Hemingway's Continuous Search [ VAN/BON-E ]

Started by Hemingway, August 05, 2009, 06:22:33 AM

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Here's my more structured search thread. Hopefully, it'll last me a while. Please note that this is by no means the only things I'm interested in. If you think I'd be interested in your plot, let me know. Should you find nothing of interest, have no ideas yourself, but still would like to RP with me, you can also check back later, as I will, most likely, be updating this as I come up with new plots and ideas.

Now, I've wasted enough of your time, so please, go ahead, have a look.

Working Title: Enigma
Characters: It's complicated.
Setting: Undecided.
Plot: It's complicated, and it's undecided. I'd say that just about sums up this idea. It's a very specific idea for a character or characters, rather than a plot. I would, basically, like to do something involving either a female character lacking ( most ) secondary sexual characteristics, or one with male primary sexual characteristics. Very technical, I know. It could work in any setting, but I'd be particularly eager to try either fantasy or sci-fi.

Working Title: Bonding
Characters: Mother, Son
Setting: Fantasy, modern, science fiction - in order of preference.
Plot: It couldn't be any simpler, really. Basics are in place, and whatever details need to be decided, we'll decide on.

Working Title: What Is Yours, Can Be Mine
Characters: Older ( precise age to be decided, 30-40 or so ), dominant woman, younger ( 20 - 25, roughly ) and less dominant ( but by no means submissive ) male.
Setting: Fantasy or Sci-fi
Plot: When the youngest son of a noble family falls in love with his older brother's betrothed, a woman as cunning as she is beautiful, and far more interested in personal gain than forming an alliance, things are, as they say, bound to go wrong. Intrigue, fratricide and manipulation abounds.



