Suiko's Stories: M/M Dark & Modern - Open!

Started by Suiko, March 20, 2023, 10:29:19 PM

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- Suiko's Stories -

Quick Run-Down of Me as a Writing Partner:
○ I only roleplay on the forums - no chat or IMs.
○ I do, however, love to chat and plot via messages and Discord.
○ Please send me a PM rather than replying directly to this thread
○ I'll write with people of any tag, so long as you're up for some good collaboration and plotting.
○ My post rate can be a little erratic (anything between a week to a month), but I'll always post a note in my A/A thread if things end up taking too long. That being said, if you have a strict posting time limit or requirement, I might not be able to always make it.
○ I enjoy story and smut together, but I'm on an erotic RP site for exactly that. There will nearly always be sexual content in my writing.
○ These ideas are purposefully short and sweet. I like to give a skeleton of a story and flesh it out with a partner.

- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- Original Stories -

Such Unholy Heaving
Modern or Historical | Bondage or Extreme | Looking for a Sadistic Demon
Themes include: Dark religion, Bloodplay, Sexual worship, Blasphemy

His soul has been lost. The good priest has already fallen into temptation at the demon's hands, and he has begun his descent into blasphemy and debauchery. The only question to ask is how far will he go? He tries to keep his sin a secret from the masses, even as he cries out with lustful pleasure in private. This story will explore the fall of a once-godly figure, who has already lost the battle waging inside him - the priest's relationship with the demon, with his lost faith, and all the sinful delights that they both indulge in together.

"No, you don't need class today..."
Modern | Bondage | Looking for a Dominant Lecturer
Themes include: A problematic relationship, Age gap, Daddy issues/kink, Dubcon
He's a straight A student, he's popular, he's a real sweetheart. He'd never do anything to put his future in danger or to break the rules - with one very significant exception. He's been in a secret relationship with his college lecturer for the past couple of months, utterly swept away by the other man's charm. It starts off small, with the lecturer forbidding him from going to certain parties or hang out with certain people, but gradually a subtle possessive streak starts to emerge that the student is too infatuated to notice - but would be even care if he did? This story would be about the problematic nature of their relationship; how the lecturer abuses his power in slow and sensual ways, and how he takes advantage of being the father figure the student never had.

"I say 'bark'..."
Modern | Bondage or Extreme | Looking for a Confident Gangleader
Themes include: Petplay, Physical violence, Public use

He has worked with the Boss for over five years, since they were both sixteen years old. Even before then they were close, he always had a protective streak and would attack anyone who so much as breathed wrong around the Boss. This carried on into their adult lives where their relationship evolved into something more sexual and violent; everyone calls him the Boss' Dog and he's happy to wear that title. He is fiercely loyal and determined to do anything he can to keep the Boss in control. Whether its sucking him off during a meeting, or putting a bullet through a rival's skull, the Dog will always do his duty. The story would follow their relationship through the gangland. It would be violent and messy, with as much kink as you'd like.

"Let's start simple..."
Modern | Non-con or Extreme | Looking for a Sinister Doctor
Themes include: Medical kink, Bondage

He can't remember what he'd been doing before he blacked out... maybe there was a bar, a guy smiling at him, and a drink... it's all fuzzy. All he knows is that he's waken up with a terrible headache and blurred vision, staring at a sterile white ceiling and strapped to a cold examination table. Obviously he starts to panic. He can't move and nobody listens to his shouting for help. Hours pass, or maybe only minutes, when the door to the room opens and a man enters - the smiling guy from the bar, only that smile seems a bit more sinister now. The stranger slips on a pair of gloves and approaches the table with an ominous statement: "Let's start simple..." This story would go from here. Why the man is in this unfortunate position can be plotted out: Does he owe a debt? Has he unfortunately attracted a serial killer? Does the stranger know him somehow? We can come up with something interesting together.

Self-Destructive 'Princess'
Modern | Bondage | Looking for a Stubborn Friend
Themes include: Careless sex, Drug use, Slut shaming, Self-harm *only if you're comfortable, not essential*

He's a dance student, and a damn good one. He already has an impressive resume with high-end performances in ballet and he's only just turned twenty-two. For lots of new students joining the school, he's an idol and someone to look up to - but he has a dark side that he doesn't even bother to keep hidden. People figure him out quickly as soon as they meet him; he wears baggy clothes that barely fit, sliding down to show his shoulders and hips; he smokes and drinks even in the studio; his number is scrawled on every gay bar in the area for a quick fuck. He's on a path of careless self-destruction for reasons only he knows. He's probably going to burn out quickly if he doesn't slow down, but he doesn't seem to want to... Enter one of the few people he actually likes hanging with; an old friend who desperately wants to help him. This story would explore their growing relationship as the stubborn friend tries to help the 'princess' through whatever shit he's going through, and come out the other side.

- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- Fandom Stories -

○ This list will change as my cravings come and go. Fandom-wants tend to fluctuate.
Bolded names are who I'd like to play; if both characters are bolded I'll happily play either.
○ Characters are listed as 'top/bottom' for simplicity, but switching can be welcome depending on pairing.

○ Final Fantasy VII (Remake or OG)

I have a random desire to play Cloud in an alternate timeline where Cloud finds his true calling as a Honeybee. This could be during his time working with Shinra - involving Zack, Sephiroth, that crowd - or it could be set later on, after he's left Shinra - involving the Turks, Don Corneo, party members, most anyone. I just really like the mental image of a sexy Cloud who knows he looks good, moves good, and can serve good.
Two SFW images for inspiration: One and Two

○ Baldur's Gate 3

Because who doesn't love the resident rogue vampire? Pitch me a chance to play as him and I'll adore you. Bonus points if it involves Cazador, Raphael, Kar'niss, or Halsin.

- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
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- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


Bump. I'm really active at the moment, so really eager for stories.
- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


Monthly bump! I'm very active and looking right now.
- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


Bumping again - very open to new plots now, even if nothing here strikes true.
- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -


- M/M Story Ideas -
- A/As -
- O/Os -

- Current Status: Slow and steady, we get there -