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Looking for: Small to Large PF group, Players/Dm

Started by OyabunKobold, December 02, 2014, 01:14:58 PM

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Mantis Shrimp Prime


Well my girl's a 1st Gen Aasimar.. so her mommy or daddy was a half celestial XD

and one daddy of hers was a dragon or something ;)
Removed, due to vandalism.

Mantis Shrimp Prime

A half-dragon hound archon in the family tree perhaps? :P


Dual whelding, no. But, a whip is a neat tool for more than combat. It still requires a weapon prof though. If the human gets an extra, extra bonus feat, perhaps something like the regional feats from 3.5, it'll open Justin up to be a bit more versitile.

As far as the teamwork feat goes... someone mentioned a flanking thing, but if not, it's not a big deal. Not everyone in the group has to have a teamwork feat.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.


Well, the tactics I'm envisioning is Taavia in the front, clobbering things with her power-attacking two-handed self, with Compel Hostility keeping whatever-it-is focused on her (or getting its butt whupped by AoO's), while screaming out some to get everyone pumped, all while getting Fast healing II and having everyone surrounded by a mess of spirit entities that also engage in clobbering.

My feats are full, I'm being a team player with my Rage stuff  ;D And using my character's face as a sword-stopper.


in ..

Aasimar Background

Joula's father Drachlin, is a celestial grandchild of Arshea, who fell in lust with Joula's mother, Helena, a moral woman of impeccable beauty. Using dream visions Drachlin seduced Helena, and conceived Joula in a glade in the forest nearby her home village. At the time the pregnancy was thought by others to be due to rape, as Helena refused to talk of the father, believing doing so would cause more grief than good. And jealousy would have been warranted as Drachlin did ensure that Helena had friends of wealth to pay for expenses needed in raising a child, as well as contacts in the right places in case too much focus was made regarding the union.

Helena is close to her daughter and lives in wealth, both know about as much as each other concerning the union. Drachlin sometimes visits them both in dreams to offer (very) vague advice, and visits Helena, Joula's mother, in the flesh every few months.
That's right ! Lucifer is a woman !
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Quote from: Blinkin on January 12, 2015, 01:12:18 AMAs far as the teamwork feat goes... someone mentioned a flanking thing, but if not, it's not a big deal. Not everyone in the group has to have a teamwork feat.

Warleader grants me a free teamwork feat and lets me share it around as an aura. I can also temporarily gain any teamwork feat you possess, but I can't share those. Tactical Flanker is a class ability that sets the flanking bonus for me and anyone flanking the same target to my Charisma, which is basically a scaling Outflank, so for my free feat I was going to take the one that lets you ignore positioning while flanking (Pack Flanker?). Since that applies to you while Warleader's up, you could spend the feat on whatever. Martial Training and/or Deadly Agility are out there.

The catch with Warleader is that I have to burn a standard action to get it started, which isn't a great cost-benefit trade except against extremely powerful bruiser-types we're going to need to stick to for a while anyway, but Tactical Flanker is always-on so you've always got an accuracy boost. I'm taking Acrobatic Gambit and Brave Gambit, so you get damage bonuses whenever I charge or dodgeroll.
"They say even the proudest spirits can be broken...with love."

-The Beldame (CORALINE by Neil Gaiman)


Ah, ok. I'll just stick with the feats as I've got them then. Unfortunately, even with a crit range of 15+, dicebot hasn't been kind to me of late and actually getting into that kinda roll is a big if. *sighs* My last half dozen rolls have all been 3 or less... just not fair!
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.

Mantis Shrimp Prime

Quote from: Blinkin on January 12, 2015, 09:17:06 AM
Ah, ok. I'll just stick with the feats as I've got them then. Unfortunately, even with a crit range of 15+, dicebot hasn't been kind to me of late and actually getting into that kinda roll is a big if. *sighs* My last half dozen rolls have all been 3 or less... just not fair!

They need to make a... like basically it'd be kinda like vine accept geared towards roleplayers rolling their dice on video.
I know I definitely prefer rolling dice on a table rather than using a computer roller.
The dice gods do not recognize such technology.

Still not sure where to put this. Bondage-exotic, I think? I'd rather keep away from anything non-con in this one, I think.


To be safe, I would put it in NC-small groups. That doesn't mean that there will be any non-con, it just gives you some latitude in the event that characters get kinky . As for any sexual content, I would put it in a side thread so that it won't bog down the story. It leaves the option open for those who want it and keeps the E-Gods off of your back if somethinghappens that you weren't expecting.
"I am a Southern Gentleman, which means that I'm a rogue and a scoundrel. When I'm not kissin' the hands of married women, I'm slipping off their wedding rings."
My Ons' & offs'
Absenses & Apologies (Updated 3/02/23)
Blinkins' Thinkin's (Story Ideas)
Yes, I really am blind.
Being Literate is the ability to read and understand a language. When you ask for literate, what you are looking for is Verbosity, which is the ability to use lots of words without actually saying very much... like politicians. I consider myself both literate and verbose.

Mantis Shrimp Prime

Mmmkay. Yeah. That might be a good idea. We'll see if that's needed when we come to it.
Expect an actual OOC to be up sometime today then. Then we can get the final kinks (ha!) worked out, before IC stuff.


I was going to suggest Light or Bondage Exotic System, give our GMs apparent preferences.  No need to put things in non-con if Prime isn't comfortable with that. 
A link for all of us who ever had a shouting match with our muse:

How to set this Muse ablaze (O/Os)

When the little angel won't appear no matter how many plum blossoms you swirl: (Major update 5/10/2023)


well to be perfectly honest I wouldnt really be all into Non-con either but if we have it in non-con then jic someone is into it and does like it then they can do it.

I do like the idea of a second thread for the smexy so if someone does want to get in detail for the non-con/bondage/whatever then they can fade to black play it out there and the game can continue.

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I'd vote bondage-exotic. If the GM's not okay with it then you can't rape NPCs anyway, and PCs are going to run into the OOC/IC problem. For example, my Neutral Good character would probably react about as well to finding out a companion is a rapist as he would if he found a companion was a soul-stealing rakshasa: sword first, ask questions never. If characters want to get kinky, bondage covers that; if players want to OOC consensually get IC nonconsensual, PMs and never referencing it in-game cover that.
"They say even the proudest spirits can be broken...with love."

-The Beldame (CORALINE by Neil Gaiman)


See me personally I have no problems with referencing it at all in char. Your char grows as you play with them so if something happened like that they would be affected on some level. But theres a difference with referencing and going into detail and that fine line is hard to see sometimes.

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Mantis Shrimp Prime

Yeah, I think bondage-exotic.
I noticed LuciferOs has non-con scenes under her dislikes.
So yeah, I think we'll leave that off this time.
Hm. Will put OOC up tonight. maybe laaate tonight but definitely by the morn.

now i just need a title...

Mantis Shrimp Prime

OOC is here:
So please move discussion to that thread.
Would probably be good too if those who posted your characters here would copy-paste them over there too.