Shades of Grey Demonic/Supernatural RP (seeking male character)

Started by EpitomyofShyness, November 11, 2009, 09:45:15 PM

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Ok, I haven't really precisely decided where I want to go with this but this setting has been running around in my head for awhile so here goes nothing...

Shades of Grey

Heaven and Hell have warred since the beginning of time, neither coming out ahead of the other for centuries beyond count.  Their war is a war of souls, with Demons trying to drag a soul into darkness, tainting them forever the deepest shade of black, and Heaven attempting to lead souls to peace, cleansing them and lightening them into the purest white.  These souls sometimes return to earth, usually at the behest of those they fight for, but once won they are forever their shade, it is incredibly rare for any soul to change sides.

But souls are not born white or black, souls are born grey.

Grey souls rarely remain so for long, always they shift one way or the other, moving from this earth into the afterlife and ceasing to reincarnate.  However when a soul passes on and remains grey, this soul is recycled and rebound into the eternally shifting cycles of time until they do choose a side.

A once rare instance which sometimes occured with grey souls is something called binding.  On occasion two souls will touch while waiting to be reincarnated.  Usually when this happens the two souls merely share a small piece of each other before separating, neither harmed nor dramatically changed.  On occasion however these two souls instead of separating will meld into one new soul, with twice as much energy as one soul alone.

These souls when reborn are psychics.

Their powers range across the spectrum from telekinesis to seeing glimpses of the future, or having seeming coincidences be warnings of things to come.  Over the thousands of countless years many of these double souls have formed, making their existence not as rare, but still extremely valuable to corrupt to one side or the other, but higher then two souls in one is beginning to happen, something never even thought possible.  After all, double souls are twice as complex as a single soul, and therefore twice as unlikely to be compatible with another soul.

Mandi Letalle does not believe in God or the Devil.  She’s not atheist, after all being able to see dead people and sense 'negative entities' can hardly be considered normal, but for the most part she’s gotten over it.  Of course it has lead her into the odd adventure on occasion, after all owning a knife that drinks blood and a crystal which she can place non-human spirits into weren’t precisely easy finds, but hey you never know what your going to find if you go shopping right?

Mandi works like any normal person behind the counter of a Baskin Robbins, its her job on the side hunting ‘demons’ that is a little off. “At least that’s what most people call ‘em, there just inhuman spirits for Gods sake!”  She has no idea how wrong she is, and no idea how valuable she is either.  For four souls to meld into one is unheard of, but it practically makes Mandi into a beacon, and her active life is about to draw the wrong sort of attention…

Anyways, generally looking for a male demon character to rp with, we can work out the specifics through pm or on here if you like.  Feel free to check out my O's/O's if you are wondering about something specific, or just ask me.


Hummn i'm up for giving this a shot. Are you still looking?
Wanna get bit? *flashes fangs* Just Ask!
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