The Fancy of a Year On Elliquiy

Started by desert ashes, September 30, 2010, 10:12:05 AM

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desert ashes

On the wings of fancy I shall fly.
May words be my wings,
creativity my guide, and
the hammock my resting place.

This past year has been utterly amazing.  It has also been a bit taxing, confusing, exciting, passionate, dramatic and revealing.  When I first joined Elliquiy I never expected to find what I have here; I thought, probably as many do, that I'd simply find a couple stories to post in, maybe make a friend or two (if I could manage to get over the hesitancy of talking to anyone about anything that wasn't story related; that is still a work in progress), and have a place to escape to once in a while.  At the time I had been missing role playing, having a place to call home for literary efforts that weren't confined to Open Office Writer and the occasional email, and simply having the chance to connect with those who similarly knew and embraced the seduction of the written word. 

What I found here was so much more than that.  I have discovered a community that protects and cherishes its members, that preaches and practices acceptance and understanding, and a literary community that had me falling in love from day one.  I had no idea at the time I was (very nervously) filling out the questionnaire just what I was about to become involved with, and yet, I would not trade this past year for anything in the world.  It does not matter if you have only been here for a day, a month, a year or more, for when you come to Elliquiy you simply have to be here and accept everything it offers on such a gilded silver platter.  I can think of no other place that is more of a vibrant, creative and supportive sanctuary that Elliquiy has proven to be not only for me but for others who have found their way here. 

There are, of course, some here that have made this past year that much more potent and rewarding.  Without some of them I don't know if I would have made it through a few very trying, personal times, others who have gifted me with such a shared creativity, and then there are those who have helped me push through boundaries and feel okay in truly examining myself and who I am – who I should be or who I could be.  There are also many who are not mentioned, but I sincerely thank you for the impact you've had on me here and hope all you know who you are; one or way another you've either encouraged or forced me to expand my view of the world, the people in it and the importance of aspirations. 

With many thanks and fond wishes,

(Listed alphabetically, of course!)

¤ Cerigo ¤ 
There are no words to truly express how much light and life you have given me, especially over these past few months, and yes, it is truly my fault for that time not having been at least doubled.  You have given me inspiration and hope, love and affection, a friend and a partner, and I cannot be any more thankful and appreciative for you, your patience, and every time I hear the smile in your voice or see it for myself and know that I've played some part in bringing that to life.  You are an incredible man and I have been truly gifted to have you in my life, inside and outside of Elliquiy. 

¤ Ebb ¤ 
Somehow I have the utmost pleasure of calling you one of my partners.  It is so thrilling to see you back here in Elliquiy and hopefully for some time; it seems we're destined to begin whenever a feline is about to go through some cosmic change.  To my soulful relief at least this winter I will not be penning replies to you in a freezing house!  Thank you for writing such wonderful stories with me and unknowingly keeping me at least a little sane, and hopeful about life, when the winter proved rougher than necessary. 

¤ Eeyore ¤  
The moment we are looking upon never defines the rest of our lives.  I know if I have a naughty thought in my head, you're likely sharing the same one somewhere in that twisted recess of yours, and that truly pleases me to no end!  You are utterly encouraging, perhaps without even meaning to be, and have helped shaped my year here on Elliquiy more than I can really express.  I smile whenever I see you poking around about, even more so when one more story has tempted you; you flatter me with your sincerity and appreciation, and I cannot wait to see what this next year brings for our creative endeavors. 

¤ Fairehawke ¤ 
Our time together goes far before and beyond Elliquiy (I am so thrilled that you're here!).  You are a beautiful woman and amazing friend and confidant.  There has never been an ounce of judgment in your heart, not even when my own thoughts were so jumbled – and still are – and I know that no matter what decisions may come you will always be there for me.  Through the simple act of your acceptance you have taught me that genuine acceptance begins with myself and those true of heart and friendship will embrace me no matter what the physical image before them is the one they're expecting or not; that being true to myself is only thing I can truly expect and demand.  Thank you for the gift of your friendship, it is unreservedly cherished. 

¤ GrapeTootsiePop ¤ 
My lovely, darling Pirate!  You've had me squeeing with delight, not to mention bouncing in anticipation, since our first messages and still do so on seeming every chance that you get.  What has started as such a dynamic and addictive partnership has turned into an equally breathtaking friendship.  Thank you for never face palming when the plot bunnies have visited me yet again, proving to be just as enamored with our plots and characters that I am and seemingly always armed with such warmth that astounds me at times.  Always remember you are a beautiful, brilliant, compassionate and noteworthy woman who is only capable of amazing things, and I am so very blessed to have found a resplendent friend in you. 

¤ GryphonsCompanion ¤  
It began with Robert Jordan and the Wheel of Time series in the Shoutbox and grew into such a lovely friendship ... even though I still haven't read the latest book, yet.  (Someday!  I swear.)  I am always going to remember the time in April and being able to steal a few moments that are uniquely ours.  I am so happy for and proud that you're back on your path; always know you have a very loud and boisterous cheering section right here for you. 

¤ Lord Drake ¤ 
I still remember how nervous I was when we started our game, just days away from a year ago.  Here was Lord Drake, the charming and suave Elliquiy dragon asking to write a story with someone who hadn't even found her feet in Elliquiy.  Then I got the pleasure of discovering just how sincerely wonderful you are as a partner and friend, and even though there are still times when I get nervous about your posts (more so at being able to adequately compliment your mesmerizing pathos!) I still get the excited fluster whenever I see something new to read.  I am slightly amazed that a year later we are still writing together, and truly, I could not have asked for anyone better as a first partner. 

¤ Lord Mayerling ¤
Everyone has a literary crush... and here on Elliquiy, you are mine.  Thank you. 

¤ Marguerite ¤  
Thank you for many things, lovely Miss Marguerite.  For being an unexpected friend and someone who listens without reservations or judgments, who indulges and inspires me with not only our story but by simply being you.  You have such confidence and a conviction of self that is simultaneously bewitching, stunning and terrifying, and I can only hope someday to embody that, even if it's just slightly.  Thank you for simply being you and allowing me the chance to get to further get to know you. 

¤ ramster ¤
My darling hubby!  One of these days, while we're cheering or groaning over whatever sport we happen to be watching, we might figure out whether or not I'm “living” in Beijing, Tokyo, the Philippines, or maybe even England (every once in a while).  I am so happy that you're here, even more so that I have the delightful honor of calling you a friend.  Thank you for your friendship, for not groaning when I mention baking for the thousandth time, for the hours of scintillating conversation and companionship and for the many more hours to come. 

¤ subilicious69 ¤
Although our association has been short, I owe you many thanks.  Thank you for allowing me to step outside of my comfort zone and giving me the courage to begin embracing and exploring a part of myself that I hadn't been sure of, that I wasn't even sure was there – and if it was, if I even wanted to acknowledge it.  I am so thankful to have you as my writing partner in this endeavor and cannot wait for more to come within our story. 

¤ To all my past and present partners ¤ 
To each and every one of you, thank you for the honor and pleasure of being able to share in creative talents.  I am truly blessed to be able to write with all of you, for being able to push my boundaries and limits, or find sweet comfort and enjoyment with the familiar.  I cannot wait to see what is still to come. 

¤ To the Elliquiy Guardians: the Gods, Goddesses, Genie, Sirens, Satyr, and Mentors ¤ 
Thank you for building and maintaining such a wonderful and embracing community that truly cannot be found anywhere else in the world wide web.  I did not expect to find what I have here, nor to come to rely and appreciate such a place that is known as Elliquiy.  Thank you for your endless hours of dedication and devotion, which without this place would not be possible. 
make me forget
how to breathe

leave me with the
taste of your sin
they will lie about you, insult you, hurt you,
betray you, injure  you, set you aflame and
watch you burn. but they will not, shall not,
c a n n o t, destroy  you. because  you, like
R o m e, were built  on ashes, and you, like
a phoenix, know how to rise and resurrect.
· accepting new stories ·
 ·· · ideas & cravings ·· ons & offs ·· poetry ·· a/a ·· stories · ··

let there be beauty born from ashes


My darling Wench:
Words cannot begin to describe what our writing and our friendship means to me. I know, without a shadow of a doubt, that if ever I'm having a horrible day...You will cheer me up. I know that no matter what kind of troubles I have going right now and how down I feel about my current situation, you wrap your arms around me and you make it okay. You're a dear friend, a beloved confidant and a fantastic writing partner! The Gods blessed me when we began our first story and they continue to smile upon me as we travel on to more different and thrilling stories.

I hope you never loose the kindness in you. I hope you continue to explore yourself and learn what you love and what you can do. There is so much potential in your writing, that sometimes I am amazed you're not a best seller. :P Continue to be beautiful, my lovely wench, and continue to strive in everything that you do.

Happy E-nniversary!
May it bring forth a year of new surprises, more beginnings and wonderful friendships!

-Your Pirate Tootsie
Not Available for new Stories.
Tentatively back.


Congratulations, my dearest Ellispouse!

If nothing else, our conversations together prove to me that there's at least one person in the world whose sleeping pattern is just as insane. Your patience with my exasperating posting rate is something I'm pathetically grateful for. You keep baking and describing it in gastropornographic detail to me,  and I'll keep showing you gratuitous football and videos too lame for the What The Hell? thread.

It's great to have you on this website, as a writing partner and as a friend. Now go frost those brownies!  :-*
Leave not a piss untaken, nor a Michael unappropriated.
Knight of the Order of the Pizza

Nulla gratuitas sine anchoa



As I have told you all around Elliquiy and offline, I am glad to have become your friend starting first with our game and later with our chats. You are a strong female no matter what you like to think on some days especially when it comes to the rough patches in the beginning when we first got to know one another. I know things will be rough because of life and life is never ever going to be a willing submissive no matter how hard you spank its bottom or place it in the corner for time out. All we can hope for is that we are strong enough to handle whatever throws our way and use it for something good. I am glad to be your friend and to listen to you no matter the time, day or mind frame. I hope to continue our friendship for many years to come when we are old, ripe but still causing delicious mayhem. Plus you still owe moi a trip to my town to cause debauchery around Castro and Mission.

*R.R*A.A*O.O*Wiki*Bordello*Whip and Apple*
You Keep On Crying, Baby, I'll Bleed You Dry
Mar Is Currently: Taking On Threads
Check My Absence Thread For Updates, Thank You


Aww Moirae I just now saw this. after losing internet for the better part of 7 months I am happily back and very flattered. I am sad I haven't been able to get a hold of you like I used to, but time is always marching on, ever changing. I miss you Moirae.

Lord Drake

Okay, I missed this because I was waiting for my child to be born so I guess that it could be used as a justification. I have to say that I am surprised and flattered by your kind words and I would like to tell you that I have been every bit as honored to have the privilege of writing with an amazing partner such as you.

Our game has ended - unfortunately - amongst the "on hold" ones but we cannot know what the future reserves to us... it could as well be that we will revive it again one day or we will maybe write another. I will always consider you one of my most cherished writing partners and one of those gifted with the "spark" that makes roleplays turn into soul-kidnapping stories.

Thank you for everything! And here's to many more years around here!
Hey.. where did you put that Drake?
I've taken the Oath of The Drake for Group RPs!
“Never waste your time trying to explain who you are
to people who are committed to misunderstanding you.”
— Dream Hampton


Here's to many more years among us! A drink to match your tag? ;)

To go in the dark with a light is to know the light.
To know the dark, go dark. Go without sight,
and find that the dark, too, blooms and sings,
and is traveled by dark feet and dark wings.
~Wendell Berry

Double Os <> Double As (updated Jul 6) <> The Hoard <> 50 Tales 2024 <> The Lab <> ELLUIKI