero-dudes.  Blargle! I'm playing with it all, I want things to be fun and sexy for everyone.

Also, OMFG Rat Queens so much love, but legit strong female characters and just that comic.

@Sain, The way that the game tends to work is that questions get asked ALL over the place.  The MC /could/ make the world, but the player who wants to play an elf probably cares WAY more about elves than the MC does.  So it all builds out!

@MissFire, Not yet!  I'm at the moment a little overwhelmed!  I wanted to reach out to see if there was general interest and figured I'd check out what things look like!

So many people, which is SUPER exciting, but also a little terrifying. I gotta figure out how the whole getting together a group thing works.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Dungeon World is something an Elliquiy friend turned me on to, but we never had the chance to play it together. The narrative aspect is unfortunately not right for my regular gaming group but it seems perfect for PbP. So I'm curious and enthused about the system itself, I'm happy to contribute world building, and hey you have some cool people expressing interest here too.

-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
A lesbian woman.

-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)
Support, maybe bard or cleric.

-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Yes! I have a thing for monsters.


Ummm, correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't we figure out who is in the group before we start grabbing classes?


Quote from: Nastara on April 01, 2016, 08:07:03 PM
So many people, which is SUPER exciting, but also a little terrifying. I gotta figure out how the whole getting together a group thing works.

A possible suggestion may be to split the group into two (or more) smaller ones? The more moving parts (players) a game has, the more time everything takes to go one full circle around for at turn.

Quote from: Nastara on April 01, 2016, 08:27:18 AM
@freeko The system is pretty easy to learn as the majority of the time you can just do what you do and moves get triggered.  So if you, for example, 'attack an enemy in melee' that would trigger the Hack & Slash move which is 2d6+Strength and has results for a 10+, 7-9, and 6-.  If you are comfortable with the system, you can likely declare your own moves with very little trouble, but I can also prompt you if I think a move has happened!

I may need to be pushed in the right direction from time to time with this being a new system for me, but mostly speaking I would say that I should get the general hang of the basics pretty quickly. Famous last words.. I know ;p.

From the looks of it I want to roll high on 2d6 under most circumstances?


I gotta figure out how to do this!  What I /may/ do is try to put together a party that looks like it would work in terms of compatible sexiness, a crew that all have the same priorities in terms of the play.  I'd love to just run however many games it takes to fit everyone (2 at this point? maybe 3?), but I'd worry about my ability to keep up with it.

Yes, Freeko, ALMOST always you want to roll high, with the exception of a death-move that triggers, well, when you die.

So, what I /may/ do is come up with some kind of basic structure for how sexiness would work and post a new thread.  It'll either be
-Ladies looking for monster-banging
-Mostly in-party banging
-Mix of in-party and monster-banging

But I /promise/ that if I post a revised thread, I'll also hit a reply in here.
Delvers Company: Origins (Starting Soon!)
Red Team OOC| Blue Team OOC| Worldbuilding


Right I forgot some parts of the questionnaire.

-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?
Female. Probably pan/bi leaning feminine, but this does not need to be respected by other characters or monsters.
-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?
Monsters having their way with my chara sounds good. With other PCes there could be some sweetness for contrast.
PM box is open. So is my discord: Sain#5301


Quote from: Nastara on April 01, 2016, 08:07:03 PM
@VonDoom, I love DW, I'm hoping I can get everything working!  Yeah, I'm still trying to work out appropriate use of the sexual content within this, because I /totally/ want it, but also am not kinked up by playing big orc-dudes bangin' big hero-dudes.  Blargle! I'm playing with it all, I want things to be fun and sexy for everyone.

Also, OMFG Rat Queens so much love, but legit strong female characters and just that comic.

I like the cut of your jib! ... or whatever the cool kids say these days.

Hmm. So, looking at the Dungeon World file you provided, it seems like Edmund would be difficult to do. There's the Bard, but they obviously have magic and the Rogue, but they can't really do Pathfinder-style alchemy. So unless there are class expansions that might cover the alchemist archetype or another more Investigator-like class, I think I may indeed shift gears as noted earlier and maybe go with a female Immolator, they seem pretty cool. (And would be more compatible for monster-banging than Edmund.)

Also, wow, all the references. Ogdru Jahad (Anung-un-rama! Anung-un-rama!), Zuko style. Heh.

Edit: And regarding group setup or large numbers -- you could always do applications and just pick the characters and players you figure mesh best together? Personally, I think it's best to start small and not put too much of a workload on yourself. Maybe start a second game when the first one is running smoothly and give those who weren't picked first priority if they still want in on one.
Now this is the Law of the Jungle-
as old and as true as the sky;
And the Wolf that shall keep it may  prosper,
but the Wolf that shall break it must die.

-Rudyard Kipling, "The Law of the Jungle"


-What sex/gender/sexuality of character are you interested in playing?

Most likely interested in females, but not entirely certain beyond that.  I tend to play all sorts of sex/genders.

-What kind of role would you be interested in playing? (DW uses mostly D&D races/classes)

Because I have quite a bit of experience in Dungeon World (including owning the hard copy of the book), I'll wait to see what others pick and grab up what's left.

-Are you more interested in sexual relations with fellow PCs or with monsters?

Really depends on the monster.  Dryads, drow, etc. are certainly fun ^_^
Ons/Offs   -  My schedule and A/As   -    Advice for GMs on Elliquiy

If I've owed you a post for at least a week, poke me.


Nastara, I'd rather be turned down so that you can focus on one group you feel good about than ask you to take on 2 or 3 parties. If you get overwhelmed nobody wins.