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Sailor Moon { MxM } Recruiting!

Started by TeacupTwink, September 25, 2014, 02:27:12 AM

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Respect my Two Co-Gms , BlackCatOtaku and Saphir.

| IC Directory |
Tokyo City - CollegeHome / Apartments

| Plot |

Inspired and based on the first season of Sailor Moon, the beginning. Centuries ago all of the Sailor scouts were Princes of their own designated planets which were ruled under the moon Kingdom during what was known as the silver millennium. These planets serving under the Queen along with others. It was a joyous period, classic and beautiful.  Everyone of course adored and respected the Queen. However one of the planets, a dark planet that was twisted had committed treason and planned war on the Moon. Destroying everything with their dramatic amounts of power, leaving the Kingdom in shambles.

The Queen used what of her power she could to save the members of the royal court, the Princes of the planets under the moon including her own son. Sending them down to Earth, a sister planet they had formed an alliance with and even an arranged marriage had been formed with. Having them be reborn centuries later. The reason she had done this was to save them as she banished not only the evil planet and its people themselves, but also herself. Lost in the silver crystal's power, the crystal proving to have its own setbacks despite being such a highly desired artifact.  This is the crystal the Queen had used and was passed down her royal bloodline to dispose of that evil. The Queen however was not foolish in the least.

She knew that one day the spell that banished them would be broken and they'd come back for revenge. Sadly, they would find nothing.  However it bothered her in her mind that there would be even the slightest possibility she had not prepared well enough. Thus she prepared her royal servants " Artemis " and " Luna " with trinkets and sent them as well to Earth so that they could protect the Princes.The enemies would find nothing on the moon, but if they should come to the Earth the Sailor Scouts / Senshi would be formed to protect the survivor of the Moon Kingdom's destruction as well as destroy the the Princes of those noble bloods that helped fight them.

The King of the Dark Kingdom is however now dead, the banishing taking far too much of his power as he was so close. The use for the souls being stolen is to resurrect him. He can be brought back prematurely, however he will not be as strong. For now the King appears as a foggy dark blue mist creeping from an eerie well in the Dark Castle. Light blue firefly-like beads of energy swirl about like astronomy  in the near pitch-black area of his residing. He is the one who is above the Princes and has them do his bidding.

Please note that the guardians HAVE to be incorporated in finding your scout.

| Posting Infortmation |
How the game will work? Basically I will divide this new Tokyo we made into pieces / places.  School, Tokyo ( out in the city ) , Home / HangOut. The city would be used for shopping , out and about as well as scenes in the city like  battles. --- The Home and Hang-Out scenes would be for when it is necessary for everyone to converse about the enemy or just hang out at each other's homes. School of course is for being in the school area.  There may be other places added as the rp continues, but as of now those will be the three we'll have.  After that, everything will be rp'd with a tag heading with dates so that you can make multiple posts in a day we'll have a 1 week time span. The header will look like what is shown below.

We will go on a time frame span, so that our characters can interact to the fullest of their ability you can have them play on different days while you post on the same day as long as your characters days do not run into one another. Say if our time span is Oct 4th - 9th. --- Each of these time spans in OUR real time will usually be around 2 weeks?  So for 2 weeks our characters will be posting in the Oct 4th - 9th time span.  If you have not wrapped that rp time up, you can keep it. However you must finish it up ASAP and will still have posting obligations for the next assigned time span and may take on no prior posts in the past time span offered. This cycle will repeat and repeat.

Example of Post Header
Name: Eden Elks
Alias: Sailor Venus
Where: Tokyo streets, alleyway
Time:  September 19th , 1:30 am
Tag: [Insert Name here ] , criminal

| Other Information |
• Scouts have the option of already being a part of the group and not needing to be found. Please talk with the scout leader who's team you would like to be a part of about setting up a pre-history of your meeting / how you were found.
• Characters will be given an age RANGE. I'd prefer not everyone be the same EXACT age under the Scouts, it's just unlikely. So I'm assigning the age range of 16-25 , you've got a decent range in there. Use it. The Maximum for the dark Princes will be 30 however as they need a King, right? Or at least an old enough Prince to take that role.
• Tuxedo Mask and other Romances do not need to happen as they did in the anime. That role or arranged marriage doesn't mean they have to do anything about it. They can find love elsewhere if desired.
• Limits on powers / attacks for now are 3 for the Senshi, 4 for the Princes and 6 for the King himself. Guardians only have their shape shifting and skills in that form..
• Your scout MUST be found by a guardian in their history, please work with us.
• For now " Tuxedo Mask " is just an example name, the hero doesn't need to be named this.
• For now " Artemis & Luna " are just example names, the guardians do not need to be named this.
• The Guardians " Artemis & Luna " will be shapeshifters with a human form and a guardian form. No other shapes.
• Characters do not ALL need to be in high-school, they can also be in college and if not as a student possibly a teacher or tutor or recent graduates of the two.
• Meeting place - Our characters will ALL meet , regardless of age at the enormous library both the Aoyama Gakuin college and  Juuban Muncipal high-school share.
• This is not just a smut game, while it may have its sexual moments of course it is more than that.
• Any other questions can be asked about.

| Sailor Senshi Uniform & Items |
• Our Sailor Senshi uniform may vary in our colors and I will try and get in the process of recoloring them unless people wish to do their own which would be a great help. I will be assigning a uniform, you can submit one of your own you like better but their is a chance it could be turned down as I do want the scouts to look in unison with one another and not just a bundle of random people.
• The Medallion on the uniform that closes the Senshi sash will be assigned by planetary crest.
• Transformation bracelet / communication cuff is an item that you will receive from one of the two guardians of the role play. Example 1 / Example 2 , The description of each bracelet differs. They will be the main color of the scout's uniform on the top and back. The screen will be a much darker version of the original color. The screen will have a planetary symbol or two around the screen in gold with the planet ornament of your planet seen beside your title on the scout list. ( Mercury for example is a harp ) , the buttons will be on the lower left side of the cuff's screen.  One button for transformation being the largest, the other two are for messaging the other scouts - or tracking them by their cuff in a grid map.
• Weapons are not able to be used out of Senshi form and will disappear once out of it. They can be summoned within the transformation or sometime after while in the senshi form. Powers also can not be used out of senshi form.
• Equipment such as a small computer or pen that transforms the user into something OUTSIDE of a senshi is able to be used outside of senshi form and will always be available though, not to everyone.

| Sailor Senshi |
Sailor Moon - Noah Roberts - BlackCatOtaku
Sailor Venus - Eden Elks - TeacupTwink
Sailor Mars - Ryen Aries - RainbowRian
Sailor Mercury - Trent Attwater - Saphir
Sailor Neptune - Cody Galle - LockePick
Sailor Jupiter - Jacob Donarr - Xurtan
Sailor Uranus - Hajime Amagi - Fredasce
Sailor Pluto - Bastian Grey - AlxnJosh
Sailor Saturn - Ryder Adams - Cupcakemon

| Guides / Guardians |
Guardian #1 - Dominic Kegan - BlackCatOtaku
Guardian #2 - Open
" Tuxedo Mask " - Open

| Dark Kingdom |
Dark King - King Damarius Nocturne - TeacupTwink
Dark Prince #1 - Dante Mason / Malice - TeacupTwink
Dark Prince #2 - Abaddon / Damien Arasi - Braioch
Dark Prince #3 - Open
Dark Prince #4 - Open

[float=right][img height=300][/img][/float]
[b]Played By:[/b]
[b]Alias:[/b] " Sailor " or " Dark Prince " followed by planet or name.
[b]Body type:[/b]
[b]Costume:[/b] [url=] Uniform, [/url] - Red = [ Color that takes its place in your uniform ] , Blue = [ Color that takes its place. ]
[b]Sexual Orientation:[/b] " Straight " , Gay , Bi?
[b]Between The Sheets:[/b] Are you a bottom, top or switch?
[b]On's & Off's:[/b] Please include if open for noncon.
[b]Dom / Switch / Sub: [/b]


| Rules |
1. Must be able to post 2 paragraphs per post.
2. Must send profile to me in PM for review / approval.
3. Two posts a week minimum, unless I am informed or you literally HAVE to wait on someone else.
4. Understand while this is a group game, we're likely to all split in different directions and tackle on different crimes planned by the Princes and I for different missions.
5. This is NOT just a pretty-boy smash game, give some form of depth to your character.
6. Respect each other's On's and Offs.
7. Ask before raping another player, some characters are evil - it is a given it could happen.

Get The Word Out,
Put us in your signature.

[center][url=][b]Join the Sailor Moon [MxM] Group Roleplay! [/b][/url]
[url=][img][/img][/url] [/center]

Skinny Tube Signatures!







Divine Tenacity




Bookmarked and calling dibs on Sailor Jupiter!
Group Games: 0 (pending) | Solo Games: 2  | Post(s) Owed: 2

Check out my Request Thread!


 ♀ Sailor Venus
Name: Eden Elks
Played By: TeacupTwink
Alias: Sailor V, Sailor Venus
Age: 18
Height: 5'4"
Weight: 132
Body type: Surprisingly tight, lean , fit. Bubbly behind.
Race: Human, Caucasian
Occupation: Highschool student
Friends: Dominic - the others? Haven't met them yet!
Costume: Uniform,
Weapon: Golden chakrams with gorgeous blue handles. Orange crystals ornament each one along with leafy royal looking designs along their bladed edges.
Soul Chakram: Karma - Everything comes back, right? With this move, Venus tosses one or both chakrams into the air. Flinging them hard as they soar actually dozens of feet in the air appearing to go behind him even. However they come back not only glowing, but with what appears to be golden needles like rain flinging towards the target Venus. This scout is able to move the chakrams through the air by focusing his arms, hence the term " Soul Chakram " . This type of control is only in use when the blades are glowing. The needles once hitting any enemy appear to actually go straight through  their body, but never do any physical APPEARING damage despite causing severe pain to the opponent. However they can shred clothing
Venus: Love Chain - A weapon summon that tends to be short lived. A strong bright golden chain that glows, this chain is more often than not used as a whip and can be adapted. Most often it is used as a whip, but in its adaptions it can be ended with a hook or some form of a blade. Useful for bringing the enemy to you or down.
Venus: Love Chakram Bind - This scout uses his weapon, a chakram. Its glowing golden form flung and slipping its way into the enemy binding them in its growing or shrinking circle. This circle can hold for worth one hit usually, but can be broken. Once broken it flashes a bright white and can temporarily blind the enemy for a few short seconds.
Personality: Seemingly nice, possibly overly confident. Playful, flirty pretty-boy. Semi-sporty and quite popular with the ladies. Has tinges of very light arrogance but, is otherwise quite friendly. Very uppity and active.
Likes: Volleyball, soccer, flirting, karate. Used to be on dozens of sports teams and always into extra curricular activities until he was scouted by his Guardian and took on the role of Sailor V.  Venus enjoys gaming extremely, not finding that much joy in karate anymore as it's more training for Venus now though he continues it. He has no time to play or join sports things with friends due to his new path, but can often be seen playing by himself or carrying a soccer or volleyball. Enjoys watching break-dancers and adds their twist into a lot of his fighting style. Spicey foods are well loved as are sour fruits. Likes sweets, but is picky with them. Enjoys running extremely.
Dislikes: Dark chocolate, writing, silence , doing nothing ,  doesn't care much for baseball or football.  Being hinted towards not being smart when he's always been a C+ up to B+ student at nearly everything.  Hates waiting, lacks long term patience.
Hobbies: Karate student, Ex-Soccer player, Ex-Volleyball player. Likes cooking, isn't extremely good but has fun doing it.
Sexual Orientation: Tries to identify as straight or say he's bi for prideful reasons. Only likes the attention he gets from females, but is only attracted to men.
Between The Sheets: Bottom
On's & Off's: Receiving rim-jobs, having his ass played with / groped / cheeks pulled apart or smacked. Muscle worship(giving and receiving) , giving or receiving oral.  Hair pulling, costume / clothing ripping. Rough even forced sex,  voyeurism / exhibitionism. Multiple partners and multiple penetration. Dirty talk and name-calling.
Dom / Switch / Sub: Switch
History:    Eden is a regular high-school boy, one who was just living his everyday life in a middle class family in Tokyo. Living alone without his parents and just an older brother who is constantly working and not ever seeing one another.  He was always popular, a sporty type whom took a liking and lots of his time in extra curricular activities that he had to quit due to his new status. It all started with a gift, a gift anonymously left on his desk in one of his classes by a certain teacher containing his very own orange wrist-cuff styled watch and communicator. Not knowing fully what it was, just a cool watch during the time in a bright vivid orange with a dark orange screen and gold symbols of Venus and a floral wreath with some odd golden buttons along the side that appeared to do nothing at the time.

The boy walked home late one night, wearing it for a good amount of time not knowing who's watchful eye he was under. Coming under attack by street thugs wasn't the rarest thing in Tokyo. Sadly he wasn't prepared even with the decent skills he had for a boy his size to take on three of them. When suddenly a familiar voice told him what to do, he was confused and had to be told to just do it. Thus by his own surprise and others, he transformed with signature weapons in hand and needed very little help to come into his barely won victory. Still having a lot of training ahead of him before he'd become a truly fearless warrior of Venus.

Sailor V still at the moment does not know who the enemy is. His guardian and Moon's conversing with this scout knowing nothing of the situation. This scout has become the pretty-boy heart throb of the public. Solving crime and beating up street thugs, saving people from the usual non-world threatening drama with his powers in the mean time. Hoping to find out the reason behind these odd disappearances and illnesses that are leaving people in small masses at a time that were in the same place completely soulless if not dead.  Eden has forced himself to beat up thugs in a rage asking them what they knew before leaving them knocked out and ready for the police to pick them up whenever they were discovered.

Some have even caught this somewhat sloppy super hero beating the thugs up, criminals and bandits. A small local game made for him having been spreading in arcades around the area along with his own comics and posters. Nothing like this had been seen yet, before. This extreme power, control and justice beyond what the police could do? The public was entertained and he quickly began winning hearts of girls and making boys want to be like him and jealous at the same time.
Extra Pictures



Quote from: Midori Sadi on September 25, 2014, 02:37:19 AM



Bookmarked and calling dibs on Sailor Jupiter!

Well, send me a profile once you've decided on how to make him. I look forward to receiving it in a private message first and we'll hopefully get all this started. :]

Divine Tenacity

Expect a c/s in your inbox when I wake up later on!
Group Games: 0 (pending) | Solo Games: 2  | Post(s) Owed: 2

Check out my Request Thread!


Name: Malice
Played By: TeacupTwink
Alias: When undercover in public, goes by Dante Mason
Age: 26
Height: 6'4"
Weight: 156
Body type: Lean, obscenely tight and chiseled however.
Race: Caucasian, Seemingly human in appearance.
Occupation: One of four Princes under the banished Dark Moon Kingdom.
Friends: No friends, only rivals for " brothers "
Costume: Usually appears in black or dark navy blue button-up shirts with a popped collar. Even in his more eccentric outfits it is a larger popped collar with his chest exposed more than usual.
Weapon:  Tarot cards of the dark, sharp as blades.
Shade - Able to summon dark power-circles with a firm swipe of a hand at an enemy. This circle is a glowing emblem that strides across the ground and once  landed on an enemy, though they are small circles - they are fast and strong enough feeling like they strike through the chest hard enough to knock one off their feet and to lessen their gravity by more than half. This leaving room for him to use another move.

ShadowBoxer - The power to play with shadows can be fun and deceiving. When in the dark, he can disappear and teleport about. His fists casting a brutal bright blue light with each punch or kick he makes but, otherwise all they can see is black and the outlines of his body and face before the glow fades.

Personality: A playboy, a twisted charmer and a flirt. An arrogant gambler and narcissist as most would describe him. He is cold, perverted and a bit too sarcastic with that sharp tongue.
Likes: Apples, sour things, grilled fish , black cats, button-up shirts, jazz , blues, classical music. Enjoys flirting, gambling and being fawned over. Appears to like a good argument now and again. Submission and uppity behaviors both are well liked to toy with. Everything is a game and nothing is a game. It is all in how he twists it to be. Clouds, grey and rainy days. Has picked up smoking while on Earth.
Dislikes: Wearing bright colors, the heat, excessive sunshine. Anything yellow seems to annoy him, he'll complain it hurts his eyes. Abstract art.
Hobbies: Smoking, listening to music, complaining, reading, shopping for old records. Has been obsessed with these forms of music since the moment they got to Earth.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual, limits himself to nothing.
Between The Sheets: Top
On's & Off's: Talking dirty, nonconsensual, ripping clothes, degrading his partners, humiliating them. Face fucking(giving) , oral ( receiving ) , power-bottoms , slutty behavior , sex in public , taboo , verbal abuse , watersports. Face slapping, nails in his back, sadism. S&M as well as bondage.
Dom / Switch / Sub: Dominant
History: Malice is a tall, twisted fiend indeed. A living contradiction. A gambler, playboy and major strategist for his Kingdom.  Extremely serious and never serious, he was always in the good graces of the King though isn't well liked by the other three Princes. While none of them are related and rule over their own smaller sectors of the Kingdom, Malice  always seems to put himself above them despite them being equals and peers. The man is beyond confident, never having met his true mother he was raised with a step-mother in what was practically a harem of women thanks to his own father's twisted vices in the dark Kingdom he quickly was drawn to them as well.  Everything was in his hands, it was natural he had no sense of right and wrong. It didn't take long for him to start hammering the whore who raised him. Female nobles even of the Moon Kingdom before the war tossed themselves wildly over him.

There were even rumors he killed his own father. His own step-mother now just a servant with a nice title and status.  However he could never have enough, so he gladly helped strategize the warfare with their ruler on the Moon Kingdom. Full of chuckles and ideas, he could have never expected that she would so ignorantly use that ancient artifact. A choice that this specific Prince would have never chosen. He is now still seeking revenge, the fact he was outsmarted though he'd deny it til this day still crawling underneath his skin. Perhaps another reason why he so heavily indulges in his vices. He is near immortal why not?

Extra Pictures


Now easier to read and underwent heavy cosmetic surgery lol. Gave this thread a face lift.  ::)


I am a tad disappointed no one is playing Sailor Moon. He is the title character.


Well, like I said. The scouting will be split in groups. So while Sailor Moon is doing his recruiting, not having met Venus yet? Venus is forming his group before they meet.

So I'll  be able to carry the rp by doing this. Even if I get all the scouts myself it can be a whole epic  " we found the Moon Prince " thing I guess? After all , Venus was the first scout. It  only makes sense for him to be doing something outside of just effing around. xD


Signature code added for anyone who wants to help get the word out and advertise. Or just make your signature pretty, I think it's cute.  :-)


I'm tempted to join....But I've not watched Sailor Moon other than the new reboot. Does that matter if I wanted to join?

- Rainbow ♥


Quote from: xSnorkleRainbow on September 27, 2014, 05:01:42 PM
I'm tempted to join....But I've not watched Sailor Moon other than the new reboot. Does that matter if I wanted to join?

- Rainbow ♥

Well, the story is all above? Plus if you've seen Crystal than you get the basic idea of it all already. While personally I always recommend the 90's English dub of Sailor Moon ( it's just better as far as personality goes and actual depth on the missions, but Crystal is great. )   ---- It really doesn't matter so much. Send me your profile if you'd like to join and we'll get you all hooked up. :] <3


Quote from: TeacupTwink on September 27, 2014, 05:06:33 PM
Well, the story is all above? Plus if you've seen Crystal than you get the basic idea of it all already. While personally I always recommend the 90's English dub of Sailor Moon ( it's just better as far as personality goes and actual depth on the missions, but Crystal is great. )   ---- It really doesn't matter so much. Send me your profile if you'd like to join and we'll get you all hooked up. :] <3

OK, thank you! I'll have a think (:

- Rainbow ♥


Quote from: xSnorkleRainbow on September 27, 2014, 05:18:10 PM
OK, thank you! I'll have a think (:

- Rainbow ♥

No problem, hope to hear back from you. <3 :]


More information added in.... More information! { Reflecting on guardians and our hero who is yet to have a real name. }

Also, an overall uniform design has been added. This uniform as put does not 100% need to be used but, if the costume you use makes your character not appear as part of the group? It will be denied. They are a group in unison. Obviously accessories of your choice can be added to or taken off of the uniform given.


| Dark Moon King |
Name: Damarius Nocturne
Played By: Teacup Twink
Alias: King of the Dark Moon Kingdom
Age: Centuries old, appears to only be 42-46 age range.
Height: 6'7" 3/4 , however reaches 7'4" once we reach his realm.
Weight: 276 -342 lbs
Body type: Extremely broad shoulders and towering heights, his torso is long and ripples with chiseled cobblestone abs as if sculpted by the gods. The tall man's arms and biceps flex effortlessly, his back muscles are astounding and that eye-catching Adonis belt of his V leads to lustful thinking and always touching. Is also however, decently furry. Dark hair dusts across his chest and abs, thickening at his happy trail and densely under his arms. He is a man after all. Appears 25% more beefy than picture.
Race: Unknown what to refer to him as, appears human.
Occupation: King of a banished Kingdom
Friends: He has no friends, only pawns.
Costume: Godly, loose and simple clothing that exposes his body. Themed after Greek and Roman mixed with Gothic themes
Weapon: Magic and a scythe he rarely uses, but seems to also be his scepter.
Orbs of Nocturne - When slamming his scepter / scythe down, he can make an impact that forces a ring of dust to rise from the settled ground. Blue, ghostly orbs rise from the ground and pulse. Following the enemy but exploding quite quickly. The explosions are quite small, but harmful and can force the enemy to stumble.
Night Wing - An act of when swiping his scythe , ravenous feathers flow behind its blade. The scythe is then flung into the air, spiraling about like a boomerang as it sweeps the room before returning to its Master's hand with the help of magic.
Telekinesis - The ability to grasp a human form without being near it, in which he usually tosses the enemy across the field or into a team mate.
Sleepwalker - The ability to creep into the dreams of others and do as he pleases to them, it will feel quite real until they wake up.
Personality: A dark and sultry flirt, but demanding and coldly abusive. He however seems more blunt and prideful about it, commanding and leaving no choice. However he only gets more calm and cold when angered rather than bursting into a fury like his pawns. Though he will of course go harder and stronger once angered, he rarely loses composure. Damarius sees humans as lower beings and EVERYONE below him in general. He's a commander with no sense of love of humbleness about him. He's not caring, greedy and prideful like he gets his minions to strive to be.
Likes: Chess, strategy , winning , being fawned over, uppity slaves, chains, being worshiped. Nothing is ever enough enough for him, beautiful men and women? He needs more. A nearly endless amount of land? He needs more. Now that most of that has been limited to SOME degree since the banishing he strives to get it all back, but will not lose his composure like last time he states. Enjoys dark chocolate, cherries wine and rain. Enjoys mind games. Hot springs.
Dislikes: Overly sweet foods, masculine men. Doesn't appear to care much for bright colors, however sometimes he finds the innocence in them amusing.
Hobbies: Strategizing war, building a harem and world for just himself. Revenge.
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Between The Sheets: Top
On's & Off's:
Ons - Choking, hair pulling , non-con , dub-con , face-fucking, muscle worship , depraved acts such as armpit worship, begging, gaping holes he has created. Size queens, watersports , s&m , verbal abuse, humiliation , degradation , sadism.
Offs - Scat, mutilation , death
Dom / Switch / Sub: Dominant
History: Damarius Nocturne was once a part of the Silver Millenium  time period, living under the Moon Kingdom's rule with their own. The two of them allies and sister Kingdoms and equals. In fact, everyone was quite happy during this time. Including the King himself was quite pleased, happy and even friends with the Queen of his sister Kingdom. Worshiped and fawned over regularly by their women and men, the food impeccable and music cleansing to the soul. However, there was a history between the two kingdoms that had gone on for centuries. A tradition that  the Queen of the other Kingdom broke. There was a reason for the war that would come soon after.

The Queen was supposed to uphold this tradition, the tradition of her son marrying the sister Kingdom's ruler. However she denied it, stating her son was far too much young for him and that times have changed - are changing and there was no reason to uphold the agreement since that tradition was originally a part of the treaty which no longer affected them. Though she was correct, it was a tradition that had been done numerous times despite the treaty not needing to be done. The King would have agreed if that pure creature he had seen hurt and in pain at one point hadn't awakened something in his sick soul deep down. He admittedly grew bored now and again of some of those he worshipped and had turned to darker sexual acts in attempt to match that glorious expression. It was to be his property, that Prince. Time passed and he was still over thinking the subject. Only to find out that the boy would be wed to a Prince / King from Earth.

It was then that plans had risen and a war began, you know the rest. Now his spirit is trapped in a well waiting to be resurrected with the power of human souls.


I feel nearly obligated to join because I'm a tremendous fan of Sailor Moon, the idea of having a gender role reversal sounds amazing. I would like to play Sailor Moon and I'm working up a character sheet now for approval :)


Name: Noah Roberts
Played By: Blackcatotaku
Alias: Sailor Moon
Age: 22
Height: 6 feet 0 inch
Weight: 190 lbs
Body type: Tall and lean with well toned body that is not overly muscular more defined
Race: White/British
Occupation: College student studying to become an engineer and works as a part time waiter/ delivery boy for a package company
Friends:He has a wide group of acquaintances without many close friends, he has two friends one whom he stays in touch with who lives in England, Zack and his college friend Kara
Weapon: The Crystal Saber (sword provided in picture but it has a scimitar blade with the same embellishments)
Powers: Crystal Crisis Slash; When he strikes enemies with his blade he can chose to harm or heal depending on how dark their souls have become; reverting humans back into mere humans if they have been altered and banishing demons . Much like the moon healing elimination power.
Personality: Happy and outgoing he can be very oblivious to the world around him giving him a reputation as a heart breaker because he makes friends easily but hardly ever realizes the romantic intent of those he befriends. He also loves to be affectionate hugging people, complimenting them easily and even giving the occasional kiss, without realizing the intimacy of those acts. He loves food especially junk food but he can't cook worth a damn. He is often causing more problems then he is solving but due to his good hearted nature and honest intention those around him tend to forgive easily  making him quite popular. He tends to be lazy preferring to stick around the house and play video games or hang out  while watching TV then  exercise. He laughs easily and wants to make those around him happy whenever he can cracking jokes and being a shoulder to cry on. Although he can be oblivious he is loyal to a fault and always tries to help others when he can. He's also a bit nerdy loving comics, anime and gaming of all kinds. He has a determination about things when he decides to dedicate himself to it which is how he has ended up in an engineering school at Tokyo University. He's not necessarily the smartest or the most clever but  he is incredibly determined which  makes up for his lack of natural skill.
Likes:; anime and manga, beer, junk food of all kinds, gaming,  guitar music especially acoustic, flirting, touching, cuddling and rock music
Dislikes: cruelty in any form that is excessive, cynicism,  politics, hurting peoples feelings and working out
Hobbies: playing guitar, swimming, working his odd jobs as a waiter and delivery boy, playing video games, reading manga and watching anime and getting drunk while eating junk food.
Sexual Orientation: Bi
Between The Sheets: switch
On's & Off's: Touching others and being touched; everything about the intimacy of a hug to a kiss to a caress is a big turn on for Noah, foreplay is a big turn on kissing sensitive areas like nipples, necks and mouths, mutual masturbation, voyeurism, bondage light and hard, kindness, cuddling, oral sex, ass play, being submissive to someone who is incredibly dominant, those who are able to be switches, tattoos and piercings, non-con
Offs; Scat, urine, snuff, overly rough sex  without some tenderness sprinkled in
Dom / Switch / Sub: submissive
History: Noah was born and grew up in England in Yorkshire  born to a house wife and a successful doctor he had high expectations while growing up . His father is an infectious disease specialist which caused him and his mother to move around quite a lot. His youngest sister Sammy died of Ebola when he was young which left a deep impression on him as a child making it hard to get close to others as he was afraid of them dying. Also moving around so much made it hard to make lasting friends the only childhood friend he has is Zack who he met in prep school while he was a preteen at a boarding school before he was pulled to move to Japan for his high school years. The two had bonded over their love of Led Zepplin and The Beatles his friend teaching him how to play guitar. Noah has had several girlfriends, boyfriends and lovers not caring about their gender rather their personality but due to his free spirited nature he has yet to settle down.

He had a hard time adapting with so many different languages to be learned and cultures to try and be aware of he did however take a tremendous shine to Japanese culture for whatever reason learning the language easily through his love of video games, anime and manga. His father became ill when he went into his college years forcing him to supplement his own income as they could barely afford to pay his tuition so he works as a waiter at a cafe and delivery boy of all sorts delivering letters, goods and packages from various sources to other sources.


Thank you so much, BlackCatOtaku. He's wonderful, I can't wait to see him in action. :]


Name: Dominic Kegan
Played By: Blackcatotaku
Alias: Artemis
Height: 5'11
Weight: 170
Body type: Very fit with toned lean muscles despite his slender appearance he has an extremely defined midsection and powerful arms and legs
Race: Spanish, from Spain
Occupation: Teaches Religious studies as a high school teacher and Guardian to Venus
Friends: Most of his friends are more colleagues at the college he teaches at, as well as sparring partners at the dojo he trains in
Costume:white tiger and house cat
Weapon: His weapons are the natural ones that his tiger form possesses which are teeth and claws with all the power of an actual 600 pound tiger
Powers: His ability to shape shift from human, to house cat, to powerful tiger. Due to his supernatural shape shifting he is also gifted with the ability of hyper sensitive perception being able to hear, see and smell things at a much greater degree than normal humans when in his human form. This also allows him to get a preternatural idea of how peoples emotional states are, be it scared, angry, happy, sad. He cannot tell why people are in their current emotional state just that they are.
Personality: Very calm and mellow he tends to be easy going about every day things but when it comes to something he views important he is almost militaristic in his desire to accomplish things to their fullest. His drive and determination can leave him seeming cold to the emotions of others but he is a very Machiavellian type willing to do just about anything to accomplish goals he sets for himself and sets high expectations of those around him as well. He can be critical, judgmental and harsh at times but as easily as he can be detached from a situation he can also be compassionate and even keel offering keen insight into problems often bearing the burden of being the shoulder to cry on and the motivator for people to change what upsets them.

He can easily find a person's potential and help them harness their aptitude to tap into being the best version of themselves they can be. He always strives to be better and wants those around him to be successful sometimes overly investing himself into their endeavors.  Because of his duel nature being so close to the animal state he tends to be very hot and cold, affectionate one minute and aloof another quick to anger but also to laughter. He can also be highly irritable when things don't go his way acting irrationally lashing out both verbally and physically when he looses control.
Likes: Tea specifically green tea, meditation, martial arts, computers, anything factual he loves to collect raw data about people places, and things , poetry and helping others
Dislikes: failure, vulnerability, over steeped tea, time wasting activities like movies, video game and television
Hobbies: Tai Chi, meditation, gardening, poetry and working out
Sexual Orientation: Gay
Between The Sheets: Switch
On's & Off's: OnsIntelligence, wit, staring into a lovers eyes, determination, submissive partners, voyerism, sex in unusual places like out doors, in the kitchen, ect, passionate rough sex, hands, sweat, bondage light and severe, oral sex giving and recieving, anal sex giving mostly, knife play, whips and noncon. Offs overly submissive partners, feminisation, feminine men, stupidity either real or playful, scat, feet/foot play, gore
Dom / Switch / Sub: Dom
History:  Orphaned at a young age he was born originally to his mother and father in Spain but at age 10 they died in a plane crash when returning home from a trip overseas, after that he was adopted by his uncle and aunt who lived in a small rural town. On his twelfth birthday he began to start having black outs shape shifting on the full moon, waking up in strange places naked and covered in blood from a fresh kill. Luckily he never tasted a mans flesh before he started having flash backs to a far away place in a time that had long since passed. Regaining his memories of the moon kingdom he was able to start harnessing and controlling his shape shifting ability. Alas his family couldn't comprehend what was happening to him at first been shocked and horrified enrolling him in a private school for mentally ill boys under the assumption he was some kind of sociopath killing animals for fun. There he learned how to meditate and condition his mind and his body controlling his outbursts and shape shifting events eventually being released back into normal society after two grueling years of being institutionalized.

Studying hard and earning good marks he joined a study abroad program that brought him to Japan where he was able to apply for residency to enroll in becoming a teacher. His sharp wit and discipline made it easy for him to adapt to Japanese culture but due to his tanned complexion it makes it hard for him to make lasting friends with those around him with strong prejudices. However he manages to make friendly acquaintances learning Tai Chi and eventually becoming good enough to teach giving him a strong outlet for his primal urges.


Thank you for another beautiful profile. :] I included the history on him and Venus in Venus' history and added a small section on the transformation cuffs in the first post.


There is now a power limit, 3 attacks or powers for senshi.  There will be 4 allowed for the Princes, but the King so that he is a challenge will have 6.

These powers do not ALL need to be filled out yet, but they are an amount you can have. If you do plan on using it though, it must be in the profile. They are not a requirement however. These power limits may be upped through out the game.

Also added the Approved character thread and OOC area which will both be decorated and made all pretty later. <3  :P
