IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick


"Really..I thought you said you didn't get along" She looked confused.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick

"I love you too baby." he said as he leaned over and kissed him.


She kissed him back. "I can't wait to see Mikey and Renee and Luke. Theres another one of the way soon" She smiled.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


"Yes a niece. We are going to spoil her. We have to since she is being named after you" She smiles.

Kaiser Maverick


She smiled. "yeah there naming her alexandra but im not sure if there gonna call her alexis or lexie or alex. Not really sure..only thing I know is that i LOVE YOU sexy"

Kaiser Maverick


She smiled as she grabbed his hand. "I'm in LOVE with you baby"

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


She giggles. They pull into the driveway and she smiles at him. "LE'TS GO LET'S GO LET'S GO" She smiles wide.

Kaiser Maverick


She gets out as she heads into the house. She knocks on the front door. Little Luke opens the door and goes right past me and hugs onto Alex's leg. "UNCLE ALEX UNCLE ALEX UNCLE ALEX" he screams and repeats over and over again.

Kaiser Maverick


Renee and Mike come into the entryway. "Mummy and Duddy Uncle Alex here.  UNCLE ALEX HERE. UNCLE ALEX HERE. Forever and ever. Uncle Alex is my favorite. Luv you uncle alex. UNCLE ALEX UNCLE ALEX" He keeps repeating your name. He is 2 1/2 years old.

Kaiser Maverick


"Hi Mikey and Renee. Everything is good. Just getting used to being engaged. "

"Uncle Alex Uncle Alex" Luke says interrupting as he keeps pulling at your pant leg. He wants up. He loves his Uncle Alex. He talks about him 24/7.

Kaiser Maverick