Combis current calculated cravings

Started by Combicon, June 03, 2010, 12:33:29 PM

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I decided I'd create a smaller sub-thread of roleplays/genres/ideas that I'm currently craving a little more than others, however, if you want to see the full list / ideas / whatnot, go here

Any rape victim/person roleplays wont actually nessasaraly involve the actual rape of the person.

The Necklace - crush x friend
A girl decides that, for her birthday she is going to throw a smallish party - invite a small number of friends that she knows to celebrate; one of her friends just so happens to have a crush on her. The day of the party approached, and he decided he wanted to get her something a bit special - after traveling around for awhile, he eventually saw it - in a slightly seedy shop; but he knew it was what he had been searching for; what she would love to get; a beautiful and intricate necklace. Not caring too much about the price; he ignored the shopkeepers tale of the necklace - how it had been handed down several families, and he was practically giving it away at that price - assuming that the shopkeeper was just trying to make sure he felt the price was justified.
Going home - the packaging was a little tattlered; so he quickly swapped it out, and wrapped it up - not noticing a small leaf of paper drop from the old box - which he then put under his bed for safe keeping. Deciding the paper was just a reciept, he stuffed it into his pocket and continued the day.
The night of the party arrived, and there were quite a number of close friends, and relatvies all enjoying themselves. Giving her the necklace (which she opened straight away; and got him to help put it on her), the rest of the party went without a hitch (several people commenting on the necklace); and she helped people find the bathroom, or change the music when asked.
Finding the paper in his pocket nearing the end of the party, he read it over to himself several times; the necklace he had givenn her was a sacred relic (or so it said), that the wearer of the necklace will do whatever she is asked - without question (giving a warning that no matter whatever she was asked, or by whom she would do it); and that the necklace fused together once around the neck, and could only be removed by the giver of the necklace.

The babysitter parent x babysitter
A man who has a child (he can be married, separated, divorced, whatever) decides to treat himself (and his wife/girlfriend, whatever). Going out for the night (club, dinner, I'm sure you can figure that out) and decides to hire a babysitter. As they are running late, the babysitter says they can talk about a fee when they come back. So all is good, and when they do come back, (the wife is feeling a little sleepy, so) the man and the babysitter get talking about a fee. Having a few too many drinks, the man says he'll give her more if she flashes him/gives him a blowjob, and after a few minutes, she agrees. They keep hiring her whenever they want to go out, and eventually it gets that her pay is sex with him (or just sexual activities).

The storm friend x friend
The idea I had in my mind was that there would be too friends - quite close, one who had a crush on the other. After school (or work), a storm hits the town, the male character is already home before it hits. Half an hour into the storm, he hears a knock on the door. He sees his friend dripping wet. I had imagined this going down a few ways; either the girl changes in his room into a dressing gown (maybe she wouldn't care if he was still in the room; and he's quite innocent so is quite embarrassed, like they've grown up together since first school) or some other way that could be a completely different direction. From there it could be that the power cuts out, and they have to spend a few days together in the storm?

Road Trip! - friend x friend (potentially with other friends as other characters)
A group of friends decide to go to a camp for holiday - one beside the beach. As a few of the friends have already been there before, they decide it'd be a good idea and chip in some money. What the friends who have been there before neglect to mention (or forgot about) is that it's a nudist camp/beach, and the friends (who haven't been there before) are unaware, until they all reach the camp.

Rosewood Escorts - brother x sister (preferably. Also, I couldn't think of anything better for the name)
The brother has moved out of his parents house, where he lived with his sister and parents. For a few days, most of his time is split between moving stuff, and his job, however on the first day off - when all of his stuff has been moved, he decides to give himself a little treat. Phoning up a local escort service (Rosewood Escorts), he hires one of their girls. He was allowed to choose from some of the girls by descriptions/stagenames, and the girl he happens to choose is his sister. She is dropped off at the house, and enters it. Realising the mistake, she attempts to back out, however he offers her quite a bit more money for her services (which to start might not be anything too bad; second base for example). They both enjoy it, and she comes back a few more times off-job; until they eventually decide to set up their own service; she is allowed to choose her clients this time.

(Any 'master' pairings may also be able to be substituted for mistress - I just put master to make it easier to understand. I also might have some more ideas for several of these, so feel free to ask)

Family pairings - father x daughter, brother x sister, twin x twin, rape victim x family member [plot/idea]
School pairings - loner x creative, loner x popular, student x student, student x student & master x slave, teacher x student & master x slave
Job pairings - Stripper x strip club owner, stripper x customer, photographer x model, tattooist x client, piercist x client
Hospital pairings - Doctor x patient, Nurse x patient,
Misc pairings - Rape victim x person & master x slave [plot/idea]

I'm also very interested in a post-appocolyptic roleplay, preferably with characters who were friends before, or family members.


the storm and road trip sound like fun.


I would be interested in doing the babysitter one, if your still looking send me a pm, or send me a im on my yahoo messenger


Whoops, forgot to mention I don't do IM roleplays, or on mIRC. Email and forum are fine though.


Well since the storm is now taken, I'll play Road Trip with you.  I prefer forum over email.



The necklace one sounds great! But who would you want to play which parts?
Feel free to add me to YIM - Kieraharoden

My O's and O's
My Drawing Corner


Hmm, if it was f/f then I'd probably prefer to play the victim, however either works.
If it was male / female, then I'd only be the 'victim' as it were.


Which would you prefer? I haven't done many f/f before, but I'm more than happy to give it a shot. :)
Feel free to add me to YIM - Kieraharoden

My O's and O's
My Drawing Corner


still interested in doing the road trip RP?


Le Immortelle

I'm interested in Photographer/Model pairing and would like to play the model. Also interested in post-apocalyptic you have YIM? We could discuss it up over there.


I'm interested in the Necklace, Babysitter, and Rosewood threads.


I had been gone for awhile, so I'm back now, and shouldn't be gone for so long again. n_n;


I would be interested in the necklace, babysitter, rosewood ideas. would love to rp them out with you. also like your list of pairings if your interested contact me on yahoo messenger or on here.


Creative x loner sounds...well, creative! ;D

Would you be interested in this still?
Apologies & Absences (Updated 8/7/15 - Outdated.)

Ons and Offs

Status: Gonna be a bit slow.

I usually work six days a week, at least two of them being long shifts lasting at least ten hours. I always have a long shift on Thursdays and usually Fridays.