Guilty or not guilty

Started by stormkitten, April 19, 2009, 05:59:03 PM

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Not Guilty.

Ever clean the whole house because you were depressed?
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Guilty-ish ... more because I was mad as opposed to depressed.  (though I'd scrub a hole in the pan :P)

Have you ever gotten hit on in a bookstore?

Avis habilis

Not guilty.

Ever got hit on by a drunk in a group of friends on their way from one bar to another?


Guilty -.-

Have you ever gotten into a scuffle with a drunk person but refrained from hitting them because they were too drunk it just didn't seem fair?



have you ever gotten a black eye from someone hitting you by accident?
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish

Underneath brother -_-

Have you ever gotten into a physical fight with a parent?



Ever want to throw the Christmas tree out the front door and declare Christmas is officially over ??
He looks at me and my heart starts skipping beats, my face starts to glow and my eyes start to twinkle.
Imagine what he would do to me if he smiled!

Smile... it's the second best thing to do with your lips.

On's & Off's
The Oath of Drake for Group RP's


I love Christmas D: so no lol

Ever gotten something for Christmas you didn't like, but pretended you loved it just so you didn't look like a dick?



Ever say you didn't like certain types of gifts and the next one is that kind of gift and the giver is in the room.
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Not Guilty...I keep my mouth shut until they leave lol

Have you ever done something so stupid that you wish you could block it out of your mind?  But you can't, because you were sober when you did it


Guilty.  Saying said type of gift was stupid then opening said gift.  Wost social moment ever.

Have you ever skinny-dipped.
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Not guilty.

Ever done it in a pool?


Not guilty.

Ever done it in a hot tub?
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Not Guilty

Was your first time under the age of 18?



Was your first time in your parents home?
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Nope! Her home (: lol

Was your first time kept a secret for long?


Nope, not guilty! (phone call- 'what ya doing?' :P)

Stayed up an impressively (read: obsessively)  long time playing a video game with barely any stopping?

*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Guilty...Dead of the scariest games in the friggin world!!

Ever been scared or laughed so hard you may have peed your pants a little


Guilty! Just a little though? ;)

Gone through a corn maze in the dark with people jumping out at you?
*Well, don't temper yourself with me. Write away. Drown me in a torrent of words*
Chipmunck's Treehouse of Nuts!
UPDATED: July 24th 2012

"Just because I don't do bad things, doesn't mean I don't have bad thoughts.”


Not Guilty

Has your body ever made noises that scared the people around you that heard it?


Not guilty.

Have you ever thought about getting a tattoo (or, if you have one, getting a tattoo removed)?


Guilty.  I just want one, by a certain tattoo artist I have grown very fond of.

Ever been in a coma?


Not guilty, thankfully.

Do you have a list of places/locations you want to have sex? (it can either be a mental list or actually written down somewhere)


actually yes  I do
do you think that is weird
Merry Christmas or Happy Holidays whichever you wish to celebrate

May light guide you through your turmoil and may darkness never cross your path.

White Light be upon you if that is your wish


Not guilty (I totally have one too :P)

Do you fear your partner getting complacent in the bedroom ever?