Seeking Female (F/F, BDSM, Petplay, *Lactation)

Started by Oiran, April 04, 2010, 10:27:07 PM

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Hello! I will update this post whenever I have a new craving or am on the lookout.

I appreciate you taking the time to read my post :)

STATUS: - position is AVAILABLE

I am currently seeking to start a roleplay, based off of Request #3. Must be willing to incorporate all listed kinks (I am willing to discuss them thoroughly beforehand of course!)

Please PM me if interested! :)



I hope to find a partner who posts at least 2 times a week to keep the story momentum going. Of course sometimes real life gets in the way (I mean, we do live in a world of chaos right now), so don't be afraid to communicate this with me. I'm totally capable of being patient :)

Also, I prefer players that are female in real life due to personal preference. Thanks for understanding!


-I usually play the Domme ;)
-I only play F/F scenarios
-I prefer RP in PMs
-I prefer lengthy multi-paragraph posts

Since I roleplay primarily in PMs/emails, all my recent writing samples are hidden away from the public. Please let me know if you would like to see a sample of my writing style. :)

I love literate people! :D


Request #1

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I am seeking a romance based RP that involves:

-BDSM + Aftercare
-Nipple Play (Suction toys, clamps)
-Hurt/Comfort scenarios

Plot-wise, I am hoping to RP a consensual BDSM relationship full of kink and love. I envision the submissive being initially shy about sharing her desires until she realizes she loves being spanked and then cuddled and doted upon.

Other than this I do not have any other specifics in mind, please feel free to share any ideas you may have!

Please PM me if you are interested! :)


Request #2

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So, I've been mainly roleplaying dominant roles for the past few years, and hope I can indulge in a bit of the opposite. 

I'm looking for a Domme to roleplay with :)
(Aka, I would play the submissive in this scenario)

The roleplay must incorporate all of the following:

-Lactation ( No pregnancy or abnormally large breasts. )
-Breast/Nipple Play
-Consensual relationship

The roleplay could incorporate:

-BDSM (authority/dominance roles, in addition to bondage, restraints, toys etc.)
-Aftercare (the more cuddly the better!)
-Teasing & Orgasm Control/Denial
-Puppyplay (Or kitten!)

I know it is harder to find a writing partner interested in writing a Domme character for a F/F story so I'm willing to be flexible to accommodate us both! The list of kinks above can just be a starting point for us to bounce some ideas back and forth. The story could have heavy BDSM or be more light and fluffy! Let's chat and see what we can come up with :)


Request #3

I'm seeking a female sub at the moment for a story involving a consensual relationship that is both romantic and full of kink.

The roleplay must incorporate all of the following:

-BDSM (authority/dominance roles, in addition to bondage, restraints, toys etc.)
-Aftercare (the more cuddly the better!)
-Breast/Nipple Play
-Teasing & Orgasm Control/Denial
-Puppyplay (Or kitten! This can be interpreted however you want - just want the sub to be an adorable cuddly pet of sorts.)

The roleplay could incorporate:

-Lactation ( No pregnancy or abnormally large breasts.) **As noted, this is not required in the story, but just an option. Just let me know your thoughts when you PM me :)

If you have any questions about any of these kinks please don't be afraid to ask! Also, please feel free to let me know if you have any other kinks you wish to add to the table. I am open to discuss how we can make this story work for the both of us!

I will only be playing the dominant role, but am not looking for a writing partner that does not help carry the story on. It takes two to tango & write an awesome continuous story :)

I don't have a specific plot idea in mind (aside from consensual & some romance)- I figure keeping this part open may make it easier to find a prospective partner. Feel free to send me a PM with any ideas you have so we can thoroughly discuss where we think this story should go :)

Request #4

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Looking for a PUPPY of some sort!

There are many possibilities really....
-A human girl that has been modified to have ears, a tail, markings, etc
-Just a normal human forced to wear fake ears, a tail, etc
-Or just treating a human like animal without any animal attributes (ie calling someone a 'good puppy')

The degree of BDSM involved can be discussed; this could start out as a romantic relationship, or it could strictly start off as pet/master. We can discuss all of this as I am up for ideas! :)

Request #5

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Looking for a story based heavily on a lactation & petplay.

The roleplay must incorporate all of the following:

-BDSM (Authority/dominance roles, in addition to bondage, restraints, toys etc.)
-Breast/Nipple Play (Clamps, suction toys, etc.)
-Nipple Pumps
-Teasing & Orgasm Denial

There will be no pregnancy, no breeding, and no abnormally large breasts involved in this story.

The story will revolve around the submissive being trained to lactate & also be a good pet/puppy/etc. I was thinking perhaps the reasoning could be more than just for the enjoyment of the dominant character - perhaps she runs an establishment (ie, a BDSM cafe, or perhaps the BDSM club she works at has a coffee station, something along these lines) and uses the submissive to provide for the establishment.

Although this story will be smut heavy, I do want to introduce an evolving plot as well to keep it interesting and continuous.

I don't have any specifics planned as far as how the pair meet, so please PM me with any ideas you have!


Please PM me if you're interested in anything I have listed ;)

Don't be afraid to ask any questions or discuss areas you might be unsure about.
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Oh god some of my favorite things. I love all of those.
Ons and Offs
DarkAngel  " Goof Ball "
Happy Owner of His Snowflake
Z crypt of ideas


Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


EDIT 4/14
Updated the description a bit, still looking for a beautiful cow-girl to play with! :3
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


I like the idea!

Would you be willing to RP abducting a normal girl and making her into a milk-cow?  I find that option very intriguing.
“I have not seen one who loves virtue as he loves sex”- Confucius

(If I don't know you, haven't communicated with you in PM's or through the Elliquiy Forums, don't just IM me out of the blue.  I will just close the window & ignore you.  Take the trouble to actually send me a greeting & talk with me in Elliquiy first!)


Busy with freelance writing work.  Replies slow.  Feel free to prod me. 

Formally Tripping Satyr, Tripping Snake and QueenTrippingserpent.  Often known as Trip.


Seeking Games!:


If you're still looking, I'd love to play. I especially like the 4th pic.


Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Updated! I am again seeking RP. I posted some new images and revamped the whole post :)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


I would love to do a pm game with you we can always talk about the details threw pmm if you like? Hope to hear back from you.
Ons and Offs
DarkAngel  " Goof Ball "
Happy Owner of His Snowflake
Z crypt of ideas


Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Ons and Offs
DarkAngel  " Goof Ball "
Happy Owner of His Snowflake
Z crypt of ideas


I don't know how much clearer I can get...

Please read everything before attempting to message me.

I will know if you didn't read it all, and if you can't even read a full post, how do I know you can keep up with a successful roleplay?

Thank you :)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Oh ok well I had read it a few times over again but I understand, So sorry to be a pain.
Ons and Offs
DarkAngel  " Goof Ball "
Happy Owner of His Snowflake
Z crypt of ideas


Edited, added a few more kinks i'm interested in exploring :)

I have yet to find a female Dom, so please please inquire if interested!
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Once more seeking a sub, and must be a puppyplay story line :)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


And now I'm again looking for a sub for a BDSM based RP!

If you PM'd me in the past when I was seeking one but I told you I had already found someone, feel free to poke me again to see if i'm interested- all of my BDSM RPs seem to have simmered down.

Please PM me with some sort of ideas or what you're interested in, not just 'i'm interested. lets rp'... since that doesn't show much effort ;)

Thanks, hope to hear from some candidates soon! :D
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


I am again on the lookout for the perfect sub!

This roleplay will focus mainly on Puppyplay. The storyline will focus on the acquisition and training of the sub into this BDSM/Puppy lifestyle, and include all of the listed fetishes above!

Although age regression is not required, I really am looking for someone who is willing to incorporate this into the RP! :)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


I am very interested and will IM you with more details.


I am going to send you a private message with some ideas I had... I really like your mind-set and preferences. I hope we can play together really soon.  :-)


Hello hello! I am once again looking for some juicy RP! I have added a big message at the top, so please be sure to read that! I have also added a plot idea to the post, to help speed things up a bit. Please read through the kinks thoroughly since those have been tweaked as well.

Please please PM me if interested in being my little pet sub. ;)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)


I would be your petgirl, if you don't mind a guy playing a girl.

I would also be happy to be a Domme, again if you don't mind a guy playing a girl.


Hello everyone! I am again looking for some nice RP. I added in Request #4, so hopefully some gorgeous cowgirls will send me some PMs shortly. ;)
Ons and Offs ;)

RP Seeking Thread

I only RP in PMs/emails as an fyi ;)