Fishin For Insanity 2.0 [Female(s) Desired]

Started by Insanityenviesme, June 12, 2010, 02:05:15 PM

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Welcome to Crazytown!

Hey! Time for my daily dose of Insanity. The last pills which were prescribed didn't quite remedy my cravings. So this is my new and improved prescription. I call it, Fishin for Insanity 2.0. Fully loaded and ready for pleasure.

Possible information that might be relevant. I am not the quickest of posters as I would like to dwell on my post for a while, get inside my character's head and then post something that I find satisfactory. But that does not mean I post and then simply vanish into cyberspace. I make it a point to post at least once in four days at most. I would be quite elated if you would follow a similar regimen, at least in the beginning. I might assume better patience once we get to know each other more. But however good we get to know each other, games that are over a month due will be killed.

Now, My ideal partner would be one who would be thrilled to see a nice, long juicy post and would be inclined to match and better it in both length and content. I am quite sexual and if my partner would share my disposition then I shall well and consider believing in Luck, God and all of that! Lovely, long descriptive posts about her thoughts, her fantasies, her wants, her needs and her feelings, (pleasure and maybe pain too).

And something I enjoy quite explicitly enjoy is the breaking of her sexually. Seducing her so violently, teasing her so vehemently that she can't take it anymore and is completely broken and turned into a rampaging temptress hell bent on returning the torture and satisfying all of her cravings. A situation where the hunted becomes the hunter is an intense turn on for me.

So basically my ideal partner would be someone who enjoys reading and writing sexual content, someone who is pleased to endure a lot of teasing and isn't too shy to give back as good as she gets and someone who can portray the breaking of her character into the above mentioned rampaging temptress.

My Ons and Offs crave your perusal and if you're still still curious, do wade further into Insanity's Insanities. The water's lovely.

If I am lucky enough to have my plots catch your interest please feel free to PM me. I don't check this thread too often so you'd have a better chance of catching my attention via PM better. Besides, I think I'm actually gonna try and keep a nice, clean thread.
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


My muse has, for the moment, shackled me to these two lascivious paths. Might I perchance win your company for the journey?

Plot 13: F*cking Books
Wannabe authors tend to wonder what goes in on publishing houses, right? At least I do and it appears that little kernel was enough to spark a new roleplay idea.

It calls for the assembling of a group, though. A sizeable one, because the story has the potential to feature a mad house of characters. Like say, the one who does the legwork to find talent. Lawyers, considering how big the firm wants to become and the shady old routes they might take to do so. Interaction with rival companies. Even people from the Adult/ mainstream film industry. 

Sex sells. And just about everyone has or wants to have/ watch/ read about sex, so where is the limit?

Onto a little background. F*cking Books will be a new, but ambitious venture, established to one day be the leading source of literary erotica. And we will decide how they make that happen. Wanna sign up?

So this got a little long winded. If you're the kind to jump right into the plot, please go ahead and click the spoiler. Thank you

Oy, get back in ‘ere! And no, bad muse! No picking on the poor abandoned and/or gallingly lazy stories. They’re just.. umm.. ahh.. resting.. on their asses.. for months on end... Actually, give them a good hard kick for me! She looks back with teary-eyed excitement and goes f*$^ing Jean Claude Van Damm all over the mother hubbard thread

Nodding in approval I taught her everything she knows. And in turn, she occasionally sees fit to mask my devious impulses as a fun roleplay.

Aw, aren’t you the sweetest pervert in the whole wide world, she says, biting into chunks of ‘Plot 11: Stop it, both of you!

Eeek, don’t eat the poor plot, I scream in golden girl-like shrillness Maybe someone will take pity on it. Like I hope someone will take pity on this shiny new one.

Before I Muse lady kicks me in the ba!!sWe I gasp writhing on the floor, with my hand raised and a finger jutting up whilst heaving great breaths of air explain the nitty gritty… Oh God Flubbing Shi… shkabab, that hurt!

Alright. Phew. Yeaaahh… Shake it off, shake it off.Leaps back up to his feet and does a few macho boxing moves but of course it looks like Tigger the tiger bouncing around sillyly Okay, I’m good now. Shook it off. Right, so…

Plot 12: The Pageant

This story resides in its characters. And as such I see the potential for a truck load of partners.

The protagonist - being a big-headed goof, I’d want to be him – who works as a high-end, recommendation-only professional fixer. More of a myth than a man for the regular folk. The answer to your ‘hm, how did that happen?’ when reading about some hugely sordid corporate merger that is suddenly and amicably solved. That sneaky bit of grease to smooth police complaints against you or coax the jury to turn a blind eye once in a while. The Mayor getting off scot free after getting caught red-handed a money laundering scandal. His handiwork. A conduit for celebrities to all of their hooks. That story about Missile Man Nelly fucking a pornstar on stage, he was the one who set them up. And he was the one who took the video and leaked it when they wouldn’t respect him.

So in simple terms, he is cunning, vengeful, resourceful, wields phenomenal people skills and can melt into a crowd. And he calls you. Never the other way around.

And as much as all of this seems very underworld don, there is one other hat he wears. One he actually treasures.

In the course of his services, he’d met a woman (loosely named Ginger Origami, you’ll know why soon) who participates in a very exclusive beauty pageant. Essentially it is the same as any other, except there’s extra marks for kink, erotica and lewdness. I’d hope you’re not turning your nose right away at this perhaps predictable turn of events. I believe with the proper concern given, the story can marry smut and plot wonderfully. So do read on.

This particular competitor’s signature is enrolling normal, upstanding women into the contest and turning them into their most uninhibited and sexually liberated selves. A transformation like that demands research. It can afford great scope for character interaction. Each candidate selected will be gradually. methodically and precisely corrupted into a GO (Ginger Origami) Girl.

To encourage that, I’d like a variety of characters. Age-wise, persona-wise, occupation-wise, reputation-wise, relationship status-wise. The specifics are left to your discretion. I will not dull the natural influx that a group game like this benefits from. And remember, I’d need someone to play Ginger too. I imagine her to be a very important fulcrum, in that she would have an equal part in leading the seduction.

Emphasis will be on how the chosen few are broken out of their real lives and are reanimated. So there is opportunity for simple, straight forward excitement to the prospect of being a bad girl, but if not then blackmail, non-consent, dubious-consent, quid-pro-quo, etc.

Then there is the pageant itself. The GO girls are merely one team. There is scope for two more, which brings elements like competition. There’s cross-team fraternization or simply put, spying to gain the upper hand. Love, if anyone’s interested in that. Subverting the judges. Interactions with the audience, perhaps. A tour! There’s just so many tangents.

In lieu of which, I was hoping that a few of the GO Girls had already been inducted. Say two of the four are already taken care of? The starting point that I had in mind was that my character chances upon a female client from his past. His old teacher, who needed a softcore lesbian movie that featured her off the internet. That way we can have her and one of her current students on his shortlist for this year’s pageant.

Depending on the interest shown, the story can expand to the actual goings on in the pageant, with all three teams and the various dynamics that were touched upon above. Or it can be centered on just the GO Girls.

Please feel free to PM me and/ or reply to this thread if you have managed to read this great lump of text and are excited to join in (or even if you’re not completely wonked out by it)

Muse lady will lick your nose on the way out.

Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


The following is a list of archived plots that have lost my favor at present time, but I should confess they have a naughty habit of reclaiming my muse if I am placed under the proper persuasion. So if you want even more of a challenge, don't stop reading...


I really can't seem to learn, can I? involuntary, amused little chuckle By the way, a long, hopefully hysterical introduction pans until the spoiler which holds the plot. Do feel free to skip to then if you wish. Thank you.

Group games and I lead a mercurial relationship. When lost from its company, I pine and crave and serenade to win its hand. But when its touch graces my muse, an infernal amount of activity captivates life beyond the monitor screen. With a wistful sigh, all I can do is swathe the poor thing with fantasies about the literary escape that was so agonizingly close.

But despite the ancient signs, I will pick myself back up and furrow on with hope in heart and lust in thought- which incidentally has lead me here. The insufferable story teller in me thanks you kindly for your patience with my blabbering. His name is Smith. I know, for a storyteller he chose such an uninspiring name.

So, Mr Smith, the stage is yours.

Thank you, Mr Insanity. Your criticism of my name continues to amuse me, especially since you have no quandry in abusing my talent with words without so much as even an insincere rendering of gratitude

Insanity peeks from his big bowl of ice cream and throws Mr Smith a thumbs up

It confounds me why I service you, but alas, you need your kicks and you starve me when you do not, so begudgingly (hopefully in a comical way, otherwise all of this might be horribly detrimental to securing interest, which is now making me rather nervous Insanity rampantly gulps down his ice cream to give himself a brain freeze) I put forth the following scenario.

Be warned, it reeks of male depravity.

You know you want to...
Harem play, pseudo-incest and D/s play represent the bulk of erotica that will unfurl as this roleplay ages. A distinctly higher level of confidence whilst bolstered by settings I can relate to keep most of my stories in the modern day world, but even at this evolved time, in one of the most “correct” cities in the world prevails a historic network of stunning, strong, well-to-do women seeking pleasure from one man. This man an his harem have populated rumors and legends alike but no one even fleetingly contemplated his existence to be as real as theirs until he revealed himself.

The story will feature one such seduction, but the narrative, though heavy on it, will not be limited to this character's initiation alone. In fact, I was hoping to reason her induction on the basis of a rather debauched shift in his sexual desires. Usually he prefers to keep a strict count of mistresses. But when they had experimented with pseudo incest, both him and his lovers realized a furious, unrelenting bliss. They soon grew insatiable for it, often times breaking several rules to engage its singular, sinful pleasure- especially the one about never taking their antics public. During one such transgression, they notice this woman and become completely enamored and a dastardly plot ensues to collar her in their little web of illicit pleasure.

He is suave. Quite articulate. Exceedingly confident, but not annoyingly so. Assured, perhaps is a better description. Detached, save for the throes to which he ushers himself and his companions to. Your average mysterious heart throb.

The women, to blatantly feed my need for depravity, will pull down highly respectable professions- doctors, lawyers, teachers, entrepreneurs, trendsetters even, heaven forbid a nun, perhaps? -Insanity snickers- The younger women might be up and comers, though even as I type I'm taken with the idea of a Selena Gomez kind of musician-y character background.

I'm afraid I feel disinclined to set a limit to the number of characters this game will contain without gauging the amount of interest it manages to draw. Ideally for the purposes of smooth running, I see this as being a 4-5 person game including my character. I'd be ridiculously over the moon if we can fill the roles of “Mother”, “Aunt”, one “elder” and one “younger sister” (charming the “younger sister” into their harem might become the narrative) but I have a funny feeling this might eventually end up in the trash or reduced to a merciful twosome Insanity cringes and engages in animated prayer

Thanks again.
Insanity and Mr Smith


We are husband and wife (how dreamy would that be, just imagine sighs), a tad bit disenchanted by the marriage. Which is only natural when we present argument that it was primarily to strengthen business.

You, should you wish to accept this mission (Psh, as if you have a choice), would also have a sister/ daughter (hopefully someone is willing to play her too to make this a proper MFF) and your relationship with her has lately been strained because of the alliance. Otherwise you've been very close. You've had each other's backs and you've never needed any help. The change upsets her and she rebels, or so it began. But once she has a taste of him, she can't go back.

You find out, but the knowledge spurs your own lust. A spark, if you will, that reignites those first few weeks of passion that now seem all but a blur. You want to take back what is yours. You will not let your man be lured away by a younger woman, least of all your sister/ daughter. But you are also excited by the idea of proving how much more better you could be.

You instigate the competition. I corrupt it.


This little number traces its existence to my want for a juicy Non-Con scenario. I was quite surprised to note that almost all of my current games are completely or at least partially consensual! Oh the horror!!! This injustice must be remedied!!

A young model has been roped into confusing, dangerous and very real world of courts and juries and more importantly- judgments. Her Visa could have mysteriously expired perhaps or her assets could have suffered a sudden audit and her numbers may have surprisingly not added up. A hushed up drunken encounter might have unexpectedly surfaced. In any event, the situation is decidedly pressing and dangerously real. She is looking at repercussions that she does not fully understand except that she knows they will hamper her in ways unimaginable and downright cruel.

What she cannot see is that her entire scenario has been manipulated by her Lawyer. He has harbored a depraved, luscious attraction to the gorgeous model. The thought of breaking her to obey his every despicable whim has been a thought that simply ravages him both day and night. Her perfect curves displayed in all their beautiful glory, her smooth skin left unprotected against his powerful hands, her pink, lush lips forced to pleasure him despite her wish. Bending her, breaking her and finally having her is all he can think about.

I envision the game to being in the Courtroom with her Lawyer requesting a recess to combat new evidence that the prosecution would have submitted against his client (which would have been sent to the District Attorneys' from himself, anonymously of course!) He requests the company of his client for private questioning and instead of planning her defense, he blackmails her. He proceeds to construct an elaborate web of lies to trap her, magnifying the potency of the prosecution's evidence, detailing the extreme difficulty involved in fighting this particular turn of events, perhaps even stating that this will call for research that can jeopardize his career. All to produce that one clichéd sentence : 'I'll do anything!'

And upon its utterance he seals her fate and the gorgeous model becomes his personal whore.

The most important requirement of this game is the Non-Con part. I would like her to secretly enjoy it, that is most welcome. But she does not allow him to have her like he wishes to and that only turns him on all the more. This a story of devilish seduction which begins with her hating him, loathing him almost, then slowly, inexplicably enjoying him despite herself and finally...fiiiinally accepting him as her Lover, her Master.


As the name suggests this involves the sinful tussle between an FBI official and a very clever Con artist and Ace Thief. I would play the Con Man who is currently in Maximum Security prison for his heist of the Mona Lisa (Hey, if you're gonna play, play big!). The painting had been lost to the world, stolen from the Lourve by a high profile secret community calling themselves The Arks. My character had penetrated into the inner circles of the organization, even has information of names and appearances and is the first and last one to infiltrate the organization successful enough to retrieve the Mona Lisa back. However since it had been him who had stole it for them in the first place, his sentence is still sour. Enraged that his sentence had not taken into account his retrieval of  the stolen masterpiece, He escapes prison even before he was properly introduced to the guard outside the gates and is now AWOL.

The FBI had finally triangulated his position and preying on his looseness with Women, have sent in your character to bring him down and use him as an asset to capture the Arks. So the two of them meet in a pub, her masquerading as a stripper or someone along the lines to entice the thief. But his eyes is trained and he spots the Undercover cops immediately. He ties two and two together and realizes they are after him to get the Arks. He traps your character by feeding her false information about one of the Arks being here effectively taking out any plans of her back up. Then he pulls her out into the open, practically shoving the spotlight on her and to save her cover she is forced to pleasure him. And that is when he seals everything. He is a master at seduction. Simply his touches are enough to send women into delirious frenzies and soon your character has also been lured into his charms.

He is recruited into the FBI as an informant however his terms were that he and your character go undercover as Lovers to the Island that is rumored to be the place where the head of the Arks is vacationing. What the Feds don't realize is that the head had died and appointed him the new head. And this entire operation was his best chance to seduce and tame your character to be his personal slut. To validate their cover, he forces her into intimate embraces (which often leads to a lot more) in public locations using their cover to his advantage. He convinces her that they are under suspicion and the only way they would be cleared of it was to ensure their trackers realized they were nothing more than head over heels lovers and he pleasures her sinfully to the point where she begs him to take her. But he doesn't. He continues tormenting her, breaking her and finally taming her.


This story finds its center populated by a seemingly normal household, if a second marriage is allowed to hold such exalted nomenclature. Merely nineteen and dragged through a messy divorce for reasons as simple as a home-wrecking seductress and her charmingly uncouth daughter, He has enough trouble adjusting to his new life.

And of course, life would not simply relent without further aggravating a hormonal teenager. One afternoon returning home from basketball practice, the only sanity his torn apart life still affords him, he stumbles upon something that at once ruins and rejuvenates him. His stepsister enjoying some quality time with her darling incestuous mother! The curse of manhood leaves his feet to win temporary paralysis as he watches them engage in their debauchery. If only he knew he needn't have engaged in such wasteful practice.

Both his step mother and his step sister only entered his life to entice him with their torturously fiery lust. She had been his classmate at school and he must have swung down to their house so often that people would've wagered the younger of the two father son duo to tie the knot around one of the pretty little things first. Both had always lusted for him. Both had found intricate ways to find themselves alone with him but he had always slipped away. But now that they were "family", the girls intended to make sure he would be doing some slipping, but none of it would be away!

To all those who have braced their stomachs long enough, I am searching for a lot of teasing as ever. Asking him to fetch them towels whilst in the bath, requesting him to rub oil onto their backs whilst tanning out in the garden by the pool. Oh and both mother and daughter must be in on this together with one goal in mind: The boy must quite literally carry a hard on for life!

Literacy and play with words is always a bonus and I would absolutely adore you if you bless me with such luck. This will be a group game. I'd prefer two separate writers playing the mother and the daughter.

Ah, I believe that's that. Now should you believe to yet find reason to contact me about this testosterone reeking scheme, shoot me a PM and we can work kinks out :)


He was living the bloody dream. Engaged to a woman straight men would turn gay for if she asked. Marrying into a household so rich he would have people for his people who lift his pinky. A guaranteed Vice Presidency. But every dream comes with a price. And this one was viciously steep. His gorgeous fiancé refused to repose faith in pre-marital sex!

He'd only given her the damn ring in hopes of having a good night! But as his lips traced a lustful path down her neck, she had palmed him away with a mischievous look, lifting the strap of her dress back to adorn her shoulder yet again whilst leaving him fuming in dissatisfied lust. He could handle anything, but his libido had always snorted at his control. End scene at the bedroom and open at the hotel's clandestine bar.

Searching for feminine comfort, the groom to be finds his eyes savoring the most delicious opportunity that had ever fallen into the lap of a thoroughbred businessman.

His rather lovely Mother-in-law clad in elegantly luxurious fabric curled amidst a couple of the rather scantily clad help, engage in some very eager and obvious digging with both mouth and hands and hers weren't the only non-idle hands. And here he had been all the while duped into thinking "Like Mother, Like Daughter"

Despite her depravity, she adores her daughter. Adding to her decision is the family name being dragged through the gutter if the engagement turned foul. Suddenly, the man who seemed had it all and lost it, was gifted with an even bigger bit of the apple. And soon he learns that the Mother inspires the daughter in more ways than one..

Devilish Blackmail, Uncontrolled Lust, the perfect hint of Non Consensual drama, artistic voyeurism and finally depraved and hellishly hot group sex. He will be quite dominant and  there will be a healthy dose of dirty talk, almost assuredly reaching levels of degrading viciousness. I envisage that the first time the daughter sees her mother is accidental but all the other times are devilishly planned, though neither party knows of being played until he chooses fit to divulge his scheme upon which the ladies show them how much they love being controlled by such a beautifully dominant man.   

Again, this shall also be a group scene.


I've been fiddling with this scenario with a burning married couple, where the husband is a desperate workaholic and in appeasing his personality, he neglects his wife. The poor woman has tried everything to win back the attention of her man but she is a woman after all and a goddess at that. One night, at a party her body's desires become too powerful to ignore. And thus begins the affair. An affair she thought she would never have. She is a younger woman, a person of artful spirit who adores her lover. She(the wife) is a woman who only desires to experience what was promised but denied to her and thus their forbidden relationship flourishes.

He does not suspect a thing until their anniversary when he actually took the time to prepare a romantic dinner in the comforts of their own home after extensive decorations to turn their average dwelling into a breathtakingly exotic spa for two. Unfortunately, whilst he was capturing the night, she was upstairs in her bedroom with her lover. As noises of pleasure titillated his ears, his feet carry him to her room with much eagerness only to witness his wife in bed with another woman.

What happens next is open to discussion, but to re-establish my manhood and of course, my depravity, I envisioned a scenario of their marriage being revived by accepting a lover. Although, I do not endeavor to stray this game into non-consensual waters. I wish for whatever union to occur to occur with complete consent.

Plot 4: ME AND YOU.....AND HER

I know this is greedy but I am to please two of my insatiable cravings in one game: A Teacher-Student seduction and a threesome. And do not mistake that those limit the depravity of this plot. I have more demands in this than a horny teenager! You have been warned!

Now to those who have braved past, the plot goes something like this...

A young, green has been selected right off graduating from school into a rather prestigious academy to teach young budding and most assuredly depraved minds. I would prefer if I portrayed one of those minds and you portray the teacher. My character would be an average student, perhaps leaning toward the shyer side, though he does hide his true self rather deep inside of him. Brought up on numerous hours of porn, he is almost always in a sexual frenzy. Though he has excellent control over it in real life, though online he neither cares nor wants to control himself. A decision that has led him well as he is perhaps a favorite of his cyberwomen.

Your character though outwardly seems pretty innocent, the perfect, sweet, model princess per say hides a secret too. She too leads a double life, moonlighting as a Webcam entertainer. And one of her clients happens to be my character who is also her student.

Now she knows he is her student when he contacts and experiences a rather chilling thrill at courting his deepest, darkest desires. She actually goes so far as to tease him when in class too. Pretty little upskirts, tight, body hugging tops and a lot of innuendoes (I would love you if you can make the innuendoes as teasing as possible).

But as time goes on, he puts the pieces together and figures out his teacher is his internet seductress and plots to get into detention with her. Once his plan is in motion, we can include some non-consensual persuasion to charm her into his grasp or it can be a mutual attraction. But I would prefer if it began as Non-Con and then became consensual as he "forces" her to do all the things she promised she would let him do online.

And so begins and meanders this illegally sensual relationship until one fateful occasion when he meets this other woman (I would prefer it to be your character's sister, step if you wish, but I am not opposed to her being her best friend either). And it is lust at first sight. And the fact that she is a lesbian, still a curious one at that, is only an additional turn on. He coerces the teacher to seduce the other woman and perhaps call him in between the seduction so that all three of them can flounder into deep, dark, sensual blissful hell


Okay, You'll have to first forgive the kink in this plot for I believe it is very sexist but its attracting me to no end. So be warned, as you read through you will feel a burning, growing repulsion of me. So come one, come all and let the hatred flow =]

I've been fiddling around an Office scenario and I believe I have found one. (Kink number one) Your character is a well brought up, intelligent, traditional young woman from a reputed political and most importantly orthodox family(Kink number 2). Father is a stand up politician, perhaps the only one of his kind. Mother is a philanthropist and she has studied law in the intention of helping shut down industries that pollute the environment and slide around the holes in the laws and escape without any repercussions(So, hate me yet?) But she isn't the squeaky clean princess she portrays to be.

My character will be her boss(cliché, I know -shrugs- But it fits) He has had an eye on the wonderful tart for quite a while. Conventional methods have not worked for him as due to an unfortunate incident involving a naked, former lover showing up on their first date, she has been less than warm toward him. But that only makes him want her more. So with the prospects of courting her legitimately gone down the drain, he searches through her history and with much effort, he discovers that deliciously rotten secret inside her past.

When she was in college, she had attended a party where things had gotten a little too hot for her and with the influence of scantily clad people, seductive music, a lot of booze and the usual teenage lust syndrome she had had one of the most raunchiest nights of her life....with a woman....and on camera! And just when he thought the story doesn't get better, he realizes that the orthodox little princess has a secret girlfriend now. So armed with her college video and the knowledge of the identity of her lover, he calls her into his office and lays down the terms. He shows her the video for persuasion. He actually calls up her lover, introduces himself as her boss and that she had suggested her to him to take to her father, the politician's fundraiser since she was swamped with work and midway through his dialing up her father himself to inform him that her daughter has sent an email to him, she breaks and accepts his terms which do not require any more elucidating.

And soon she becomes his personal little love toy. Begrudging though she is at first during the humiliations which may include him forcing her to wear sinfully short skirts, extremely small shirts always with three buttons unbuttoned, asking her to stay late every evening and giving her a specific dress code for that as well, maybe some forced elevator fun, both in the presence of people and all on their blissful loneliness as well. Even meeting her at home and taking her while her father is in the next room! Or perhaps forcing her to come over to his place, force her to wear a slutty maid's outfit or just a dinner apron while he makes her service him in all meanings of the phrase.

Any number of erotic scenarios can be thought up to move the story along.(suggestions most welcome to from those who have willed to stay this long) But amidst all that, she is changing. He is a powerful lover and somehow he always satisfies her despite his kinks. Often leaving her breathless. Soon she begins to crave her office escapades. She begins to want every sinful, seductive, humiliating torture he puts her through. And he senses it. And to prove his speculation, he calls up one of his former lovers to tease her and through the tease she is completely broken and her lustful fury takes over her and kicks the bitch out and takes him right there and thus the erotic relationship blossoms into something that is a little better. I'd like her to become more and more consensual and even more raunchy matching his kinks herself and then possibly the story might end with them falling in love with each other.


The setting would be Non-Consensual or Bondage whichever strikes your fancy which I would like to become consensual after a while. Your character is a young, stunningly beautiful and disproportionately sweet actress who has had a sling of hits behind her and is approached to do a film with my character who is an up and comer and one who isn't as straight edged and sweet. His sustenance in the industry is practically because he is a womanizer and has used his talents to his advantage to keep himself afloat. The film casts her in the role of a prostitute who later overcame her poverty to become a social leader and fought for the rights of women, especially prostitutes. And my character is so enamored by the sexual scenes in the movie that he finds himself lusting after her but he knows she is not the type to sleep around so he befriends her, being there for her any time she needed, breaking into her barrier and gaining her complete trust that she spills her soul to him, during which time he gains the required leverage he needs. He learns that when she was younger she had had to be employed at a strip club to pay off a few debts and he obtains incriminating evidence and waits till Oscar night. He reveals to her that she is in fact getting the Oscar but that will only happen if she has sex with him right there, otherwise instead of her glorious highlight reel, the one video which she hoped was lost in time would resurface in Big Screen HD. She has no choice and agrees to his demands and lets him take her right there behind the stage. And my character continues to torment her, but she comes to realize that his dirty desire for her turns her on and she is soon craving for the sinful bastard but doesn't tell him her feelings because she finds herself enjoying the idea of being taken rather than giving herself...

So that's about all I've been able to cook up..I'd like a partner who can conjure up long, detailed posts with plenty of sexual attributes riddled in them. The longer and the more detail the more I will be enslaved to give you better replies. Feel free to take a look at my posts to gauge what kind of length and detail I am attracted to. And talking about enslavement, I am still a little new to bondage so should you choose to set this in Bondage, I might need constant help from you until such time I feel comfortable with myself. Don't worry, I'm quite a quick learner! I also deeply enjoy plot discussions and any inputs from your end that you think would better the roleplay, anything at all, please feel free to share them with me..After all, when you contribute to the roleplay, I hope you might find it a little more difficult to drop it. Devious plan, isnt it?


Modern Era, as per my usual setting. My character is an only child of a Divorced Single Father and everything is well until he decides to fall in love and remarry. My character (I was hoping to keep him in his teens but the age can be negotiated as you desire though since this is incest his age should be reasonably young) hates the fact that his father has even had the nerve to think of another woman let alone love someone. His hate is further fueled by the fact that his new step mother(your character, preferably in her early thirties and still amazing looking and retaining every bit of the naughtiness she had when she was younger)  is as kind and loving as his own mother had been and soon he finds himself wavering in her favor, far more than a son ever should favor his mother, even a step mother.  He has dreams of her at night, his cock stiffens everytime he sees her and on lucky occasions he catches her in the shower and masturbates to her. One of these occasions she catches him and for some reason put on a show for him (I was thinking masturbation) and he freaks out, unable to stop himself from giving his position away and rushes out of the bathroom. Your character confronts mine at a later time and seduces him, telling him that she had always desired him which was the reason for her kindness, had always known he had wanted her. She tells him how his father never being home frustrates he very badly and she desperately craved sex and since he was the only other man she knew, she wanted him as bad as he did too. She tells him of all the times he had seen him staring at her, of all the times she had known he was masturbating to her and tells him he needn't involve himself in self pleasure anymore and takes him.

I hadn't planned on this being Non-Consensual or a Dominating-Submissive roleplay, but if you would like it to be I can alter the plot to hold some measure of blackmail. The roleplay may begin kinky at first but I want it to meander into a romance because the simple idea of a son loving his mother as a lover is far too enticing to me. But then again the sex has to be lewd and passionate. Just because they love each other doesn't mean the sex has to be any less kinky. And most importantly, the part where the son's defenses are broken down, starting from the shower tease assume great importance with regard to the roleplay, so I would like someone who can provide me with a lot of detail, someone who is literate enough to loathe netspeak, who enjoys posting and reading long posts and someone who isn't averse to a lot of sex..
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Added Plot 6: THE MARRIAGE

Shoot me a pm should anyone be interested and please feel free to explore my writing style and my O/Os as well :)

Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.




Plot 5 has been reopened. All the rest has been taken.

Should anyone be interested, shoot me a little PM and let's see if we can't spin a sinful little world together!

Thank you :)
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


I bruise easily... but don't be gentle when you handle me.


-smiles- Thanks, dear sweet Caress! :)

Added Plot 8... a naughty rendition of my lust for the forbidden refusing my authority over it to the point of taunting me. Curse me and my thrill for the depraved.

And Plot 9... You thought my depravity knew bounds, didn't you -snicks-

PM me if Insanity tempts you.

Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Secrets Of Serra (O/O)

Serras RP Ideas

Will be a bit off with my posting will try for once a day for my rp's but could be a bit longer my muse is acting up.


Plot 5 reopened

Interest on other plots is encouraged but it's on you to persuade me to say yes.. Yes, Insanity can be a diva too :)

Statutory warning: Most of the others are either taken or dead.. Might be difficult getting me to say yes, so, Goooooood luck ;D
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Added Plot 10. Reopened plots 8 and 9. Others may follow pending successful persuasion.
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


Added Plot 11, and some minor redecoration to reflect what is tugging my muse.
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.


This is getting a big 'ole bump cause Muse Lady says so
Moments of Sanity
Fishin' For Insanity                 Drive me Crazy                    My Asylum                 Mad about somethin                 Don't click!

Confusion is befuddled by me         Fear is terrified of me         Love adores me         And Insanity Envies Me.