Sex – The Game! (Jumanji gone WILD!) - Announcements Made!

Started by Patriarch, October 15, 2010, 11:23:09 PM

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I'm in, I'll write a charecter when I get home.


Hehehe, I'm so in!

Character Profile:
Name: Luke Rimmelton
Age: 19
Weight: 10 stone
Height: 5'9”

Description: Short brown hair, usually spiked up with gel, and soft blue eyes with a sort of baby face helped by his incapability to yet grow a proper beard. He's slim with a well toned body from the amount of sporting activities he does. Quite handsome with an amazingly innocent smile which allows him to get away with almost anything.

Personality: Luke is, to be blunt, a jerk. He can act like an angel, he's charming enough with that pretty boy face of his, but at the end of the day he is a jerk who is too used to getting what he wants because of his looks. He is a charmer, using his pretty boy smile to get into girls pants, not for the challenge of it, but simply because he can. During school he was good at all sorts of sports so his quite athletic, and because he also has quiet the talent with the piano his developed an ego. He was of course always popular and always fawned on. He does have a sweeter side, outside his man whoring jerkish ways, but that only really shows when his with his best friend of with his family.

Secret Desires: Luke is a closet gay in denial. And of course his womanising has come from his own efforts of trying to de-gay himself. As growing up in the jock society at school he finds his attraction to men horrifying, definitely after seeing how the other boys treated such things, not to mention his fear of his parents finding out as they're strict Catholics.
He secretly does want to try sex with a man, but he always deflects that need with another woman.
When it comes to kinks he loves a bit of bondage, though even with the amount of sex he has been getting since he hit puberty he hasn't really experimented much as school girls tend to be quite tame in the bedroom department.
Though he secretly loves Japanese hentai, especially the tentacle porn, and from that he has developed an embarrassing fetish for furry porn.


Nice character bio Sunday! Oh, and before I forget - everyone should know that they should be comfortable with a bit of bisexuality at leas, even if their characters aren't. After all, in this game MANY things will happen - and I expect there will even be cads that change your character's sexual preference (at east temporarily) so you'll have to be ready and willing to write them in that case too. *laughs*

Iridum, I like your ideas a lot. Summoning creatures to the room is definitely way too fun to throw away altogether - but the idea of some events sucking one or more of the players into another realm for a while is very fun indeed. A nice bonus/penalty. And speaking of bounses/penalties, I'd been thinking on how to make winning the game matter. After all, if all the players just want someone to win, there's no competition. Giving the winner a wish, or the losers a penalty will go a long way to solve this. I expect the reward/penalty would be introduced about a third of the way into the game, so that it's an increase in the stakes. After all, simply playing the game will be alarming enough for the characters at first. We'd want to introduce the reward/penalty after the initial shock has worn off.



I just want to say that I'm fascinated by your concept.  I hope you'll post the link once you get it underway - I'd like to follow it.


*smiles* Sure thing Elina. I'll post it in this thread once we get going.


If I may, can I suggest a mode of play for the game? ever heard of a game called dare? the goal to win the game is to get to the center by conquering each ring on the board by gathering points for completing dares. perhaps the sex game could have something similar? with the goal being similar to jamaji with the aim is to get to the center, but unlike jamaji there isn't a straight path to it, you have to earn your way to the center by the collection of the points. and maybe you can exchange points in the game to help yourself or others, but if you lose points you fall back on the rings of the board?


Ah... That's more complicated but it's very interesting. Naturally, even in the straight-shot version, there were going to be cards that moved you around and backwards and such -  but the idea of gathering points in a series of winding paths in order to progress is very interesting, particularly as I've been wanting to find ways to give the players more power in the game - so they can try to react to challenges and overcome them as well as just endure. For example, if one must make a succubus cum, playing a cock-enhancement on oneself or a sensitivity one on the succubus might help enormously. Also, with all the curses and effects flying around, giving the players a few ways to undo them could be fun as well. Puts more skill into the game to make it even more fun to play as well as write. Giving players currency in the forms of points that they can spend to help themselves or others at expensive rates (forgoing several points to draw a 'treasure' card for example - not knowing what they'll get or if it will help solve their problems) could work very, very nicely.

What does everyone thing about that?


yeah! it's not really that complicated... if anything a point system make it easier. you just set a point level to each circle of the board. so maybe you need thirty points to go up to the second layer of the board, and you need to keep those thirty points to stay there, and need sixty points to get to the next one. but it costs say twenty points to worm yourself out of a task. or something along those lines. and maybe ten points to get treasure cards.
It depends how many points a player gets for a task. 1-10 points depending on the extremity of the task.

okay maybe a little complicated. But I think a point system to get to the center definitely encourages the players to try their hardest to get them and do each task.


Interesting. Naturally, some times the task will 'do' them... Often quite literally *laughs* They have absolutely no choice. Perhaps those ordeals would be worth a set number of points then (hard to see how having your breasts grow relies on your own effort, or being raped by a tentacle beast), while others that require performance (such as making another cum) will be based on effort.

Fundamentally, I like the idea of a point system to move along rings in addition to dice rolls as you travel around them because of giving the players a goal to actively work towards and, most of all, because it gives them currency to spend on these 'treasure' cards or in other ways. Naturally, moving yourself backward on the normal board could accomplish the same effect and giving movement bonuses for successful completion of tasks - but points may be more elegant.


A point system would definately be interesting to do if it could be pulled off, but you'd have set the points very carefully otherwise you might over balance and make it either too easy or to hard to get to the center of the board.  It would definately introduce a nice bit of stratagy to the game though.  If we do go with a points system maybe there should be a penalty of some kind for having zero points.  Don't know what that penalty would be, but its something to think about.

I also like the idea of being pulled into the game that Iridum had.  It would definately be fun to have a secondary world to explore  and try to survive in until you can get out.  I also love the idea about an incentive for winning, it will put people's nature against one another.  The power of survival to an extent and the power of greed.  Should add a whole nother level to the game.


I'm stuck on what the prize at the end of the game should be... I mean Jamanji and the other one didn't really have a prize besides having the insanity stop.
Though I do like the idea of there being a penalty if you hit zero points from using them all up. or maybe there's a way to lose them also. just because if we're looking at 30 points to advance each circle, and there maybe being five circles, each with a diminishing amount of track and the most rewarded points for a task is ten... then it might be too easy to win the game...
yeah balance is a hard thing to achieve with the points system. it's getting that right level of difficulty. so its either rising the amount of points you need to advance each stage of the board (keeping in mind a character can be thrown down the board when losing or spending points) or lower the max amount of points they can achieve per activity. to say maybe five. because if they get top score each time it'd take six top scores to advance rather than three. which would require 30 top scores without losing any points to win the game. rather than say 10.


Well said, both of you. Balancing the points should be easy though. All I'd need to do would be to set an average point reward for each ordeal with minimal outliers (a standard distribution curve should do well), factor in effects that cause you to lose points as well as the average benefit of a treasure card and get a good idea of how many points a person should gain each turn. Then we just make the point requirements high enough to keep the game going for as many turns as we feel appropriate. Game mechanics are very much one of my strong suits.

The penalty for zero points seems logical, but I'm worried that it would only come into effect early in the game. After all, once you have fifty points, getting to zero would mean starting the entire game over - unless moving to each new ring cost a great deal of points, not just a theshold (meaning you had to actively spend points to move to the new track) and going to zero could then take effect.

And yes, we must come up with a reward for winning the game and/or a penalty for being one of the losers. Incentives are very, very fun. The problem with Jumanji was that they all wanted SOMEONE to win, it became a team sport - and no one cared who won. That's very good for an action movie, but it robs a lot of the strategy, machinations and alliances from this story - and it's that kind of conflict and competition that will make this that much more interesting to play. After all, if you don't care who wins the game loses a lot of punch to it.

The reward of a wish seems to be solid - especially since it can be anything the winner desires. The penalties might or might not exist, but if they do... Wouldn't it be interesting to leave them undisclosed until the game's conclusion? Fear of the unknown is very powerful indeed, and much more exciting.


maybe the penalty for losing is to be stuck in whatever way you are when the player lands on the center? and the winner gets to go home normal. that'd sure in an incentive to win!
and they shouldn't buy their way up the board. if they get enough points to advance the stage the aim should be to keep those points to stay in that circle. the 0 penalty really should only apply at the beginning of the game, so it's there to encourage the players to actually play the game. by the time they have 50 points gathered they should be so into the game they shouldn't fear going to 0, they'd be more worried about dropping a level on the board because it'd mean working their way up again.


I see what you mean about.  the penatly for zero points coming early in the game would be a problem.  I like your solution of having a threashold cost where you chose to advance to the next level or not.  It would add another level of stratagy as well for players who are behind.  Do you take the risk of advancing as soon as you can or do you wait till you have a few more points to avoid the penalty.  It would be intersting if certain effects cause you to lose points simply by being unlucky enough to draw the card.  It would add more risk and danger to it. 

I also like the idea of not know what the penalty is to the end.  it creates a climate of fear for the characters and determination to win the game.  After all you play to win the game. lol


I still think there should be a way to drop down the board though. maybe it can be one of the penalties xD I guess not every penalty can involve hard core tentacle rape


*smiles* Two opposing views at last! Sunday and Jarod, you both seem to be interested in the opposite sides - but for very similar reasons. I'm positive we can meld both ideas together into a seamless whole that incorporates both of your reasons behind your position.

Sunday, buying your way up the board is precisely the same as reaching 50 points to move to the next circle - it just adds a bit more strategy. Think of it this way, if you already are in the 30-point-circle and have to get 20 more (50) to reach the next one - but falling below 50 moves you back to the 30 point one... That's precisely the same as having to accumulate 20 points to 'buy' your way in. After all, you can't ever spend those fake 20 points without going back to the previous circle. So really, it's the same thing - just a bit simpler and with some more strategy. Then, if you ever fall to 0 points, you move back to your prior circle and gain 5 points (so you don't fall all the way back to the beginning).

And definitely, there will be cards and effects that make points vanish, let one player steal points from another and many more. That way people can drop down the board. Also, if you're wondering, higher circles have more intense effects... And bigger point rewards for surpassing them (as well as higher point thresholds) meaning that you couldn't just stay in the first circle and hope to accumulate enough points to win, then buy your way all the way up the board. The final circle (however many there are, five is probably good) would probably have an average point gain of 10 compared to the first circle's average point gain of 2- so it would take five turns in the lowest, least circle to equal one in the highest.

As for the rewards for winning - I think that the characters themselves not knowing the penalty will be very exciting. And the penalties might be custom-fitted to each character at the end of the game. That said, I do like the idea of the winning character getting to go home normal. Perhaps that plus the wish - adding a tinge of wonder to the game as well as the sexual onslaught - so someone can actually come out better for the whole ordeal.


Hmmm, I do like the idea for the penalty of falling to 0 points being going down. okay, buying up the board it is. ^___^ lol. I guess now you'll have to draw out a simple board at home and place in each slot all the different tasks we have gathered up. unless you do it by random... but a solid board ref might be easier on you in the long run.


*laughs* Then buying up the board it is! Well, unless someone else has another suggestion or brings up something we haven't thought of yet.

As for the board design itself, I'll most likely do a mix. We'll create a board with several different types of squares to land on in each ring... Such as the aforementioned 'Summoning' squared. Then, once it's landed on, I'll roll from a list of possible effects that could derive from it - depending on the level of the ring you're in. The first circle won't summon a dragon or demon lord. The fifth and final might. That way it's much easier to design and a lot less predictable for the characters. They'll never know precisely what is cumming. Er... Coming.


While the points go up for each task at each level I think the threashold to reach the next level should increase as well.  That way the challange remains as you get closer to the end of the game.  The effects should also become more substantial.  not sure how pull that off unless each card has  effects for each level of the board.


I think I'll make a set of cards for each level of the categories. Level 1 summons, level 2, 3, 4, 5, etc. Level 5 will be unbelievably intesne (a demon lord for example) while level 1 will be tamer.  And yes, the thresholds will certainly increase as you get higher. For example, the first circle might have an average gain of 2 points per ordeal and a cost of 12 to escape from (requiring about six turns) - while the fifth circle might have average points of 10, but a cost to escape, and win, of 100 (requiring ten turns). Also, there may be a final area beyond the fifth circle that acts in completely different ways to the rest of the game - a final, climactic trial before victory can be achieved... But for now, let us focus on the five circles and their mechanics.

Also, once the game ends, due to the incredible interest shown, we may very well begin another one with brand new characters and another chance to apply.


well once we've worked out all the mechanics it'll definitely be an intense game to play indeed xD I'm already loving the mechanics of it. it'd be a waste not to use it again even once our guys get free of the board. x3.
lol this is going to be one complicated sex rp.


I agree this sounds likes its going to be very intense, an a lot of fun, and with all the hard work put into it, it would be a shame not to use it again. 

Earlier i believe mention of treasure was mentioned.  What kind of treasure would be useful in a game like this.  Thing to help you through ordeals obviously.  potions of some kind perhaps as well as other objects that will help get your characters to advance.  Maybe other items that will slow other players down as well make them more suceptible to the ordeal and slow their escape.


what kind of potions would be useful in a sex game though? Besides the obvious "little blue potion" *snrk*


I really, really like the concepts as they're being developed, in terms of the game itself.

One thing I'd like to see in regards to the 'levels' -- it seems to me that the lower levels of the cards or the like should have a certain vagueness to them; their dictates should be easy to reinterpret or reapply to match up with the On/Offs/Comfort Zone of the character who selects them. (Perhaps they should have aphorisms instead of instructions. "It's time for a change!" rather than "alter your sex" or species, as an example) so that the player can tailor the result to the character. Later, more advanced cards would not only be more extreme, but also more specific -- and could push a character well out of their expectations or comfort zone.

(I have character concepts in mind -- seeking appropriate pictures for submission. This is all really, really cool!)


*laughs* Not too complicated really. ANY dice system RP is a lot more complicated. Even though we're putting a lot of thought into the mechanics, it's really turning out quite elegant. Truly, the instructions could fit on the back of a shampoo bottle. All it boils down to is throwing the dice, moving around the circle, landing on a square and triggering an effect. Effects often give you points, sometimes they don't and sometimes they take them away. Accumulate enough points and advance to the next circle. Wash, rinse repeat until you win!

One thing though, we need to start deciding on categories. Summoning is clearly one, but what other ones should there be? List all the possible categories you can think of, and a lot of possible events too. And great suggestion Rubicon. We do need to make sure that each player's ons and offs are met satisfactorily, though the occasional brushes with something they dislike will be fine. After all, their characters will want to avoid the tentacle sex, so it makes sense that the player might want to as well. 

As for treasure - I was referring more to a basic term for generally good stuff you can draw. A basic parallel would be the game 'Munchkin'. Treasure would give you temporary bonuses, permanent bonuses, undo ill effects or allow you to affect other players or how the game is played at large. One might cause your marker to trade places with another player, another might let you steal 6 points from another player, another might let you pick any ordeal already experienced and force it on a player (perhaps yourself, if you want a hefty point gain), swap one ordeal you're given for another in the deck, change your character's role, increase your potency in sex, change your body in various ways, escape any realm you're trapped in (get out of jail free card), force a player to fall in love with you, turn a summoned creature into your ally, let you skip another player's turn or a dozen, dozen things besides.

Ideas folks!