IWantYouAndYouWantMeBabeThereAintNothingBetter ((AAA111 and Kaiser Maverick))

Started by AAA111, June 16, 2010, 10:07:34 PM

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Kaiser Maverick


She smiled. "So thats a good thing. I was worried for awhile" She laughs

Kaiser Maverick


She laughed as she blushed and hid her face in his shirt. She quietly said "It's a first for me". It sounded a little like a mumble though.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


She sits quietly as she looks at him. "So I kind of well um scheduled this kind of appointment tomorrow morning down in um daytona beach um yeah" She says nervously

Kaiser Maverick


"Um well I was looking online last week for apartments and stuff and I found this gorgeous place right on the beach. It has 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, and its 2 floors. The top floor is a huge balcony. But um yeah." She said nervously.

Kaiser Maverick


"I know I know I should of told you earlier but I wanted to make it a little bit of a surprise. But I wanted to begin to think about our future." she smiles as she looks down at her phone after getting a text from mike. "Mike just sent me a text telling me how excited they are to see us but that luke has been screaming for the last 4 hours UNCLE ALEX UNCLE ALEX IS COMING TO SEE ME". He is apparently saying it over and over again. " SHe smiles.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


"I mean you have your moments. Hes a little kid remember" SHe says teasing him. "They think everyone is cool."

Kaiser Maverick


She looks at him. "I'm just kidding. Your the coolest man in my book baby. Just means a lot that your so good to Luke" SHe smiles as a tear runs down her face.

Kaiser Maverick


Kaiser Maverick


"Just makes me happy that you are so good to him. Really really means alot"

Kaiser Maverick


She gets out of the car and stretches and as he gets out to get gas she taps his behind "Mm you got a cute rear mister" SHe giggles.

Kaiser Maverick